I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 841: [Zhang Wei is angry (on)! 】

The next day.

nine in the morning.

Zhang Wei went to the Communication University again. Today is the second day of the art test.

"Professor Zhang, come?"

"Hey, Teacher Xue."

"Professor Xiao Zhang, early."

"Professor Wang, good morning."

"Everyone is a colleague in the future."

"Oh, you have to take care of you."

As soon as I arrived at the examination room, several examiners and Zhang Hao greeted each other. In yesterday, everyone’s name may be more casual. There is Xiao Zhang’s, and Xiao Zhang’s teacher, but today everyone’s name for Zhang Wei is mostly On the two words of the professor, Zhang Hao’s post was posted and officially confirmed by the Communication University last night. A person in charge of the school also accepted the media interview, so many of them changed their minds.

Of course, after Su Hongyan came, he still called him Xiao Zhang, and even if Mr. Su called him Professor Zhang, Zhang Wei did not dare to respond, but that was his teacher.

Then the interview begins.

It was a busy morning for three hours.



the job is done.

Su Hongyan did not say hello, and she left the examination room early.

Zhang Wei sorted out the information of the candidate's information. When he looked up again, he couldn't find anyone. He wanted to have a meal with Teacher Su. Who wants Teacher Su to move really fast, "Hey, Teacher Su?"

A female teacher said: "Go out?"

Another examiner said: "I just saw that she took a call and went downstairs."

Zhang Wei also got up and went downstairs. The strange look looked around at the bottom of the building. When he arrived, he saw the figure of Su Hongyan not far away. There was another person opposite the teacher Su. It was quite young and a man, almost as big as Zhang Wei. Although the faintness is not inconspicuous, but from the outline, I know that the appearance is good, and...some familiar?

this is?

He went subconsciously.

I only heard the voice of Teacher Su and the other party.

Teacher Su: "Yes, I will help you."

That person: "Thank you, and it will give you trouble."

Teacher Su: "Do you have less trouble for me?"

The man laughed.

Teacher Su: "But I don't guarantee that I can't make it. Although it's been a year, but if you still hold it, you can't mix it in the industry."

The man said: "I understand, take a step and take a step. I am coming back this time, I just want to solve this problem first."

Teacher Su smiled and said: "In fact, your old classmates are now in the circle, but they are more than me. You should also ask him about this and communicate with him. After all, the trouble that the kid has caused is much more than you. There are more people who have offended than you. In this respect, he has more experience than you. In the past two years, he is the master of the sword in the real knife."

The man shook his head and said, "Don't tell him."

Suddenly, Zhang Wei’s laughter came over. “Don’t tell anyone?”

Both of the teachers of Su are a glimpse.

Zhang Wei looked at the man, and the man also looked at Zhang Wei and looked at it for two seconds.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I said that I am familiar with it. This is not Wang He’s classmate. What is it? I didn’t say hello to me in Beijing. I didn’t even have a phone call. If it wasn’t, Shanshan told me an ear. I still don't know if you are back. What do you mean? Hiding me?"

Wang He also smiled. "I am hiding from you? Is the relationship so good?"

Zhang Wei thought for a moment and nodded. "Also, not very familiar with you."

Wang He yelled at him. "You still look like that, it hasn't changed."

"You are mutable." Zhang Wei screamed: "I heard that I offended someone and ran back to my hometown?"

Wang He’s eyebrows jumped and he smiled. “I’m not running, I’m a strategic retreat and defense.”

Zhang screamed: "Well, you don't brag - forced, run is running, but also strategic defense? Net is good to say!"

Wang He retorted his lips and said: "Don't say me, don't you let the radio and television shoot it too! The first black and white blacklist, last year's inferior artist!"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes. "That didn't push me down! What about you?"

Wang He yelled at him, "I am not coming back now?"

The two of you, my sentence, the first face after two years of no see, is to start with quarrel, this scene, as if back to the university period a few years ago, at that time, they are so noisy, every day facing Coughing, it was a scene in the classroom.

