I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 861: [Today, you don’t want to see me.]

The main venue is at the door.

Many people are stunned!

Yan Tianfei suddenly sinks his face. "What do you say?"

The staff member repeated: "Mr. Zhang Wei can't attend this annual meeting."

Hazzie is annoyed, "Why!"

Zhang Zuo also said: "How can we not participate in the exhibition?"

"This is the leader of Taiwan." The staff member said: "We are also doing things according to the leadership. We don't know the other. So, Teacher Zhang is embarrassed. We have to take back this pass."

Zhang Hao is also happy. "Is it necessary to enter?"

Several staff members snorted.

One humanity: "This..."

Zhang Wei calmly said: "You are going to give me a frame, or do you want to carry it out?"

Another person has subconsciously stepped back, who doesn't know the bad name of Zhang Wei!

Yan Tianfei loudly said: "Call your responsible person to come out!"

In fact, a responsible person in charge of the site of the annual meeting has been in the crowd not far away. I know that this is a lot of trouble. He also wants to hide, but it seems that there is a quarrel when he looks over there. Can't hide, can only come up quickly, "Old Yan, what's wrong? How to make such a big fire?"

Yan Tianfei shouted: "What are you saying!"

The venue was in charge of humanity: "I just received the notice."

Yan Tianfei's temper is also famous in CCTV. He also has no intention of suppressing his tone. All the people around him have heard it. "I don't want to inform you late, don't let us know that we have to enter the stadium to stop you?" Who do you look at? What is this beat?"

That is responsible for humanity: "This is the instruction of the Taiwan leadership!"

"My mother told you who the instructions!" Yan Tianfei directly slammed on, "What is the big year of the year? Who is it? Is there such a thing?"

Responsible for humanity: "Old Yan, you shouted with me!"

Yan Tianfei pointed at him and said: "I will shout with you, what?"

The person in charge was not happy, and Yan Tianfei was quarreling at the door!

They shouted, everyone on the scene also knows that most of the leaders and employees of many channels have not yet entered the market. They are lined up outside and can be seen at a glance, even if they enter the CCTV staff in the venue. After hearing the quarrel outside, many people probed it out.

More and more people are watching the crowd.

Jiang Nai Xiong, the director of CCTV.

Deputy Director of CCTV Channel 5.

Zhang Huo of CCTV Variety Channel.

The eyes of everyone are coming from a focal length.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Zhang Wei was stopped outside."


"I heard that it is a notice from Taichung and I will not let him participate!"

"Today is the annual meeting, once a year, won't it?"

"Why don't you, if you don't look outside, you're going to fight!"

"Oh, that's really true!"

"I really don't want Zhang Wei to participate?"

The staff are whispering.

Yan Tianfei rushed: "Old, you don't want to play this with me. Xiao Zhang is the general director and person in charge of the only column of our 14th channel. Why not let him enter?"

That is responsible for humanity: "Do you mean that I am pretending to be the sacred decree?"

However, at this time, unexpectedly, Zhang Hao actually took off the pass hanging on his neck, smiled and threw it to a staff member there, and turned to Yan Tianfei: "Yan Zong, forget it, don't participate if you don't participate." I just happened to go home and make up my mind."

Yan Tianfei said loudly: "This is not a problem!"

"Zhang Dao, don't go!" Haqiqi was also anxious today.

"Yes, Zhang Dao!"

"You go and I will go!"

"Don't participate!"

"Grass! Isn't this a bully!"

The people on Channel 14 all shouted!

It’s not that Zhang Hao’s temper is good today. If his character meets this kind of thing, he has already done it with others, but it’s only about him. If it’s his own, Zhang Wei’s one is out. He didn’t think that he was a big man. He took it, but today he is facing himself. Yan Tianfei and his column group are in front of him. Zhang Wei does not want to give others something because of his own affairs. Add trouble.

But Yan Tianfei grabbed Zhang Wei’s shoulder and refused to let him go.

