I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 870: [Dahongpao is famous! 】

the next day.


As long as it is in the same city, the courier is almost there.

The cousin called, "Oh, I thought what you sent me, was it cosmetics and mobile phone, or the latest round box?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Received?"

"Received." The cousin said: "You are too expensive!"

Zhang Weidao: "It is all white."

Cousin: "Oh, thank you, sister."

Zhang Weidao: "How is your online store business?"

The cousin opened his eyes and smiled. "Since your photos and slogans have been on, business has been good since last year, and as you become more popular, your sister's small business is getting better and better."

"That's all right." Zhang Wei said: "In the future, I will use the photos as you like. Anyway, I don't have a brokerage company, and there are not so many restrictions."

After a while, Yao Jiancai also sent a text message.

Yao Jiancai: Zhang Er, things are here.

Zhang Wei replied: Got it.

Yao Jiancai: Haha, honey, let me thank you, this girl holding the box of the mobile phone is playing, your nephew also opened the cosmetics, tried to wash the facial milk, said the effect is very good.

Zhang Wei: I like it.

Then Xiao Lu sent a message: Thank you, Teacher Zhang!

Big fly: Things are here! Teacher Zhang is mighty!

Hou Ge: Zhang Dao, I will give you an early age! Thank you mobile! It's so good!

The singer Zhang Xia’s grandmother called and called “Xie Zhang.”

Su Na, a Chinese teacher at Peking University, took a photo on Weibo directly. After sending a mobile phone box express box and unboxing photos, she said in a meager way: "Thank you Professor Zhang for his New Year gift, I like it very much!"

Zhang Yuanqi also received something.

However, the old chapter sent two words to him: already.

Zhang Wei asked: What is the use?

Old chapter: Make use of it.

With a slight smile, Zhang Wei knew that the old chapter had this temper in private, and did not care. After returning a few words to everyone, he packed up and went to work.


Stepping into the sprint stage at the end of the year, many workers did not know how to come all of a sudden, and Zhang Wei’s itinerary was suddenly arranged.


Year-end summary...

The propaganda of "Tip Tips"...

Advertiser feedback activity...

All day, I was very busy.

The result was a bit of a thing at night. Tonight is the latest issue of "China on the Tip of the Tongue". Many viewers watched it in front of CCTV Channel 14. According to the previous routine, "Tip Tip" broadcasts some food, food, food, or food. But today's issue is mixed with a plot about tea. It is said that tea is also unobstructed. Everyone in this tea seems to have never heard of it.

“There is an unknown temple in Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, and the incense is not prosperous. On this morning, the little monk Hui Zhi wakes up as usual, and draws water with his brother...”

"On the top of the cliff, a few tea trees are green."

"This tea is Dahongpao. Its shape is tight and tight, the color is green and brown, and the soup is orange and bright after brewing. The leaves are red and green. The most outstanding quality is the aroma of orchids, high and long lasting. 'Yanyun' is obvious. In addition to the general tea, it has the functions of refreshing and thinking, eliminating fatigue, revitalizing diuretic, antipyretic and heatstroke prevention, sterilization and anti-inflammatory, detoxification and disease prevention, digestion and detoxification, weight loss and bodybuilding, etc. It also has anti-cancer and blood lipid lowering. , anti-aging, and other special effects."

“Dahongpao is very resistant to brewing, and there are still fragrances after brewing for seven or eight times.”

After the show was over, the online response was very big.

"Big red pouch?"

"What kind of tea is this?"

"Oolong tea? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You see it short!"

"I see short? I am the native of Wuyishan!"

"The accent is not like upstairs."

"Khan, I learned from Zhang Yu, I am a native. Wuyishan's tea is also good, famous, but there is never a big red robe!"

"Yes, I am also a local. I really don't have Dahongpao this tea. My family is a tea merchant. My grandfather and my parents are all engaged in this. If there is Dahongpao? I can't hear about dragon tea. Oolong tea is so much, I can recite it backwards!"

"That's not right, what is going on in the tip of the tongue?"