Su Hongyan did not forget, listening to the two people bickering, she seems to have returned to the year, "You two!" Smiled.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei looked at Wang He and opened his arm.

Wang He also smiled and opened his hand.

The two men gave each other a bear hug!

Zhang Weidao: "I haven't seen you for two years, I really miss you!"

Wang He smiled and said: "Nobody is there, no one has quarreled with me in the past two years, it is very boring!"

Zhang Weidao: "It’s good to come back."

Wang Hedao: "Well, come back."

Su Hongyan smiled and said: "Is it old?"

Wang He smiled and said: "It's over."

"Let's go, find a restaurant, sit down and talk." Su Hongyan said.


There is a small restaurant outside the back door of the pass. It is old and there is no one.

After the monk sat down and ordered a few dishes, he talked about the business.

Zhang Wei drank a hot tea and said: "I heard a little when you talked. Dong Shanshan also talked to me about it. Wang He, who are you offended?"

Wang He still doesn't want to say, "Let's eat first."

Zhang Wei said: "If I don't know, I don't know. I know it, don't hide it. Just tell me, everyone thinks about it."

Su Hongyan also said: "Let's talk about Xiao Wang."

Wang Heyi was indulged and said: "It’s all the time when I just graduated. At that time, many TV station radio stations came over and grabbed people when they had not graduated. Let’s broadcast the professional, I The results are still good. They are also the first and second in our class. They are similar to Dong Shanshan. So we have already set the unit after we have not gotten the graduation certificate. I finally went to Hebei TV Station. Of course, it is not what. Strong units, although my scores are not bad, but they are not the best in the department, we have nothing to do. After graduation, I can enter a TV station as an internship host. It is not bad. Many middle-school graduates do not even have internships, most of them. They were all mixed first, and they couldn’t get on the mirror for a year or two, so I was quite proud at that time."

Zhang Weidao: "If you talk about the key points, don't blow them. I am the graduates in your mouth who don't even have a lot of miscellaneous."

Wang Hedao: "Well, the point is that after I went to work, I went to the Hebei TV station headquarters for three months. The leader was very optimistic about me at the time. I felt that all the conditions were good, and I sent it back to the capital. In the recording department, several TV programs in Hebei TV stations are recorded in the Beijing branch. Many TV stations have recording sites in Beijing. After all, this is convenient and resources."

Zhang Wei asked, "Which person is offended?"

Wang He said: "Head of the Hebei TV station's recording agency in Beijing, the head of the department, called Guan Yunhai, is also a Taiwanese leader of the Hebei TV station. The level is one level worse than the deputy director, but the salary of the deputy director is treated. It can be said that it is one of the best people in the circle."

Zhang Yan wrinkled, almost the deputy director level?

Su Hongyan added: "I have seen this person in Guan Yunhai. I used to have an old qualification. I used to work on CCTV and Anhui TV stations. Later I went to Hebei TV Station and became the first person in charge of the Beijing department. The industry mentioned him. I should all know."

Zhang Hao nodded and he seemed to have heard it.

Su Hongyan said: "I also asked people to help Wang He in the same year, but in the end, I didn't hand it, and it was gone."

Zhang Weidao: "What is the reason? Are you close to the family?" The last sentence is the Beijing dialect, which means that you are robbing a woman?

Su Hongyan could understand and turned his eyes. "All the associate professors said what to say."

Wang He smiled bitterly. "Don't tell me, it really has something to do with this, but it's not that I grab it. His family (lover) is one of my leaders, responsible for our department, and also a former host, though I retired to the second line, but it was still pretty. I didn’t know anything when I first came to the unit. The doorway inside was not clear. I thought about what the leader told me. What do I do, I am a The internship host is not official, so I have to worry about what is going on there. After the contact time is long, the female leader is also very trusting to me. Sometimes I go out to eat what kind of wine and bring me, I It was in the past to drive her something, and then she drank too much, and gave me an address, not her home, but another place, I sent her over, and since then, she has I also trusted more. I asked her to pick her up many times, then sent her to the address at night, and told me not to let me tell others. In fact, I later learned that it was not the place of Guan Yunhai, but another one of her. Near home children's home. "

Zhang Wei is speechless. "How is it so messy?"

