I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 849: [Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala? 】

On the same day, Zhang Ye's lecture at Communication University was exposed.

The official website of the Communication University also released this video, which is a means of publicity to the school. Especially during the art exam, Zhang Ye’s joining was a great help for them, but of course, the last question Zhang Ye answered. However, it was deleted by the people in the school's propaganda office. It must not be made public. But with so many students and teachers present, there will always be a few who take cellphone video recordings. This is definitely not hidden.

Text version.

Full version of the video.

Graphic introduction version.

They all spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain!

"Then let me tell you in the simplest way. Actually, what is an artist? Whoever lives long is an artist! A hundred colleagues scolded you, and you killed all the ninety-nine. You are an artist! When the Ching Ming Festival, you can still stand on the grave and sing for them!"

Clicks on related videos have surged!

A lot of netizens are laughing forward and backward!

"It's really a cross talk!"

"Yeah, Zhang Ye's mouth is really **** bad!"

"What about the oil? Whoops teased me to death!"

"This curse has become a realm!"

"Such a classic line can only be said by Zhang Ye!"

"This explanation for the artist is absolutely incredible!"

"Hahahaha! I like Zhang Ye's violent temper!"

As soon as a group of old and experienced colleagues formed a group to besiege Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye gave such a reply, saying that he would never be qualified as an artist? But they are young, and they must have lived longer than you. When you are all dead and paralyzed, no one will scold Zhang Ye. Isn't they an artist? Who else would question him? When the time comes, people will stand on your grave, isn't that what they want to sing?

Bullying the old and not the young!

Zhang Ye perfectly introduced this old saying in the most wicked way!

In the eyes of Zhang Ye himself and many of his fans, this is Zhang Ye's legitimate defense and a reasonable counterattack from him, but in the eyes of those who scold him, this is undoubtedly a provocation and disrespect for the elders!

Immediately, a wave of curse wars began!

All of a sudden, voices condemning Zhang Ye in the industry came and went!

"Shameless! Shameless!"

"Withdraw his Golden Microphone Award!"

"Too disrespectful to the seniors!"


Blink of an eye.

New Year's Day is here.

The new year started with a curse on Zhang Ye, but on this day, Zhang Ye advanced one more place in the ranking of second-tier artists on the national star rating list!

The ranking is high again!

Several top awards, the continuous hot airing of "Tip of the Tongue", and Zhang Ye's acceptance speech and speeches all boosted his popularity to a higher level. Now it is a major promotion period for Zhang Ye's popularity. This kind of continuous information bombing on programs, TV, news, and the Internet obviously has a superimposed effect on the increase in popularity. At this moment, no one or any curse cannot resist Zhang Ye's continuous popularity. As he climbed up, Zhang Ye just lay down at home without doing anything, and his popularity increased every day!

Starting in the morning, Zhang Ye was answering the phone.

A former colleague:

"Mr. Zhang, Happy New Year's Day."

"Thank you."

"I haven't seen it for a long time, I'll see you for dinner someday."

"Go, call, and you can eat outside at home."

Then there is Haqiqi:

"Director Zhang, happy new year."

"Happy new year sister Ha."

"What are you up to?"

"Hey, staying at home, I haven't done anything for these two days. I've been cursing people online."

"Still fighting? Didn't that happen the other day?"

"They always scold me. I'm idle with my family. Why do I go there? Scolding, just to exercise my tongue, for a better job this year."

"Khan, I have served you, you are really a fighter."

"Huh? Do I have one?"

"Yes, you feel refreshed when you scold someone."

Then came the call from his other deputy director Zhang Zuo:

"Director Zhang, Happy New Year's Day, Happy Family."

"Have fun, what about you? How about preparing meals with your family?"

"Where, my unit works."

"Huh? Didn't I apply for a holiday for everyone? And today, January 1st, why didn't I work overtime anymore?"

"The CCTV Spring Festival Gala has insufficient staff. Many departments have transferred people to help. Lao Ha is supposed to go there. I think Lao Ha is in general health recently. I took the initiative to help her. There is still more than a month. The dress rehearsal has started, all kinds of things, busy now."

"Who directed this year?"

"The chief director is Xiao Hu, the director of last year."

"What about Xu Yipeng of CCTV? Didn't he say that he hopes very much?"

"He is still an assistant director. Didn't you know that there is no play with him? Recently, the ratings of "Dancing Dancing" have dropped below 1%, and the word-of-mouth has been declining. It turns out that even if CCTV praises him again, he will not have you That strength, um, Chen Ye is still the host of the Spring Festival Gala this time. The hosts are all the old people from the previous two sessions. There is nothing new. Then the director of language programs has changed. Maybe I want to change my routine. I heard When the director of the language program first came over, he asked if he could ask you and Mr. Yao Jiancai for a cross talk, but when the idea was first proposed, it was rejected by the above, and the rumors said Yao Jiancai. Yes, but you must not be allowed to show live programs, huh, no wonder the Spring Festival Gala is not as good as a year, let them continue this way, no one will watch it sooner or later!"

