I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 832: [Invitation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? 】

The news was exposed that night.

The results of the awards were reported in various media.

"The list is out!"

“Zhang Wei’s team won two top prizes?”

"Should, they don't take anyone!"

"Wow, this beautiful woman leader of radio and television is very good!"

"Haha, do you see Zhang Wei’s award speech?"

"Is it okay to treat comrades like spring? I have a set of ones! Spring, summer, autumn and winter have it. It is hard to believe that this is what Zhang teacher played on the spot!"

"I like Zhang Yan's last words. Treating the enemy is as cruel and ruthless as the winter. Teacher Zhang has never been honestly speaking. A testimonial must also bring the opponent to you!"

“I heard that there are still several nominations for Zhang Hao’s awards in the past few days.”

“I also heard about the academic awards and the Golden Microphone Award?”

"This year, Zhang Wei is a big harvest, and I don't know how many trophies I can win!"

"Last year was accumulation. This year, Teacher Zhang finally broke out!"

"His popularity is already at the forefront of the second-line stars! According to this momentum, it is only a matter of time before Teacher Zhang enters the ranks of first-line stars. It is possible to be next year?"

Some stars have limited limitations and limited potential. Many people are beginning to rise in popularity very quickly, but after a certain degree, they are almost saturated. For example, now the most typical of the second-line stars are three or two people. Everyone knows if there is no In special circumstances, they are no longer able to go one step further. This is their limit. It is the so-called star in the circle who can't help but have a big fire. It has a good popularity and a fixed fan base, but it can't be a big fire. There are too many such artists.

The situation of Zhang Wei is obviously different. He has not sang a song, has not filmed a TV series, and has not played a major role in the movie. The popularity has reached this level, so Zhang’s rising space is undoubtedly more than other artists. More, his limitations are definitely not on the second-line rating!

At the very least, it’s a line!

Of course, this will definitely be a very difficult process. The threshold between the first and second lines is not easy to cross over!


A few days later.

One afternoon.

An award ceremony for the academic community was held.

This year's awards venue was held at Tsinghua University this year. It borrowed Tsinghua's auditorium. There must be a clear distinction between academic ceremonies and entertainment circles. There are so many simple things, there are not so many spotlights and media, and most of them are professors and scholars. There are also some students who are allowed to attend.

"Yeah, Zhang Hao is here!"

"That is Zhang Wei?"

"It’s too far to see!"

"where is it?"

"Over there! Come in and come in!"

Many Tsinghua students have looked at the past.

Zhang Wei came with the team of Peking University today. There are Pan Yang, the dean of the Academy of Mathematics, and several professors and mentors of their mathematics department. There are also three people from the Department of Physics of Peking University. Today, there is also a professor of the Department of Physics of Peking University. Nominations for the awards, but hope is not right.

Other people came to receive the relevant personnel, but when the people from Peking University came, they didn’t have a reception, as if they didn’t see them.

Zhang Wei can only ask someone to ask, "Man, where are we located?"

The Tsinghua teacher looked at him, pointing to the front, "Where, the third row." Then he left.

A young math teacher at Peking University was indignant. "What is this attitude? Is it still the host?"

Pan Yang did not care, smiled and said: "Okay, in order to grab students in the college entrance examination, Xiao Zhang smashed several cars from Tsinghua, and grabbed dozens of good seedlings to come to Peking University. It is normal for people to have some emotions."

Several Peking University professors and tutors looked at Zhang Wei with a smile.

Along the way, many Tsinghua teachers loved Zhang Yi and his party, especially to Zhang Wei. Some Tsinghua teachers saw him and even coldened his face.

Even Zhang Hao himself wondered, where did the buddies go wherever they have enemies? Did I offend so many people at the beginning?

- There are too many offenders, and Zhang Hao can't remember a lot.

Not long after, the awards began.

Medical award.

Biological prize.


In the eyes of the industry, today's academic award is undoubtedly one of the highest awards in the academic world. Of course, it is one of the highest awards. It is certainly impossible to compare it with the five major classification awards of the National Science and Technology Award issued by the State-House. It is definitely not a grade. It is one of the most authoritative awards compared to other academic awards under the National Science and Technology Awards. It is basically the highest award that a general scholar and expert can get. It is. Those who can win the National Science and Technology Award are certainly not ordinary scholars. Those are experts who have studied hydrogen bombs and have made significant contributions to the field of aerospace military industry.

