I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 852: [Shinran! ]


It’s a big day, I don’t know what time it is. I don't know if the bed is still on the table, there is a cell phone ringing, and I don't know how many times it has been ringing.

Bell bell.

Bell bell.

Suddenly, a female voice with a sleepy voice spoke vaguely.

"Who is the mobile phone?"

"Fir Shan, Shanshan."

"Your cell phone is ringing."

Over there, another female voice screamed back. "Not my ringtone, your phone, press it quickly, call, I will sleep again."

"Not mys."

"Who is that?"

"You pressed it first."

"Where is the phone?"

The two are talking.

On the bed, another voice sounded. "Well? It seems to be my mobile phone. Who is calling in the morning?" Zhang Wei opened the quilt on his face and muttered impatiently.

Dong Shanshan, next to him, said: "Hurry up, sleep!"

"Know it." Zhang Yi subconsciously returned the sentence.

Then suddenly the whole room was quiet!

On the other side, Yu Yingyi was awake at all, and she looked up from the bed with a slanted waist. She looked at Zhang Wei, who was sleeping in a bed with her and Dong Shanshan.

Dong Shanshan also returned to the smell at this moment. Looking at Zhang Wei, she blinked and then looked at him with confirmation.

"Zhang Wei?"

"Zhang Wei!?"

Zhang Wei was the last one to react. He was shocked to see Dong Shanshan on the left and Yu Yingyi on the right. He was the most scared of the monks. He almost fell from the bed and panicked: " Oh my mom, how do you both sleep on my bed?"

Yu Yingyi fainted, "That is what I have to ask!"

Dong Shanshan looked at Zhang Wei and said: "This is my bed!"

"Don't you let me sleep in this house?" Zhang Yan said.

Dong Shanshan is speechless. "Who told you to sleep in this house? I am sleeping in my room with Ying Yi. I arranged that you would sleep in a house with Ma Xufei. You are not leaving, have you taken a shower?"

Zhang Yili sighed and said: "Yeah, I took a bath and I fell asleep after bathing. Where do I know which house I am with Ma Xufei? I thought this is it."

Dong Shanshan caressed the forehead. "You can't feel the two big people in the nest? Are you really drilling?"

Zhang Wei said: "Can I drill the bed and you didn't remind me?"

Dong Shanshan said: "I have had so much drink with Ying Yi. I know that I have personally come in later."

"I have also drunk too much. I don't know anyone in the bed." Zhang said: "I will fall asleep when I fall down!"

Yu Yingyi took a slap in the face with awkwardness. "You can do it, I am serving you." Then he said to Dong Shanshan: "Fir Shan, don't be stinky with him, hurry to wear clothes." !"

They don't have much clothes.

Well, Zhang Wei has less clothes.

Yu Yingyi said this, Zhang Yucai felt embarrassed, couldn't help but glance at her both, and her heart jumped wildly, and it was impolite to look at the direction of the end of the bed. There are also many people at the end of the bed who are not so good. Look at things, such as a pantyhose that I don’t know where to throw it, and a piece of red and purple underwear, some on the quilt, some on the floor, and one hanging at the end of the bed, clothes The other half was wrapped in the quilt at the foot of Zhang Wei, and it felt like he was touching his toes.

Quickly close the foot, Zhang Hao also sat up and wanted to wear clothes quickly. "What about my clothes?"

As a result, Dong Shanshan gave him back. "You drill first, we wear it first."

Yu Yingyi has already put her clothes on her body, but Zhang Hao is squatting beside her. She is not good to stand there and wear it with a sway, holding a quilt in one hand and putting clothes on her body.

Zhang Jian saw it and simply put the quilt on his head. "You wear it."

I thought that the bed was definitely dark, and he couldn't see anything. It was also a meaning for Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi - let them wear it with confidence. Then I was covered with a quilt to know that there was still light everywhere. Dong Shanshan sat on the side of the bed. Yu Yingyi sat half-bent at the other end, and also slid the quilt. It is, and it seems to be more elaborate.

Yes, still close your eyes.

Zhang Wei is quite conscious this time.

Think about it, yesterday was a coincidence. Zhang Wei was confused and Yao Jiancai had a half-day phone call. Later, he took a shower. Dong Shanshan was estimated to be drunk. He didn’t find anyone in the bathroom. After sleeping in bed, Zhang Yi did not have a brain after he came out. He opened the quilt and drilled inside. At that time, he was thought to be an electric scorpion.

Oh, it’s all about fate.

In the ear, I heard that the two women are arranging him.

Yu Yingyi: "This kid is really bad."

Dong Shanshan: "I think he is deliberate."

Yu Yingyi: "Hey, I see too."

Zhang Hao can't listen, "Two ladies, don't you do this?"

Suddenly, the footsteps sounded outside, and the closer they went, the more they knocked at the door.


"Fir Shan? Ying Yi?" is the voice of Ma Xufei.

Wang He also spoke. "Well, are you two?"

Yu Yingyi stunned and said to the door: "Just wake up, what happened?"

Wang He separated the doorway: "There is a mobile phone downstairs. It should be Shanshan. It just rang for a long time. When I saw it, there were more than a dozen missed calls. I took it to Shanshan."

Dong Shanshan immediately said: "Let's put it outside, we haven't dressed yet."

