I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 822: [Dragon fights! 】

eight pm.

Many viewers turn on the TV.

"I'm coming!"

"Get started!"

"Haha, my "tip"!"

"The "Dancing Dance" is broadcast, I can't wait!"

"My Huo Dongfang! My Chen Ye!"

"Zhang Hao cheers! Kill them!"

"The CCTV set is awesome! Killing the "tip of the tongue"!"

Some people broadcast the TV to CCTV, and some people broadcasted the 14th channel. The second contest between the two TV shows that are now ranked first in the industry has begun!


CCTV set.

The opening ceremony was bursting applause. Chen Ye was on stage, and he was wearing a gorgeous dress. He opened his arms and smiled. "In this issue of "The Dance", I am your host - Chen Ye!" Turned around and made a request. Gesture, "There are also three of our mentor!"

"Huo Dongfang teacher!"

"Mr. Fan Wenli!"

"Shen Lili teacher!"

Huo Dongfang waved his hand and staged it calmly.

Fan Wenli uses the action of kissing.

Shen Lili was very playful and used a graceful "jump" of the dance steps to the mentor's seat.

The audience screamed and applauded, and some people waved with light sticks!

The stage of this variety show has a great advantage in this kind of screen impact. In fact, sometimes it is not that the audience is really so enthusiastic. It’s not really that the stage will be applauded and applauded by many audiences. The cheering shots were recorded by the on-site directors before the opening. He shouted and shouted at the scene. He said that he clap his hands and clap his hands on the spot. If he faked it, he would cut the film with the show. Undoubtedly very good, let the audience sitting in front of the TV seem to be able to appreciate the heat of the scene and the popularity of the show, forcing the audience to the atmosphere. This is the natural advantage of the first block variety show!

The first player of today played.

This player obviously shows that the program group is deliberately placed in the first one, and the feeling of the VCR is also a little different from that of the first broadcast. It seems that it has increased the time of some VCR players, and even brought some players to work in life. In the lens, there is a picture recorded in his unit. It is the director of the VCR who interviews his colleagues one by one in the player's work unit.

Asked the first person.

"Do you know that Li Qijie will dance?"

"Ah? Li Qijie? Is it impossible?"

Asked the second person.

"How is Li Qijie dancing?"

"He will dance? I don't know!"

Asked the third person.

"What kind of person is Li Qijie?"

"Little Li? He rarely talks very much, he doesn't communicate with everyone very much. It's a relatively silent person."

"He is coming to participate in our draft of "The Dance", what blessings do you have for him?"

"Hey, I think it's a mistake? How can he dance?"

One colleague is shaking his head and not believing.

Just as this VCR was not fully broadcast with the soft dance music, the first player on the stage had already appeared!

This is a man.

This is a soft modern dance.

The man floated to the ground, his feet and his hands fell.

Just playing these dance steps, I was shocked by several instructors.

Huo Dongfang’s eyes are bright: “Good style!”

Fan Wenli said: "Is this professional?"

Shen Lili affirmed: "This is absolutely professional!"

Even people who don't know how to do it can see that Li Qijie's dance characteristics are too obvious!


Absolutely 100% investment!

As Li Qijie jumped over and eclipsed, the more he jumped and the more elegant, the three tutors had stood up, and Huo Dongfang raised his hand so admirably, and he always gave the player a thumbs up. "Great! This is simply too good job!"

The mood of the audience was also mobilized.

The applause continued to ring in the meantime, one wave after another!

Li Qijie seems to be unable to hear the applause. This reasoning should be disturbed by noise. He couldn’t interfere with him. He jumped in the middle of the stage and danced his own dance.


Many viewers who watched the broadcast were also very excited.

"So beautiful!"

"Jumping is more feminine than a woman!"

"I like him, I like him!"

"The second period is a little better than the first period!"

"Well, the team that "sports and dances" looks at it at first sight. The second period is more rhythmic. The players also give strength. It seems that in order to deal with "the tip of the tongue," Xu Yipeng Chen Ye, they took out the killer!"

"Wow, you see "I love to remember the lyrics" and have revised a piece of content!"

"Singing Show" also changed guests! This time invited a second-line star!"

"I have gone, are these entertainment programs all over the same period? Are you all fighting today? Is it like the discussion?"

"Can you not desperately! The documentaries that have never been seen by a few people have made Zhang Wei give it like this. I really want to let the "Tip Tip" ratings stand out. Whose look is good? Zhang Wei put all the entertainment shows. An army, how have the entertainment programs that used to dominate the ratings in the past suffer?"




Fine processing.

At the moment when all the entertainment programs in the industry are in full swing, "China on the tip of the tongue" still maintains the unhurried pace, and has not changed because of anyone.

The third episode.

