I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 830: [Looking for Zhang Hao to help! 】

on the phone.

The information in the group is screaming.

Chen Guang: "Zhang Dao is a fire to no friends."

Xiaodong: "I used to say that Zhang Wei’s popularity is not good. I still have skepticism. The original rumors are not fake, and it is even worse. Teacher Zhang, I especially want to know how you mixed in the past two years. Yeah?"

Fan Wenli: "Laugh."

Zhang Wei is not ashamed to type: "I don't know, some people always look at me and are not pleasing to the eye. I am always facing me and bullying me. It's too mad!"

Ning Lan is speechless: "But how can I see you bullying others?"

Zhang Wei: "..."

Chen Guang: "Ha ha ha ha!"

Fan Wenli also made a white-eyed expression. "Who can bully you, how many people in the industry have listened to your name, are hiding!"

Zhang Weidao: "Get it."

Liao Henan: "Wen Li said that it is really true that Xiaohan, a teacher from Zhejiang Taiwan, is also one of the best hosts in the industry. Yesterday I just called with her and her new program was rescheduled. It changed from Friday to Friday. In the evening, it will only be broadcast after 9:00, in order to avoid your "tip of the tongue", even the David of Zhejiang Taiwan has to avoid the sharp edge of "Tip Tip", other TV stations are estimated to be similar."

Huo Dongfang: "My program with Lao Fan is also fierce."

Zhang Wei is not very embarrassed. Although he does not have a good attitude towards "Let's Dance", he has a prejudice against CCTV and Xu Yipeng Chen Ye, but he has no intention to target the first-line star of Huo Dongfang, although he has seen one side. But the two can have no hatred.

Fan Wenli: "Old Huo, when the trick is to kill him."

Huo Dongfang laughed: "Must be."

Zhang Wei naturally has nothing to say.

At this time, Ning Landao: "Zhang Wei, next time there is such a good program, it is best to show the variety show, remember to help me to keep a position, my brokerage company has a little brother, but also a good relationship with me. The younger generation has never found a suitable opportunity."

Zhang Wei thought for a moment and said, "Oh, but I don't think I can do a variety show for the time being."

Ning Lan: "Not in a hurry, it’s all afterwards, and I will talk about it later."

Zhang Wei: "Yes."

Suddenly, Dong Zidao: "Mr. Zhang, I have to find you a favor."

Zhang Wei: "What?"

Dongzi made a blushing expression and said: "I have a watch. I am actually a little older than me. I have been a senior year this year. He wants to take a test of the famous university in Beijing next year. It is nothing more than Tsinghua University or Peking University. A lot of relationships are not good either. You are an associate professor at Peking University. Can you have a solution?"

Zhang Wei seriously said: "How is the score?"

Dongzi said: "The results are particularly good, but his family is a city in the northwest. There are limited enrollment places in Tsinghua University, and there are very few enrollment places, so even if he is top-notch, he may not be admitted."

Zhang Wei asked again, "Which system does he want to test?"

Dong Zi: "Which department of science can do it, as long as it can clear the North China University."

Zhang Wei understands, "Cheng, do not pick the faculty, as long as he can reach the lowest score of Peking University next year, I will say hello to Peking University, and the faculty of the department will be wealthy and leave one to him. Provincial fixed allocation of enrollment quotas."

A smile of Dongzi came out, "Thank you!"

Zhang Wei: "Little things."

Dong Zi: "It's not a trifle. How many people have I asked for it?"

Zhang Wei: "It must be that he has achieved good grades and reached the score line. Otherwise, I can't help." If the scores are not enough, and there is no special play in which subjects, Zhang Wei is useless even if he speaks. Peking University’s enrollment is not so casual.

The real name of Dongzi does not know, but everyone calls her winter son or winter and winter. This is her stage name. This is a female star with a higher popularity than Zhang Wei. The rating is about the forefront of second-line artists. More than Zhang Hao, several years, the age should be similar to Zhang Wei, may be a little bigger than him, but the impression of the winter child has a baby face, looks very small, also looks like a teenager, with her as captain One of the most popular idol groups in the Republic’s entertainment circle is that the main business is more, singing, dancing, making movies, making TV shows, and doing charity. They do almost everything, although they sing in general, acting in general. The dance technique is general, but this idol group looks beautiful. The so-called one-off ten-party meeting is the same reason. In addition, the company does not count the cost of operation. The combination of winter son is very hot in the Republic, and it has a certain reputation in Asia. The fan group almost covers it. All male compatriots, even female compatriots, have countless!