The awards were unveiled one by one.

Some people here are happy, but after all, they are engaged in academics. They are not as shocked as the entertainment awards. Everyone has a strong control ability.

Finally, I got to the math class!

A senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced: "This year's mathematics award winner..." paused for a long time, and he slowly opened his mouth. "Peking University Mathematics Department - Zhang Wei!"

The people on the side of Peking University immediately applauded!

"Professor Zhang! Congratulations!"

"I guess it is you!"


Pan Yang came up with a sentence, "Xiao Zhang, the trophy, don't think about taking it away, staying at Peking University, can't you? I will find you a good place in the Hall of Honor!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If you want to take it, you can take it, but don't give me a good position. I listened to how to put my ashes!"

The people at Peking University laughed.

Zhang Wei took the stage to receive the award.

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences handed the trophy to himself, "being awesome."

Zhang Wei smiled, "Learning to the older generation."

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences blinked: "You are very good, I am very optimistic about you with a few old guys, how? Is there any interest in the development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Zhang Weihan said: "Into the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences smiled and said: "You should consider it first and have a chance to say it later."

There is no such host in this kind of awards, and there are no scenes such as award-winning speeches. On the stage, there is a microphone. When talking to Zhang Wei, the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences did not take the microphone, so their conversations were not heard by others. It is an ordinary kind of words.

Got down.

Pan Yang asked: "What did the academician Song say to you?"

Zhang Wei said: "I want to go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences."


"Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

"School Song invited you to go?"

Professors and scholars at Peking University are surprised!

Pan Yang said: "Are you sure that it is the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Is it not a research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Zhang Yiyi said, "Is it the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

The people of Peking University are all face to face. There are dozens of research institutes under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and hundreds of laboratories. These institutions are nothing but research. But if the academician Song really wants to invite Zhang to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, then it is obvious. It is not these places. It is very likely that Zhang Wei will come to the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is one of the most important departments of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Is it not for Zhang Wei to go directly to be an academician?

A 24-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? ?

I am grass!

No, no! ?

Thinking of this possibility, Peking University people are a little embarrassed!

A Peking University young math teacher was busy: "What do you say?"

Zhang Weidao: "I didn't say anything."

Pan Yang asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Wei didn't even think about it: "I am a good star when I am, what am I going to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

An old professor at the Department of Mathematics at Peking University almost spit him a **** face, and his beard was shaken. "Can the star compare with the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Look at your pursuit!"

Zhang Wei does not like to hear: "We are also serving the people of the stars, but the service is different. We are engaged in spiritual civilization."

The old professor said: "How can this compare? Which Chinese Academy of Sciences academicians are not respected by thousands of people?"

Zhang Wei looked at him. "You just grab a person on the street. You ask him if he knows Song or know me."

Old professor: "..."

A Peking University female math teacher is crying and laughing. "Professor Zhang, without you, I don't know what to say."

Pan Yang also rolled his eyes.

Zhang Wei did not say anything to death. "Let's talk about it later."

This conversation with Zhang Wei is a bit of a feeling for the cow playing the piano. In the history, whoever learned to learn is invited to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences and should not be excited? That is the Chinese Academy of Sciences! Even his Pan Yang, the dean of the Peking University Mathematical Sciences, was not qualified to apply for the title of an academician. Yes, he did not even apply for qualifications.

Now that the opportunity is coming, do you actually say that the star is better than the academician? What is your consciousness?

However, when I think of Zhang Wei’s identity, Peking University’s people are also shaking their heads and shaking their heads. They sigh and sigh, and a deep sense of helplessness comes to mind. It’s also that people are stars, and the host of the university’s broadcast is hosted. The main business of the people is doing this. For the teachers and professors of Peking University, it is the business of the academics to engage in academic education. This is the career and goal of their life. They can do academics for the graduates of the Republic of Communications University, the most famous broadcasting host in the country. Research... obviously is not doing business.

The position is different.

The angle is different.

The way you look at things is naturally different.

Hey, there are so many people around the world, so many people who are willing to fight for the cause of mathematics for life, how can you let Zhang Hao, who wants to be a star, want to unravel the famous Dell conjecture in the world of mathematics!

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