I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 862: [The annual lottery, even twenty! 】

Everyone entered.

The audio equipment is filled with soft music.

The meeting place was very spacious, and it was the kind of party that was just around the corner, but all the seats under the stage were changed. At this moment, it was replaced by a round table and a chair, roughly a few, how can we have nearly thirty Tables, even if you have eight people at each table, there are more than two hundred people. The scene is not too big. There are also special camera shootings on both sides, recording the CCTV's most grand employee annual meeting.

"Where are we sitting?"

"this way please."

"What about our three sets?"

"Director Zhou, three sets are in the second row."

The on-site staff took everyone to their seats.

When Yan Tianfei and Zhang Wei came over with them, a person rushed up and took them to the side. "The seats on Channel 14 are here, come with me."

The result did not go far, the staff member led the crowd to a lonely round table at the far right corner of the venue. This position can no longer be said to be remote, too far from the rostrum, even if the eyes are good. I can't see the face on the podium too. There is a vague shadow at the top, which needs to be seen through the big screen next to it. There was no sign on the table. After a while, the back stepped up and walked alone. The seat card with the 14-channel channel was placed on the two tables here, which was obviously a temporary replacement for them.

Haqi Qi sighed: "We are here?"

"Yes." The staff coughed.

"No other seats?" Yan Tianfei's secretary asked with a black face.

The staff said: "Hey, they are all arranged, there is no rich table." Then turned and left.

Yan Tianfei raised his hand, "Sit down."

Everyone has taken a seat, look at the left side, and behind them, they are extremely dissatisfied expressions.

They have a table on both sides, one wall is dead, one wall is a small door of a safe passage, and the door seam is leaking into the air, very cold.

Xiao Wang was indignant and said: "What is this treatment?"

Huang Dandan also said: "This position is too biased!"

"I only know that we are so far from seeing you in the stage!" Wu Yiqi did not take it.

Zhang Wei said: "I don't want to entertain you, mainly because I don't want to entertain."

They understand that Zhang Wei is telling the truth. The people in Taiwan don’t want to see him. This prohibits him from attending the annual meeting. Even if he is forced to take part in Zhang Hao’s participation, he will not let him feel comfortable. In a blink of an eye, they gave their 14-channel table to the corner of the corner, and they were arranged outside the safe passage. It seems that only this way can they not be bored.

Yan Tianfei said: "Mr. Xiao Zhang, you don't care about the bonus. I will help you solve the annual meeting. I can see who can deduct your bonus!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Yan, who is fine."

Yan Tianfei said: "Your year-end award is hundreds of thousands, how is it!"

Yan Tianfei’s secretary also said: “This punishment itself is unreasonable!”

"It's okay." Zhang Yan said: "Yan, you can do this with your sentence. You don't care, the year-end bonus will be deducted, but my money is not so good."

Yan Tianfei stunned, "Oh?"

Zhang Wei suddenly asked: "Yes, how do you draw a lot later?"

Haqiqi was surprised: "Zhang Dao, do you remember the winning?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I will ask."

"This chance is too small, especially those few awards." Zhang Zuo even shook his head.

Yan Tianfei’s secretary has participated in many annual meetings of all employees, and he knows more. “It’s the same as the ordinary lottery. Everyone has a chance. Usually, after performing a program, they will open a prize. The computer will draw and pump. Who is who?"

Zhang Hao nodded and knew.

Everyone else thought that Zhang Wei was just asking, and he didn't take it seriously.

After a while, some of the tables next to them sat down.

One table is a foreign language channel, and one table is an agricultural channel. However, although the two channels are also sitting in the back row, they are at least better than the 14th channel table, at least close to the middle. Seeing Yan Tianfei Zhang Wei, these people's expressions are also somewhat weird and complicated. With the excellent results of the 14th channel this year, it is normal to sit in the first two rows, but the fruit is thrown to the corner, so in CCTV and Many state-owned enterprises, sometimes the results are not the most important, the most important thing is to follow the footsteps of the leadership.

"Hey? Who is that?"

"Five sets of CCTV people?"

"Sports channel comes to new people? Beauty!"

"I have never seen her."

