I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 842: [Zhang Wei is angry (middle)! 】

in the afternoon.

The interview is over.

Some candidates left the school with confidence and could see that there were female candidates who were crying away. Obviously, they did not play well during the trial.

Zhang Wei looked at the watch. The time for today’s end was earlier than yesterday. It was only three o'clock. He found a place where no one was, opened the phone and gave it to Yan Tianfei.

"Yan Zong."

"I just shut down?"

"Yes, just interview, Wang He’s information, have you received it?"

"I received it and asked you."

"how about it?"

"Is your classmate offended?"

"Well, I offended the person in charge of the Beijing TV station in Beijing, what is Guan Yunhai."

Yan Tianfei wondered: "Guan Yunhai? The old customs that have worked with CCTV? I know him, no wonder, no wonder no one hires your classmates. I asked you a few people I know, and I finally pushed them. It seems that when they called Wang He’s previous resume, they also had people from Hebei TV Station who told them not to use this person and said that he had a lot of bad things. It seems that your classmates have offended Guan Yunhai’s sin, how much hatred it is. ?"

Zhang Xiaomei said: "The things inside are more complicated."

Yan Tianfei said: "The old customs are very face-saving in the circle, the qualifications are old, and there are many people who know each other. If he let go, your classmates are really not good."

"Do you have a face?" Zhang said.

Yan Tianfei said: "My face is not as big as him. The friends of the other channels I asked are not willing to offend Guan Yunhai for no reason. I feel that it is not necessary for a new person. After all, Laoguan used to work for CCTV. Everyone knows."

"That's okay, I know Yan."

"I didn't help you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I think about it again."

"Can't let him come to our 14th channel, do the documentary dubbing first?"

"Let's talk about Yan, he is not good at this. It is estimated that he still wants to take the way of the host, so it will be too late, and this must be solved."

Hanged the line.

Su Hongyan also came out of the examination room.

"Xiao Zhang." Su Hongyan asked, "Is there a message?"

Zhang Wei is somewhat annoyed. "I asked the director of my channel to ask, or not. The gangs are not willing to offend Guan Yunhai. They are all pushed away, and Hebei TV station seems to have deliberately released the words. Whoever dares to hire? Wang He is offending him to Guan Yunhai, who is this!"

Su Hongyan's face is also not very good-looking, "so such a vengeful person?"

"What is this vengeance?" Zhang said: "It wasn't Wang He's business! He found his own family, and he ran with the lords. He also blamed Wang He? What the truth is this? ”

Several examiners and teachers passing by are frequently looking at Zhang Wei.

Su Hongyan said without a word: "You are a little bit loud, don't be old, and you are the associate professor's identity. Let's pay attention to the influence."

Zhang Wei only pressed the fire, "Wang He?"

"In my office." Su Hongyan turned around. "Go, go to me first."

Su Hongyan office.

Zhang Wei said the original words of Yan Tianfei and Wang Heyi.

Wang He said: "Oh, don't bother you, my own business is still my own."

"How do you deal with it?" Zhang Wei looked at him.

Wang He is silent.

Zhang Huan’s temper has not been very good, and it is relatively easy to be impulsive. Today, when this matter is done now, he has already made him a little bit mad. If he is offended by Zhang, he is offended by Guan Yunhai, but it is It doesn't matter, he has too many offenders, and he is not bad about this one. It is irrelevant to Zhang Wei. But Wang He is different from him. Wang He doesn't even debut even if he debuts. A new man who is downright. This is a trouble, and I can’t always go up and give it to myself. He has no opinion, but Guan Yunhai will definitely not accept the account. The surname is now recognized by Wang He, and he must be forced out of the circle. This is a more embarrassing seal-killing, allowing you to enter this circle. No chance at all!

At this time, I only listened to Su Hongyan’s speech. “Well, I asked my friend to ask Guan Yunhai’s phone number before, and I will give him one.”

Wang He was busy: "Mr. Su, forget it."

Su Hongyan resolutely said: "I can't count, how can you give such a good seedling to a seal because he shuts down Yunhai? Who does he think he is? Is it unreasonable?"

So far, Su Hongyan has also taken the gas.

Zhang Wei said: "Yes, give him a fight, I have to see what he can draw!"

The phone called.

Dudu, rang five or six, and there was only that.

"Hey?" is the voice of a middle-aged man.

Su Hongyan said: "Hello, is it general?"

"You are?" asked Guan Yunhai.

For the sake of the students, Su Hongyan did not bring any emotions in her tone. She calmly said: "I am a professional teacher of the Communication University, and Wang He is my student."

The phone was silent for a few seconds. "Oh, what?"

Su Hongyan said: "My students have worked in your Taiwan for some time. The children just graduated and are still young. Some things may not be done well. They have added a lot of trouble to your platform. I have already criticized him as a teacher. You see, things have been going on for a year now. Nowadays, the children have matured a lot, and they have a lot of sensible things. It is also a seedling that many of our teachers are more optimistic about, his work..."

Directly interrupted there, Guan Yunhai was impatient: "Wang He? I seem to be a bit impressed, but he has not left his job? You don't have to ask me about his work."

Su Hongyan said: "But your opinion on Wang He is not very good. Several TV stations have not received his files. He..."

Guan Yunhai interrupted Su Hongyan’s words again. “That’s not what we are doing? There is a set of procedures in Taichung. How do people evaluate him? I still manage it?”

Su Hongyan blinked. "You are also a person with a face in the circle. Why is it true to a child? The child is not easy." Suddenly, "Do you want to be like this? You see, do you have time today? I With Wang He in the past, let’s talk about things...”