Seeing this, to be honest, Zhang Yu was very moved, so many people have gone out to worry about his affairs, then Zhang Wei obviously has no reason to retreat!

For a moment, one person came out.

-- It is an assistant to a deputy director of CCTV.

The assistant was also quite arrogant. When he came out, he said loudly to the people around him: "What are you looking at! The annual meeting will start soon! Come on quickly!"

Some employees have been lining up for admission, but they have gone very slowly. They are looking back and looking at it.

The assistant went to the front of the 14th channel. "Yan, what day will you not know today? So many people, do you leave some face for yourself?"

Yan Tianfei looked at him coldly: "Give you a face, who will give me a face?"

Assistant: "This incident was set by the leadership meeting. The reason is very simple. First, Zhang Wei did not go through the recording rehearsal of the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala without the consent of Taichung. This is illegal. Second, Zhang As a CCTV employee, maliciously discrediting the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program and related programs in the rehearsal program, this is also a violation of the rules. In line with these two points, Taili has just given the punishment for Zhang Wei, this month’s bonus and last year’s The year-end awards, all deductions, the basic salary is reduced to one level, internal notifications are disciplinary, and it is forbidden to participate in the year-end meeting. That's it!"

Lower wages?

Full bonus?

This punishment is not too big!

And many people around are aware that because of the relationship between the "tips of the tongue", Zhang Hao’s bonuses and the general staff’s bonuses are definitely not an order of magnitude, absolutely six or more digits, and even more likely to be seven digits. One person or even one department is considered to be a penny.

Yan Tianfei just wanted to speak.

Zhang Wei responded directly: "I also have three points to say."

The assistant looked at him. "You say it." </p

"First." Zhang Wei said to him: "Who are you?"

Someone in the crowd watched and couldn't hold back and smiled.

The assistant’s face changed for a while!

who am I?

you do not know me?

The assistant felt that Zhang Wei was deliberate. In fact, Zhang Wei did not really know him. He even recognized several deputy directors in the station, not to mention the first assistant of a deputy director.

Zhang Wei said: "Second, my contract is a free contract. I can participate in any local TV station's Spring Festival Evening without any consent. Anyone else has no right to interfere. Third, all cross-talk works are Fictional, you have to go to the top, then I can't help, even if I step back 10,000 steps, even if I really smear CCTV Spring Festival Evening and some shows, that is also a means and skill for my work, if these There are problems, then I would like to ask, the Spring Festival Evening program group and some of the relevant personnel of the Spring Festival Evening works have been smearing my things in various public occasions such as the meager network. Is it illegal? Shouldn’t it be punished? I can say anything casually, I can't just say a few words in a fake show! Double standards?"

In fact, before saying "I want to go to the Spring Festival Evening", Zhang Wei did not intend to use this program, but he could face another round of snoring in the comics field, facing the public criticism of some people in CCTV, facing the CCTV Spring Festival Evening. Insiders of the program group said that the "Spring Festival Evening will never invite Zhang Hao", he only decided to say the cross talks, was stepped on the head, he did not fight back!

You are jealous of me, I said you can't do it?

You thought you were the king!

The assistant said: "I will say it again. This is the decision of Taichung. It is useless to say anything now. This annual meeting prohibits you from participating!"

Yan Tianfei sighed: "Daily's decision, why don't I know?"

Assistant Hard State Road: "I may have not notified before, now I have notified!"

Yan Tianfei said: "I am the leader of Zhang Wei, deducting his bonus? Dispose of him? Say hello to me in advance? I agree? I don't agree, no one wants to deduct the bonus! No one has the right to ban one. The heroes attend the annual meeting!" Repeated loudly, "No one can tell me!"

If Zhang Wei is the worst person in CCTV today, then Yan Tianfei is undoubtedly the second worst. Many CCTV employees know Yan Tianfei’s temper. It’s not surprising to say these words to him. Didn't have fired a shot at the Taiwan leadership!

