I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 837: [When the art test examiner? 】

on Saturday.

Looking at the recent star rating list in the morning, Zhang Wei’s rankings have changed again. They have quietly advanced a ranking and are getting more and more in the ranks of second-tier stars. This improvement is not easy. Part of it is the popularity of the previous "Tip Tips", plus yesterday's awards and the popular data of the award-winning testimonies that have been spread throughout the country, which once again jumped into one.

Zhang Wei’s recent popularity is in a soaring period. The media and the public’s many concerns are on him. The more this time, the more popular the Zhang Zhang’s popularity after doing something, every time he adds a fire. More fierce, he also just seized this rare opportunity to let his popularity continue to turn up. This is the same as stocks. Once some stocks enter the main rising wave, the more they raise their funds, the more they pay attention, the more they raise, the higher the stock price, but once the stock price does not move or begins to go down, It is very difficult to get back to the pull-up situation of the main rising waves. The same is true for the entertainment industry. Many of the stars that have been popular all night are like this, so Zhang Hao’s opportunity is still very rare.

The more fans!

Popularity goes up to the next level! More and more!

Zhang Wei is also in a good mood. On the way to work, he is full of emotions and humming the little songs. "Oh, oh, that is the Qinghai-Tibet."


It seems that it is not that high!



When Zhang Hao’s car came, he was discussed by many other channels.

"Zhang Hao is here!"

"This golden microphone, I really didn't expect him to take it!"

"Yeah, the first nomination was on, and it was still under such pressure and questioning? I thought that the jury would not give such a controversial host."

"But the testimony is really exciting!"

"Haha, I heard that after the award ceremony, Fang Gang’s teacher of CCTV is directly yelling at the mother! Teacher Zhang is too ‘naughty’!”

"What can I do with my mother? Even the leaders of Taiwan can't hold Zhang Wei. Even the radio and television have never taken him. What can Fang Fang and Xu Siyu do? It is a few words in private, and it is necessary to break the teeth. Swallowing in the belly, who let them run into such a mixed goods!"

"Oh, these two are unlucky enough."

"It must have been something that was ugly when they sat together, and Zhang Yi was offended. Our channel borrowed a high-definition camera to give Zhang Wei’s column group. I have contacted him several times. I still know his, Zhang Wei’s temper. In fact, it’s good. It’s very polite to people. I didn’t see him playing a big card. It’s a very regular person, but if you provoke him, he’s not so good.”

"Well, I also had contact with Zhang Wei once and I was very impressed with him. In fact, he did not have such a rumor in the rumors. When I entered the elevator last time, I saw that Zhang Wei was still seven or eight meters, and I was squatting. The elevator door left him a door. He thanked me twice after he stepped forward. We also talked a few words, and did not see that he had any temper. A person with special humor was quite kind."


Fourteen channel office area.

Zhang took a small tune into his column group area. He just wanted to say hello to his colleagues. Suddenly, he found that their third office area was not alone. The computer was on, and there was a lot of information on the table. Documents, but people are not there.

What about people?

Is this early work time?

Could it be that I am still early?

I just thought of it here, and suddenly there was a lot of footsteps behind me. More than thirty of my fourteen channel colleagues came in. The first ones were Xiao Wang and Huang Dandan. They held a size together. The cake, everyone still has a cheerful song.

Haqiqi is here.

Even Yan Tianfei has come.

Zhang Wei was shocked and said: "Hey, I don't know my birthday today?" He usually has a birthday, and his birthday is not today.

"Zhang Dao!"

"This is a surprise!"

“Haha, congratulations on winning the Golden Microphone Award!”

"Celebrate "Tip Tips" and "Good Voice" to win the top two TV shows!"

"surp day color!"

It turned out that Zhang Wei only understood, "Thank you, thank you."

Yan Tianfei smiled and said: "There was no such thing as celebrating before. This round came together. Oh, they are all organized by themselves. It’s such a lively thing, I definitely have to come and join in the fun, Xiao Zhang teacher, you put the golden microphone this time. The award was taken down, but we gave our 14th channel a big face! When we introduce and recruit outside, we can also say that our channel has the highest prize winner of the channel!"

Zhang snorted and said: "I can have this result, and it is also the cultivation of the leader."

"You come less, it’s all the scenes that people say." Yan Tianfei laughed. "Come here, cut the cake!"

Everyone sneaked on the discussion, but also bought the cake and organized the staff. It was a cold surprise and gave Zhang Hao a surprise. Zhang Hao was also moved.

Cut the cake, everyone talked and laughed and ate.

After the celebration, what should everyone do and continue to work.

It’s almost time for New Year’s Day. Before the scheduled class, their “Tip Tips” column group has not worked much recently. Today is also the last working day. Then most people take six or seven days of rest, and then go to work next January. This is also the holiday that Zhang Hao will give everyone.

Haqiqi smiled and said: "Zhang, let's go on holiday?"

"I don't know, is the family staying?" Zhang said.

Zhang Zuo proposed: "Quick New Year's Day, at night, our people in the column group will make a trip to themselves?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "Yes, you arrange the activities, I save money."

Xiao Wang wowed, "Zhang Guiyi is righteous and wealthy!"

Zhang Yi touched his mouth. "I will pay a hundred dollars anyway. Don't exceed this number."



Colleagues are laughing!

The bell is ringing and the phone is coming.

Zhang Yi looked at the number, blinked, and quickly said: "You are busy first, my teacher came to the phone." Go back to his office and pick it up.

There is the voice of Su Hongyan over there, "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I work overtime, Teacher Su."

Su Hongyan smiled and said, "Looking for you is a bit of a thing."

"You say."

"Tomorrow is the art test of our Communication University. This time, some days ahead of time, are you free there? Come and contribute to your alma mater."

“What contribution can I make?”

"Give you an examiner, can't you come?"

"Examiner? Me?"


"Hey, am I made?"

"You have taken the golden microphone, are you afraid that you are not qualified?"

"I am afraid that I will delay the candidates."

“Every year, graduates return to their alma mater as examiners, and even teach new students. There are also a lot of mentoring titles. What is this? This is a fixed tradition of our school. Our teachers have more experience. Academic and educational experience has its own limitations. Sometimes it is necessary for you to bring back the experience of the leaders in the front line. This experience is also very valuable."

" OK, I understand."

"That's it, come early tomorrow, there are other things to do then, meet and talk."

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