I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 840: [The troubles of the old classmates! 】

One morning, I interviewed dozens of candidates. Reading books

"Twelve o'clock?"

"It's here in the morning."

"Go, eat, and still have one in the afternoon."

"In the morning, this batch is generally the same, the o26 is OK. I think it can be cultivated, but I still have to look at her retesting."

"O51 is not bad."

"Well, his voice has characteristics."

Zhang Wei and Su Hongyan and others left the examination room while talking. The interview examiners in the director department and the performance department also continued their work in the morning. They met in the downstairs or in the corridor, and they all came together. Talk a few words together and go to the cafeteria.

At this time, there were ** reporters on the front.

"Zhang Dao!"

"You can come out!"

"Help us make an interview!"

"I just greeted the middle pass and the school agreed to interview you!"

It seems that the reporters have been waiting for a long time, and they have been guarding him downstairs. Zhang Wei’s trip was naturally arrested.

Zhang Wei stopped the pace.

Su Hongyan looked back at him. "What?"

"You should eat it first." Zhang Yan smiled and said: "I will go later."

Su Hongyan sighed, "Go."

Teacher Xue reminded me, "Go to the small dining hall, the big canteen does not open fire today."

"Get it right," Zhang said.

When the examiners left, the reporters sprinted with a gun.

A female reporter came up and said: "Mr. Zhang, this time the invitation to return to your alma mater as an examiner is for what reason? For the first time as an art examiner, what do you think?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "My alma mater has brought me back. This is trust in me. I definitely have to do things well. I don't think much about anything else."

A male reporter immediately said: "We just got a message that Zhong Chuan has invited you to return to the alma mater. The associate professor of the famous guest, Teacher Zhang, is there any such thing?"

Zhang Yi took a scorpion. "You are too well informed. I just heard about it. I don't know if it is a rumor or a real thing, so I am not good at answering you."

Next to a reporter said: "If the news is true, then you are the youngest associate professor in the history of the Communication University."

Zhang Wei said very cautiously, "I don't know."

The female reporter blinked: "Mr. Zhang, you are speaking too rigorous today."

Zhang Yile, "Yes?"

The female reporter said: "This is not your style!"

A male reporter also said with a clear eye: "You just say, nothing!"

"You are all right." Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If I just said it casually, my business will be big. Are you still not enough to blame me?"

The female reporter laughed happily. "Of course we are watching the excitement and it’s not too big!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Oh, faster than the New Year, I am still a low-key."

After a few words, Zhang Huan got out and went to the cafeteria to eat.

Sometimes, the news is so fast, he just left the front foot, the news came out after the news!

Online Entertainment Weekly: "Zhang Wei Ren Zhong Chuan Art Examiner! 》

Daily News: "The first day of the Communication University's art test scene surprised Zhang Yan figure! 》

Everyday entertainment: "The rumored Zhang Wei will be the associate professor of the China Broadcasting Institute! 》

Internet entertainment broadcast: "Zhong Chuan throws an olive branch to Zhang Wei, and hires him to coach at a high salary! 》

Netizens expressed concern.

"Intermediate Professor Zhong Chuan?"

"Mr. Zhang is enough!"


"Is the message really fake?"

"Is it confirmed? If it can be confirmed, then it is a cow!"

“The youngest associate professor at Peking University and Zhongchuan’s two higher education institutions?”

"Zhang Wei is really an associate professor of Zhong Chuan, then his position and generation in the circle can be high!"

"It has to be said that the Communication University still has a vision. If you are looking for Zhang Wei to teach, you will certainly be able to attract a large number of students, the broadcasting host, the directing department, and even the music department. Zhang Hao can teach! With his ability and talent, I I am very optimistic about the future of the Communication University. I really hope that Zhang Hao can teach a few entertainment stars like him! Like Zhang Wei, the entertainment circle is too rare!"

"Support Teacher Zhang!"

Of course, there are certainly many criticisms.

