I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 845: [How is this grandmother? 】

Third floor.

Lila took Wang He and took the lead!

Wang He sweated hard.

Su Hongyan stunned and said to Zhang Wei: "What way is your friend?"

Zhang Xiao smiled: "Hard road."

Su Hongyan said without words: "Do you know the temper of your kid?"

They also followed the footsteps of Bai Li on the third floor.

At this time, there were more and more onlookers. The directors and hosts in the TV station, the colleagues in the column group, and the security guards who went upstairs, were all shocked by this scene, and they were watching in the distance. Some of the staff members still working were interrupted by Bai Li’s break. They looked back and looked at each other with a wrong look on their faces. The shock was unclear!

After the second floor, Baili once again ran across the third floor!

She opened a door that was closest to her. "Isn't this allowed? I'm going to see what's inside, what can't be seen!"

The door is open!

Three or four employees in the office are jaw-dropping!

Bai Li was so brazenly pulling Wang He into it, and then quickly stepped out, and opened the next door. It was the door of a conference room. The inside is sealed and soundproof. The people in the house are still not there. Hearing the movement outside, this slamming door opened the door to everyone who was in the room and scared a spirit. Before they responded, Baili had already entered the army with Wang He!

She screamed: "Which door is not allowed to enter!?"

No one answered her!

No one dares to answer her!

A door!

Five doors!

Ten doors!

A fan was pushed away by Bai Li!


Fourth floor.

An office.

In a large office area, some employees rushed to report!

"Director Chen! Director Chen!" The man panicked.

Director Chen is dealing with a contract, talking to people, and hearing: "What's wrong? Didn't you see that I am busy? What's the matter for a while?" Today, I have no time to work. Now, the net is dealing with those idle things downstairs.

The man said: "There is something wrong!"

Director Chen is impatient: "What happened?"

That humanity: "Wang He and Zhang Wei came up!"

"What?" Director Chen fired. "Don't you say that they stopped them? How did they come up?"

The man quickly said: "A woman does not know who it is. After coming over, it is particularly horizontal. The generals of Guan and Zhou always call their names. They bring people up, and a room goes in a room! ”

Director Chen angered: "Why don't you stop? Don't know the instructions of Guan General?"

"You can't stop them!" The man said: "And no one dares to stop!"

Sometimes, the momentum of this kind of thing can really scare people, just like they were still pushing with Su Hongyan Wang He, when they want to blast people out, Zhang Hao came in and fell off his sunglasses and screamed, the whole scene It’s all silent, and the same is true of Bai Li’s momentum!

Director Chen said: "How many floors are they?"

"On the third floor!" That humanity.

"Go, take me in the past!" Director Chen immediately called the staff in the office area, and rushed to the underground building. "I will follow me! I will see today what kind of storms Wang Wang can pick up!"


At the end of the fourth floor.

An office.

Guan Yunhai’s secretary took a call.

"Liu secretary!"

"Little song, what?"

"The following is up!"

"what happened again?"

"A woman, with Wang He, they came in! The doors on the second and third floors let them push one by one! The whole TV station is in chaos!"

"what did you say?"

"Let's go see it!"


Three floors.

The onlookers of the TV station staff have more than 50 people!

"What is this?"

"Who is this woman?"

"Leadership? Call the leader!"

Hey, "I have already called it!"

"This is too arrogant! What happened?"

"You don't know? Wang He came back. I used to be the internship host. I heard that it was just under the guise. I had a conflict. Liu and Chen’s supervisors all came down, and they were not allowed to enter the door. Zhang Wei later came. The result, the result is now like this!"

Being so slammed into it, everyone looks bad!


"What is this called!"

"There is no such bully!"

"How no one stopped them!"

"This is being trampled on the head!"

In a piece of criticism, Bai Li still does his own thing, so he leads Wang He across the TV station. Whose face is not given, see the door and push!

At this time, shouts came from the crowd!

"Director Chen is here!"

"Director Chen!"

"Great, the leader is here!"

"Chen Chen, you can come!"

The heart of the heart has arrived, and the momentum of everyone has gradually come up!

After the director of Chen went down the safe passage, he screamed, "Some in our station? Don't look at this place! What are you doing? To rebel?" Take the person up!

Zhang Wei looked back and groaned.

Su Hongyan also noticed.

"What about people? Where?" Director Chen shouted.

A male employee pointed out, "I am in front of Director Chen!"

At this time, Bai Li heard the shouts behind her, turned around and turned back.

After seeing the other party, Director Chen, who was still full of anger, suddenly stunned without warning, and then his footsteps suddenly stopped, and the sweat on his head was visible to the naked eye!

Bai Li looked at him and said: "Who did you call now?"

Director Chen’s sweat is getting more and more!

Bai Lidao: "I am here to scatter wild, what are you doing?"

Director Chen took the cuffs and sweated his head, and the voice suddenly went down. "White, white secretary! You... how come you?"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

What happened to Director Chen?

How did it suddenly disappear?

White secretary?

What white secretary? ?

Wang He stayed!

Su Hongyan also looked wrong!

Everyone does not understand what this is!

Bai Li stared at Director Chen and said to him: "Don't worry about how I came, I will ask you, that is, I am wild in your station! What are you doing?"

Director Chen did not dare to scream, and my heart was crying. I can do what I can!

Suddenly, Guan Yunhai’s secretary also arrived!

Liu’s secretary rushed to the scene with two security guards. Some people had a big TV station. This is a big thing, not to mention being brought upstairs. He is ready to handle the alarm. “Who? Who is? This..." When he hadn’t finished speaking, he saw Bai Li.

For a moment, Liu’s secretary also stayed in place, “White... White Secretary?”

Liu’s secretary was stunned, and when he wanted to swear at his mouth, he was swallowed back by him, then his face was pale and his sweat was coming down!

I rely on!

How is she?

How was this grandmother coming! ?

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