I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 844: [Do I see which door is not allowed? 】

The phone was called to Wu Zeqing.

"I have a meeting in the bureau."

"I have to say first in the meeting."

"I have already left the conference room, let me, who is irritating you?"

"Guan Yunhai of Hebei TV Station, do you know?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard it."

"It is the person in charge of the recording station of Hebei TV Station in Beijing, and the level is similar to that of the deputy director."

"I may have seen it when I went to inspect, but I have no impression."

For several deputy directors of CCTV or several deputy directors of Beijing TV Station, Wu Zeqing may not necessarily recognize it, not to mention the fact that a person in Hebei’s recording department in Beijing is equivalent to the deputy director’s treatment, and the treatment is the same. The level is definitely not the level of the deputy director!

Zhang Wei said that Wang He’s affairs were simple with Wu Zeqing.

At the end, Wu Zeqing said faintly: "Just a little thing? OK, I know, are you there? You call the Guan Yunhai, I told him."

Zhang Xiaopi smiled and said: "I can't give it, people don't let us enter the door!"

Lao Wudao: "You have not let in?"

"No, ah, seven or eight security guards are going to bomb us. My teacher almost let them push a head. This is not, I want to sit in the hall for a while, they have to take me away, this is not, people have come over. Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at several security guards who came up with Director Chen.

Wu Zeqing snorted. "Okay, I know, I asked my secretary to look for you."

Zhang Weidao: "Okay."

The phone hangs.

Zhang Wei greeted: "Su teacher, Wang He, come and sit."

Su Hongyan blinked and stepped over and sat down next to him.

Wang He saw it and sat down.

People on the TV station are even more annoyed.

Director Chen yelled at the scorpion: "Wang He, are you really going to make trouble who will not come to Taiwan?"

"You are doing things absolutely!" Since the other party does not give her and Zhang Yi two faces, then Su Hongyan does not give them face!

Zhang Wei said to him: "You **** less talk with us yin and yang! I am going to see who can't get off the stage!"

Liu Secretary has already gone there to call Guan Yunhai.

"Guan Guan."

"Is it handled?"

"Zhang Wei and Wang He are not going!"


"Can't you always do it? They are sitting in the sofa in the lounge area of ​​the lobby. You see, are we alarming or what?"

"Then don't take care of them, what to do! On the TV station, what can they stir up?"

"Good good."

"A little thing is still not handled well, I don't have to report anything to me!"

"Sorry, leadership."

Liu’s secretary hung up the line and said: “Old Chen, leave them alone!”

When Director Chen responded, he greeted the security guards. Several of them were sent to the elevators. Several of them were sent to the safe passages to guard them. They were afraid that Zhang Wei Su Hongyan would sneak upstairs.

The onlookers’ staff glimpsed and gradually dispersed.

There are a few people left in the rest area.

Su Hongyan whispered: "Who did you call?"

"A friend." Zhang Wei did not say anything.

Su Hongyan said: "What do you do now?"

Wang He also said to Zhang Wei: "Let's sit here?"

"Wait." Zhang Wei opened his sleeves and looked at the watch. "This is not far from my friend's unit. It should not take long. It will be easy to wait for her to come." Today is not Zhang Hao. The matter also involved Wang He’s work problems, so Zhang Wei’s work was also subject to change. Otherwise, he had already left his foot, so he had to wait for someone to wait for him. The person who came out!

Su Hongyan is not sure: "Your friend is coming, can you really solve it? I think this TV station is quite big, and who is the face of Guan Yunhai!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If my friend's face is not given, then I really admire him!"

Su Hongyan said: "If he really talks with Guan Yunhai, let your friends talk to him and talk about it. It doesn't matter what the conflict is. It is the first thing to solve the problem of Wang He's work."

Zhang Weidao: "When she comes, let me see."

The result didn't take long. I didn't say much. A woman in her thirties wearing a lady's suit walked in from the outside. She looked pretty, wearing glasses, couldn't say good-looking, but she couldn't talk about ugly, temperament. It is not so prominent, it belongs to the kind of people who are very inconspicuous in the crowd. Then I saw that the woman was looking around in the hall. When she saw Zhang Wei in the rest area, the woman’s eyes were certain, and the footsteps immediately came to this side.

Zhang Hao saw this and got up and greeted him.

"Mr. Zhang, I am coming." Bai Li extended her hand far away.

Zhang Hao did not dare to support the big, but also reached out and took hold with her, "Hello."

"My name is Bai Li."

"White sister."

"Don't be so polite, just call my name."

"You are also welcome, call me Zhang Wei."

The two of them made a few words.

