I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 829: [Star chat group]

A few days later.

Friday morning.

When he was at work, Yan Tianfei’s secretary found Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Dao, Director Yan asked me to tell you, don't forget the award ceremony for the national TV show tonight." The secretary said with a smile: "Yan always said that he has to wear a suit. You have at least two nominations here. A "Good Voice" of "The Tip of the Tongue", and there is a great hope to win the prize, we can not be scornful."

Zhang Wei smiled. "Get it."

Haqi Qiqi said: "We have dresses here."

"Yes, look back and give Zhang a guide." Zhang Zuo is also happy.

Zhang Wei waved his hand. "Get it, I will be in this suit. Director Yan has to go together. I am a foil."

The secretary suddenly whispered: "Taiwan is in a meeting. There is still something in it. It is the selection of the Golden Microphone Award for this broadcast. It has already entered the nomination and investigation. Director Yan estimates that CCTV will definitely not be there. I will recommend you, so Yan will definitely have to report your nomination. This time, as usual, each Taiwan nominee, and finally the TV host’s Golden Microphone Award has ten awards, each with its own skills."

Zhang Wei asked: "I have not worked for three years?"

"But you have a lot of shows." Secretary said: "The original "Ghost Blowing Light", "Hundreds of Lectures", "Zhang Wei talk show", "Good Voice", "Tip Tip", you are an old man in this industry, that The threshold for the three-year working period of the finalists is not a hard standard and can be broken."

When Zhang Weigang debuted, he worked in the Beijing Radio Station. It was also the first prize in his life. It was also an extremely important and extremely rewarding prize for him. The award is the so-called silver microphone award in the world. Since then, Zhang Wei was really in the line and really got into the right track. After a year, the National Broadcasting Hosting Award reopened, and Zhang Wei is also looking forward to it. No matter how many areas he crosses, his professional is still a broadcast host.

Golden Microphone Award.

- National awards!

- It is also the highest award in the broadcast host!

As long as it is still a moderator, there is no expectation to get this honor, this is the most affirmative affirmation of a broadcast host!

Bell bell.

Pan, the president of the Peking University School of Mathematics, called.

Zhang Hao walked to the side and picked it up. "Hey, Pan, Dean."

Pan Yang smiled and said: "Professor Zhang, at the end of the year, this year's national academic awards should also be promulgated. I just received a notice. The Chinese Academy of Sciences' selection team is looking for information and photos from Peking University. Let me Inform you, this year's National Outstanding Contribution Award for Mathematics, with your nomination, I will send you a form, you print it out, fill it out and send it to me, you must pay attention to this matter, this is the highest in China. One of the mathematics awards, the last time you won the mathematics prize, the past has passed, and it is useless to say this, but this domestic mathematics outstanding contribution award, you must give our Peking University a sigh of relief, take it down!"

Zhang Yihan said: "Against the award?"

"What is it?" Pan Yang blinked.

Zhang Wei busy said: "Nothing, I have to win the dean of Pan, I am sure to cooperate well, you can rest assured."

Dean Pan said with satisfaction: "That's good. When the awarding day is fixed, I will contact you again. We just opened a meeting with the mathematics team. Everyone analyzed it. It is estimated that the chances of you taking it are not far from ten. This year’s major event in the field of mathematics in the country, that is, the Dell conjecture you solved, is not given to you and no one else."

At the end of the year, the awards have all come together.

Zhang Wei is also filling out the form and getting a one-inch photo. After the tossing is good, it is noon. After eating, there is nothing in the work that needs him to deal with. He will watch the latest star popularity on the Internet. Assessing the rankings and finding out where they are, is the popularity data that found that they haven’t changed in the past few months, and they have soared in the past two weeks!

From the position of the upstream and the middle of the second line, I moved forward two times, and now it is the star of the second line of the real thing. You should know that in the second-line position, the popularity gap between the neighboring stars is quite large. It is difficult to advance one ranking, let alone two in a short period of time. And "Tip Tip" has just broadcast four issues, the popularity seems to continue to grow, Zhang Wei is getting closer to the star of the first line!

This is Zhang Wei's thick and thin hair!

Before Zhang Wei was caught in a set of CCTV and was suppressed by the snow, his popularity was at stake. He took a step in the dangerous game. He relied on Plants and Zombies to barely maintain his popularity. In addition, Zhang Wei wrote poems and abandoned Opp. The mathematics award and other series of actions, which gave him a valuable two months, let him have time to reorganize the "China on the tip of the tongue" made, and now look back, Zhang Wei's efforts are not in vain, "Tip Tip" did not let him down, really helped him reverse the situation, came a shocking turn!

The popularity of two or three months has finally erupted, and Zhang Wei has once again stepped onto the ascending channel of his career. This is undoubtedly a good news, and Zhang Zhen is very excited.

In addition to him, there are some changes in the star rankings of this issue. The rankings of the public figures of the four-line and five-line ranks are not mentioned. On the third-line star side, there is a three-line male singer concert singer by the fans on the spot. Debunking, it seems that the concert staff also had conflicts with some fans. The male singer was also stunned, and was exposed by the media. On the latest rating list, the male singer who was originally at the end of the third line had fallen to the fourth-line artist. It is estimated that it is difficult to slow down in a short time.

