I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 831: [Lei Feng's famous saying! 】

at night.

The new issue of "Tongue?" has started.

At the same time, the awards ceremony for the selection of TV programs was also held. The highest awards of TV programs are not as grand as the film and music awards. Generally, live broadcasts are not conducted, and there are basically no relays. Therefore, although the guests present are formally dressed, there are not many. Come in a dress.

Yan Tianfei is here with Zhang Ye, along with two deputy directors, Ha Qiqi and Zhang Zuo, who represent the production side of "Tip of the Tongue".

"Old Yan!"

"Hey, Old Yang."

"Your Channel Fourteen is on fire this time!"

"No, where is your Jiangsu TV fire."

"Teacher Zhang Ye, it's been a long time since I saw you, are you ready to make a speech?"

"Hi, this is something that hasn't been written yet."

"Come on, you have great hopes for your show."

Yan Tianfei chatted with his old friend.

Zhang Ye also said a few words with a few people he knew, and later saw Dong Shanshan and Hu Fei, Zhang Ye also smiled and chatted over, "I love to remember lyrics, too?"

Hu Fei smiled, "It's just a nomination."

Dong Shanshan also smiled and said, "We are here to join in the fun. This is the highest award in the TV industry. It would be nice to be nominated for the Best Popularity Award."

Then, Zhang Ye also saw that Xu Yipeng, Chen Ye, Jiang Yuan and other CCTV leaders did not come, only the heads of the "Dancing Dancing" column group, in this award, "Dancing Dancing" There is still a certain degree of competitiveness. Although the tip of the tongue has been suppressed by the limelight, after all, the tip of the tongue is not a program type with them, and there is no need to worry that the tip of the tongue will compete with them in related awards.

People arrived one after another.

There were hosts from CCTV and from various provincial satellite TVs, as well as directors and producers. The whole venue was full of three to four hundred people.


Give the opening speech.

After that, it entered the stage of announcing awards.

Just listen to the host with a smile: "Before the awards, let me introduce a heavyweight award-giving guest who is very important today." Looking at the prompt card in his hand, he said: "Please, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Deputy Director...Ms. Wu Zeqing, please Director Wu!"

Wu Zeqing?

Lao Wu is here?

Zhang Ye let out a laugh, hey, this old Wu, don't tell me when you come to be the award-giving guest!

There was a warm applause from below!

Amidst the applause, Wu Zeqing, dressed in a light-colored long cheongsam, stepped on high heels and stepped onto the stage with a smile, not fast or slow, not fast or slow. Naturally, Wu Zeqing would not be stage fright. On the contrary, the host on the scene was a little nervous after seeing Wu Zeqing. After all, this is not the other leader who has nothing to do with them, but the leader of the radio and television. In the department, they are all established by the director of radio and television, and the radio and television has a veto power in news publishing, film review, program approval, star management, etc.!

The following people talk about it.

"Director Wu came in person?"

"The award-giving guests are too heavy."

"Yes, I haven't had it in previous years. At most, there was a director."

"This is the first time I have seen Director Wu with my own eyes."

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts, that is beautiful, more beautiful than those female celebrities who rely on their faces to eat, but they think so, but no one dares to say so, because it is a boast to praise a celebrity for being beautiful. Compliments are auspicious words, but to praise the beauty of a leader of their supervisory unit, this is not a compliment. It will inevitably be a bit frivolous when you say it. Therefore, in such a situation where people are talking, no one dares to talk nonsense. Director Wu's identity is not something they can ridicule casually.

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Then I will announce the award."

The person below handed an envelope.

Wu Zeqing read: "The 35th National TV Program Selection, Best Contribution Award-"Let the Wild Flowers Bloom!"

This is a TV program of a provincial satellite TV. Although the ratings have been flat, in terms of art and influence, this program is quite good. The key is that the program has been broadcast for a full four years until the middle of this year. It was only then that the end was drawn, so it is not surprising that the best contribution award was given to them.

Below is a group of people high-fiving each other to congratulate each other. One of them, as a representative, came to the stage to receive the award, "Thank you, thank you for your leadership, thank you, Director Wu, thank you everyone!"

Followed by the following awards.




