I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 863: [Win 40 prizes in a row! 】

There was some uproar at the annual meeting!

楸The employees whispered to each other, they were all shocked by the result of the lottery!

"Zhang Ye is going crazy!"

"Leave one for us anyway!"

"This luck is terrible!"

"It's too fierce! It's the **** first time I have seen 20 consecutive prizes drawn at the annual meeting. What kind of chance is this?"

"Fortunately, this prize is not big."

"Well, there are many awards in the future."

"Is there something wrong with the system?"

"Maybe it is!"

"Puff, why do I want to laugh a little bit!"

"Me too, look at the faces of those people in the Spring Festival Gala show group, it's a black pot!"

"The less they don't want to see Zhang Ye, the more Zhang Ye swayed in front of them, and he swayed twenty times in a row. You know, Zhang Ye almost made people report that they couldn't even enter the annual meeting!"


Jiang Naixion said in a deep voice, "What is this!"

"I don't know!" Jiang Yuan also came and said, "Why is it all him?"

Xu Yipeng from the Spring Festival Gala program group also cursed this lingering fellow in his heart. It’s not worrying to hold an annual meeting. Why are you everywhere?

Lead the table.

Deputy Director Zhou also immediately said: "What's wrong, right?"

The other deputy director observed the face of the director, fearing that the director would go crazy, and said one by one: "Find someone who is skilled and take a look, and deal with it quickly!"

The hostess on the stage coughed, "It seems that Teacher Zhang is very lucky today. After hosting so many annual meetings, I have never seen so many awards!"

The male host said: "It should be a system failure."

Chen Ye asked, "Does this award still count?" This question was a bit sinister.

Many CCTV employees at the bottom heard it and naturally agreed.

"Yes, it shouldn't be counted!"

"The system has gone wrong, it should be started again!"

"Take it again!"

"Yes, do it again!"

"The system went wrong, it's not fair!"


Everyone didn’t win the prize, plus what Chen Ye said, plus the attitude of the station’s leaders and CCTV and most people in the Spring Festival Gala program group towards Zhang Ye. Under various guidance, everyone also booed and didn’t win the prize. Of course people hope to draw another prize.

People from the Spring Festival Gala column group also said: "Do it again!"

But the people on Channel 14 quit!

Ha Qiqi shouted: "Is it possible to change after smoking?"

"It's also the first time I heard!" Zhang Zuo was angry at the time, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Wang exclaimed, "Are you bullying? Isn't bullying?"

Tong Fu said loudly: "If you draw any prize like this, you can start again after the draw. If the draw is not good, you can do it again? Then simply specify the winner! You can give the prize to whomever you say! Don't draw. Up!"

Yan Tianfei also got cold face and looked to the stage.

Everyone is waiting for the decision of the Taiwan leader.

The leaders of the station discussed it, and because of this system failure, the annual meeting was delayed for several minutes, and the stage was cold for a long time.

Zhang Ye sneered in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Later, Xu discussed it for too long, or it may have been considering that Zhang Ye had disrupted the entire annual meeting and it was not worth it. Besides, there were twenty five hundred yuan gold cards, and the total value was nothing but nothing. Ten thousand yuan is enough, the delay is unnecessary here. The Taiwan leader also made a decision here. One person nodded at the stage and waved his hand to indicate that the lottery result was valid.

Chen Ye twitched his mouth, and said, "Please come and accept the award."

Zhang Ye smiled and turned his head, "Little Wang?"

Xiao Wang immediately got up, "Okay, I'll get it!"

Zhang Zuo said: "What are you doing, is there anything else that doesn't count?"

Ha Qiqi said: "This is how Director Zhang won the draw, and they dare to say that. If someone from the Spring Festival Gala program group wins, I don't believe anyone dares to ask, "Is this prize count?"

Wu Yi said: "Who are you! The system makes a mistake, blame us?"

The hostess announced: "The next show, the chorus, will show the group: CCTV Finance Channel! Please applaud and welcome!"

There was enthusiastic applause. Once this episode was over, everyone didn't care much about it. Anyway, there was only one system failure, and there was a bigger prize waiting below.

Xiao Wang came back with the prize, holding a stack of gold cards for his son, "Director Zhang, here!"

Zhang Ye didn't answer, "Everyone, let's take one."

Xiao Wang said: "Is this appropriate?"

"Take whatever you want." Zhang Ye smiled generously.

Xiao Wang smiled, "Then I'm not welcome, thank you Director Zhang!"

"Then I'll have one too, not to be polite to Director Zhang." Huang Dandan also asked for one with a hippy smile.

None of the others moved.

