I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 851: [Drinking! 】


The meal is done well and several people have already drunk.

“Ying Yi cooking is good!”

"Generally, try it."

"Come, I suggest we have a drink first."

"Yes, it’s rare for the classmates to get together once, the first cup must be killed, not left!"

"You guys drink white, our lesbians drink red."

"Well, cheers."


"I will always gather in the future, I miss you too!"

After eating the dish, Ma Xufei said: "I want to be a talented person in the class. In the school, one can be tossed. When He Kui was a sophomore, he entered the student union. Yu Yingyi was talented at the beginning of the freshman year. In a piece of school, every year the school New Year party will have her a program selected, as well as Wang He and Dong Shanshan, but also the schoolmaster in the school, the results are always the first and second, not yet in the senior year It was given by the TV station. Zhang Wei is a legend in the school. He usually looks at a special low-key and does not communicate with others. At the crucial moment, he is the master who dares to make a table with the teacher. I was criticized by the school, and finally I graduated from school. It is a miracle for me to get a graduation certificate.

Zhang Wei does not like to hear: "I have what you said so embarrassing?"

"There is nothing more than that." Ma Xufei laughed.

He Kuile said: "I didn't even think about killing. After I finished my career, it turned out to be the best of Zhang Wei. I thought it would be hard to find a job."

Zhang Hao was crying and laughing. "It was very hard at the beginning."

Ma Xufei said: "Then you are also mixed up."

Wang He said: "Our students of that session should be Zhang Wei going the farthest?"

Yu Yingyi said: "Don't say that one of our sessions, the first three graduates of the Communication University are counted. Today, Zhang Wei is also the first person. Didn't see anyone returning to the alma mater to work as an associate professor."

Zhang Hao shook his head. "I just started earlier than others. I want to go up later. If there is not much change, I will go to the top position of the second-line artist. It is estimated that it will be over. I can't compare you with this appearance. This group of people is too restrictive."

He Kuidao: "The second line is top, it is already high enough."

Dong Shanshan asked: "I have been in contact with Zhang Wei in the past two years. What are you doing now?"

Yu Yingyi suddenly smiled, rubbing his eyes and glanced at Zhang Wei. "I am, I have to be a colleague with Zhang Wei in a few days."

"Ah?" Zhang Yiyi.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Would you like to go to CCTV?"

Everyone looks at Yu Yingyi.

Yu Yingyi smiled slightly: "Well, I used to work on a video site, do sports, host the main game, basketball, NBA, CBA, I have broadcast, I have participated in several explanations of football. It’s a bit fame with the industry. I think the accumulation is almost the same. I tried to contact CCTV Sports. The interview last month was quite smooth. I will wait for the contract with the website next week. In the period, you can go to CCTV to report, and later you will have to look at the CCTV 5 sets, maybe there will be my explanation."

Zhang Weidao: "That is good."

Ma Xufei also quickly congratulated, "Good thing!"

"CCTV sports is a good place." Wang He also laughed.

Yu Yingyi shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "I have a good and bad job. The advantage is that the competition is not big. Because I am a female commentary, the sports industry's commentary industry, women are too few, and they can count their fingers. Come over, the national rankings are so few, so it is not difficult to find a job. There are basically people who want to go there, but the drawbacks are also great. Women are inherently limited in competitive sports. I am not a professional athlete, so I have to work harder and harder to understand the professional things. You don’t know how many games I have to watch every day, the name of each player, the name of the coach, the rules, I can't make a mistake. I just have to say the wrong word. The next day someone will tell me online: 'Look, the female commentary is not good, I don't understand sports at all, so I have a lot of pressure, just with Zhang Wei. Say the same, I think it is quite difficult to go further."

Wang He looked at her. "How did you choose this industry?"

"Because I like it." Yu Yingyi spread her hand.

Shanshan smiled and said: "When Yingyi University loves to watch the ball, every day with a group of boys drinking beer and staying up late to watch the game. After she graduated to do sports commentary, I am not surprised."

Yu Yingyi said: "I also want to be the host of the show like you, but your competition is too big, I am not as beautiful as Shanshan, or forget it." Said, pick up the glass against Zhang Wei: " Come, I will have a cup of respect alone, and I will contact you later."

"Get it right." Zhang Wei and her clink, and drink it.

Dong Shanshan stepped on the road: "Ying Yi, I suggest that you still contact him in the unit. There are almost no people in the CCTV who have not been offended by Zhang Wei. Be careful to give you a seat."

Yu Yingyi also joked: "Well, then I pretend not to know him."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Everyone laughed!