The TV show awards and TV dramas in this world will be separated. There are also many awards for TV shows in the industry. What is the Morning Light Award, the Huahe Award, some are held every year and some are irregular, but Zhang Ye participated today. This TV show award is the highest award in the industry and the most authoritative one. Of course, the highest award is not reflected in the previous few painless awards, such as the best contribution award, which is actually a consolation prize. The highest award actually refers to the last few with high gold content.

The first highest prize was announced.

Wu Zeqing read: "The Best Talk Show Award Winning Program-"Xiao He Shuo"!"

Many people are surprised.

The team of "Xiao He Shuo" is also screaming!


"Really us?"


"Teacher He, go!"

"Congratulations, Teacher He!"

This is a program of Shaanxi TV. In the field of ratings, Shaanxi Satellite TV is not strong. It can be said that it belongs to the bottom in the country. Therefore, when it won the highest award of the first TV program announced this year, "Xiao He Shuo" The team can't believe it!

Xu Yipeng glanced at Chen Ye and said a few words.

Chen Ye smiled reluctantly. It seemed calm and regrettable. Before coming to "Dancing Lightly", Chen Ye was also doing a talk show. In fact, he had a great chance of winning the prize, but it was not him.

At this time, many people were nervous and sweating, especially those teams that received the nomination, and they couldn't calm down. Even those teams who knew that their programs would definitely not win awards could not help but look forward to it.

Then, the second highest prize came!

Wu Zeqing announced: "The Best Children's Program Award Winning Program-"It's Holiday"!"

There was another cheering somewhere below.

"It's us!"


However, they are not as excited as the previous wave of people, because in the field of children's programs, "It's a Holiday" is exceptional this year, and no program can compete with them in this award.

Finally, the highlight is coming!

Wu Zeqing read: "The next one, the best documentary award."

Yan Tianfei raised his head.

Ha Qiqi clenched his fists nervously.

Just listen to Wu Zeqing smiling: "The award-winning show-"Bite of China"!"

Zhang Zuo became excited, "Take it down!"

Although Ha Qiqi knew that this award was in their pockets, but after hearing the announcement by Director Wu, her eyes were still red. She sucked her nose hard and hugged Zhang Ye and Zhang Zuo. This is in the field of TV programs. The highest award, both in ratings and awards, they have all reached the top!

The people around him also applauded kindly, congratulating them. In fact, Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and the others will worry about whether this award is safe or not, but the rest of the bystanders have hardly any surprises. If you are a documentary that has completely abused all the entertainment programs in the country, your mom can’t win it. Who can win the highest award of this year's documentary? All the programs in the country are kneeling, you have no rivals at all, OK!

The host smiled and reminded: "Please come to the stage to accept the award."

Zhang Ye said politely: "Mr. Yan, please."

Yan Tianfei pushed his hand, "Teacher Zhang, you go, you go."

After a few resignations, Zhang Ye was on the stage. After receiving the trophy from Wu Zeqing, Zhang Ye glanced at Old Wu, "Thank you, Director Wu."

Wu Zeqing also smiled slightly, "You are welcome."

The meaning of the two people's eyes meeting, only the two of them can understand.

Zhang Ye held the trophy and walked to the microphone, "Thank you for my leadership, for CCTV Channel 14, thank you for my team, and for myself." Then he saw several on-site jobs that were nervous when he spoke. The staff and the person in charge couldn't help laughing and shook their hands, "Don't be nervous, I'm finished."

Get off the stage and return to your seat.

There was also laughter at the scene!

The host was amused, because everyone knew what was going on.

At the Silver Microphone Award Ceremony that year, Zhang Ye was screaming for his song "Dead Water". At the press conference of Shanghai Broadcasting and Television that year, Zhang Ye's "Answer" led the way, etc., every time he faced the camera Every time the awards ceremony, Zhang Ye made a lot of troubles, it can be said to be famous and notorious, so the organizers and the venue staff when they saw Zhang Ye on stage, they were already on the verge of an enemy. , I'm afraid that something will happen to this guy, that's why we have the scene just now, and that's why we have the passage that Zhang Ye just left.

After the episode, two more top prizes were announced.

