I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 871: [Astronomical tea! 】

Overnight, the name of Dahongpao seems to be no one knows!

Not bad, of course, there are disputes, some netizens do not agree.

“Is that so good?”

"Is it too big?"

"Yeah, how is the news all Dahongpao?"

"No matter how good, can you still be better than Longjing?"

"It is estimated that Zhang Wei invited the childcare! What tribute, nonsense!"

"The most expensive West Lake Longjing last year, I heard that one kilogram should be sixty-seven thousand. Dahongpao is more expensive than the Longjing? That is the first tea!"

"Yeah, they can blow too!"

"Oolong tea is still a lot worse than green tea!"

"Well, green tea is the king of tea!"

It didn't take long for someone to come out and hit the face!

On Weibo, a well-known tea merchant in Zhejiang Province issued a message - he personally is willing to bid 100,000 to buy 50 grams of Dahongpao tea!

This time, the netizens were all shocked!



"Accept 50 grams?"

"Is it wrong?"

“Is it expensive? Impossible!”

But then, there is another tea industry group's boss bidding, first attached a phone number, "This is my office phone, there is Dahongpao tea can contact my secretary, 30 grams I can bid 100,000 yuan The price can also have room for negotiation, just like this."


"Is there a bid?"

"This time is more expensive!"

"Thirty grams of 100,000? Crazy!"

Then, one after another, the news of the acquisition is coming out one after another!

A real estate manager in a capital city area: "There is no other hobby, just like to drink a cup of tea. I also ask, is there a tea of ​​Dahongpao? I can give a good price, and I don’t ask too much. There are ten grams of twenty. Ke is enough, some please contact me, or know who has Dahongpao, also help me introduce, I directly contact each other."

A toy dealer, "10 grams, I am 60,000!"

A very rich second generation on the Internet: "I accept 100 grams, 500,000!" </p

"Six hundred thousand!"


The asking price is constantly rising.

In the end, the rich second generation was annoyed and opened a price directly. "I also have 650,000, and I don't want too much. Twenty grams will do! Who has speed?"

This is the highest price so far!

Netizens are stupid!

“Is this the world of rich people?”

"My grass, buy more than 600,000 teas and buy 20 grams?"


"I sweat, who said that Dahongpao can't be worth much? Just who said that it is no better than the best West Lake Longjing? How long is Longjing's expensive? Dahongpao? People **** is Sell ​​it by gram! It’s not a price at all! It’s too much price difference!”

"Who would have a big red robe with a pound of two pounds, still not making a fortune?"

"Nobody talks, no one."

"Yeah, it is hard to find money now, and you can't buy it with money!"

"Where are Dahongpao?"

"If someone has this tea, it is Zhang Hao!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei is not bad, and it is estimated that it will not be sold."

"So the price has been so high!"

"Zhang Hao's eyes are too poisonous! I am also bored. How can I disappear for so many years of tributes, can he find it?"

"I still can't be sure if this is a fake news!"


The next day.

Parent's home.

Early in the morning, the knock on the door rang and a guest came to the door.

The mother went to open the door, and actually stood eight or nine people outside. "Well? Are you?"

One of them said: "Hello sister, Professor Zhang at home?"

"Small aunt is still sleeping." The mother looked at several people in confusion. "Are you looking for him?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Something, I am the director of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, my name is Ho." Then introduced the next person, said: "This is the vice president of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences." There was also a staff member who followed them, and he did not introduce it.

People in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences?

The mother was slightly shocked. Of course, the name of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences had been heard. "Please come in and please come in, the house is in chaos, and you haven’t cleaned up. Don’t care."

Then, in this wave of people, someone said: "Big sister, we are the people of Fu-Jian-Province-Government-Government Office."

Then, there was another person inside: "Hello, we are the people of the Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area Administrative Committee, bothering and disturbing."


Scenic Management Committee?

It turns out that this is a three-pronged person, not a dial.

My mother shouted: "Please come in, I will call Xiaoxiao to get up."

ten minutes later.

Zhang Wei came out of the bedroom, and their intentions Zhang Wei actually knew almost, because last night, the dean of the Peking University Modern Agricultural College called him and said that the farmer’s trustee contacted this side and wanted to follow Zhang Wei talked about the Dahongpao mother tree. Zhang Wei did not refuse, but did not expect that the next morning, people would come to the door. As for the other two people, it is estimated that they will come to accompany them.

Everyone sat down and my mom made water for tea.

Zhang squinted his eyes and said, "Mom, brew Dahongpao."