Among the crowd, a deputy director of Channel 11 had a good relationship with Yan Tianfei, and was also the channel leader who lends them to HD cameras when they filmed "Tip Tips."

The deputy director of the investigation listened for a long while and said: "Ha, assistant, don't blame people on Channel 14 for their emotions. This is really not true. People's "tips" are now the nation's highest ratings. The program broke a lot of records and took the highest award for the documentary. Zhang’s guide was indispensable. The matter of the punishment was not to mention the criticism, but the code could not be erased if it was coded one yard. This big New Year I don’t want Zhang to participate in the annual meeting? It’s a bit too inhuman.”

Then there is a channel department head: "Yeah, how much hatred, the annual meeting is not allowed to enter the market? Have to go to the front door in front of so many people to blow people away?"

Yan Tianfei has few friends, and Zhang has fewer friends. Therefore, two or three middle and high-level cadres in the crowd have helped them to say a few words. More people are playing round games with mud.

One of the three CCTV heads said: "Let’s say a few words, no one is easy."

One of the heads of the CCTV Foreign Language Channel: "Old Yan, Teacher Xiao Zhang, you are also calm and calm, the leaders are inside, the impact is not good."

Jiang Nai Xiong and Jiang Yuan, deputy directors of CCTV, came out from the venue.

Jiang Nai Xiong said: "Old Yan, the result of the punishment in Taiwan is not in your eyes?"

Yan Tianfei looked at him and said, "Is there your fart?"

Although CCTV Spring Festival Evening is broadcast on CCTV, it really has nothing to do with CCTV. Because the Spring Festival Evening is a separate program group, the people in it are all transferred from various departments, and even Employed from the outside, it is an independent program group.

In one sentence, I picked up the fire of Jiang Nai Xiong. "How do you say it! The points are already down. What are you talking about here!"

Talking and talking again!

The situation outside the venue is increasingly uncontrollable!

At this time, the deputy director of the week got the news and went out with a dark face. "What are you doing? What are you talking about? What time is it? Don't you enter?"

Yan Tianfei said: "Not that we don't want to enter, someone is not letting us in!"

Vice-President Zhou Emei, "Who won't let you in?"

Yan Tianfei sighed: "Don't let Xiao Zhang attend the annual meeting, just don't let everyone on Channel 14 participate!"

Haqi Qiqi said: "Yes, don't participate!"

Zhang Zuo shouted: "Where is Zhang Dao, we are there!"

“Too unreasonable!”

"Together with Zhang Dao!"

"Yan is right!"

"Don't let Zhang lead, just don't let us in!"

With the words of Yan Tianfei, the people of Channel 14 are naturally the same enemy, and everyone is also taking a breath, this is really too bullying!

Later, there was another deputy director who came out and said with a face: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Old Yan, you are also an old comrade. How do you think so low?"

Yan Tianfei said: "I realize that it is really high! Xiao Zhang came to CCTV for half a year, made a block of "good voice", made a block of "tongue", how the results of the program are obvious to everyone, the result? In their own Everywhere inside the station was counted! Everywhere was crushed! There was merit, no reward, and the credit finally became a punishment. Before Xiao Zhang was in CCTV, I couldn’t control it. Now Xiao Zhang is on my 14th channel, I Just keep it!"

Everyone can see that Yan Tianfei is really embarrassed today, or he will not say these words on such occasions!

Zhang Wei looked at them and said: "In fact, it doesn't matter if I don't participate in this year's meeting, but things don't happen. The satirical section of the comics is not allowed to participate in the annual meeting. Good! That won't let me participate. Since this is the case, then those who have been smeared by me in the Taiwanese, who have questioned and criticized the "Tip Tip" and our Channel 14 in the Taiwanese, are very entertained at the meeting? Then you let them give them now. I am coming out! Don't participate in everyone! Is it fair? Then give it to me!"

"that's right!"

"Why is it okay for others to marry us?"

"To be punished, everyone will be punished!"

“Why are you targeting our fourteen channels?”