Surprisingly, "Dancing Dancing" did not win this year's "Best Variety Show" award, and was won by another entertainment program with a better reputation but worse ratings than them-this kind of highest award selection. Sometimes, it’s not just about the ratings, and the artistic requirements are also very high.

Then, the last highest prize will be announced!

Wu Zeqing opened the last envelope, smiled after reading it, and read word by word: "This year's TV show's best popular award-winning program-"The Voice of the Republic"!" In the highest award, this award The gold content is particularly high, which is an affirmation of all aspects of a program!

Zhang Zuo patted his thigh, stood up and hugged Zhang Ye, "Great Director Zhang!"

"It's ours again!" Ha Qiqi had already fallen from ear to ear!

Two nominations and two awards were won. Undoubtedly, Zhang Ye and his team are the biggest winners today! Someone guessed that they might only get one, but they won two dollars!

It stands to reason that the highest award of "The Good Voice" deserves an honor from CCTV, after all, it was broadcasted by CCTV, but now CCTV and Zhang Ye have become like this, and the conflict has intensified to the point where everyone To the extent that I know, even if the people from the CCTV set have a thick skin, they are not embarrassed to go up to receive the award.

Zhang Ye had to come on stage.

Wu Zeqing handed him the trophy, "Say a few more words."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I don't dare to say more, haven't you seen everyone guarding me?"

Several staff members at the scene were very happy.

The middle-aged person in charge of the organizer heard the words and smiled.

The host said with a smile: "As the chief director and chief planner of the two programs "Tongue" and "The Voice", you have won the two highest awards in the field of TV programs. As far as I know, this is still in history. For the first time, Mr. Zhang, who is okay, just say a few more acceptance speeches. We trust you."

Zhang Ye said, "The key is that I don't believe in myself."

Everyone laughed!

"Okay, then I'll just say a few words." Zhang Ye looked at the trophy in his hand and looked at the audience, and said: "These two prizes are not easy to win. The ups and downs of them are not known to others, but I and mine Both the leader and the people in my team know that during the production of the show, we worked overtime. Of course, it was not overtime as you understand, but lived in the unit, lived in another place, and was on call 24 hours a day."

Many people have heard of it, but this is the first time that Zhang Ye said it personally.

Many people were silent.

Zhang Ye said: "We still have colleagues who are ill working on schedule. We stayed up all day and night, and finally fainted at the scene. They were carried away by ambulance. I also know that several female colleagues followed us on the foothills. They were all swollen, and the pain was so painful that they secretly wiped their tears, and didn't say anything in front of me, and never left the team. At that time, I felt that I had to give them an explanation and I had to be worthy of their trust." He raised the trophy in his hand and looked at several people in his team, "Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Yan Tianfei smiled.

Ha Qiqi quietly wiped the corners of his eyes and couldn't help crying.

Zhang Zuo was so excited that he raised his thumbs above his head!

Satisfied, of course they are satisfied! Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and others have never regretted their decision, and now they are very fortunate to follow Zhang Ye’s decision to come to Channel 14 together. Besides Zhang Ye, who else can lead them to the top of China twice in a row? The throne of TV shows? No one can!

Applause sounded at this moment.

Hu Fei was clapping his hands.

Dong Shanshan is clapping.

That's pretty good, Zhang Ye can still speak when he is serious.

The host asked: "Mr. Zhang, you have achieved the highest level of the show. I want to use this word to describe it. No one will object. How did you do it? Is there any secret? For example, doing things? Or for example. As a human being? You can talk to everyone."

Zhang Ye didn't even think about it and blurted out: "Well, my secret to being a man and doing things is to treat comrades as warm as spring, to treat work as hot as summer, to treat individualism like autumn leaves, and to treat enemies like autumn leaves. As cruel and merciless as the severe winter!"

The famous words of Comrade Lei Feng who did not exist in this world were spoken by Zhang Ye!

Everyone was surprised.

Treat the enemy as cruel and ruthless like a severe winter?

Someone looked at Xu Yipeng.

Someone looked at Chen Ye.

More and more people looked at Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye.

Xu Yipeng almost scolded his mother, and Chen Ye almost vomited blood. I'm thinking what I'm doing! What are we doing?

The two brothers were shot while lying down!

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