"I heard that, it seems to be Yu Yingyi, CCTV five sets of sports commentary and moderators just invited, she is quite famous on the Internet."


Five sets of CCTV people have entered the scene.

Yu Yingyi was one of them. When she came in, she looked for the right and looked at it. When she got on the table, her eyes fell on the table at the corner. She asked a person, "Where did the 14th channel people go there?"

The colleague smiled bitterly: "You just made up your makeup late, didn't see it, and the doorway almost hit it up. It would be nice to let the 14th channel people come in. It's still a place to sit."

Yu Yingyi immediately said: "What happened?"

"It’s still Zhang Wei." The colleague told her again.

After listening to it, Zhang Wei’s old classmates were speechless for a long time. In the past, Yu Yingyi often heard from the newspaper news that Zhang Wei’s relationship with CCTV was not good. Zhang Wei also said it personally, but after all, he did not see it, Yu Yingyi did not have a The concept, now finally has a real understanding, CCTV does have a lot of opinions on Zhang Wei, oh, this old classmate is also, how is this mixed! CCTV is also the host and general director who gave you two national ratings for the first show. What are you doing with him? Zhang Hao, this is not a lot of people like it, big New Year, will not let him participate in the end of the year? ?

On the other hand, Zhang Wei also saw her. Today, this big red dress is quite beautiful. It is very eye-catching in the crowd. It is slightly stunned. Zhang Yucai knows that Yu Yingyi has already entered the CCTV Sports Channel, and she took out the mobile phone. She sent a text message.

Zhang Wei: I saw you, look back, the last row.

Soon, Yu Yingyi replied: I saw you early.

Zhang Wei: Then you didn't call me?

Yu Yingyi: You are not saying that let me not know you?

Zhang Wei: Khan, do you really know if you don’t know?

Yu Yingyi: It must be!

Zhang Wei: ...

Yu Yingyi: Hahaha.

Just laughing and chatting with the old classmates, Zhang Hao suddenly felt the gaze on his face, this is a sixth sense, so he looked up and looked for it, and really saw a few bad sights!

Jiang Yuan, a CCTV set, is watching him in cold eyes.

There is also Xu Yipeng.

There are seven or eight people on his table, and half of them look at Zhang Wei in disgust. They still say something in their mouths. It seems to be about Zhang Wei’s topic. The expression will not have any good words at first glance. There is also a table in the first row, and some people frequently frown on the direction of Zhang Wei and Channel 14 - these two tables are mostly CCTV Spring Festival Evening program group!

Jiang Yuandao: "How come you really let him in?"

Xu Yipeng said: "Who knows what to think above!"

"This Zhang Huan, we are not finished with him!" The planning of a Spring Festival Gala group said: "There is no such thing as he said! What are we doing in the Spring Festival Evening?"

A female producer of the Spring Festival Gala group: "The cross talk is too much. I believe that few people today are willing to see him."

One person said: "The Spring Festival Evening Directors Group has not complained to Zhang Hao about the Taiwanese leadership. Anyway, his bonus this year is gone. Although this money does not hurt him, he has to calculate a little bit of gas."

Another person said: "What does this calculate? You should be expelled from him!"

"Don't talk about him, affecting the mood!"

"Yes, don't mention this bastard!"

In fact, not only they, but the door is so loud, who can't talk a few words at the scene? Some people who came late were not present at the time. After coming over, they quickly found someone to inquire about the situation.

Some table in the front row.

This is the table of the leader of Taiwan.

A staff member came over to report the work, "Leader."

Deputy Director Zhou asked, "How is it?"

The man was busy: "It has been arranged, and Zhang Hao got the last row of corners."

Several Taiwan leaders took a look back.

A pair of Taiwanese screamed, "The director will arrive soon. The colleague of the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing, the director has seen it. It is said to be very angry, so don't let us see Zhang Wei today."

The man promised: "I will definitely not."

"Hey, the director is here."

"Go, welcome."

The leaders of Taiwan have all got up.



The director pressed his hand and smiled: "Hurry and sit down."

The protagonist is coming, the venue is full, and the annual meeting officially begins!