"What have we done? Is there anything wrong with the results?"

“There were few people who yelled at us at the beginning? I just saw a few big swings! It’s not good how to get there!”

The people on Channel 14 are angry.

Zhang Wei looked at the assistant director and several other people who stopped him from entering the scene. "You don't yell at me. You mentioned the crime of smearing colleagues and brothers' channels. Then I will follow." "He said, he took out his mobile phone and turned his meager history one by one, and named one by one: "Chen Hefei, a CCTV employee, insulted the works of Channel 14 in public last December, Xu Dong, CCTV's staff, the day before yesterday, completely denied and attacked the works of Channel 14 on Weibo platform, Wu Xia..."

Everyone, look at me, I see you.

Some people who have been named by Zhang Wei are still in the crowd, and their faces become ugly.

Waiting for the names one by one, Zhang said: "I have to ask, how do you deal with these people?"

No one answered him, and there was no way to answer this. When it comes to the mouth, there is obviously no one who is Zhang Hao’s opponent!

The bigger the trouble, the more the leaders of the Taiwanese want to pretend that they don’t know, because at the moment the entrance to the venue is full of people, and they are watching the lively and not coming into the game! This is the end of the matter. If this is not handled, it will not work. If one is not handled well, it will probably cause the collective dissatisfaction of Channel 14 and such a grand annual meeting. As a result, the most prominent 14-channel director is now the most focused. With everyone refused to participate? Refuse to enter? This kind of internal contradiction is undoubtedly too big. If you don’t say how the media will report, let’s say this responsibility. Who will bear it? You must know that the current 14th channel is not the previous weak 14 channel, but the channel with the highest ratings of today's national TV programs!

In a short time, another Taiwan leader came out and called Yan Tianfei to talk. The leader of this Taiwan seems to be very familiar with Yan Tianfei, and the relationship should be OK. Yan Tianfei did not have a rash face with him, but he was emotionally excited!

Vice-President Zhou also went back with a hard time.

In the venue, several leaders also met and opened a small meeting.

"How to deal with it?"

"Let Zhang Hao go, let him know what to do!"

"Do you think that the blast is going? The opinions of the 14th channel are very big, especially the old Yan!"

"This old Yan is too disreputable!"

"The most disappointing thing is Zhang Wei, Tai Li’s decision. He is also plausible. What happened to you? We still give you reasons? Also use it to explain to you?"

"You shouldn't care about him. The Spring Festival Evening program group is very repulsive to Zhang Wei because of the cross talk. Several directors and planners have come to Taiwan to complain! The mood of the family has also been appeased! Why is it forbidden to participate this time? The annual meeting is because many people don't want to see him! Although the director did not say it, the director should have no good impression of Zhang Wei. When the New Year is over, no one is willing to add."

"What can I do if I don't want him to enter the market? The old Yan and the 14th channel people are not doing it! If it is too big, it will not add to the blockage!"

"Forget it, let Zhang Wei participate."

"There is no show for him anyway, he just has to mess up!"

"It can only be this way."

After discussing about five minutes, Tai Li finally allowed Zhang Wei to attend the annual meeting.

The atmosphere outside is also slightly loose.

Yan Tianfei took this person with him.

Many people around are whispering.

"It's still released."

"Khan, I thought I had to fight."

"Taiwan does not let Zhang Wei participate. In fact, I don't want to see him in the New Year. Zhang Wei is also, what are you doing? If I turn my head and leave, I will not go to hate people."

"So you can't be a star."

"Zhang Wei is also, the ability is so big, talent is so high, but this popularity is too little! In order not to see him, he is forbidden to attend the annual meeting. This kind of punishment is the first time in CCTV. Where was it before? Have you seen such a punishment? This is Zhang Hao!"

When passing by them, Zhang Hao’s ears moved and he heard the whispers of everyone.

Many people don't want to see me?

Oh, Zhang Hao looks up.

You don't want to see me, you can't!

My buddy is still spending money with you today! !

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