Inspiration for Transformation

“The Chinese have never tied themselves to a list of boring foods. With the understanding of food, people are seeking inspiration for transformation in their constant attempts.”

“Jianshui Ancient City, located in the Honghe area of ​​Yunnan Province, is called Lin’an in ancient times. It is a multi-ethnic settlement, and the doping of various cultures forms a unique atmosphere and pattern. Next to Jianshui’s most famous Dabanjing, women rely solely on their fingers. Cooperation, build a line of tofu."

The screen expands.

Gourmet presentation.

“In the northeastern part of China, people use only one kind of soybean for making sauce. This single is also a luxury. On the warm fire, six hands work together to build the bean paste. The taste of the sauce can even be a measure of a housewife. The standard of pass or fail. Finally, it is wrapped in breathable yellow paper and tied into a solid sauce. The sauce is hung on the wall. In the next two months, they are quietly fermented. The transformation of all these imaginative transformations, the flavors they create and the sublimation of nutrition are breathtaking; and the formation of a part called culture that can be passed down."

Without a warm scream and no lively applause, "The Tip of the Tongue" abandoned all the noise, leaving only the core features of the documentary itself.

Quietly broadcast.

A faint end.

Leisurely and peaceful.

And after the third episode was broadcast, many people were shocked to find that today's "Tip Tip" was actually broadcast, and actually did not broadcast the same two episodes as last week!

"what happened?"

"Only one episode?"

"Why not be the same as last week?"

"I am dizzy, Zhang Hao is too big?"

"Yeah, the effect of the two episodes of last week is so good. It is only by the ratings of the second episode that it can be tied to "The Dance". This time, it will be an episode. You will be broadcast less than nine o'clock. "Hey Dance" can still be an hour to end. What do you want to compete with others?"

"The next episode will be broadcasted at 8 o'clock on Saturday night? It will be broadcast separately on Friday and Saturday. Is this a bit too big? Is it too light?"

"I don't know what the 14th channel thinks!"

"I am still waiting to see it, no more!"

"Hey, I have a fourth episode tomorrow night!"

The broadcast time of "Tip Tip" is naturally Zhang Zhang's decision. In fact, not only those audiences, but even the 14th channel people can't understand Zhang Wei's thoughts. They also think that the same two episodes can be broadcasted just like last week. Covering the whole broadcast time of "The Dance", in order to fight against them, but Zhang Hao did not say anything, directly changed the broadcast time, and the "Tip Tips" column group has no way, only Listen to Zhang Wei's. "Good Voice" or "Tip Tip" is worth mentioning. The general director of Zhang Wei has always been the only person in charge of the group. The usual working mode has always been how Zhang Hao said what they did.

On Weibo.

"Analysis, "Tip Tip" is nothing more than two possibilities. The first is that they gave up the competition with "The Dance" on Friday, and opened a new position on Saturday. "Weighing on the golden file on Friday, "Tip Tip" hopes to dominate Saturday."

"It's possible!"

"That's right, the second one?"

"Oh, the second possibility is that Zhang Wei has confidence in "The Tip of the Tongue" to surpass "The Dance" when he only broadcasts one episode on Friday, so he does not care about the two episodes, only according to his own broadcast rhythm. It’s better to broadcast two days apart than to release two episodes at the same time!”

"Khan, won't you?"

"Can't it be the second possibility?"

"Last week, it was a tie, is the first tie, or in the case of the two episodes of "The Tip of the Tongue", where does Zhang Wei’s confidence come from?"

"The estimate is the first possibility!"

"Zhang Wei is still afraid!"

"Crap, that is the biggest variety show of investment this year. The best choice is to avoid it. It can be leveled once. It is already good!"

"The appreciation of this program of "Pull Dance" has been enhanced again. Xu Yipeng is desperate and has done the best, even Zhang Wei, the leader of the audience ratings, the variety show. Have a heart of awe!"


Many people are paying attention to the tip of the tongue.

Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye are also watching. They are understanding their opponents. When they look at it, they find that there is no next episode. This makes them very wrong.

what happened?

Which one is this?

Is Zhang Wei really afraid of them? Want to avoid?

This statement makes them very excited and very proud, but they already know Zhang Wei's temperament very well, but they feel that it seems impossible!

Who is Zhang Wei?

That is the master who dares to lead!

That is the master who dares to scream with the radio and television!

That is the master who dared to bring CCTV to the court!

Choosing to broadcast with "Teaching Dance" for a time is Zhang Wei's handwriting. How can he retreat in advance? This is totally unreasonable, and it is not the character of Zhang Wei!

Can't you, Zhang Wei's eyes are no longer there? Don't take them as opponents at all? So I made a so loose and random broadcast arrangement? ?

Xu Yipeng does not believe it!

Chen Ye is also sneer!

So what is the power of Xuanxuan! Let’s talk at the ratings tomorrow!

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