“Is it wrong?”

"I still brewed seven or eight times and still have a fragrance? This is not a nonsense! Three times on the altar!"

"If you really said on the tip of the tongue, then this tea is not the first tea in the country! How could it be so good! Then even the locals don't know?"

"No, Zhang is very rigorous in making the show, and will not make such a low-level mistake!"

The debate on the Internet is endless, and the more controversial the more static.

Many people who didn't like Zhang Wei found the opportunity and immediately went into battle.

"Zhang Wei is nonsense!"

"And Dahongpao? You edit it!"

"Where is this tea!"

"This show is too irresponsible!"

"This is deceiving the audience!"

"The broken tea tree on the wild mountain is so delicious!"

At the end of the day, some locals and even local tea merchants have also appeared on Weibo.

A Fujian tea shop owner said: "Da Hongpao? Forgive me, I have never heard of it."

A Wuyishan businessman who made oolong tea said: "I have never had such a good tea? If there is such a good program on the show, there are so many trees in the world, and the taste is so good, it is not allowed to sell. A sky-high price? No one knows."

An expert from a tea association also came out, "What kind of tea is this?"

For a time, "Tip Tip" ushered in a big wave of snoring, swindlers, irresponsible, fake shows, and so on.



Yan Tianfei urgently contacted Zhang Wei.

On the phone, Lao Yan’s voice was anxious. “Mr. Zhang, have you seen it online? What is the situation of Dahongpao? Is there really such a tea?”

Zhang Xiao smiled. "It is their ignorance."

Yan Tianfei said: "They are all local tea merchants, they don't know?"

Zhang Wei said: "Yan Zong, I have never done a set of virtual things in the show, you don't know, this tea certainly has no choice, but there are not many people who know the goods."

After listening to it, Yan Tianfei was relieved. "I said, you have never let people down, Xiao Zhang has done things, then I will know, crisis public relations is not needed?"

Zhang Weidao: "No need? Look at the situation, I will handle it."

Yan Tianfei said: "Well, at the end of the year, you will work hard."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It should be."

The Internet is still arguing.

For the first time, "Tip Tip" has a crisis of trust.

Things are a turning point that appears the next day.

The rating of "Tip Tip" is too high. It is already a national documentary. Although a lens can attract the attention of the national audience, the Dahongpao that has never been heard is naturally followed by countless people. Less local tea merchants, even local tea associations and people from national tea-related organizations came here, and they were all over the world. The management committee of Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area was also alarmed!

When people in Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area saw this battle, they could only bring people into the scenic spot. In fact, even many of their staff did not know that there were such a few tea trees. Because they were too inconspicuous, no one took care of them. I didn't take those broken tea trees seriously, otherwise I wouldn't be so happy when I first sold them to Zhang Wei, and even regarded Zhang Wei as a big head!

The temple was found.

The tea tree was found.

Tea merchants began to collect the wind, experts began to investigate, "These tea trees, at least for more than 100 years! Even longer!"

This fact has made many people stunned!

In the past, the host of the temple had already brought most of the teas of Dahongpao they had saved to Zhangjing and brought them back to Beijing. But not all of them, they also have a little bit, just very few. I don't know what the tea merchants and tea experts said. In the end, I got some tea from the temple.

After the taste, everyone was shocked to be heaven!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of tea!"

"It's true! "The tip of the tongue" is true!"

"This this……"

“It’s the top oolong tea! And there is a tea that all other oolong teas don’t have! The aftertaste is full! The taste is mellow! This is definitely the top!”

"Do you have such a special dish in the world?"

"Master, are there any temples? I bought them!"

A monk in the temple said: "We are gone."

The tea merchants suddenly found the scenic management committee. "You tea trees, we want to pack it, how much you can open!"

Even a few tea ceremony experts are excited!

As a result, the staff of the scenic area management committee let them thoroughly come to a heart. "These mother trees have long been contracted by Teacher Zhang Wei."


"How could this be?"

"There is no one?"

"It’s a pity!"

Everyone was so sad that they all cried!