Wang Hedao: "Oh, that line."

Another footstep went upstairs and stood at the door and said, "What about Zhang Wei?" He Kui said.

Ma Xufei said: "I don't know. I didn't seem to see him last night. I sang the song and I went to sleep. I didn't have him next to my eyes."

He Kui said strangely: "Where did he go? The car is still outside."

Ma Xufei asked, "Shan Shan, Ying Yi, have you seen Zhang Hao?"

Yu Yingyi said that of course he saw it. This goods went out and slept with us for a night. "We didn't see it."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "He, I guess I took a taxi home last night."

Ma Xufei sighed, "This way, OK, then what are you doing? Shanshan, are you still having something today? I remember you told Zhang, the Spring Festival Evening Rehearsal in Beijing?"

Wen Yan, Dong Shanshan was shocked. "Hey, what time is it?"

Wang He outside said: "It’s half past nine."

"It's broken! It's late!" Dong Shanshan couldn't take care of Zhang Wei, and went down from the bed. He walked quickly to the front of the closet and pulled out a skirt and put it on the long leg. .

When the outside person heard it, he said: "Then you hurry, busy, you have to worry about things, our brothers will first withdraw, and there will be time to gather again in the next day, anyway, everyone is in the capital."

"Go gone, Shanshan."

"Ying Yi, change the sky."

Several people continued to go downstairs.

Yu Yingyi knows that Dong Shanshan is in a hurry. Spring Festival Evening is the biggest event of a TV station every year. Dong Shanshan is the first time to be the host of the Spring Festival Gala. It is impossible to delay this, so she put on a pair of pants. Hurry to get clothes for Dong Shanshan.

"Is this trip?"

“It’s all right!”

"Don't leave your hair, I will help you comb."

"Thank you for Ying Yi."

"What kind of polite, you hurry, hope to catch up."

"Definitely can't catch up! The rehearsal begins at nine!"

Wearing clothes, Dong Shanshan thought of something, and looked at Zhang Wei, who was stuffed in the quilt. "You don't get bored, hurry up, don't you rehearse?"

Zhang Hao had to show her head, coughed, and quickly began to look for clothes. Finally, I remembered that I was thrown into the bathroom yesterday. I quickly went in and changed clothes. When he got dressed, Dong Shanshan and Yu Yingyi also changed their clothes.仨 仨 face to face one stop, Yu Yingyi is the most embarrassing one, Zhang Wei followed, Dong Shanshan followed. Because Zhang Wei was not tired of having a bed with Dong Shanshan in the past, although he now has a girlfriend, but it is not so embarrassing, but Yu Yingyi is different. The two faces lie on their faces for a night. Can you not?

Yu Yingyi was not a tweaking person. After a while, she said: "Okay, Zhang Wei’s account is calculated later, and you bother (Here!)

Dong Shanshan quickly picked up the bag, "Go, go!"

"Come on!" Yu Yingyi urged.

The cell phone rang, it was Dong Shanshan’s. She hurriedly pulled Zhang Wei downstairs and picked up the phone. “Hey, Hu Ge.”

Hu Fei on the other side of the phone was angry: "Where are you?"

Dong Shanshan said: "I am already approaching. The road is too blocked. In front of the car accident, the car has been blocked."

"It's all started, I am waiting for you."

"Sorry, Hu Ge, I am coming soon!"

"Come on, the leaders are in a hurry!"

This Dong Shanshan, has always said that the words are not blind.

Over there, Zhang Wei’s cell phone also rang.

Just after picking up, Yao Jian was angry and the voice was pressed. "Xiao Zhang, have you slept in your kid? You have a few points? How many calls have you made? How can you still not come?"

Zhang Wei learns about Dong Shanshan: "The traffic jam, traffic jam, I am here soon!"

Yao Jiancai said: "What are you right now, I heard the sound of your downstairs!"

Zhang Yihan said: "You drag me for a while, I am very fast."

"All the star actors have arrived, and you haven't come. Just the leaders of Jingcheng TV have come to ask me several times. I don't know how to tell people, hey, you look so unprofessional, and we are arrogant. I haven’t been right, how do you say it?”

"Play on the spot."

"Let's hurry up anyway!"

"Get it."

The wine that I drank yesterday, this car can't be opened today. Zhang Wei and Dong Shanshan simply hit a car and rushed to the TV station.

Dong Shanshan hurriedly applied makeup with a small mirror and said, "I am miserable by you."

"Ah? How do you care for me?" Zhang Hao laughed and laughed.

"I will wait for a while." Dong Shanshan said: "I can't do it, this time the host didn't have anything to do with me."

Zhang Wei also knows that Dong Shanshan’s sin is too small. She is a rookie after all. She is not a veteran host. Is such a big party rehearsal, which is more than an hour late? This is really impossible to say. Zhang Hao is fine with himself. He doesn't care. He has a bad reputation. What is it that is late? Moreover, with his current position in the industry and his various identities, Beijing TV will not be with him for this matter, but Dong Shanshan is different. People dare not say Zhang Wei, where? Will you dare to say her?

Zhang Wei said: "Don't worry, I will help you round."

Dong Shanshan looked at him. "How are you round?"

"Come on again." Zhang Yidao.

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