Ha Qi said: "I'll forget it."

When others didn't want it, Zhang Ye didn't persuade him, and put aside the remaining dozen cards.

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "Although the system is malfunctioning, it is a good start! Good sign!"

"Look at the character of our director Zhang!" Tong Fu gave a thumbs up, "Great!"

Yan Tianfei also smiled, "You won the 20 prizes. I don't know how many people are blocking it!"

Zhang Ye said, "Really?"

Yan Tianfei said happily, "You can tell by looking at the expression."

Zhang Ye already suspended the Lucky Aura at the end of the lottery. In fact, if it is really calculated by value, the prestige value Zhang Ye consumes is obviously very precious, and it can’t be measured by money at all. Lucky Aura (upgraded version) The consumption of) is huge, and it's not a small figure. What's more, only twenty voucher cards with a total value of 10,000 yuan in exchange for it in the end? This seems even more worthless! Needless to ask, it is a loss-making business!

However, Zhang Ye didn't think so. In his opinion, some things must be done, and some faces must be slapped. The more people don't want to see him? Then the more this fellow wants others to see! This is the happiest thing for Zhang Ye, the happiest thing! He has always been such a person who has escaped the low-level taste! His taste is different from ordinary people! The less happy others are, the happier they are!

So, can happiness be measured by money?


He doesn't feel bad about spending much prestige!

The singing on stage was surging.

"Let's roar together!"

"Let's go forward together!"

This is a military song with a high degree of popularity in this world. People on the Finance Channel should have rehearsed it many times. They cooperated well and sang well. It attracted countless applause from below, and many people laughed. Sang along with the earth.

On the side of the stage, several people were tinkering with the computer.

Chen Ye was also watching, "How's it going?"

A technician said: "It's almost done."

Chen Ye said: "The show is almost over, hurry up!"

The technician said: "It should be that the parameters have not been set, I will reset it again."

When the show is over, it’s just finished here, and it's finally caught up!

"This time there must be no problem." The technician also tried several times for this, and the results of the lottery were different each time, and they were not directed at the same person.

Chen Ye nodded, and winked at the other two hosts, indicating that it was all right here.

The curtain fell.

The host is back on stage.

The hostess smiled and said: "Next, it's the much-anticipated lottery draw again."

The male host looked at the big screen, "Okay, let's take a look at the second round of the prize draw." The screen has already appeared, "Oh, I believe Gaga will like this prize."

It's cosmetics!

And it's a complete set of makeup and skin care products!

Facial cleanser, facial cream, eye cream, CC cream, mascara, etc., are expensive!

The hostess looked forward to saying: "This is a prize for our female compatriots. If you want to draw, remember to give it to me."

The male host smiled and said: "That's not good, I have to send my lover."

"Look, how stingy this person is." said the hostess.

Everyone laughed.

The hostess said: "Then I can only hope that I have this good luck!"

The male host said: "A total of 20 sets, everyone has a chance. Next, leave the microphone to Old Chen."

Chen Ye took over and looked at the people with a smile: "Next, I will host the lottery for everyone. The previous system problem has been fixed by the technicians, so you don't have to worry about the system error again." He paused. He pointed to the screen and said: "By the way, the prizes for this round were personally selected by Deputy Director Zhou. I would also like to thank the wife of Deputy Director Zhou for giving a lot of prize suggestions."

The Deputy Director Zhou below smiled.

There are also female employees who are already excited!

"Wow, this makeup brand is very hard!"

"This brand has a good reputation!"

"Yes, it's not too cheap, I didn't want to buy it before!"

"How can this set cost three or four thousand, right?"

"This set is in a small package, almost three to four thousand sets, if the big package is worth six thousand seven thousand! The wife of the deputy director Zhou is an expert at first sight! I like this cosmetics!"

"My mine!"

"Go away, I'll definitely win!"

"I want to give my love a set too!"

"Yes, I remember that a few months ago, my wife said that she would buy a set of cosmetics of this brand, but it was too expensive and she was not willing to start!"

Not only the women, but the male compatriots present are also eager to try. This second round of the lottery really counts as the grand prize, and the single set is already several thousand yuan!

The channel fourteen table.

Xiao Wang has bright eyes, "I like this! I like this!"

"I've been waiting for this prize." Huang Dandan said excitedly: "Unfortunately, there are only 20 sets. I don't know if I can win it! Heaven and earth spirit! Give me one set!"

Ha Qi happily said, "Then you have to find Director Zhang."

Huang Dandan sneered, "Sister Ha, didn't the system make a mistake just now? I also want to find Director Zhang, but it is estimated that Director Zhang has run out of luck."