Wang Hedao: "Isn't it? One day, it happened to be a coincidence. Let Guan Yunhai catch a piece of it. I, the woman, the two sisters, and the cloud sea, all together, they all started to fight. I also understood that at that time, Guan Yunhai was also her family. I am not unlucky. What is this about me? The result is that Guan Yunhai hates me because I send it every time. The person who my female leader went to is at home, and it involves such a relatively private matter. Guan Yunhai did not publicize it. He directly fired me and left the words in the industry. He said that my character is not good, and my ability is not good. If I dare to hire, I will not go with him!"

Su Hongyan shook her head, "black smoke and anger."

Wang He smiled helplessly. "Mr. Su, you have always been a teacher with Zhongchuan. The atmosphere here is definitely different. But it is like this in other places. It is too chaotic, and the relationship is too complicated."

Zhang Hao is speechless: "And then you are like this?"

"Yeah." Wang He spread his hand. "I tried to go to several TV stations for recruitment. After all, I was called back."

Su Hongyan said: "If there is a moderator of work experience, then the new owner will usually ask the leader of the previous work unit and ask about the situation of the person. Guan Yunhai has stuck in the other side, and no one is there. Dare to Wang He, he is not a famous host, and others do not want to take this risk."

After listening to it for a long time, things probably understand.

Zhang Weidao: "You are panicking about this matter."

"No, no." Wang He shook his head with a sigh of relief. "Where can I go to school?"

Suddenly, the phone came.

Wang He looked at it, "Firshan."


Dong Shanshan’s voice floated out, “Wang He, I asked you.”

Wang Hedao: "Thank you, how?"

Dong Shanshan sighed. "I told Hu Ge. I also said something to the head of a department I knew about this other side of the Beijing Satellite TV. I promised to give you an interview, but later told me to 'calculate'. Say your resume is not beautiful, Hebei Satellite TV is not very good for you."

Wang He was silent for a moment. "Oh, I know, thank you Shanshan, I will invite you to dinner the next day."

Dong Shanshan said: "No, I have not helped."

"That must be invited." Wang Hedao: "I have received it."

Dong Shanshan said: "I think, you still talk to Zhang Wei. He is more than me. You ask him to help you think about it. If you can't, I will help you tell him that yesterday I was on the phone with Zhang Wei. Yes, your business, Zhang Wei is also very upright, he does not say anything in his mouth, but he is thinking about it."

Zhang Hao heard it and smiled. "Fir Shan, how about me?"

Dong Shanshan’s glimpse, “Hey, what?”

Wang He smiled and said: "I am passing in the middle, I met him."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Oh, then I will be relieved. You ask him, hang up."

Put down the phone.

Su Hongyan asked: "Can't Beijing TV?"

Wang Heh said: "Shansu asked me, can't."

"It’s been more than a year, and I’m still holding it there?” Su Hongyan frowned.

Wang He smiled very helplessly. "This is to kill me with a stick. It's okay. In fact, I have already prepared for this situation."

When I heard this, Zhang Hao said: "Oh, isn't that something? I will help you solve it."

Wang He looked at him. "Can't you do it?"

"Hey, what is your tone? I can't really hear this. You can't do it." Zhang Yan blinked and took out his mobile phone and gave it to the 14th channel director Yan Tianfei.


The phone is connected.

Yan Tianfei: "Hey? Xiao Zhang, haha, I just saw your news, what happened? I was an associate professor at the Communication University. I will remember the guests after the New Year."

"That must be." Zhang Yidao.

Yan Tianfei asked: "Is there something?"

Zhang Yan said: "I am an old classmate, also a communication university. I recently wanted to find a host's job. Can you help him contact one? The ability is definitely not said, I guarantee."

Yan Tianfei did not hesitate. "It is not difficult to do this. OK, you sent me the information. Let's record the channel without the configuration of the host. I will ask you several other channels of CCTV."

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you, thank you."

Zhang Wei also thought that things should be solved, but the actual situation was beyond his expectations!

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