It’s good to be beautiful!

Zhang Wei is very envious, swearing at others, where is it like climbing up slowly?

He admires the idol stars, but many idol-like stars are particularly envious of Zhang Wei, such as the combination of the winter son, they know in their hearts, even if they work harder, then operate, the popularity is higher, the attitude of fans to them are mostly It will only be love and fanaticism, and there will never be a kind of heartfelt respect and admiration from Zhang Wei’s fans to Zhang Wei. These are the appearances and figures that can never be changed!

This is also the reason why this "star celebrity group" who rarely added new members invited Zhang Wei to join. In some areas, Zhang Wei has indeed achieved the peak, even if the vast majority of people in the group are more than Zhang The popularity rating is high, but no one dares to look down on him. Even the most proud and maddening stars have to admit that Zhang Hao can do a lot of things, they really can't!

Such as the abandonment!

For example, playing leadership!

For example, CCTV!

For example, 骂 radio and television!

But it is wrong, but in the end, no one can help him, is this not a skill? And this ability in the eyes of all entertainment stars, is quite against the sky!

After chatting for about half an hour, Zhang Wei was also included in their small-circle-child, and he talked a lot more casually. From time to time, there are several stars who may have been diving and may just be online.

A first-line star said: "Plus new people?"

A top-ranking star in the second line: "Isn't this Zhang Hao?"

“Welcome!” is the director of a second-line popularity rating.

There isn't a simple person in this group. Even the group that Chen Ye's Spring Festival Evening host is not eligible to join, the group members can be simple and strange. For example, this big director, Zhang Wei is as good-spirited. I didn't expect the other party to come out and welcome myself. The director's work is generally behind the scenes. Zhang Wei is also doing this. It is natural to know that a director behind the scenes can get a second-line artist's rating. This is a big name, although the director is also filming, sometimes it is self-directed. The land is a protagonist, but there is no doubt that the biggest source of the gas is from the film he directed, which is the biggest director in the domestic entertainment industry, and the qualifications are old. One in five people in this group are After working with him, one in ten stars even he personally won the red.

They are big names!

Dong Zi: "Is Zhang still not a brokerage company?"

Zhang Wei: "Not yet."

Dongzi: "Our company is not bad. Someone asked me to ask you, consider it?"

Zhang Wei: "Sorry, I don't have this plan for the time being, or I am free to be alone, and I estimate that few brokerage companies dare to ask me."

Liao Henan: "You don't even have a broker?"

Zhang Wei: "Not available for the time being."

Liao Henan has no choice but to say: "You are really..." I didn't say anything later.

Chen Guang helped him, "He never checked the way, and Wenli and I have been used to it."

Dong Zi: "It’s still a free and easy teacher, not like our gang, but it’s a drag on the door and a look after the future. But Zhang is so free and envious.”

Zhang said: "I am free, but I have to come by myself. I have to find a job. I have to sign my own endorsement. I have to sign it myself. I have to do it myself. I have to do it myself. I don’t have a company like you. Helping to help plan, I have more things here, but I am not free."

Fan Wenli: "Each has its own advantages, but it is still recommended to find a broker to help you deal with things, this does not limit your freedom, your loved ones, friends, as long as it is trustworthy, I just debuted At that time, my sister helped me with these things."

Zhang Wei smiled. "I don't choose anyone, let's talk about it."


This can be considered, anyway, it is not sent to him by the brokerage company. It is only employed by Zhang Wei himself. Zhang Wei will not be restricted by some things. However, the question of candidate is a matter of fact. First, you can trust it. Casually hired someone who doesn't know from outside, have the ability, have more knowledge, and have more leisure time. He wants to think about the circles of his friends and relatives, and only Rao Aimin meets the conditions, she is free to practice, but Lao Rao When the pit goods said that they would entrust Chen Chen to themselves for a maximum of one month, but your mother is now half a year old. She hasn’t come back yet, and she doesn’t know what to do. It’s so long that Zhang Wei has always hated it.

After talking for a while, Zhang Yucai said: "I will go down first, there will be an award ceremony at night, I have to prepare."

"Which TV show is the highest award?"

"The tip of the tongue should be fine."

"good luck."

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