I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 823: [Calligraphy "Spring Snow in the Patio Garden" (Part 1)]

on Saturday.

When Zhang Ye got up, there was already heavy snow outside.

"Hey, such a heavy snow?" Zhang Ye was amazed.

My mother was also opening the window to look out, "The ground is thick. I guess it was down last night."

Chenchen pulled Zhang Ye's clothes, "Zhang Ye, I want to watch it too."

Zhang Ye picked her up and walked to the window sill, feeling very good, "I haven't had such a heavy snow in the capital in the past two years? The air is also good today, Chenchen, do you want to have a snowball fight with Uncle and me? ?"

Chenchen looked at him, "Zhang Ye, why are you so naive."

Zhang Ye: "..."

Dad smiled and said: "If you don't count the sleet last month, this should be the first snow in Beijing this year. Indeed, I didn't expect it to be so big, Xiao Ye, don't drive to work today. It's easy to get into trouble. "

"I know." Zhang Ye said.

After breakfast, Zhang Ye went to the unit.

On the small square in front of the CCTV Tower, there are several parents with their children playing. There are snowmen and snowball fights. Nearby, a few colleagues from other departments of CCTV passed by, bumped into Zhang Ye, and came over to say hello with a smile for a moment.

"Ms. Zhang, early."

"Ah, good morning."

"I watched the latest episode of "The Tip of the Tongue" and it was great."

"Thank you, the next issue will look better, haha."

"Has the ratings come out?"

"I don't know. The statistics over there are not good. Sometimes it comes out early in the morning, sometimes it's noon the next day, not necessarily."

While chatting casually, several people went upstairs together.

I know it belongs to the same unit, but Zhang Ye doesn’t know those people, but it doesn’t matter. The characteristics of the people in Beijing are vividly reflected in Zhang Ye-no matter who it is, no matter where, no matter if he knows him or not, Can chat with others.


It is snowing in many parts of the country. Everyone is in a good mood and chatting online is also very fun. Some people have guessed the ratings.

""I Love to Remember Lyrics" is very good this time!"

"Well, I like Dong Shanshan so much, sex-sense!"

"Idioms will also have new guests in this issue, which looks pretty good."

"But you still have to watch "Dancing Lightly" and "Tip of the Tongue", the focus is on them!"

"Yes, I really look forward to the ratings of these two shows!"

"Who can win?"

"There should be results before noon!"

"Yesterday, "The Tip of the Tongue" was broadcast for one episode. There is no advantage!"

"The tip of the tongue is only forty to fifty minutes, and the episode of "Dancing Fluttering" has two hours, and the tip of the tongue loses one at the starting line."

"Well, "Dancing Flutteringly" has lost its blood, and it's been a life-saving effort. The ratings of this issue are likely to increase!"

"But don’t forget that last week’s "Tongue" did not have any publicity money, and it was all'borrowed' by CCTV. When there is no promotion, it can have that kind of ratings. This week, "Tongue" was publicized. The advertisements are overwhelming, and how much the ratings can increase is worth looking forward to!"

The national entertainment media's attention at this time is also on these two programs, but the difference from the previous week is that no media dared to blindly watch Zhang Ye's documentary, and many media have just discussed it. News The comments are relatively neutral. Even though many media who are optimistic about "Dancing Dancing" will win the ratings, they dare not say anything. It is not because of caution, but because of the tie-first ratings of last week. My face hurts so much, I can grow a wit after eating!


It's time for overtime work.

Zhang Zuo and Xiao Wang were the first to come to the unit. They were surprised when they saw Zhang Ye arrived early in the office area.

"Director Zhang, so early?" Zhang Zuo was really not used to it, thinking about which day of the week Zhang Ye was not coming late and returning early, and by the way, he asked for a leave or something.

Zhang Ye smiled, "I haven't just arrived too long."

One after another, everyone in the column group came to work, and everyone’s expressions were somewhat tight. I don’t know if it was because of nervousness or expectation. Everyone seemed to deliberately avoid topics related to ratings. Perhaps the more so, the more Explain that everyone values ​​the ratings.

Yan Tianfei arrived shortly, "Xiao Zhang."

"Mr. Yan." Zhang Ye looked over.

Yan Tianfei also didn't mention the ratings, but said: "By the way, I didn't find you when I looked for it yesterday. Do you know the calligraphy competition in the station? It will start this morning."

"What calligraphy competition?" Zhang Ye didn't know why.

Haziqi explained: “In fact, we posted a notice last month, but we were shooting in other places at that time. It seemed to be a calligraphy competition for internal employees, which was entertaining.”

Only then did Zhang Ye understand.

Near the end of the year, many internal activities and competitions are on the rise. When I went upstairs before, I seemed to have seen a notice of a table tennis and badminton game over a period of time. The players were all employees of various departments of CCTV. There are prizes for one of his own internal activities, such as mobile phones, computers, and so on. Every TV station conducts this kind of activity almost every year. It’s just that Zhang Ye offends people and has never worked in a TV station or unit for too long. The event has not caught up yet.

