I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 848: [Zhang Wei’s speech in the middle of the biography! 】

the next day.

There are rumors on the Internet.

The meager explosion of the trumpet 05: "Zhang Wei loudly Hebei TV."

—— Someone broke the news that Zhang Wei had a big trouble with Hebei TV station’s Beijing recording agency yesterday, which caused the other party’s work unit to be in chaos, and many people were in conflict. A leader was investigated and the specific reasons for the incident were not known. He called Hebei TV Station. The friend, the other party is also stunned.

This news did not cause much concern.

First of all, compared with Zhang Jing’s previous movements, this is really a trivial matter, and it’s not a big deal. Why not have a documentary that swept the national ratings market to shock people. Second, The news is not certain. At most, it is a gossip. Even the formal news media has no relevant news, and it is a meager trumpet, so the authenticity will be greatly reduced.

However, there are still some people who are concerned.

"Mr. Zhang is doing something again?"

"I don't know if it's true or not."

"It should be true, this kind of thing, Zhang Hao is doing this!"

"I guess it is who got him again, Zhang Weis still don't know? He has his rules in doing things, and it is impossible to go to the TV station for no reason!"

"I also believe in Teacher Zhang's character, I like him too much!"

"Don't make a noise upstairs, is there a product for Zhang Wei?"

Suddenly, several industry insiders have spoken out!

I don't know what happened. A retired old host in the industry suddenly stood up. "Now the young people are getting no bottom line. Can Zhang Yan be a group of people to be sought after? Can also be helped by a bunch of people? Brain-defective powder is called 'artist'? When is the artist so cheap? When is the award of the Golden Microphone so casual? Can such a person win the highest prize of the host? Can you get the highest academic award? Can take two TV shows. Prize? What a joke! Is the current selection a house? Are the people now fools?"

Some netizens are not doing it.

"Grass, how to say it!"

"Who is brain-dead?"

"You are an artist when you are co-authored? What works can you come up with?"

"I have seen the programs hosted by you, that is, some of your own self-entertainment and self-satisfaction, whoever looks!"

"You think that a good person is an artist. You can't be a person you don't like? Then I want to ask you, what is the truth? Why do you control the joys and sorrows of ordinary people? My mother likes Zhang Hao! His mother thinks that Zhang Wei is an artist! You killed me?"

The old host got a head and many people came out!

The cross-talk performance artist Tang Dazhang whispered, "Zhang Wei, this kind of person, I will never admit that he is an artist, too vulgar, too unruly!"

The humanity of a TV station: "I have long wanted to say this, that is, some people are chasing him. I think he is good. Others ask the insiders, who would admit that he is an artist? He will fool the people and really measure one. The criteria for the artist's passing or not are determined by the insiders. Only the peers know whether a person is eligible to be assessed as an artist. How can a layman understand?"

The attack on Zhang Wei appeared in twos and threes!



Zhang Wei also saw these remarks, but he didn't even bother to deal with it. Because he was used to this kind of thing, every day, if there were not a few peers to marry him, Zhang Hao was not used to it. He had eaten too early and put on a body. Down jacket, first sent to Chenchen to go to school, and then went to the Communication University.

in school.

Just after, Su Hongyan found him.

"Xiao Zhang."

"Hey, Teacher Su."

"A while there is a broadcast to host a professional class. You have just been hired by the school. You must have revealed one side. The college has just discussed it. Don’t let you wait until next year. Let’s make a debut today, say hello to everyone. Is it official to see a face, no problem?"

"I'm OK."

"That's it."

"What time?"

"Nine o'clock, give you ten minutes to speak."

"Get it."

The teacher next to Xue heard it and smiled and walked up. "Professor Zhang gave a lecture for the first time, then I have to listen."

Su Hongyan smiled and said: "If you have time, go with it, and you can count it for Xiao Zhang."

A female teacher said: "Oh."

A professor also said: "That counts me."

There is also a professional teacher of broadcasting: "I heard that Teacher Zhang’s class at Peking University has never been absent from class, and even every time there is no one in the classroom, there are other students who come to the classroom to attend classes. Zhang The teaching level of the teacher is also evident, and I am really looking forward to it."

Zhang Wei is busy and modest: "It is to meet the students, you can not hold me."


Soon, the news is flying!

"Mr. Zhang is going to give lectures today!"

"In the classroom, can't you go?"

"That must go! I am his brain powder!"

"I am going too! The opportunity is too rare!"

"You still talk about it? Go to the lecture hall to take a seat. It is estimated that there is no place yet. The directors of the TV department and the performance department are also coming!"

"Ah? Let's go!"

The students heard the news, there are big ones, and juniors!

Media school.

Step 1 classroom.

When Zhang Wei and Su Hongyan Xue and other people came over, they were all shocked. The scenes in the eyes were so lively. I don’t know how many people crowded in the classroom door to line up and rush!

"Don't squeeze!"

"I have no place in the grass?"

"The classmates of the performance department! Come and join in the fun!"

"Mr. Zhang also made a movie. Can we learn and learn?"

"Wow! Zhang Hao is here!"

"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"Look and see!"

"Hey, I finally saw the real person!"


Some female voices even screamed!

For a second-line star, it is not surprising that there is such a big charm.

