I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 875: [Zhang Ye Tucao Spring Festival Gala (Part 2)! 】





The Spring Festival Gala live broadcast officially begins!

First, a two-minute promotional video was inserted. The short film was gorgeous and traditional. Front-line workers from all walks of life appeared in the short film wearing costumes from all walks of life, and finally concentrated on a train during the Spring Festival. Everyone clasped their fists, and a few words appeared on the screen—Spring Festival Gala.

The dance music sounded, it was ethnic music. Amidst the music, the actors appeared on the stage in red and green. Some danced Uyghur dance, Dai dance, and Mongolian dance.


"Why do I have an unknown hunch?"

"me too."

"Hodgepodge? Khan."

"The composition of the staff is too complicated!"

"This opening dance is really too'Spring Festival Gala'!"

"Isn't it the same every year? Quickly, find a better place!"

"Skills, come on!"

There are already jokes on the stage, but the party has just begun. Everyone hasn't entered the state yet, and they haven't found a good entry point. There are two points of complaints.

At this time, the actors of Mongolian dance shifted to the front, and the large screen at the back also played the names of various places in Inner Mongolia. Whenever there was a place name, there were locals wearing Mongolian gowns riding horses, or guarding yurts, or In the school, there are pictures of New Year greetings.

"The joke!"

"What about people?"


"What about your fighting power?"

"Who will start the Spring Festival Gala "first slot"!"

Suddenly, there was a complaint on Weibo: "I am from Inner Mongolia, I am in ********, I want to say, I have explained to foreign friends for so many years that we cannot live in yurts, ride to school, or take a bath with milk. I didn’t wear those Mongolian robes. As a result, when the Spring Festival Gala was broadcast, all my hard work for so many years was wasted."

Everyone went crazy when this complaint came out!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Puff! It's so funny!"

"Your mother is a professional Tucao player!"

"It's professional at first sight!"

"Too awesome!"

"Spit out the first slot of the new year!"

"Hahaha, laughed at me!"

"Oh, who is this powerful!"

"Let me see who posted this, it's so funny!"

As a result, when netizens saw this person's name, they all laughed!


"It's Zhang Ye!"

"My grass is Zhang Ye's deity!"



"It turned out to be Zhang Ye, I just said who has such a fierce fighting power!"

"Come and see! Teacher Zhang is firing on the Spring Festival Gala again!"

"I said that the Spring Festival Gala program group just issued such a targeted statement, basically pointing to the nose to say Zhang Ye, it is definitely not his style that Zhang Ye does not fight back!"

"Ms. Zhang has also joined the army of joke writers!"

"Zhang Ye is mighty!"

"Ms. Zhang is great!"

With Zhang Ye joining, the slogan army was immediately extremely excited!

If it’s other jokes, maybe it will not spread so fast, but this tucao comes from Zhang Ye, the speed of spread is naturally conceivable, Zhang Ye’s Weibo fans are an extremely large number, enough It was a little more than ten million. For a while, the opening dance on TV hadn't ended, and this complaint was spread all over the Internet!


Grandma's house.

The third sister shouted: "Hahaha, brother, you are too bad!"

The second sister laughed, "Brother, are you really complaining?"

"It's too classic!" The eldest sister also looked at meagerly and smiled, "I'm still a big brother! This is too professional, and the entry point is accurate and ruthless!"

Zhang Ye didn't care. This is all summed up by the netizens and narrators in his world-Hua, can you not? Can it be ruthless?


The opening dance ends.

The host has begun to play!

Chen Ye is wearing a big red dress, "We celebrate the festive season once a year!"

The hostess next to him said loudly: "The whole country celebrates the New Year!"

The lines of several hosts are nothing new, they are all relatively old-fashioned New Year greetings. The only difference from the previous Spring Festival Gala is that the stage has changed, which is more gorgeous than before and has more technological elements.

Soon, the second show started.

It is still a singing and dancing show, with singing as the focus.

A big-name singer appeared on the stage and sang: "My motherland, a new atmosphere!"