"You don't have to talk to me about this matter." Guan Yunhai interrupted for the third time: "I have no time recently."


The phone was hung up!

Su Hongyan also coldened her face and said: "Hang up."

Zhang Hao was mad, "Is it really a face?"

Wang Hedao: "Mr. Su, I still want to find a solution for myself. You don't care." Seeing that Su was stunned by his affairs, Wang He was angry and owed a lot.

Su Hongyan said: "I have to manage this matter! Go, Xiao Wang, I will take you to their unit! I must solve this problem today! I still don't believe it!"

Wang He immediately said: "I will go by myself!"

Su Hongyan said: "I will go with you."

"I will go too!" Zhang Wei has already put on his coat.

Su Hongyan looked at him and said, "What are you going to? You go back to your own home."

Zhang Yanyan, "Where can I go, I said Wang He, I will help him, I definitely have to help the end, he is not stinky - cow - forced? Then we will talk to him. !"

Su Hongyan crossed his scorpion. "You give me a break. You are not going to be okay. When you go to work, you have a bigger temper. In the past, it was a mess. You can't talk to others any more." Xiao Wang’s business is completely out of play, and Liang Zi’s knot is even bigger!”

Zhang Yidao said: "I don't understand this yet? Am I so undivided? If it's my own business, I'm on the phone early, I didn't say anything."

"Let's come." Su Hongyan said: "Why should you go."

At the end, Su Hongyan left with Wang He.

Zhang Wei was speechless and walked with his hands in the office for a long time. He still sank and went straight to the parking lot to drive on the car. Since he let him know, he would have to go if he didn't let him go!


After half an hour.

Hebei TV Station Recording Department in Beijing.

I found the location for a long time, finally got the car, and I didn’t get off the bus. After Zhang Hao saw the scene in the hall of the building with the outer glass, the fire came up, and even the car did not stop at the parking space. Directly on the road, a round, thrown at the door of the building!

Inside the hall.

Two people are quarreling together!

A staff member said: "Let you go out!"

Wang He took a security road: "Who made you push people!"

"No one is allowed to enter! Who will let you in!" The security guard stalked his neck and opened his hand.

Another security captain came over with the baton, did not move the stick, but it was very provocative to hit the chest with Wang He. "I tell you that there is no time for the general meeting! You still go inside?"

Wang He said: "Then you push my teacher?"

There are more and more people on the TV station, and they are all employees in Taiwan.

Su Hongyan pulled Wang He hard, "Xiao Wang! You let go, don't fight!"

Wang He doesn't look at the usual peace and harmony, but it is really fierce to meet things. He holds a security road in one hand: "Push me! Push you can't!"

"What are you doing! Let go!" Su Hongyan was afraid of things going on, and quickly pulled him.

Director Chen of the station in Taiwan said with a black face: "Hurry up and let them go out, what are you doing!"

Seven or eight security guards and several self-sufficient TV male staff members surrounded them!

Just at this moment, Zhang Hao came in murderously!

Su Hongyan first saw him. "How come you? Don't you let me come over? Just right! Help me pull Wang He! Don't let him fight!"

Wang He’s anger for a year, he’s coming up today!

However, Su Hongyan never imagined that Zhang Wei had not gone to pull Wang He, but instead he took the sunglasses off and fell to the ground. "Who did you move my teacher!"

The lobby is silent and silent!

Director Chen Yiyi!

Several security guards are stunned!

Other TV station staff are also slightly stunned!

Zhang Wei?

Is Zhang Wei? ?

I am grass! How did this broomstick come! ?

Several security guards were still surrounded by Su Hongyan and Wang He. At this moment, they saw Zhang Wei, and when they heard him, they all subconsciously stepped back!

Zhang Wei looked at a security guard who lived in Wang He and strode up. "You?"

The security guard is sweating, not me!

Zhang Wei looks at another person, "Is it you?"

Another security guard stayed and regressed step by step!

Su Hongyan almost died, these two students, really one is not worrying, especially this Zhang Wei, also said that let you help me pull Wang He, how do you compare with Wang He! She hurryed: "No one has pushed me! Don't give me a trouble! Just my high heels licked myself!"

Zhang Yan coldly said: "Wang He, who?"

Wang He said with a black face: "I didn't see it!"

Su Hongyan said: "I really mix it myself! I didn't say it!"

Zhang Wei does not listen, murderous!

With his martial arts, don't talk about these security guards and a few male employees. It is to count the small white-collar workers who are surrounded by the crowds. Zhang Yan can hit them with his eyes closed, so Zhang Wei went there for a stop, the whole person's momentum was different from others, and the scene was shocked!

The most important thing is that Zhang Wei is also notorious. The deeds of playing the leadership, the deeds of flying Korean stars, and the deeds of several gangsters during the plane hijacking, have added a bit of legend to him. So many security guards saw Zhang Hao and they all stunned. Their arrogance was mostly bluffing, and they were mostly stunned by people. After they met Zhang Wei, they couldn’t get up because they all knew that Zhang Hey, dare to do it! And they really can't beat each other! The key can't be played!

What is the identity of people?

That is an associate professor at Peking University!

That is just the highest award in the domestic mathematics field!

That is the new visiting associate professor at the Communication University!

That is the smell-flow-氓!

how to spell? Can't play! Zhang Wei is not an ordinary star! People can take out an identity and walk in the industry!

They dare to swear with Wang He Su Hongyan! But I dare not scream with Zhang Hao! Everyone knows that a person who can hardly fight for a desperate life, in the absence of a driver, is a sly master who is hard to bring the plane back to the manual driving.

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