Ha Qi said: "Yes."

Wu Yi said jokingly: "Maybe the system has gone wrong again."

Chen Ye under the rostrum has already photographed the start button. As before, the twenty lottery windows are pulsating on the big screen, and the photos of the employees keep flashing in the windows.

"Ah, my picture!"

"I saw mine too!"

"Flicked by!"

"Just stop just now!"

The mood of everyone is getting higher and higher. No one won the prize in the first round. Naturally, everyone's expectation of winning this round is also higher!

Chen Ye looked at the leader's table, "Leader."

The director smiled and looked to the side, "Come on."

A leader said: "This is the prize chosen by Lao Zhou's lover, you go first."

"Hehe, that's OK, then I'll call the first one." Deputy Director Zhou looked at the big screen and waited for a while before shouting, "Okay, let's stop!"

Chen Ye immediately shot, "Let’s see who is the first lucky person?"

The first window lottery result is out!

A photo was posted there!

After seeing the photo, Chen Ye was shocked!

Deputy Director Zhou was dumbfounded!

Jiang Nai Xiong Jiang Yuan was dumbfounded!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Yu Yingyi of CCTV Five couldn't help laughing, "Puff!"

Xiao Wang screamed, "Ouch!"

Huang Dandan was also shocked!

Zhang Zuo was stunned, "This..."

Wu Yi also dullly said: "Damn, it's Director Zhang again!"

The first prize in the second round is Zhang Ye again!

Zhang Ye smiled, "Looks like a good luck today."

Yan Tianfei looked at him speechlessly, and then shook his head. He laughed there for a long time. It was too funny. It was obvious that Zhang Ye was the least popular and unwilling to be mentioned. The leader came to the stage to speak. At that time, he was reluctant to mention his name, even the names of the programs of "Good Voice" and "Tongue", which shows what kind of attitude he has towards Zhang Ye. But the result? During the lottery draw, Zhang Ye's head was drawn again and again, and Zhang Ye's photos appeared on the screen time and time again. This is too ironic!

Chen Ye felt a little flustered in his heart, and suffocated there.

The leaders of all the stations are also staring at them with big eyes. I'm silly, what's the situation? What is this grandson again?

This cargo is so good!

Who can't draw hundreds of people, and it turns out that he was the first to draw him again! ?

The two hostess and hostess on the stage also stared!

The scene was silent for twenty seconds before the next leader called to stop. They believed that the system had been repaired. This should be just a coincidence!

Don't believe it, can you win another twenty prizes?


Deputy Director Li: "Stop it!"

Photographed by Chen Ye.

The photo appeared-Zhang Ye!

Everyone was shocked!

Deputy Director Qi: "Stop!"

——Zhang Ye!

Deputy Director Zhao: "Well, stop!"

——Zhang Ye!

Director Chen: "Stop it!"

——Zhang Ye!

Everyone: "..."

Twenty prizes are drawn out in sequence!

Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye!

All Zhang Ye!

Like the first round, Zhang Ye will take over the twenty prizes in the second round! !

All of a sudden, even the director's face was a bit ugly!

Deputy Director Zhou was frightened and angry!

Several Taiwanese leaders showed unbelievable expressions!

I am grass!

what's up!

What the **** is going on!

The bottom is even more silent!

The CCTV employees stared at the big screen blankly, and there were already 10,000 grass-and-mud horses galloping past! Why! Why is it him again! Didn’t it mean that the system was repaired? Why is it still like this!

"Oh my God!"

"What happened?"

"This this……"

"My grass, I don't even have soup!"

"Your sister, what is going on?"

"Is Zhang Ye really that good?"

"Win a random lottery forty times in a row? Your character is great-oh! How could this be a character thing! Even if you save the world in your life, character is impossible (so good!"

"Forty! I won forty prizes!"

"This lottery candidate, isn't there anyone else's name besides Zhang Ye? Hey! Before the draw, the flashing on the top was pretty joyful, how come you get a name as soon as you shoot?"

The seven or eight videographers around who were in charge of recording were also a little trembling!

That's awesome-awesome!

This is too awesome-awesome!

Both on and off the stage were silent.

At this time, only a familiar voice was heard in the last row.

Zhang Ye looked at his assistant and smiled, "Little Wang, go get the prize."

Xiao Wang: "Huh?"

Zhang Ye said, "We won the prize."

"Received!" Xiao Wang suppressed the shock in his heart and walked to the front quickly, "Where is Director Zhang's prize?"

Chen Ye: "..."

Xiao Wang said again, "Give it to us?"

Chen Wildlife said: "The machine still has problems, this award..."

