I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 846: [Order from the General Administration! 】

The scene is quiet!

The department leader was frightened!

The chief secretary was frightened!

Naturally, other employees of the TV station are even more afraid to say anything. The two leaders obviously know each other’s woman, and now the fool can see that this woman’s identity is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise she will not make a fuss on the TV station, Director Chen I didn't even dare to speak with Secretary Liu!

Who the **** is it?

What is the origin of this woman?

Bai Li looked at Secretary Liu, "You just yelled at me?"

Secretary Liu hurriedly said: "No, no!"

Bai Li looked at him for a while, "Seeing you are a little familiar."

Secretary Liu sweated and said, "I went to the General Administration for a meeting last month, and Mr. Guan also took me there. When I was in Hebei before, I was also fortunate to meet you."

Secretary Liu is also a secretary.

But his secretary and the other secretary are obviously not the same concept!

And these old employees who have been working in Hebei TV Station for so many years and have access to high-level staff naturally know that this aunt has another identity!

In the crowd, a director from Hebei TV also recognized Bai Li. He didn't say anything. In this situation, he can't rush upwards. That's how far he can hide.

Bai Li, most people may not really know her, even some ordinary hosts and directors or TV stations in the circle don’t necessarily know it. That’s because they are not at that level, but they always contact her in the circle. It is impossible for a person of a higher level to not know Bai Li-this is the secretary of the Director General Wu Zeqing! Most importantly, Bai Li is the niece of their Hebei TV station director, and the daughter of their eldest brother! When Bai Li was in Hebei, she already walked sideways on Hebei TV! Anyone who has worked at the Hebei TV station headquarters for more than ten years should have a deep impression on this aunt!

Bai Li glanced at the two people and didn't say anything to them. She stretched out her hand and pulled Wang He who was also stunned next to her, "Go, go to the next floor!"

Director Chen did not dare to speak.

Secretary Liu courageously cried and said, "Secretary Bai..."

Bai Li ignored it and went straight upstairs!

The TV station is on the fourth floor. This floor is full of offices and meeting rooms of some department leaders. Bai Li doesn't care about this or that, and pushes a door open. "Let me see, which door is not allowed to enter? ?"

Push a fan again, "This?"

Open the third door again, "Or this one?"

Bumped the fourth door, "Is it this?"

Then, I saw Bai Li standing still in the corridor, and after looking around for a few times, she said loudly, "My brother is coming over to do something with you. Teacher Zhang Ye is present today, oh, not even a door. Come in? Don't even give me this little face, Teacher Zhang? What are you bragging about with me?

When everyone heard it, they were reminiscent. At first, the woman called Wang He's "brother" and "brother". It turned out to be just a polite address. In fact, she came for Zhang Ye!

Secretary Liu hurriedly said: "Secretary Bai, no, really not!"

Bai Li stared at him, "You tell me why not?"

Secretary Liu was speechless.

Director Chen answered: "You calm down Secretary Bai, this matter may be a misunderstanding."

Secretary Liu repeatedly said: "Yes, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Bai Li shook her head, "I don't think this is a misunderstanding, what about you President Guan?"

"President Guan..." Director Chen stopped talking.

"We don't know." Secretary Liu said immediately: "I haven't met President Guan today."

Zhang Ye looked at him, "Didn't you say that Guan Yunhai was upstairs before? Didn't you say that you didn't have time to see us? Why are people gone again?"

Secretary Liu: "..."

Bai Li looked at her watch and said to them: "There will be a meeting in the game, I will wait for ten minutes!" With that, she opened the door of an office casually, "Ms. Zhang, Ms. Su, let's sit down for a while. "It feels as casual as being in my own home, but it is indeed almost the same as my own home. Who made her uncle the director? Bai Li can walk sideways at the Hebei TV headquarters, not to mention a branch in Beijing?

Su Hongyan and Wang He hesitated.

Zhang Ye, however, was not welcome. This servant was also a mess, so he went in and sat down openly.

"Teacher Zhang, how many issues of "Tongue" are there?" Bai Li smiled.

Zhang Ye happily said, "It's about ten episodes. It should be finished before the Spring Festival."

Bai Li said: "By the way, we don't have cell phone numbers yet, do we?"

Zhang Ye nodded, "Yes, change one."

Bai Li said: "Come on, this is my number."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, save it."

Bai Li said: "If you have this kind of thing in the future, you can just call me directly."