As everyone knows, the people in the scenic management committee are also crying. Looking at the appearance of these businessmen and experts, they will know that this tea is definitely not a good thing, and some of them have just had the chance to taste some of it. The taste is still there. What is the result of the aftertaste in the brain? They all contracted out! Nothing left!

The news spread quickly!

Expert tea merchants are full of praise after returning!

Netizen was surprised!


“Is it so good?”


“How is it impossible, the people of the Tea Association have visited the local area!”

"Is it true that Dahongpao is true?"

"Why didn't anyone know that?"

"Yeah, why do people who know the "Tip Tips" column know? And how did the name of the Dahongpao come from? Whose name?"

"I am still skeptical, will the experts and tea merchants not be child care?"

"How come, there have been several tea merchants and tea lovers in the past two days! It should be true!"

"Can you know Zhang Hao?"

On the third day of the incident, there was another major turning point!

This turning point was not even thought of by Zhang Wei.

A professor of historical studies at Fujian University has found a record of Dahongpao from a precious historical material in the world. It is a document of the Qing Dynasty. Although it is damaged and seriously missing, it is true. The words "Wuyishan", "Dahongpao", "tribute" and "Emperor" are recorded in a succinct manner. Because there is too much information missing, there is no specific location and related details, so it has never attracted anyone's attention!

This discovery is amazing!

The professor posted the photo of the document on the Internet. "Zhang Wei is an associate professor at Peking University. I don't comment on my personality. But in terms of knowledge and rigor, I trust Zhang Wei, so I turned over a lot of information and finally found it. As evidence, it is now possible to prove that 'Dahongpao' does have its own tea, and it can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty at the earliest. It can be seen from the words in the literature, which is basically similar to the Dahongpao mother tree introduced in "Tip Tip"!"

This information caused a stormy wave on the Internet!

Tea merchants are crazy!

Experts are crazy!

People who love tea are crazy!

"It's true!"

"My grass, Dahongpao is the tea for the tribute?"

“So famous? The emperor likes to drink?”

"Cow - forced! Too cow - forced!"

"I am relying on it! Do you want to be so fierce?"

"It turned out that this Dahongpao was so bullish in ancient times - forced!"

"This is a famous tea!"

"How many mothers are there in the country? How much is it?"

"A pound? You are a teasing! Can people talk about selling it? With the support of this document, it is impossible for people to sell both. It is estimated that it will be sold!"



Zhang Wei, who is at home, is also awkward. The world is still different from his earth. The history of Dahongpao is a bit different. For example, the inscription on the cliff is gone, and this document may be the world. part.

Newspapers are overwhelming!

Even on the news network!

"The famous tea is born"!

"The Great Red Robe" that has been forgotten by history!

"The Qing Dynasty tribute ‘Dahongpao’ was shocked by the world!”

"China's contribution to cultural heritage on the tip of the tongue"!

Big red pouch!

Big red pouch!

Big red pouch!

This is overwhelming in the news and on the internet!


Mom and dad watched TV news with a stunned look.

Suddenly, the mother turned around, kicked and kicked a bag of tea leaves that was just thrown under her coffee table, pointing at the TV and stupidly said: "Xiao Xiao, they said that the Qing Dynasty famous tea, will not ... will not be The big pocket that you brought back last time broke the tea?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes."

Dad said with a big mouth: "Is that we used to drink a cup before you let it go?"

Zhang Weidao: "Yes."

Dad asked again, "Is it for the emperor during the Qing Dynasty?"

Zhang Yule said: "Maybe, I don't know."

"Oh my mother!" The old mother was scared, and quickly bent over and carefully reached out and took out a small part of the red robe under the coffee table. It was gentle, that movement, that love, and holding herself. Like a child, "Hurry! Hide it! Get it!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "Most of my storage is good. This is reserved for my family. What is hidden?"

My mom blinked: "Crap, can you hide it? Now this Dahongpao is only available to our family! This is baby! The emperor can drink it!"


[Fixed up, everyone happy new year! I will give you a happy New Year! 】


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