There are three hosts, two men and one woman, who hosted the annual meeting tonight. One of the men is Chen Ye from CCTV.

Chen Ye hangs a smile: "Leaders, colleagues, good afternoon everyone!"

The hostess smiled and said: "Welcome to the CCTV annual meeting this year, I am the host Gaga."

The male hosted: "I am Hao Dong!"

Chen Ye: "I am Chen Ye."

Then I said together: "Give you all the best!"

The applause sounded below!

Jia Jiadao: "The following, please ask the director to make a speech!"

The director smiled and took a speech and walked slowly. "Hello everyone, I am very pleased to see you so excited and energetic. This year is a brilliant year for CCTV. In this year, we I have trained a lot of excellent employees, and many excellent TV programs have emerged. The results are gratifying and obvious..."

Hearing here, people on Channel 14 couldn’t help it.

Huang Dandan said: "These excellent programs, more than half of them are not all made by Zhang Dao!"

"Yeah." Xiao Wang hated: "What is the result? Zhang Dao’s year-end award was deducted, almost not allowed to attend the annual meeting, and also sent us to the last row?"

Tong Fudao: "This treatment, I am also drunk!"

On the rostrum, Chen Ye took a look at Zhang Wei inadvertently, and his heart was also very deflated. "The dance" was very good. The reason why the audience has now become a "dog" is the reason for "the tip of the tongue". It’s Zhang’s show that steals their ratings. Which team does not hate the whole dance? Now that Zhang Wei, who should have been the biggest hero and protagonist, was thrown at the corner table, Chen Ye understood the attitude of the Taiwanese. Many people also saw it clearly - even if Zhang Hao’s ability is higher, May be reused in CCTV! Zhang Hao added to the CCTV people every day, and now the Taiwanese leaders are not willing to see him!

Offended the leader of Taiwan.

Offended a set of CCTV.

Offended the Spring Festival Evening column group.

How are you mixing? How are you still turning over!

On the rostrum, the director’s speech ended, and he praised it from beginning to end. In recognition, he mentioned many teams and mentioned many outstanding employees, but he did not mention the name of Zhang Wei. Then, another Taiwanese leader took the stage to speak, still the same, still did not mention Zhang Wei, as if everyone is interested in avoiding the name, do not want to mention anything related to him.

The annual performance officially began.

Chen Ye announced, "The first program, "Tap Dance", performance team: CCTV set!"

Applause thunder!

The opening dance is coming!

"Wow, yes!"

"Haha, how did the old grandson go?"

"You can jump!"

"it is good!"

The following people laugh and cheer!

This is the case at the annual meeting. Many of the programs may not be so professional, or even full of loopholes, but they are all colleagues around them. They are very interesting and have a strong sense of participation.

In the warm applause, the dance ended.

The leader of the Taiwanese also smiled and applauded and nodded frequently.

Jiang Nai, a director of CCTV, smiled and said: "Alright, let us?"

A channel director next to him said: "Not bad."

“The children have been rehearsing for a month,” said Jiang Yuan, deputy director.

At this time, the host re-launched.

Female host Gaga announced with a smile: "Well, here is the lottery that everyone cares about most. After each show, we will start a lucky draw. The prizes are limited. See who is lucky."

"Yes." The male host smiled and said: "Then I will first look at the prizes of the first round of sweepstakes, please see the big screen."

An image of a number of shopping cards appears on the screen.

The hostess wow said: "It is the gift card of the shopping network."

The male hosted the road: "Each gold card has a quota of 500 yuan, a total of 20 cards, one-time extraction, to see who is so lucky, old Chen?"

Chen Ye smiled and said: "Okay, give it to me."

Chen Ye has already stood in front of a computer next to the podium. This is today's lottery tool. The winning results are randomly selected by the computer.

The big screen also jumped to the computer interface.

The mood of the people underneath has been mobilized!

"It's finally here!"

"My mine is mine!"

"Five hundred degrees, a lot!"

"Yeah, this year's minimum prize specifications are so high? That must be higher later!"

"look forward to!"

"Give me one! I didn't have anything in the last year!"

The table of the 14th channel.

Haqiqi said: "The time has come to fight for the character."