The meal was eaten at four o'clock in the afternoon, and the dinner was eaten together. Finally, the dishes were not enough. Yu Yingyi and Dong Shanshan went to work three or four dishes, and one meal was eaten.

Wang He drank a little more, and said with a big tongue: "Drink again, don't get drunk today!"

"Yes, I can't live here." Dong Shanshan also drank a lot of red wine, his face was very rosy. "There are many rooms in the house, just stay, you don't have to find a driver to drive."

Yu Yingyi suggested: "How many sings do you go?"

Zhang Wei has no words. "I am free."

Dong Shanshan screamed, "My family can sing, karaoke, TV has this function!"

He Kui and Ma Xufei also said: "Sing!"

Zhang Wei volunteered, "I will come first!"

Sing and drink, this time I changed to drink beer!


Nine p.m.

The people in the villa are already a bit sloppy.

Wang He had already drunk high. He had already sipped in the toilet. He Kui was a little better. He took a sneak peek at Wang He and gave him a back. After seeing Wang He spit something too disgusting, He Kui could not bear it. Lived, a **** squeezed Wang He, who had already spit out, and he spit on it.

Ma Xufei also sang with a microphone. Instead of singing, it is better to say howling.

Zhang Wei also stood unsteadily. "Singing tired and singing is tired."

Dong Shanshan said with a big drink: "I have lived here today!"

"Well, you can't walk me if you let me go." Yu Yingyi is all beer bottles in front of her, and she can't wait to drink more than a few male compatriots. It is also high.

Dong Shanshan assigned a room: "Do you live upstairs, He Kui Wang... Crane?"

Yu Yingyi said: "The toilet spits."

"Let them both have a house." Dong Shanshan said: "Zhang Yu and Ma Xufei one...house, Ying Yi, the two sleep together, my bed is big, and I can sleep down and lie down."

Ma Xufei said: "Sing a little longer!"

Yu Yingyi grabbed the microphone. "Okay, I will sing with you."

Zhang Wei couldn't stand it. He tried to drink alcohol and grabbed Dong Shanshan. "I can't drink too much. I have to sleep. Is there a place to take a bath? I will take a shower first."

"Upstairs." Dong Shanshan’s mouth is not clear: "The upstairs guard... There is a bathroom in the living room, and there is no such thing downstairs."

"Okay, let's play." Zhang Yan went upstairs step by step.

Dong Shanshan said in the back: "After washing, I will go to bed early, and tomorrow's Beijing TV will have a rehearsal for the Spring Festival Evening."



"Yes, I know."



Zhang Xiaogang got off his clothes and Yao Jiancai’s phone came.

“Tomorrow rehearsal?” Yao Jiancai said: “Do you have the right words?”

Zhang Weidao: "Ah? Now?"

Yao Jiancai said: "Isn't that a gun?"

Zhang Weidao: "I am not ready to say anything, drink a little."

"There is more inspiration for the sake of wine." Yao Jiancai said with a smile: "Why do you have to get a frame for tomorrow's work? Otherwise, nothing will be prepared when rehearsing, it seems that the trick is too unprofessional, isn't it?"

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "Okay, then I think about it."

After chatting for more than ten minutes, I didn’t even talk about anything. Zhang Wei’s head is too dizzy now. Sometimes he doesn’t know what he is saying. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei took a bath in the bathtub, put on the bath, squinted, and was very comfortable.

Outside, Ma Xufei’s voice disappeared early.

Zhang Wei also staggered from the bathtub, rubbed his hair and body, and went out wearing a pair of pants, but when he opened the door, it was dark, and he vaguely remembered that when he first entered the house, he turned on the light, so I didn't think much about it. His eyelids couldn't be opened. The tiny moonlight that came in through the window turned in his eyes. He slowly moved to the bed and opened the quilt. I just got into it.

The bed is very soft.

The bed is also very warm!

Is there a self-powered tweezers function?

Zhang Hao’s head almost fell asleep with his pillow. After a while, he always felt that he was a little crowded in the nest. He seemed to have something on both sides. He turned his mouth and turned to the left. A burst of fragrance floated into the nose, as if there were individuals.

One shoulder groaned, "Don't make trouble."

Zhang Wei heard the words, and turned upside down on the other side impatiently. The legs went up and found a position that he thought was the most comfortable. He was lying in a faint fragrance, and the taste on the left side was not Too much, the wine in this fragrance is more heavy.

As a result, the sound is also heard here.

"Don't push me, can't drink it... I can't drink it... I'm looking for... Others drink it!" The voice has been lingering, and it hasn't stopped for a long time.

At the end, Zhang Wei was annoyed by the snoring of his ear, and turned up angrily, or slept to the left.

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