Many teachers looked at it and said that they still said something like this. They must not be able to talk about it. So they rushed to maintain order. After ten minutes, they managed to control the situation and arranged everyone into it. In the classroom. At the moment, let alone the empty seats, the hallways and aisles of the classroom are almost full of people.

Su Hongyan and Xue teacher, who had a few professional broadcasters, did not bother to grab the position with the students and simply stood near the door.

The leadership of the Central School’s leadership came.

The dean of the Broadcasting Hosting Academy arrived.

At the end, a vice president of Zhongchuan also smiled in.

Obviously, the first time after Zhang Wei’s appointment, he had a serious meeting with the students. The school’s most important reason for inviting Zhang Wei to join is to take a look at Zhang’s personal ability and appeal. The staff also came over with the camera.

At this time, Su Hongyan came to power and held the microphone: "The students are quiet. Now, please ask Associate Professor Zhang Weizhang."

Zhang Wei walked onto the rostrum and took the microphone. "Thank you, Teacher Su."

Su Hongyan smiled and went down. Although it was a temporary notice to let Zhang Wei speak today, she never worried that Zhang Wei would not speak well.

Qing dynasty, Zhang Xiao smiled: "Classmates are good."

The following sounds of applause.

Zhang Wei said: "I am very honored to stand here today. I am even more honored to be here as a teacher of a Communication University. Everyone knows that a few years ago, I was a member of the Communication University, so I came to work. To be precise, it should be back. It should be home. Even in the two years of my work, I never thought that I left here. This is my home. I can’t live without it forever."

The students applauded again!

Some teachers and school leaders such as Su Hongyan heard the words and clap their hands.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Today is to come over and formally meet with you. I don’t think it will be so grand. I am quite flattered. I guess everyone knows. Today, I will be the teacher of the Broadcasting Institute. You called me Teacher Zhang, and told me that Zhang Wei is also OK. I can also ask my seniors. If you are a family, we don’t have to say two things. I don’t have so many rules.”


A mischievous freshman shouted: "Do you call Lao Zhanghang?"

Zhang Yule said: "Oh."

Everyone laughs.

Zhang Wei looked at the watch and said: "There are still six or seven minutes left, and I should say what I said. Otherwise, I will ask questions when I have time left. What do you want to ask about art or curriculum? Questions can be asked, anyway, today is to meet each other, we are all free."

As soon as I heard this, dozens of people raised their hands when they boarded the time. Some even stood up and raised their hands and jumped!

Zhang Wei just clicked on one of the highest jumps. "This classmate, the left side of the tenth row, yes, it is you."

The man was excited: "Hello, hello, I want to ask, what course do you teach us in the future? Is it every day? Is there any problem you can find at any time?"

Zhang Xiao smiled: "The course is definitely related to the broadcast host. Every day, it is estimated to be overhanging. However, if there is a chance, I will leave my email. If you have any questions, you can send me an email. If you have time, I will one by one. Reply."

There are countless people raising their hands below.

Zhang Hao ordered another one, "This one."

The junior student got up and said: "Professor Zhang, I am a student of the director department. Do you only teach the broadcast host? Is there a course for the director? We almost all read "Good Voice" and "Tip Tip". I especially want to learn from you. I don’t know if I have this opportunity in the future?"

Zhang Wei looked at the stage. "This, I have to look at the meaning of the school leader. I have not received any notice in this regard, but if there is an opportunity, I am willing to give you a talk."

One question followed by one.

The atmosphere is very good and the time is almost the same.

Zhang Yan said: "The last question, let me see, um, this classmate."

Pointed to a girl.

The female voice pushed the glasses and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, I just saw meager this morning. There are several very experienced professionals in the industry who are jealous of you, saying that you are not qualified to be an artist, saying that you are away from the artist. The road is still very far, so I especially want to know, what is the artist? If you are not an artist like this, what is it? What should we do in the future? Go? What if I have never been recognized by the industry?"

Zhang Wei, "This problem is quite big."

Everyone erected their ears and listened carefully. They also wanted to know how Zhang Wei would answer this sensitive question.

After thinking about it, Zhang Wei suddenly remembered a sentence from his world Guo Degang. He smiled and said: "Then I tell you in the simplest way. In fact, what is an artist? Whoever lives long is an artist! One hundred peers are facing you, you are killing the ninety-nine, you are the artist! When you are on the Ching Ming Festival, you can still sing a singer on the grave!"

Zhang Wei’s explanation for the artist, the hundreds of students underneath are stupid!

Against the street?

Who lives long?

Kill the ninety-nine?

Qingming Festival Station grave?

Singing and sipping it? ?

"Hey!" Some students laughed and sprayed!

Then there is the second, third, tenth!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Yu Zhang teacher is too bad!"

A teacher almost fainted to the ground!

Su Hongyan slaps the brain!

Teacher Xue: "..."

Leader of the Central Education Office: "..."

Vice President Zhong Chuan: "..."

This is a very domineering, but it is too wicked!

I just said that it is quite serious, how can your mother show his nature in three sentences!

Many of the teachers and school leaders of the Communication University heard a little bit of laughter. They suddenly worried about it. They invited such a goods to be a teacher. Will they really not have an accident? ?

How many people have to offend them! !

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