I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 821: [The second week broadcast! 】

Under the eyes of the whole country, it was quietly $ on Friday.

In the early morning, many morning newspapers in the country began to sell news. The "Dancing Dance" and "Tip Tips" were bombarded by the media for a whole week. On the day when the winners were really determined, it naturally reached a hot point. Although the entertainment industry is definitely not possible with this news, there is no doubt that this ratings matchup is definitely the most interesting entertainment situation for the media and the public. What is the rumor of a certain female star, what a certain movie star New movies must go back, because many people know that they are likely to witness a history.

Some street.

There are vendors selling carts and passing pedestrians.

"Morning News! Morning News!"

"Give me a copy!"


"The "Dance of the Dance" and "The Tip of the Tongue" are finally going to be decisive!"

"Looking forward to a week!"

"You said who will have a better rating this time?"

"Accordingly, it must be "Let's Dance"?"

"What can be done by Zhang Wei is never common sense."

"Yes, so I really can't say it."

"How many times have the newspaper media analyzed these days? What is the lack of stamina for the documentary? It is certainly not possible to compare with the variety show. It is also very reasonable to listen to, but I still have great expectations for Teacher Zhang Wei. When not broadcast, isn’t everyone not optimistic? Isn’t there anybody who puts the documentary in the eye? What’s the result? Zhang Wei has used the national ratings to rank first and hit everyone’s face. So, what happened to the documentary? Who said that the documentary can't take the first place? The general director is Zhang Hao!"

"Not necessarily, I am still optimistic about "The Dance", there are some entertainment elements, the stamina is big, the stars are many, there is no reason to lose."

"The key is that CCTV will no longer be underestimated. "Tip Tip" hit "Dancing Dance" by a surprise, but the final ratings are still juxtaposed with "The Dance". The first sneak attack or the blockbuster did not reach beyond. The purpose of dancing is even more difficult in the later stages."

"Well, "The Dance" is a big win."

"Rolling thick, support Zhang Hao!"

"Me too, still like Zhang Hao!"

This scene of the street is just a projection from all over the country. In many places, the general scenes are played, and they are all fighting for the different types of TV programs that seem to be completely incomparable. This is Zhang Wei – he and his works and his deeds, which have always been the most controversial in the entertainment industry of the Republic!


CCTV is awaiting a set.

Xu Yipeng was in the unit in the morning. In fact, many people in the column of "The Dance" had not returned home yesterday. They were working overtime in the unit. At this time, Xu Yipeng was tired, but his eyes were bright. Chen Ye is also very excited and very satisfied.

"Xu Gui, the film has been cut!"

"thanks everyone!"

"This is what we should be."


"This clip is definitely better than the first one!"

"Xu Guiwei Wu, Chen guide Yingming!"

"Call, I can finally rest, this time nothing!"

"Yes, surely abuse the "tips of the tongue" ten streets!"

"Haha, I won't leave them for this opportunity!"

The people in the column group are very confident, they are increasingly looking forward to the broadcast tonight!


A TV station.

A variety section.

"Fruit the Xiao Li's scandal!"

"Yes, director."

"The ratings of this issue are very important, and they are all spirited! We are also the broadcast time of the golden file on Friday. We are also a variety show with a rating of 1.1%. This battlefield also has one. Can't hide it! The big-scale talent show of "Let's Dance" is no problem. If Zhang Wei is practicing a variety show, let's not compare with them! But now, Zhang Wei is the first time to enter the documentary field. What he took out was just a documentary. If it was to let him hold down a variety show, what would we do?"

"All are ready!"

"Leader, we will definitely not lose to "The Point"!"


Another TV station.

Another entertainment program group.

"Sun Dao, do we really want to fight with those two changes?"

"We are the program at 8 o'clock on Friday, even if you don't want to fight, you have to play!"

"Can "play dance"..."

"Don't compare with CCTV's set of programs. Our opponent is "Tip Tips". The first issue of "Tip Tips" is surprisingly successful. It is a surprise to everyone. No one has thought of it. Now everyone remembers Zhang. The ambiguous skill knows the power of "The Tip of the Tongue". They can't be surprising. The documentary is not enough. The ratings will definitely be grabbed by the "Dancing Dance". We only need to ensure that we can surpass the "tip". Well, we are also the top three programs on Friday for the golden file!"