A movie star came on stage, "Every year, new look."

An old singer sang loudly, "People, very happy."

A soprano, "Qi boast, communist-party."

This is a new song, and I don’t know who wrote the lyrics and music. I have never heard it in previous years.

Netizens complain:

"This word is too positive!"

"Khan, are there any other shows?"

"I'm almost falling asleep."

"Can you stop it? Why this year's Spring Festival Gala seems even more boring than in previous years!"

"There are too many slots, I don't know how to throw up."

"The sketch is here!"

"Look forward to language programs!"

The third show finally ushered in the first sketch of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

But when the audience saw it, they were even more dizzy.

The skit is called "This is the New Policy", which tells about some problems and obstacles encountered by a couple of rural families because they went out to do errands. Finally, the new policy approved by the state made things smoothly and smoothly. Before the end, everyone praised the policy.

Netizens received mixed reviews.


"On the previous paragraph, there are a few laughs."

"Nonsense, where is the laugh? I was speechless the whole time!"

"Too boring! Not funny at all!"

"What's this sketch?"

"Halo, it's different from what I expected!"

Then it was singing and dancing, and chanting slogans, and finally, the first cross talk work came, it was the 60-person cross talk "Family Reunion" from Tang Dazhang's cross talk group! In the past, it seemed that the show appeared late, close to zero, but later because of the pressure of public opinion, there were too many questions from everyone, so the Spring Festival Gala program group made a temporary adjustment to advance Tang Dazhang's cross talk.

Language stage scene.

Tang Dazhang took the stage with all his brothers and apprentices.

As soon as he came up, Tang Dazhang smiled and waved to the audience, "Audience friends, let's meet again."

The applause below is sparse, and many people are happy when they hear it. It is not how funny this sentence is, but many people think of the satire of Tang Dazhang in Zhang Ye's "I'm Going to the Spring Festival Gala".

"Here, we'll give you a New Year's greeting first!"

Sixty people bowed together and said in unison: "Happy New Year!"

"Today is a good day."


"That's one day in a year."


The cross talk began. The first two people said, and then they entered the singing stage. The remaining 50 cross talk actors joined together, including those who played the erhu, some who played the strings, and a few sang drums. The lesbians of the book also joined one after another, a cross talk made the momentum, singing and dancing!

Netizens are silly.

"Is this a cross talk?"

"How do you feel like a singing show?"

"so boring!"

"The only laughs in it are all old stalks from years ago. One stalk seems to be very familiar. It seems to be a stalk used by Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai and has been changed!"

"This is really a family reunion! I can't help but pee!"

"The slogan is really bright, worse than I expected!"

"Tang Dazhang is getting older, and it's getting worse now, out of touch with the times."

"This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to be out of our own era. If someone tells me that it is the Spring Festival Gala five years ago, I would believe it!"

"I finally know why Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai can't be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year. Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yao are obviously unlikely to have the political and political consciousness of Tang Dazhang!"

After a few shows, many people have lost their temper!

The jokesmen are showing off.

Even Zhang Ye's fan group leader Dadao brother participated.

Fan Yingyun: "This night, people all over the country can fall asleep peacefully. Mom no longer has to worry about my insomnia!"

But among all the complaints from top to bottom, there was a complaint that was particularly conspicuous, "Wonderful, wonderful! This year's Spring Festival Gala, this is the best news broadcast I have watched in more than 20 years. It discarded The usual news broadcast is a single oral broadcast and image format, which integrates songs, dances, sketches, vcr and other forms. The simple and simple propaganda of the party’s good policies, the country is thriving, and the people live and work in peace. It is another innovative breakthrough in news propaganda. With the mind into the heart and the profound practice of the three closeness principles, it is worth learning and understanding for all comrades on the news and propaganda front!"

Weibo Publisher:

——Zhang Ye.

When the jokesmen saw it, they were shocked!

"I'm just spitting out!"

"Ms. Zhang is on again!"

"News Feeds?"