After listening to Zhang Zuoxu for a long time, Zhang Ye also learned some about the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year. In fact, he knew that he must have missed the Spring Festival Gala this year, so he took CCTV to court, and he was like this. , What else is going on? He had prepared for this a long time ago, so he didn't care much about the situation on the Spring Festival Gala. Now I heard from Zhang Zuoyi that this year's Spring Festival Gala was really lively.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye also made a few calls.

For example, to Hu Fei.

For example, to Yan Tianfei.

Both the old leader and the current leader had to call for a year.

In the morning, relatives all came one after another.

Zhang Ye went out to welcome him, "Yo, the first uncle, the first aunt, the second uncle, the third uncle, and the third aunt."

The uncle smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, hey, he looks handsome again!"

Zhang Ye happily said, "It's okay."

"Brother!" The eldest sister, the second sister and the third sister, also entered the house. They all rented a car together, and supported grandma and grandpa in the back.

Zhang Ye beckoned, "Are all here?" Then he hurried up, "Grandma, grandpa."

There is just such a boy in the younger generation in the family, and now he has become a well-known big star. Grandma likes Zhang Ye when she sees him, "Hey, Xiao Ye, come here, let grandma take a look!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Just watch."

Grandma took Zhang Ye and kept talking without letting go.

My mother said: "I said you should go to your side, why are you going all the way here? How troublesome?"

Grandpa laughed and said: "That's not okay, no one at home knows that we have a big star now, everyone knows that Xiao Ye is, neighbors, friends, if you want to know that Xiao Ye used to come to the house to see? Come over, how else do we eat? It’s better to come to your house."

The third sister came in and looked for someone, "Where is Chenchen? Where is Chenchen?"

Zhang Ye pointed to the bedroom, "Playing games in the room."

The third sister exclaimed excitedly: "Chenchen, Auntie is here, come out and call for someone." She also claimed to be auntie, but that's right, she and Zhang Ye belong to the same generation.

"Hehe." Chenchen's sneer came out before the door opened.

The third sister took the second sister and ran into the bedroom to look for Chenchen to play, and the bedroom suddenly started chirping.

The eldest sister is relatively mature among the juniors. She came over and smiled in front of Zhang Ye, "Brother, I saw you scolding someone on the Internet again these days."

Zhang Ye said with a smile, "Have you cheered for brother?"

The elder sister smiled, "That's for sure, I also went up to scold you for you."

"Interesting!" Zhang Ye said with satisfaction.

The aunt smiled and said, "Dandan hasn't learned anything else now, but he has learned a bit of curse skills from you."

"How can I not swear?" Zhang Ye said without being ashamed: "Humans, you must have a skill, learn well, and you won't be bullied when you leave the society."

My mother curled her lips and said, "Okay, you, don't teach me."

Grandma glared at her daughter, "How do you call it a blind teacher? My grandson is right, that's right!"

Mom: "..."

Everyone laughed.

At lunch, everyone talked about the Spring Festival Gala.

The second uncle asked, "Xiao Ye, are you in the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Of course not. The host had already been scheduled and the program had been selected early. If nothing happened to me, they wouldn't be able to invite me."

Third aunt asked, "Where are the other stations?"

"Other stations?" Zhang Ye was startled, "Then I don't know."

The third aunt said: "You have a big controversy, and you have told CCTV. In addition to the stricter review there, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala will definitely not be available, but what about the Spring Festival Gala on other channels? With your popularity, you must be eligible to participate. The ratings of the Spring Festival Gala on the powerful provincial satellite TV channel are also high, at least twice as high as your "Bite of the Tongue". No TV program can match the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala!"

Zhang Ye said, "The ratings of the local Spring Festival Gala are high, but you don’t necessarily invite me. You see my popularity is good, and I can get my work, but my reputation is not good. Now local channels are also broadcasting live. , You can see what they say is joyful, in fact, few really dare to invite me, and I am now a member of CCTV."

While talking, the call came suddenly.

It was Dong Shanshan who called, "How about eating?"

Zhang Ye got up and walked to the bedroom, "Yes, I'm eating."

"Ask you something." Dong Shanshan smiled: "Is there a schedule for the Spring Festival?"

Zhang Ye was taken aback, "Spring Festival? I have a holiday for the Spring Festival."

Dong Shanshan snapped his finger, "Just stay idle. Your contract with CCTV is just an appointment with a host, right? You can't appear on other TV stations as a host, a show director, or planner, but that doesn't mean you can't appear in another capacity. , Like...Crosstalker?"

Zhang Ye said, "What are you doing?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Beijing Satellite TV has just decided. I would like to invite you and Teacher Yao Jiancai to join us for this year’s Spring Festival Gala. Let me come over to check your style first. I also want to see the specific contract you signed with CCTV. Can there be any opportunities, are you interested?"

Zhang Ye blinked, "Who made it?"

"It's set above."

"Are you sure? Dare to let me live?"

"OK, the director personally made the board!"

Director of Beijing TV Station?

That kind-looking old lady?

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