It can be seen that Bai Li attaches great importance to Zhang Wei, and he is very polite. He may still have some doubts in his nephew. It may be that he is not sure what relationship between Secretary Wu and Zhang Wei.

At this time, Wang He and Su Hongyan were not far away. They also looked up and down the person Zhang Yan called. They found that there was nothing special about it. It was too ordinary, just like a small white-collar worker in a small company. And it is also a kind of small white-collar worker who is relatively silent with the office.

Who is this?

Can she do it?

The two of them had doubts in their hearts, but their faces were not made.

Su Hongyan shook hands with her. "Hello, what do you call?"

Bai Li smiled. "My name is Bai Li."

Zhang Wei introduced: "This is my university teacher, Su Hongyan."

"Hello, Teacher Su." Bai Lidao.

Zhang Weidao: "This is Wang He, my classmate."

Bai Li smiled slightly, "Hello."

When he shook hands with Bai Li, Wang He took the initiative to speak. After all, this was because of him. "This time I am in trouble. I had some misunderstandings with the leaders of Hebei TV station. If you know, you can Can't help telling me, I..."

"I have heard about things." Bai Liwen nodded.

Wang He also couldn't touch the other's routine. "So, do you see this?"

Bai Liping said: "Come with me, I will take you up." Take a shot of Wang He's arm.

Wang He turned around and looked at Zhang Wei, cast a questioning look, and then followed Bai Li.

Zhang Wei didn't know how Baili would handle this matter. He followed Su Hongyan in the back and followed Da Dao. In fact, Zhang Wei’s situation of coming over to work was almost the first time. His previous affairs were almost It is all handled by himself.

At the elevator, several security guards look alert!

"Zhang Hao is here!"

“How come you are still here?”


"Hurry! Hurry and inform the leader!"

One of the young security guards immediately called the other colleagues on the intercom.

Many other employees of Hebei TV station who are working in the hall or passing by are also watching it all at once!

The atmosphere at the scene was once again tense!

"who is this?"

"Is there a woman?"

"How come they have to go upstairs?"

Everyone whispered and pointed.

As a result, Bai Li has taken Wang He to the elevator.

Several security guards rushed to the elevator door here, and the official business tone: "First make an appointment at the front desk..."

Who knows, Bai Li suddenly changed into a person, and the tone of the time rose sharply, "Guan Yunhai?"

A look at the security guard.

Bai Li continued: "Where is Zhou Gang? Let him out!"

Everyone is stunned!

Zhou Gang?

This is their second hand!

Calling his name?

The security guard didn't know what to answer, and the face was awkward!

Bai Li loudly said: "They don't come down, are you? Are you hiding? Good! Then I go up and look for them!" Turning back to Wang Hedao: "Brother, go with me! I see who can stop me today!"

During the speech, Baili had pressed the elevator, and the elevator door opened. She pulled the king crane and walked up the elevator.

Su Hongyan is a bit stunned and quick to keep up.

Several security guards have already been shaken by Bai Li's momentum. They didn't dare to stop people. When the reaction came over, the elevators had already gone up. They looked at each other and were busy contacting the leaders while chasing the safe passage.

The staff of other TV stations saw it, and they all went to join in the fun!


Second floor.

The elevator stops and opens the door!

When they came out, Bai Li Wang He met several TV station employees on the head. Many security guards on the other side also ran very fast, catching up from the stairs!

This floor is the staff office area.

"You..." When a few employees just spoke, they were scared by Bai Li’s voice!

Bai Li said with impatience: "Who just didn't let my brother enter the door? Ah? I want to see which door is not letting us in! Is this?" Bai Li went up and pushed open the door of an office. You are welcome, just open the door and enter, there is a person typing in the computer!

The man stayed and didn't understand anything at all.

Bai Li turned and then unscrewed the door of the second office next to it. "Is it still not allowed here?"

All of them are employees who are typing in the office, and they all screamed and looked up!

The security guard is dumbfounded!

Su Hongyan and Wang He are also dumbfounded!

I am grass!

Who is this person?

Bai Li walked around in the office area and went out, and another opened the third door. "Which door does not allow? This?"

The door opened, and the director of a Hebei TV station was talking to the two deputy directors, and they were all stunned!

The door on this floor was pushed away by Baili one by one, and went out in a circle, then went to the next door, and at the end of Bailiyi Lawanghe, "Go, go to the next floor!"

No one dares to stop!

No one dares to say anything!

This is totally unreasonable, it’s just too shocking!

This, this? Too cow - forced it?

Zhang Wei also enjoyed it. Bai Li’s style of work was too much for his appetite. For a time, he couldn’t help but feel good. He just didn’t see it. The other party obviously was with him!

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