"I have a good evening party, how come you say it is a news broadcast! Haha!"

"It's a **** shit!"

"Tonight, Teacher Zhang has offended a group of people again!"

After a few minutes, the host started playing the couplet.

The host asked the question, "The country is thriving."

Chen Ye said to the next couplet, "The people live and work in peace and contentment."

At this moment, Zhang Ye sent a meager message again: "To tell you a good news, tell you a good news, the comrades who can insist on watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year, there will be absolutely no hurdles to pass next year!"



"Let you offend Zhang Ye! Look!"

"Puff ha ha ha, I decided not to watch the Spring Festival Gala, I will just celebrate Zhang Ye's meager New Year!"

After the next program ended, the host team came out again. Thank you for your leadership, thank the audience for their persistence for so many years, and thank the Spring Festival Gala program group for their hard work.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Ye’s complaints came out again, "Thank you, everyone should be grateful for this year’s Spring Festival Gala program group. It was you who made me realize my mistakes. Tonight, we owe the last, the last, the last. A deep apology for the Spring Festival Gala-I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? Puff!"

"Oh, I can't do it!"

"Zhang Ye is too bad!"

"Already smiled in front of the computer! Hahahaha!"

"Yes, we all owe an apology to the last Spring Festival Gala! We shouldn't scold them back then!"

"Do you want to be so funny!"

"Look at the detrimental level of Teacher Zhang, you guys are really not good!"

"Nonsense, who can compare with Teacher Zhang when it comes to detrimental skills?"

"Niu-bi! At the critical moment, you still have to look at Teacher Zhang!"

Many jokesmen are convinced now, "Sure enough, it is Zhang Ye. His writing and eloquence are all professional, and he is not at the same level as us amateur jokes!"

As soon as the joke comes out, the judgment is made.

Tonight, Zhang Ye has fun with the people, has transformed himself into the Tucao army, and has directly become the leader of the narrators. He played Tucao to the fullest, spit out a new height, and spit out a new realm!

The Spring Festival Gala live broadcast continues.

Zhang Ye's complaints continued!

Every word of the host can be caught by him, and every detail of every program can be spit out by Zhang Ye. Countless jokesmen have already "stopped work" long ago. It's all about Zhang Ye's first second from the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala, and the last second of the end of the Spring Festival Gala! Of course, there are also Zhang Ye who didn’t complain, such as Zhang Yuanqi, Zhang Xia, and Ci Xiufang’s skits. But as long as Zhang Ye knew a good relationship, he didn’t say anything. This is always the case. ……Wrong with people!

The people were laughing forward and backward!

Zhang Ye's family was also dumbfounded.

The mother said: "Son, you just post on Weibo without eating dumplings? Why are you so boring?"

Zhang Ye was full of energy, "You just learned that I have always been so boring!"

The third sister was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, "Brother, one more! One more!"

Zhang Ye said, "Sent another one. Go and give me a like!"

"Received! Hahahaha!"


The Spring Festival Gala is over.

When the directors wanted to go online to see how netizens and people responded to this Spring Festival Gala, the moment they opened Weibo, even the director-general, Xu Yipeng and several deputy directors and staff... were stupid! !

what is this?

What's all this?

Everyone almost vomited a mouthful of old blood!

Zhang Ye! I-grass-you-big-ye-ah!

You are so **** wicked, you!

Zhang Ye's hundreds of trash and Weibo swipes really shocked the directors of the Spring Festival Gala! More than a hundred! Obviously you are going to participate in the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing tomorrow. Obviously you are busy with a lot of things. You are such a big-name star. You actually spent a lot of time in front of the TV on the night of his mother’s New Year’s Eve. Time to complain about our Spring Festival Gala at night? Everyone in the director group of the Spring Festival Gala scolded their mothers! !

This is a stinky-rascal!

One of the most tricky gangsters in the entertainment industry-hooligans!


[The plane was changed, I can only go back to Beijing tomorrow, and write it down after I go back! 】


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