"...oh." Mom looked awkwardly, and she also knew that Dahongpao has been fired online for a price!

When those people listen to this, they are hard to conceal their excitement, and they are eager to try.

After a process, the tea came up.

The deputy director of the Tea Research Institute has been eager to stand up. "Big sister, let me come."

Mom said: "No, sit down."

A few people took a deep breath and took a deep breath, and took the tea and began to taste tea.

"Good tea!"

"Sure enough, it's the best!"

"This... the aroma entrance is instant!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

The room suddenly sounded amazement!

The vice president of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences asked: "Professor Zhang, how did you discover Dahongpao?" As a mathematician, in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhang Wei is also engaged in science, and they are their peers. It is also natural to use the title of Zhang Wei in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University.

With the Qing dynasty literature discovered by the professors of Fujian University, Zhang Wei has more steps, laughing: "I am, reading a little more, seeing more things."

The director of the Tea Research Institute is a big one. "Mr. Zhang is not only engaged in Chinese studies, but also has a wide range of knowledge."

Zhang Weidao: "If you hold it, it is a coincidence."

The vice president took another check and immediately looked at Zhang Wei and said: "Professor Zhang knows what we are doing?"

"I don't always want to drink tea." Zhang Hao shook his head, he really didn't know.

The deputy dean smiled. "Then I will open the door and say, the people of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences have already visited the Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area the day before yesterday. We have almost finished the relevant work. The news has also been feedback back. There is also an associate school there. The long lead, the yard is very important."

Zhang Wei listened quietly.

The deputy dean said: "After our field visits and surveys and the sampling analysis of several mother trees, it has been confirmed that this is the Dahongpao in the literature that has disappeared for nearly a hundred years. Therefore, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences opened an emergency meeting and established a project. A research project, we want to carry out in-depth research without affecting the growth and development of several Dahongpao mother trees, and try to graft and cultivate, batch planting. Dahongpao is too precious, this is not only a historical testimony It is also the natural and cultural heritage of the whole country and nation. We certainly hope that it will continue. Well, because these mother trees are your own personalities, we must first ask for your consent, and you can rest assured that these studies can be It is guaranteed that there will be no damage to the mother tree. Even on the basis of agricultural science, we will make the Dahongpao mother tree grow more scientific and healthy, and avoid the influence of uncontrollable factors such as pests and natural disasters."

The director of the Tea Research Institute added: "The matter of a few mother trees, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences pays more attention than you, so give us protection, you must be assured."

Zhang Wei asked: "What do I need to do?"

The deputy dean said: "Nothing needs to be done. Authorize us."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Okay, this is fine."

A few people from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences did not expect that Zhang Wei would agree so so.

"For the sake of the country for the people, the continuation of cultural inheritance, I will never be vague." Zhang Wei smiled and said: "You are right, Dahongpao mother tree is the property of the nation, the culture of the nation, not my personal "When it comes here, he added, "Well, the tree is national, but the tea is mine."

Everyone is happy.

The vice president smiled and said: "The annual tea production of several mother trees is definitely yours, but for our research work, I want to take a little bit of research for a while, fifty... no, twenty grams. enough."

Zhang Hao nodded: "Yes."

The matter here has been finished, and the people of Fu-jian-province-government-government have also said about their affairs.

The humanity of the office: "Mr. Zhang, this is the case. We also temporarily opened a meeting on the other side and decided to set up a new attraction in the Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area. It is called Dahongpao Scenic Area, open to tourists, and also spread the national culture. Share."

Zhang Hao said quickly: "Yes, you look at it."

Things are going well, and it’s especially smooth, everyone is happy.

In fact, what I’m talking about now is something that already existed on Zhang’s once-on-the-world, such as the Dahongpao scenic spot in Wuyishan. He has that earth, and it’s also mass-produced Dahongpao after mass planting. He also has it. Of course, the quality of the mass-produced Dahongpao is uneven, and it is never better than the mother tree.


The day.

The state decided to research and cultivate Dahongpao and put on the news broadcast!

This is also the status of Dahongpao established from another angle, and it is recognized by the state!

"It turned out to be fake news!"

"There is a big red robe!"

“Is the country involved in the research? Is the country so important?”

"I rely on, really ancient tea!"

"One gram on 10,000 yuan? That is really not expensive!"

At this point, no one has any doubt about the authenticity of Dahongpao!


[Drinking more yesterday, headache, stomachache, a blink of an eye in the morning, and quickly ate a bowl of dumplings to get up and write a chapter! 】


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