I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 876: [TV Spring Festival Evening kicks off! 】

New Year's Day.

in the morning.

Netizens are still happy.

"Laughing for a night!"

"I have looked back and read it again!"

"Me too, I read Zhang Wei's meager look again! Hahaha!"

"I rely on what happened yesterday?"

"What happened? The southerners who did not watch the Spring Festival Evening drifted."

"You are late, go see Zhang Wei meagerly understand! CCTV Spring Festival Evening from start to finish for several hours, Zhang Wei alone spit more than 100 paragraphs! Too wonderful!"

"More than a hundred paragraphs, what kind of spirit is this!?"

"Yeah, go see! We all were paralyzed yesterday!"

"I like Zhang Hao's temper! I don't want it at all! What do you want to say!"

"Yes, generally, like his top-ranking star in the second line, which one is not careful? It’s not the same, it’s really not afraid of it!"

"Top Zhang!"

"Too much like him!"

Zhang Yi’s more than one hundred vomits were rumored by the Internet. Each piece is the crystallization of the wisdom of his friends and the talents of the Spring Festival Evening on Earth. Not only has it been verified by time, many of them have even been on that earth. Everyone knows that in this world, it is natural to shine!

Teasing the group.

That is, Zhang Xin’s new star chat group, many stars are also in this time.

One of the domestic popular members said in winter and winter: "Mr. Zhang, you can really say anything! I saw you spit in the evening, I was completely dressed!"

Zhang Wei typed: "Why don't I dare say?"

Winter and winter: "...well."

First-line star Ning Lan: "Man, you are so bold."

Fan Wenli inserted a sentence, "Oh, just like he was not bold before."

Fan Wenli’s husband, Chen Guang, also sent a smiling expression. “This guy is on this virtue. We will never dare to say or inappropriately say that people are saying every day, and finally they have not seen anything.”

Ning Landao: "Don't say one more? I am a Tucao Spring Festival Evening. It is estimated that many people will come to me. The work schedule for next year will definitely be one-fifth less, and maybe even powder!"

Huo Dongfang said: "So you are not Zhang Hao."

Winter and winter hippie smiles: "This is the star temperament. Every star's way of speaking and doing things is different. If Teacher Zhang can say something, we can't say it, unless Ning Jie wants to become a female in the entertainment circle." Where do you call everyone when you go there?"

Ning Lan smiled and said: "I still forget it."

Zhang Wei made a blink of an eye and asked: "Who is a stream - hehe?"


"You say oh!"

Everyone is happy.

Suddenly, a name came out.

Zhang Yuanqi: "Hey, Zhang Wei is also in the group?"

Ning Lan smiled and said: "You can count on the line."

Zhang Yuanqi: "This time is too busy, and the Spring Festival Evening has tossed me."

Dong Dongdao: "Zhang teacher has been in the group for a while, Zhang Jie, you know?"

Huo Dongfang: "Zhang Jie, I haven't seen you for a long time."

A first-line actor said: "Zhang Jie is good."

A second-line director male singer, "Zhang Jie is good."

Many stars who haven’t just bubbled up have come out a lot.

Zhang Wei also faked a fake sentence, "Zhang Jie is good."

Zhang Yuanqi greeted his friends one by one, and then said to Zhang Wei: "You went to Beijing Spring Festival Evening this year? Well, wait and see your cross talk."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Get it."

Winter and winter also said: "Mr. Zhang cheers!"

Huo Dongfang smiled and said: "How can no one cheer me?"

Chen Guangwen, "Is there a show at Laohuo night?"

Huo Dongfang said: "Liaoning Spring Festival Evening also invited me."

Fan Wenli smiled. "I am Hunan Spring Festival Evening. I am already on TV."

Another big star came again. "At night, the Oriental TV has a comedy for me."

This is a group of almost all the big cafés in the entertainment circle. Except for some semi-recessed big names, others are the most popular big-name stars today. Naturally, the occasion of the Spring Festival Evening is definitely indispensable, and some people have high luck. Good to go to CCTV Spring Festival Evening, can not get CCTV Spring Festival Evening can also find a place in the local Taichun night.

Zhang Yuanqi blessed: "All come on, the new year is opening!"


"Thank you, Zhang Jie."

"Tonight is the most intense time for shopping!"

"More than 20 TV stations in the Spring Festival Evening, can you not be fierce!"

"Look which platform will be better this year."

"It is still a big hope for Liaoning and Hunan, and there are many big names."

"Beijing TV is not bad either."

"I am more optimistic about the Oriental TV, because I am here, haha!"



Zhang Wei is not familiar with many of the stars in the group. He can even say that he doesn’t know it at all. There is no intersection at all, so he didn’t talk to them. Seeing what they said, Zhang Wei turned silently. Chat software, mute your phone and throw it on the bed.

Practice again!

Say it this time!

I took out an A4 paper, and Zhang Wei read it over the top of the mouth. Then I closed my eyes and started to squat. The more I went back, the faster I went back. Sometimes I hit the middle of it, Zhang Wei. I frowned and shook my head in dissatisfaction and continued to start again.