Xiao Wang and a few people are still immersed in the suffocation, and did not pay much attention to this award.

Zhang Zuo sighed: "Today is too embarrassing, it is estimated that it is not in the middle."

Yan Tianfei did not care. He was still wondering how to get Zhang Jian’s deducted bonus to come back. He knew that Zhang Hao couldn’t stand it, and he was the same!

However, Zhang Wei did not say a word, but instead pointed his hand in midair and did not know what he was doing.

When Haqiqi looked at Zhang Dao strangely, he regained his gaze and paid attention to the podium.

Game ring:

- Mall interface.

Lucky Aura (upgrade version), open!

Zhang Wei did not hesitate to carry out a series of operations, looking at the reputation value that was gradually consumed, his eyes were not blind, since the last time the total reputation value was almost used up, Zhang Hao has not used the game ring. I have been storing resources and have been accumulating reputation. After a long period of popularity, his reputation has now become a horrible number. It is very rich and can satisfy all the expenses of Zhang Wei!



Every second is a horrible consumption of 100,000 reputation!

Over there, Chen Ye has taken the lucky draw button with a smile, "OK, start!"

Twenty windows are moving at the same time. Each window represents a final lottery result. At this moment, some photos and names are flashing on the screen. For example, for a moment, it flashed Haqiqi on the third winning window. Name and channel and a one-inch photo on the work permit. The twenty lottery windows are all independent, so the name and order of each window flashing are different, all randomly scattered!

Everyone has a focal length on the big screen.

Chen Ye took the microphone and said: "Is the leader still calling?"

The hostess smiled and said: "The first prize of this year must be called by the director."

The director smiled and took a microphone and said, "Call and shout, huh, huh, then I will come first." Look at the big screen and gently say: "Okay, stop."

Chen Ye suddenly took a shot!

The first gold card draw result came out!

But when I saw the photo that came out, many people were slightly stunned!


How is he! ?

Yu Ying is happy, and laughs out!

Both Haziqi and Xiao Wang also screamed.

Yan Tianfei laughed!

People on Channel 14 laughed!

The photo and name that appeared in the first window on the screen is awesome!

Zhang Zuo laughed, "Zhang Dao, congratulations!"

"Open the door, open the door!" Yan Tianfei's secretary is also happy.

Chen Ye brows a black, heart said how my grass is so clever? The more I don't want to see him, the more the goods appear!

Other CCTV employees think so much, it's too clever, but think about it, although the odds of winning are not big, but this is more than the chance of winning the sports lottery. Hundreds of people, the probability of winning each one. There are still some, just happened to rush to Zhang Wei.

Jiang Nai Xiong shook his head, this ****.

The Spring Festival Evening program group also frowned and frowned, speechless and speechless.

When the director looked at the screen, he said nothing and handed the microphone to a deputy director.

The deputy director said directly: "Stop!"

Chen Ye responded slowly, and quickly took it!

The second gold card also had a master on time, and as soon as I saw the photo of the second window on the screen, everyone was alone!

I rely on!

How is it still Zhang Hao?

Is it so clever? ?

The deputy director who finally stopped was also stunned and subconsciously handed the microphone to another deputy director.

Vice-President Zhou took over and said: "Stop."

Chen Ye took the third lottery window.

Still a photo of Zhang Wei!

Another Taiwan leader said: "You can stop."

The fourth lottery window also showed results!

Zhang Wei’s photo once again appeared there live!


- Zhang Wei.

"Stop it."

- Zhang Wei.

"Well, stop."

- Still Zhang Wei!

The Taiwan leadership turned around and screamed for 20 stops. Chen Ye took 20 shots in succession. Under the gaze of everyone, the winners of the first batch of 20 gold medals were all Zhang Hao! !

This time, everyone can't laugh out!

Even the people on the 14th channel table, at this moment, are also staring at Zhang Wei!

I have a grass!

What is the situation?

You are too lucky this luck, you! ?

The face of Taiwan’s leader is worse than one. The face of the Spring Festival Evening program group is also a bit green. Mahler Gobi, 20 awards are yours? You are going out to fight the chicken blood! ?

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