"Are you going to participate?" Yan Tianfei asked.

Huang Dandan said with a smile: "Director Zhang, go go."

Yan Tianfei said happily: "On our fourteenth channel, Xiao Huang and I have signed up. If you go, it is too late to sign up. I will say hello to them and add it to you."

Tong Fu looked at Zhang Ye and said, "Director Zhang, how do you write?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "Make do with it."

Seeing that his boyfriend didn't know anything, Huang Dandan couldn't help rolling his eyes, "How about Director Zhang writing? Don't show your timidity, okay?"

"Huh?" Tong Fu is really unclear, "Director Zhang's calligraphy is very good?"

Yan Tianfei laughed and said: "Xiao Huang is right. The child is a little ignorant. Your director Zhang's calligraphy is more than good? You can find out in the calligraphy circle. Who doesn't know him? The whole country dare not say it, but No one in the entire CCTV system and channel department can compare to him in calligraphy skills. Xiao Zhang's calligraphy. I copied several times before, but the characteristics of his calligraphy are too clear, especially the " "Mulan Poetry" is not easy to copy."

Tong Fu was stunned: "Really? Director Zhang still has this skill?"

Xiao Wang grinned and said: "Director Zhang has a lot of skills, you just know?"

Compared with Zhang Ye’s famous host, famous TV show director, writer, mathematician, etc., the name of Zhang Ye’s calligrapher is indeed a bit inconspicuous. Although the people who know it are not few, it is not. No wonder Tong Fu and many channel 14 staff have not heard of it.

Yan Tianfei said: "Then I asked the secretary to sign up for you?"

Zhang Ye said indifferently, "Go, then I will join you in the fun."

"I went to join in the fun. You went to win the prize." Yan Tianfei smiled and said: "We have a small number of Channel Fourteen. In the past this year-end event, we basically just participated in it. I have never won any rankings. Now that you are here, we don’t compete in those items of table tennis, badminton, and basketball. We will definitely not be able to run for the first place in a calligraphy competition!"


Less than ten o'clock.

In a large activity room of CCTV, the staff calligraphy competition at the end of the year began. Because Yan Tianfei is the director of Channel 14, and with his participation, Channel 14 naturally attracted a lot of people to join in. Except for Zhang Ye, Yan Tianfei and Huang Dandan, most of the other Channel 14 participants also came.

When they arrived, they discovered that the activity room was quite lively.

Jiang Yuan is here.

Xu Yipeng Chen Ye is here.

I even saw the director of CCTV!

——Heavy eyebrows, big eyes, and a tunic suit.

Many people who had just arrived were startled, and couldn't help feeling restrained. This is not an ordinary deputy director. The middle-aged man standing there with a friendly smile is the director of CCTV, the real leader, even Zhang. It was the first time Ye saw him face to face, and he couldn't help but glance at him a few more times.

No one dared to go up and talk, Yan Tianfei was a few exceptions, after all, the level was there.

"Director." Yan Tianfei said hello.

The director looked at them and said with a smile: "Old Yan, are you participating too?"

"It's just my hands. I didn't expect to get the ranking." Yan Tianfei shook his head.

The director said: "Your calligraphy is still good, we are almost the same."

Yan Tianfei said: "It should be said that it is half a catty."

Then both of them laughed.

Immediately, the director’s gaze fell on Zhang Ye’s face in the next moment, as if he stopped for a while, and he looked away again. Jiang Yuan had already walked over there and talked to him. Later, CCTV The director Jiang Naixiong of one set also came, and later, the director of CCTV 2 and the deputy director of CCTV 7 also arrived. The director of the competition, the scene must be more grand.

People from Channel Fourteen and CCTV also met, but they all pretended not to see each other. They stood far away, and the two groups seemed quite distinct.

Chen Ye glanced at Zhang Ye and others, and asked an employee beside him, "Has the ratings come out?"

"Not yet." The man replied, "It should be soon."

Another person laughed and said: "The documentary on Channel 14 has already made history, and it is enough. It can't be higher. Could it be that they really expect to use the documentary to crush all the variety shows? Tied for first is tied for first. , There is only one miracle."

Someone picked up the microphone and announced the start of the game.

Xu Yipeng smiled and said: "Let’s play first, I haven’t written for a long time, I don’t know if my skills are still there."

Chen Ye smiled and said, "You can get the first place even with half of your skills."

Xu Yipeng wrote very well. The year before last year, he was too busy to direct the Spring Festival Gala as an assistant director, so he did not participate. However, Xu Yipeng took the third place in the staff calligraphy competition last year, and his results were very good.

However, Xu Yipeng glanced at Zhang Ye, but shook his head without saying anything.

Many other CCTV employees who knew that came to the competition saw Zhang Ye also come, and someone helped him get the number plate for the competition. Everyone was speechless. There were still a few interested in trying to get the top spot. For calligraphy lovers, there are only wry smiles left.

What is this better than?

We are just amateurs!

How do you compare to a professional and recognized calligrapher in the industry? ?

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