I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 836: [Weibo fans 10 million! 】

That night, the news was overwhelming!

Great Wall Daily: "The Golden Microphone Award".

Han Shaokai, Xiao Hang and Zhang Wei won the prestigious gold microphone award!

Southern Entertainment News: "Amazing Testimonials."

Zhang Wei won the highest award in this year's host category. Some of the speeches shocked the audience. The applause lasted for a minute. The scene was out of control, and many people fell into tears!

News Online: "Zhang Yi, who loves and hates."

At the Golden Microphone Awards Ceremony, Zhang Wei published a speech. The persistence and power in the speech infected countless people on the scene, so many people knew that Zhang Wei could still say the words even if he did not say poetry. At the same time, Zhang Wei was still Zhang Huan. The first sentence of the testimony put the famous host of Fang Gang and Xu Siyu on the fire, and a camera lens happened to capture the time. The expressions of Fang Gang and Xu Siyu, Zhang Wei can be said to have offended others. When we saw this, we were a little bit sorrowful and we had to think of one sentence: It is not difficult to offend people in one day. The hard part is to offend people every day. And Zhang Wei is undoubtedly such a person, a star that makes us love and hate, cry and laugh!

"A true host"!

"Zhang Wei's testimony: never compromise"!

"Like Zhang Huan, no reason"!

"The most tragic scene in history, Xu Siyu is just lying and shooting!"

"Reporter interviewed a TV station insider: I still don't like Zhang Wei, but this paragraph of his comments made me have to applaud!"

The news is in full swing!

The oil is also cooking on the Internet, and it is getting up early!

"Mr. Zhang is too **** today!"

"This paragraph is handsome!"

"I have listened to it ten times! Ten times!"

"Tear me crying! Really moved!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei, thank you! I always like you, your poems, your words, give me strength and courage every time! You are great!"

Zhang Wei’s fan group’s chief knives and brothers even took a group of people crazy and swiped the screen. Soon, they took Zhang’s video of the testimony to the top page!

Popular top ten...

Popular top five...

Until I won the meager headlines of the day!

Many netizens who had no interest in the Golden Microphone Awards have also noticed this. They have come in and watched. After reading the comments, they just know that there was such a scene at the Golden Micron Awards Ceremony. They actually Missed the live broadcast!

"Ah, I regret it!"

"Rely, I didn't see the live broadcast!"

"I want to pick up my hand! Why do I just go to see basketball!"

"I knew that the golden microphone was so wonderful. I didn't go out to watch a movie. It was the danger of being killed by my wife. I have to go home and watch the live broadcast!"

"It’s the same with watching videos! Zhang Hao is already super-god!"

"This is the star! This is the host!"

"Black passers-by, praise Zhang Hao today!"

"The passer turns to the powder..."

"Powder to iron powder..."

Zhang Wei’s number of Weibo fans has ushered in a big explosion, and with the long-term popularity accumulated by previous works such as “Tip Tips”, Zhang Wei’s meager fans have reached an astonishing 10 million!

Ten million!

In just a few months, the number of geometric growth has actually increased!

You know, there are only a few first-line stars Weibo fans only have more than 10 million! Although the star's comprehensive popularity can't just look at the ranking on a single platform, but this is also one of the popular references, which is the comprehensive rating of the star popularity under the big data!

Undoubtedly, after today, Zhang Wei’s star ranking may change again!


On the street.

Zhang Wei drove Dong Shanshan.

The phone rang, it was called by the landline at home.

"Small." Mom excitedly said: "When are you going home?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Go back later."

Mom asked, "Come back?"

Zhang Weidao: "You must eat, hungry, wait for me to send Shanshan home."

Mom said: "Shan Shan? Your classmate? What else to send home, you let her come to our house to eat, my father and I are doing well, let her come over."

"Yes, I will ask her." Hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei looked at the co-pilot, especially if he couldn't help but squint at the clothes that had been deformed by the seat belt in front of Dong Shanshan. "My mom let you go to our house to eat, go and go, it's not too far, anyway, you go home and eat alone."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "How do you know me alone?"

"Ah? Is there anyone in the family?" Zhang said.

Dong Shanshan said: "How do you know that there are people in my family?"

Zhang Wei knows that she has never had a few words in her mouth. She turned her eyes and said: "Forget it, I will stop by and stop walking by myself."

"You dare." Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Go to your house to eat, Auntie invited me, if I don't give face, then it is too bad."

The car soon arrived home.

As soon as I got upstairs, I found out that my mom had already waited for the door, and the door opened early. It was estimated that Zhang Hao’s car was seen from the window.

"Dad, Mom." Zhang Wei greeted.

Dong Shanshan also smiled sweetly when he entered: "Auntie, uncle."