There are also some stars whose rankings in the second line are slightly changed, but the overall change is not big. Chen Ye’s ranking has risen by one, and how to accompany the “Pull Dance”, there are still more than one rating for these two periods. The popularity of Fan Wenli and Chen Guang did not change, but the original position, one in the second line of the middle of the second line downstream, the gap with Zhang Wei's popularity has gradually opened.

As for the first line and the super line?

No change, or those people, or those rankings, to the star of that level, it is very difficult to go to the next ranking.

Zhang Wei also turned over the popularity rating of several of his friends.

Yao Jiancai’s new play was released and his popularity increased.

Zhang Yuanqi sits firmly on the super-line star, no one can shake.

Dong Shanshan is the fastest-rising one among Zhang Wei’s friends. Under the long-term broadcast of “I Love Remembering Lyrics” and good ratings, Dong Shanshan has already reached the forefront of the four-line star, away from the third-line star. There are still some distances, but not too far. This is the advantage of the appearance of the body, Dong Shanshan has a star, the conditions are also good, is the most standard kind of star embryo, as long as she gives her a chance to show, she can grasp, this is her natural advantage, Others want to envy and envy.

Probably this is the case.

Zhang Wei looked at it for a long time before turning off the webpage.

Didi, the chat software of the mobile phone suddenly sounded, he opened the software to see, not a chat message, but a message to invite him into the group.

Group name: funny group.

Inviter: Water radish.


You are more than funny!

Zhang Wei directly refused.

It didn't take long for the invitation message to come again!

Zhang Yi is speechless and refuses.

As a result, the invitation message came for the third time. This time I also added a sentence: Your sister! Teacher Zhang will come in quickly! I am Ning Lan!

Ning Lan?

That Ning Lan?

Zhang Yiyi, he certainly knows the name. This is a pretty female star, and it is a first-line star. This name has just been seen on the list. Ning Lan has shot at the box office with over 100 million movies. There are also eight ministries. I debuted ten years ago. In the first year of my debut, I won the best supporting actress award in China with a very high gold content. The film and TV dramas I have seen in these years are even more than Zhang Yuanqi. Adding fifty or sixty plays together, it is a famous movie madman in the industry. Her popularity is all she has piled up in one drama, and she has the unique status and popularity in the film and television circle. Ning Lan and Zhang Yuanqi are still girlfriends, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Zhang Wei did not dare to refuse this time, and confirmed with a skeptical attitude.

Suddenly, he was pulled into this place called "comfort group."

The group is quite lively.

Huo Dongfang: "Which is this?"

Dong Zi: "Who is Ning Jie who is in the group?"

Liao Henan: "I am your father? Who is this?"

Fan Wenli: "Cough, is Zhang Wei."

Chen Guang: "Rely, it is Zhang Dao! This name is too cheap!"

Then a system prompts that the administrator Ning Lan changed his name to "Zhang Yu" for "I am your father."

Zhang Hao hurried back to a "Hello," and then he looked at the names of the group members. The time was a bit messy. There were only a few people in the group. The number was small, but without exception, everyone was actually in the entertainment circle. The famous big-name star, Zhang Wei has seen Huo Dongfang and Fan Wenli Chen Guang couple, the lowest is the second-line star, and Zhang Wei also found the name of Zhang Yuanqi in the group member list.

No broker.

No assistant.

People without a brokerage company.

This group is all stars!

No matter where you go, it is estimated that you can scare a person, too luxurious, even the most grand awards ceremony and party in the industry, it is estimated that there are so many big names, such as the former king is now half Half-hidden does not appear in public at all, but his name is now lying quietly on the list of members.

Ning Lan sent a depressed expression and sent a message: "It is really not easy to pull Zhang into the group. Come and come, everyone welcomes new members, welcomes famous hosts, producers, directors, mathematicians, literature. Home, calligrapher, lyricist composer Zhang Wei is in the group!"

Fan Wenli made a smile, "Applause!"

Liao Henan, "Oh, welcome."

Dong Zi: "It turned out to be Zhang Wei, so welcome!"

"The tip of the tongue is great! I see it with my child every day!"

Many online people are coming out!

Zhang Wei was flattered. "Thank you all for your welcome. Is this a group?"

Ning Lan smiled and explained: "This is a small circle-child of everyone. What do you usually chat with? Members are friends who are still in the face of the industry. This group has been established for many years. We can easily add new members. ""

Easy to add members?

So how do you add me today?

Zhang Wei knows that with the growth of others, he is qualified enough to enter the top circle of the entertainment industry. Looking at the list of members again, many second-line stars are not inside, and there is no Chen Ye. Chen Ye, the new Spring Festival Evening host, is not qualified to come in?

Ning Lan paused, and she sent a message to the group: "But to say, your teacher Zhang’s chat number is really hard to find. According to the person who is so famous, the contact information is very good, just ask. I should know if I asked, but I and a few administrators asked all the friends that I didn’t find your chat software number. Even your contact information could not be found. I also called CCTV’s one. The host's friend, the results did not have to come, the family Xiao He said that you have come to CCTV for more than half a year, I have never seen you at all, and finally Wenli and Lao Chen are on the line, this is the number to you, I want to Say, Zhang Hao, how bad is your popularity? Hello!"


"Ha ha ha!"

The people in the group are laughing!

This level of big-name star popularity is so bad, the entire entertainment circle in addition to Zhang Wei can not find a second!

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