Xiao Wang has been Zhang Ye’s assistant for a long time, and her temper is also good. She doesn’t care who Chen Ye is. She directly said, “If the machine is faulty, that’s your problem. I know that the result of the lottery is Director Zhang’s prize, twenty sets. Make-up and skin care products, right? Then I'll take them." After that, before anyone else could say anything, Xiao Wang picked up a box from the prize shelf as soon as he bowed his head.

Huang Dandan also arrived soon after and picked up another box.

Wu Yi went to take the third and fourth boxes, and hugged both.

Twenty sets of cosmetics hit four boxes in total, and they were all removed by Channel Fourteen people in full view.

Everyone looked at them like this, with different faces!

Deputy Director Zhou's hands trembled a little!

Chen Ye scolded his mother!

People in the Spring Festival Gala program group have gone to the station leader to protest, and the two assistant directors took the lead in raising questions, questioning the issue of the lottery equipment!

Several CCTV technicians went up with sweat, and hurriedly debugged the equipment again.

"what's up."

"It shouldn't be."

"This, this is okay!"

"How can you get one person?"

"It's not that there is no such possibility, but the probability is too small!"

"Restart and try again!"

The hostess immediately saved the scene and announced the next show.

The curtain opened and the show began.

Zhang Ye didn't care about others, he opened a box immediately after he got the prize, and he didn't even look at the hot gazes of the people around him. He directly gave several lesbians a set of cosmetics, "Come on, get it yourself!"

Xiao Wang is beautiful, "Ah, thank you Director Zhang!"

"Director Zhang is mighty!" Huang Dandan laughed and hugged a box in his arms.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Sister Ha."

Haziqi coughed and coughed, "Shopping card is fine, but cosmetics, I'm not welcome." He also took a set.

Zhang Ye said again: "Mr. Yan, give it to my sister-in-law."

Yan Tianfei smiled and said, "Come on, she usually doesn't wear makeup."

After a long time, there were still more than a dozen sets left, and Zhang Ye casually threw it aside.

From the beginning to the end, most of the audience's eyes were on Zhang Ye's body, and everyone didn't even pay attention to what the show was performing on stage!

Several old employees sighed.

"This is Zhang Ye. Wherever he goes, he is unique. Wherever he goes, he is the only protagonist. No one can suppress his limelight!"

"What a god!"

"How did he do it?"

"Who knows!"

"I know one thing, your mother is too slapped!"

"Yes, just now, the Taiwan leader even punished him for not letting him attend the annual meeting, and threw him on the corner of the table. As a result, even if he was sitting in the corner, he could make the entire venue surround him. Turn! He can also let everyone run around him!"

"The nickname'Slap Face Zhang' really deserves your mother's name!"

"Look, the people in the Spring Festival Gala show are about to explode!"

"A person who has fought a lawsuit with CCTV, someone who just scolded the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, a person that the Taiwanese leaders don't want to see, but one person has won 40 carefully prepared prizes at the CCTV annual meeting! Where is this? It's a face slap, this face is almost swollen!"

"Zhang Ye is really evil today!"

"It's like he was innocent before!"

"Khan, too, this is a wicked person!"

"His deeds cannot be explained by common sense!"

Yu Yingyi, an old classmate of Zhang Ye Communication University, witnessed Zhang Ye's demeanor on the scene for the first time today. She felt a little bitter in her heart. She also felt that her old classmate was a bit too awesome! If you change someone else, even if you have won so many prizes, they probably wouldn't dare to accept the prizes, and they might have to actively question whether the equipment is malfunctioning again. What about Zhang Ye? Directly facing the assistant is just a sentence "Go get the prize"!

This is really awesome-awesome!

This remark itself is hitting the faces of many people on CCTV!

Apart from Zhang Ye, who else would dare to speak like this at the CCTV annual meeting? Apart from Zhang Ye, who would dare to make such a mess at the CCTV annual meeting?

This momentum, this style, looking at the entire entertainment industry, there is really no one! !

The ears are full of messy discussions.

Yu Yingyi turned a deaf ear to her ears, lowered her head and took out her phone, smiled bitterly and sent a text message to Dong Shanshan, typing: "Shanshan, Zhang Ye is awesome, I have seen it today!"

Dong Shanshan quickly replied, "Something happened again?"

Yu Yingyi: "I was at the annual meeting and a lot of things happened."

Dong Shanshan: "Hehe, he is awesome, it's not the first day you know."

Yu Yingyi: "I knew before, but I didn't expect him to be more powerful than what I saw on the news! You weren't there, and you didn't see the faces of the leaders of our stations. The boys are already green. The cucumber is still green!"

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