Mom looked at her for a long time, "Fir Shan, you didn't change when you went to school, it's still pretty."

When Zhang Wei went to college, he said that he was more "Ge" in Beijing dialect, because the parents, the mother had been to several schools, and had seen Dong Shanshan twice. Similarly, Dong Shanshan also had an impression on Zhang Wei’s mother, and Zhang’s father, Dong Shanshan, had never seen it. Dad wants to face and is asked by parents to never go.

Dad also smiled: "Cash and wash your hands, eat."

Dong Shanshan said: "Hey."

"What about Chen Chen?" Zhang Hao looked for it.

Dad pointed to the master bedroom. "I have slept after eating."

Zhang Weidao: "This little lazy!"

Mom laughed: "Chen Chen is tired too. I was busy cooking with you, and my family's seven or eight calls were received by Chen Chen. Don't say, Chen Chen is really smart. Who is calling a few phones? If you say anything, you can repeat it. There is a phone call from you, a phone call from your two sisters, a phone call from your cousin, and a reporter. I don’t know how to find a phone call from our family. Chen Chen said that person. Set her half-day words, and finally let Chen Chen directly hang."

Dad also nodded. "This kid is smarter than an adult."

Zhang Wei hurryed: "You are getting better, don't praise her. When the goods come to the streets, I will go to the streets to catch a criminal. I will be a big family."

Mom can like Chen Chen, and I don’t like to hear: "That's not what you can do!"

dinner time.

Zhang Weihu eats Haisai.

Dong Shanshan eats very cautiously. He eats a bite of food and talks about it. Guy Zhang’s mother doesn’t let people make time to eat, and there’s a problem for a while.

Mom: "Fir Shan, how are you in your family?"

Dong Shanshan: "It's all very good."

Mom: "Is your family in Inner Mongolia?"

Dong Shanshan: "Yes."

Mom: "Is there an object?"

Dong Shanshan: "Oh, not yet."

Mom: "Well, there is no good, no good, you are a professional, you must be cautious in finding objects, and there are more things. It is better to find someone inside, and have a common language together."

Dad can't stand it anymore. "You can't say a few words, let the children take the first step to eat."

Dong Shanshan laughed, "It's okay."

My mom seems to like Dong Shanshan very much. After eating, she started talking to her again.

Finally, Zhang Wei found a donkey and called Dong Shanshan to his room.

He said: "My mother is like this, there are more words."

"Auntie is very interesting." Dong Shanshan smiled.

Zhang Wei pointed to the house, "just sit down."

Dong Shanshan pushed the outside of the quilt that was not stacked at the end of the bed. As a result, he saw a man's inner-pants pressed underneath. It seemed to pass through. She did not say anything. She pinched her index finger and thumb. Throw it away at will.

Zhang Yan’s face was hot, and Khan said: “Don’t be jealous of you.” Hurry and go.

Dong Shanshan took a look at the legs and looked around. "Your home is quite unexpected. It is not like the bedroom of your star."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "That is, my buddy is still poorer than you. I heard that you have received an endorsement advertisement. There are still many commercial performances? The Beijing Satellite TV is good. The restrictions on the host are not as big as CCTV. ”

Dong Shanshan said: "So I plan to buy a house."

"Yes, I will go back and hold it." Zhang Yi said casually.

Dong Shanshan smiled. "Okay, live, you are not afraid of the paparazzi."

Zhang Yule said: "That's still a problem."

"Yes." Dong Shanshan said to him: "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I have had a dinner with many friends in the circle. There should be no enemies in you, there are men and women, can you participate?"

Zhang Shuzui, sitting down and saying the following: "There is no time for you to do something right? What foreigner's festival? Come, Shanshan, I will give you the science of Christmas, long time ago, foreigner. There is a..."

Dong Shanshan silently interrupted: "Oh, I don't want to talk to you about an angry youth. Forget it, I know you won't come, when I didn't say it." She said, she laughed too." You, it’s exactly the same as that of the year. Whoever tells you a foreigner’s holiday, you are anxious.”

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "I can't see the sand in my eyes."

Dong Shanshan said: "The classmates of our class in the past, who can think of the end is that you are the most promising, this time, even the host's highest award has been taken down, remember? I was joking. That survey, 90% of our class's biggest ideal after graduation is to win the honor of the golden microphone. At that time, it is impossible to think of killing. You are the first to do it, and only use it after graduation. It’s not been for two years!”

Zhang Wei said faintly: "I am lucky, really."

Dong Shanshan said: "Suddenly, I think of those classmates, and I don't know how they are doing now, what they are doing, and what day they gather."

"Good." Zhang Hao nodded, and some missed.

The world has changed.

Are the old classmates still the same?

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