Five times.

Ten times.

Get up at seven o'clock, tossing to ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Wei is still very hardworking. This piece has been practiced for several days. In fact, it is no problem to say it, but he has higher requirements for himself. Since he agreed to Wu Zeqing, he has to say a cross talk to the people. Then he has to keep improving and can't discount at all! This time he is ready to say a cross talk, use the face that others have been questioning him, and hit his face back!


Will it be awkward?

Can't get on the countertop?

Well, my buddy will use this traditional comic dialogue that you guys are good at this time to listen to! Do you really think that I can't come to your set? I am following the routine of traditional cross talks, and I follow the pattern of the Spring Festival Evening comics. I can say better than you!



The publicity competition of the Spring Festival Evening of each TV has entered a feverish!

Some TV stations in the Spring Festival Evening are the mode of online propaganda. The microblogs are all about the news of their Spring Festival Evening. There are even some hype, such as which King has to withdraw from their Spring Festival Evening. After a while, the King is not Exited, then quit, and then did not quit, smashing the momentum, attracting attention. There are also TV stations that pay directly for the Spring Festival Evening, and buy advertisements everywhere in major forums and video sites. That advertisement is simply overwhelming. In short, all the magical powers, everyone wants to have a good start on the first day of the new year, which is also related to the survival of the TV station, no one will retreat!

The propaganda battle started, and netizens joined it.

"Must see Liaoning Taiwan!"

"Which platform does Huo teach the Lord, I see which Taiwan Spring Festival Evening!"

"This year's CCTV Spring Festival Evening is too sloppy, and I am looking forward to the TV Spring Festival Evening!"

"I haven't thought about which platform to look at!"

"Look at the Oriental TV. Last year, they had a lot of comic dialogues and good shows!"

"To say a comic dialogue, it is definitely the first choice for the Beijing Spring Festival Evening."

"Also, there is Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai this year in Beijing Spring Festival Evening."

"Oh, the two people's cross talks are famous for their deaf people. They are all fighting and swearing. They have to be addicted from the beginning to the end. I also admit that Zhang Huan's cross talks are very exciting, but how do you broadcast in the Spring Festival Evening?"

"Oh, really, can't Zhangye's comic dialogue be broadcast?"

"Well, the party comics are still different from other cross talks."

"But Zhang Wei can choose traditional cross talk."

"Where he would say traditional cross talk, he is a sultry cross talk!"

"Yes! I just remembered!"

"What should I do?"

"What can I do? Spring Festival Evening is this routine. Your whole cross talks are all about this one. People can't let you go, can't pass the review, but Zhang Wei's comic style is famous for his small theater comic dialogue. What I love to see is that he swears at the face. He suddenly doesn't swear, who sees it? It is estimated that Zhang Hao himself will not say it. Anyway, I have never heard the traditional tradition of Zhang Jian and Yao Jiancai. Standard crosstalk works!"

"Isn't that finished?"

"You said this, my heart is empty!"

"Yeah, I was also very much looking forward to it. Is it true that Zhang Wei’s cross-talk in the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing is the same? It’s the same as that of Tang Dazhang’s CCTV Spring Festival Evening, the 60-something shouting slogan? Who sees it!”

"It may be like this!"

"That's not as good as the Spring Festival Evening!"

"Agree, not so much as the boring traditional cross talk, it is not as good as it is. Don't be the same as Tang Dazhang's "Reunion of the Family"! The position of Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yao in my heart is very high! Don't be because of the previous one. Spring Festival Evening destroyed the perfect image in my heart!"

"Yes, it's not as good as it is!"

"Traditional cross talks have entered the downturn early, and it is impossible to come. Even Zhang Jian and Yao Jiancai said that the results are the same!"

"Let's wait until the evening."

"Hey, everything is known at night!"

Comments on the sky, especially for Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai's cross-talking works in the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing this year, everyone's attention is exceptionally high, even almost harsh! They are not just newcomers who have just become famous, but artists who have been famous for a long time. They are famous in the field of comics. In the past, they even saved the downturned cross-talk industry with their own strength. Therefore, the expectations of the people for Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai are very high. This is all worried!

Zhang Wei’s fans are like this.

The same is true of Zhang Wei’s friends.

Even Zhang Jian’s enemies are very concerned.



There is a summary meeting today, and it will be scattered. Everyone will talk about it in twos and threes.

The people in the Spring Festival Evening program group had long wanted to marry her, and she didn’t have a good impression on Zhang Wei. The more than one hundred spit and sentence, the needles and the blood, are personally endure!

"This is the name of Zhang, see what he said tonight!"

"Yes, I will listen to his cross talk, let's spit him!"

"The skin of this product is the thickest one I have ever seen! His confession statement is always coming and going. He still has a face-spoken other show? I am dizzy!"

"I see how bad he is tonight!"

"I can't stop it, there is a review."

"If you can't stop people, who will see his cross talk? Hehe."

Chen Ye.

Xu Yipeng.

Tang Dazhang.

CCTV's, cross-talking, all walks of life, many people are waiting to see Zhang Wei's joke today!

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