"Look at how much ratings will be robbed of "Tip Tips"!"

"As long as "The Tip of the Tongue" is below the 0.9% rating, we have hope!"


The whole industry and peers have set their sights on "The Tip of the Tongue". It is really because "Tip Tip" as a documentary has hit the dignity and pride of too many variety shows, so that there is still a point where the competition can not be fought. Even those who have no low-recognition column in the competition, some people have cheered on "The Dance" or other variety shows from their hearts. I hope that "The Dance" will raise the banner of the variety show and raise the pride of the variety show. Why can't you lose to a documentary!

However, under such a tense atmosphere, under such an eye-catching atmosphere, Zhang Wei, who is supposed to struggle at the forefront, did not appear on CCTV Channel 14 today.

"Tip Tips" column group.

Time is already over ten.

Haqi Qi wrongly said: "What about Zhang?"

Zhang Zuo rubbed sweat, "I don't know, I didn't see anyone."

Xiao Wang said: "Is it in the editing room? I heard that the "Pull Dance" side has been re-edited, and the second program has been polished several times. Is Zhang Dalai coming to the unit in the early morning?"

Tong Fu went to the editing room and no one is there.

Then at 10:30, a text message from Zhang Wei was sent. The above information made the column group owner including the secretary of Yan Tianfei in the third office area laugh and laugh on the spot. Zhang Wei’s message reads: It’s late, just woke up, I’m not going to the unit today, please take a vacation, there’s nothing wrong with it anyway.



Huang Dandan said: "Zhang Dao is too calm!"

"Today is more critical. Half of the people in the "Dancing Dance" group heard that they worked overtime yesterday. They didn't go home one night. Zhang directed this..." Wu Yi was speechless.

Zhang Zuo smiled and shook his head. "Why are we going through the usual path?"

Haqiqi was silent for a moment and said: "In fact, Zhang Dao said that it is correct, indeed... nothing."

The film was shot early.

The film source was cut early.

The promotion is also in place.

What else can you do today?

It’s nothing more than the tension and worry in their hearts. I always feel that such an important day must be stared at the unit to get a peace of mind.


Today’s Zhang Wei is no different from his usual. In the eyes of others, when others think that Zhang Wei should be on the 14th channel, Zhang Wei is sleeping late, and wakes up with a small company employee. Similarly, I didn’t mean to call, but sent a text message to take a vacation. I continued to sleep again, then got up, looked at the watch, and went out to dinner.

There is a dinner at noon, targeting the old colleagues of Jingcheng TV.

"Xiao Zhang!" Hu Fei, who was not far from Jingcheng Satellite TV, saw Fei Zhang’s car far away, laughing and walking with Hou Ge Houdi and others.

Zhang Hao got off, "Hu Ge."

Hou Ge came to a bear hug, "Mr. Zhang, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Hou Ge, fat." Zhang Hao also hugged him.

Dafei also came up with a bear hug. "Mr. Zhang, you are handsome and more and more spiritual!"

Zhang Haohe smiled, "So holding me? I am going to treat the rhythm of the guests?"

Dong Shanshan came late, maybe there was any work delay. After hearing Zhang Wei’s speech, he smiled and said: “It’s the time you should treat.”

Looking at Dong Shanshan's sexual-sense face, Zhang Yiyi waved. "Hey, old classmates, I haven't seen you for a few months, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Dong Shanshan solemnly nodded. "Well, I know."

Zhang Xiaole, "You are really not humble."

Hu Fei laughed. "Let's go, the boxes are all booked. Let's go in and talk to us. You have a little confidence in the broadcast of "Tip Tips" this evening."

Zhang Wei waved: "I have any grasp, the filming has been taken, and all that can be done. Now it is just to give the film to the audience, and I have nothing else to pursue."

Xiao Lu smiled. "Mr. Zhang, you are getting it, how long are we old colleagues, we still don't know you?"

Zhang Yiyi spread his hand and smiled and said: "I don't want you, I am now, I am in a state of resignation."


at night.

Under the hot discussion and attention, "The Dance" and "China on the Tip" are broadcast again at the same time!

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