There are still many netizens and people in the circle who are questioning.

"First make sure it's true."

"I don't like Zhang Wei, is it crazy?"

"Does such people dare to recruit? Is there enough not enough in the middle?"

"Don't let Zhang Hao ruin the famous name of Zhong Chuan!"

“What is Zhang Wei’s qualification to be an associate professor at the Higher School of Communication at the Communication University of China?”



Several responsible persons of the Broadcasting Hosting Institute found Zhang Wei. With the participation of Su Hongyan, Zhang Hao’s appointment was quickly discussed. Because the college had already met and discussed this matter before, even the specific details of the class have been planned, so the talk is also very fast, even the contract has been prepared, and finally finalized the salary, things will be fixed .

"Professor Zhang, welcome to join the Communication University." At the end, the heads of several colleges shook hands with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "This is my honor."

After going out, the phone rang.

Zhang Wei walked over to pick it up. "Mom, why?"

Mom said with joy: "I read the news and said that Zhong Chuan invited you to teach?"

"It is a job." Zhang Xiao smiled.

Mom asked: "Associate professor?"

Zhang Yan said: "Associate professor, already fixed, just finished talking."

"Okay! Great!" Just listen to the voice of the mother over there. "Lao Zhang, the news is true! My son has an associate professor's title! Still his alma mater!"

Then I heard my father say: "Call the relatives at night, make a meal with the family, get together."

The old lady said: "Small, come back early in the evening, call the family!"

"Oh, not at all." Zhang Yidao.

My mom blinked. "Why don't you? It's a big deal to mention an associate professor! Don't worry about it!"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "That, listen to you and my dad."

Perhaps in the eyes of my parents, the title of an associate professor is much more powerful than the highest award of a TV show. In the concept of their generation, it is natural to be a professor, and naturally happy.

After a while, the friends’ calls came.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Congratulations, Professor Zhang?"

Zhang Weidao: "Get it."

"When do you give me a lecture?" Dong Shanshan said.

Zhang Yule said: "Get it, I just hang a name, you give me a lecture is almost the same."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Yes, Wang He is back."

Zhang Yiyi, "has already arrived?"

Dong Shanshan said: "He went to the capital in the morning, I gave him a call, what? He didn't call you? I gave him the call."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "You don't know, we both squabble when we were in college. He came to Beijing and could call me to blame."

Dong Shanshan smiled. "Also, but those in our class have persisted in the industry after graduation. There are only a handful of people left here. It is not easy to move around. I guess you have also heard that Wang He had offended a person in the circle last year, and he had to give up the host and return to his hometown. This time he must return to start again, but his business is afraid. It’s not that simple. It’s not necessarily that Wang He can handle things well. Hey, it’s all things.”

“Is it very troublesome?” Zhang Wei also heard about an ear, but the specific situation did not know.

Who was Wang He offended in the past?

At that time, Zhang Wei just entered the Beijing Radio Station, and there was no source of information. Moreover, he also offended too many people at the beginning. He did not care about it. Even Dong Shanshan met with the plane when he went to Shanghai. This was re-connected. He is really unclear about Wang He’s business.

Dong Shanshan said: "It should be very troublesome. Teacher Su also wanted to help him in the same year, but still did not solve it. The trouble can be imagined."

Zhang Hao nodded and said: "Where I want to help, you talk."

"Oh, OK, I am waiting for you." Dong Shanshan said: "Wang He, you still don't know? If you have difficulties, he will definitely not ask for your help, even if I asked him for a long time, he also I didn't tell me about the specific things, but I think about our classmates for so many years, he doesn't say, we can't care, the places that can help will definitely help, so I will communicate with you first."

Zhang Weidao: "I understand that it is nothing more than offending people? Are there few people who have been offended in these years? Isn't it still good?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "So you are wonderful!"

Zhang Yihan said: "Can you pay attention to your words?"

Dong Shanshan categorically said: "No, because you are wonderful."

Zhang Wei: "...well."

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