The two of them chatted to the sky without anyone else.


the other side.

Someone is talking on the phone.

"President Guan! It's not good! Bai Li is here! He took Wang He and Zhang Ye upstairs, and opened the doors of all the office meeting rooms!"

"Bai Li? That Bai Li?"

"It's Mr. Bai's niece!"

"What? Why did she come?"

"She, she seems to be called by Zhang Ye!"

"How did Zhang Ye know her?"

"I don't know. Now they are on the fourth floor. Secretary Bai is calling to see you. Secretary Liu doesn't know what to do. Let me call you quickly. Do you think it is now?"

"Where do you say I am?"

"Secretary Liu said I don't know if you are in the unit."

"Well, that's fine, I know it!"

Guan Yunhai hung up the phone, and his face changed. He never expected that this incident would have shocked Bai Li. The reason why others were shocked by Bai Li was mostly because Bai Li was the niece of the elder Bai, but Guan Yun Hai doesn’t care much about this, because his relationship with Bai Taizi is still okay. It can’t be said that he is particularly close, but he can talk about it. He believes that Bai Taizi will not just because of a few words from his niece. Guan Yunhai's position was moved for no reason, and it was Bai Li's other identity that Guan Yunhai froze!

——She is the great secretary of Director Wu! This is the worst!

Why did Bai Li come?

How close is she to Zhang Ye?

How much energy can she use for Zhang Ye?

Guan Yunhai was not sure about these issues.

Guan Yunhai smoked cigarettes one by one, his mind turned quickly. In the end, he finally made a decision. He pinched the cigarette butt. He didn't decide to show up and pretended to know nothing. Bai Li was willing to make trouble, so he let She just makes trouble, he can't show up anyway!

I won't come out, what can you do?

Can you still make trouble every day?

However, Guan Yunhai did not expect that his choice would kill him!


The fourth floor.

Ten minutes passed.

Everyone was accompanied by Bai Li and others, and everyone looked very worried, especially Director Chen and Secretary Liu, who couldn't escape anyhow, they could only accompany them here.

At this time, Bai Li spoke, "Ten minutes!"

Secretary Liu hurriedly said: "Secretary Bai, Mr. Guan, he..."

"Needless to say, I already understand!" Bai Li's face also sank, and she walked aside with her mobile phone, and made a low call, not knowing who it was calling.

Secretary Liu and Director Chen looked at each other.

"Where is President Guan?"

"I'm not going to come out anymore."

"What should I do?"

"Well, what can I do?"

They communicated in the smallest voice, not daring to speak loudly at all.

However, just a few minutes later, a document suddenly killed everyone by surprise, and even shocked everyone into a cold sweat!

Radio, Film and Television Disciplinary Inspection Notice: The Party Committee and the Disciplinary Committee of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television have received a report that Comrade Guan Yunhai of Hebei TV Station is suspected of personal work style problems and a serious violation of organizational discipline. Now, the Disciplinary Committee of Hebei TV Station is instructed to deal with it seriously in accordance with relevant regulations.

Director Chen is stupid!

Secretary Liu is stupid!

Even Wang He and Su Hongyan are stupid!

Discipline Inspection Commission investigation?

Or is it directly ordered by the General Administration? ?

Su Hongyan and many people didn't even know Bai Li's identity, so when they heard the news, they couldn't react at all!

Who is this woman?

How can there be so much energy? ?



Guan Yunhai, who was hiding somewhere in the station, was also stunned!


how can that be!

The Discipline Inspection Commission of the General Administration of China wants to investigate me? ?

The matter between Guan Yunhai and the lover at the time was almost well known to the TV station branch. After all, it was a big trouble, and someone revealed the news, but he never thought anyone would dare to report him, and even if it was a report, I reported it a year ago, so how come I have to wait until now? Guan Yunhai understood the crux of the problem at once! He knew that he had done one thing wrong and a big thing wrong!

It turns out that Bai Li's relationship with Zhang Ye is closer than he thought!

It turns out that Bai Li didn't rely on his uncle's name to be confident this time!

She is working for the General Administration!

She is working for Director Wu!

Guan Yunhai's face was pale, and his feet were a bit soft. He completely miscalculated Bai Li's identity today. He thought it would be fine if he hid it for a while. He thought that Bai Li would help her friends to spit her anger, but things were not like that. Simple, Bai Li came today as Secretary Wu's secretary! !


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