I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 877: [The party begins! 】


After eating at home, Zhang Wei did not know where to take out two pieces of leather.

"Dad, Mom, give." Zhang Yidao.

Mom looked over, "What?"

Dad frowns, "Is it something to buy?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "When the New Year is over, I will buy clothes for you. My mother is a suede coat. It is a leather jacket for you. It is a good brand, wear it."

"Don't buy it later." Dad saved the habit.

Mom took it with a smile. "How much?"

Zhang Weidao: "Ten hundred thousand."

Mom is scared, "Hey, you are going crazy! You have more than ten thousand to do something bad? Give me the money, I will keep it for you!" Throw the clothes back, "Hurry back!"

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "I said, I will pay thousands of dollars. I have to go to the Beijing TV station in the afternoon to report it. I am a child."

My mom asked: "I don't go home at night?"

Zhang Wei: "Let's talk about it."

Mom: "What is the third day of the second day?"

Zhang Wei: "I don't know, look busy."

My mom complained: "Don't run around the New Year, you can't go home with your family for a year. You said that you are at home for a few days this year? Every day, you go home at 10:11, and you can't see you. The filming in the field is also a few months and a few months, and last year, you are not at home in the 30th year! Don’t go to CCTV Spring Festival Evening to write songs, fight with Koreans, and go to the police station. Year! Don't run this year! Go home and stay!"

Zhang Yan said, "Oh, I know."

My mom blinked. "Don't be perfunctory! How can it be so difficult to think of a family for a year?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I have a mother, I know."

Dad cares about it, "How is the crosstalk made?"

Zhang Wei casually said: "All are well."

"Then I just heard what you are preparing in the house? Hey?" Dad said.

Zhang snorted and said: "It is to consolidate and consolidate. In fact, it is no problem. You can rest assured that you will wait to watch the show at night."


The broadcast is approaching.

The voice on the Internet is getting bigger and bigger.

When Zhang Hao arrived at the Beijing TV station, he met several people in the director group.

"Hey, is Teacher Zhang coming?" said the director.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Come on, come over and get ready."

The deputy director said: "Your evening shows are now being discussed a lot and the controversy is great."

"Yeah, I saw it." Zhang Wei did not care.

The deputy director was happy and said, "A lot of people think that you can't talk about the party comics. Even if you say it, it won't be good, but there are many people who support you. If you have a few fans, you will listen to us. They said You just don't say a word on the stage and Yao Jiancai licks the seeds, they also love to watch!"

A director assistant said: "Mr. Zhang, come on."

Another staff member said: "You must have no problem with this show."

"It’s awkward." Zhang Wei smiled. "Take your words."

Going in the way and greeting a few people who had known each other, Zhang Hao found a lounge, closed the door, and began to twirling that line again. This is the first time he has prepared a comic dialogue. It is not that he has no confidence. The main reason is that this comic dialogue is too risky. What he said before is all about the comic dialogues in his world. Some of my own things, the main line is unchanged, but today I want to say this, but Zhang Jian is patchwork, there are Guo Degang, there are his apprentice Yue Yunpeng, and Wang Zijian, and some are his own design, What he has to do now is to tie them together. This is very difficult. Therefore, Zhang Hao has invested a lot of energy this time. He is not sure whether he can say this comic dialogue well, or that he is not sure whether the audience can Buy it.

More than two.

Yao Jiancai is here.

"Old Yao, it’s just right."

"You are early enough? It will start at 7:00 in the evening."

"I changed some more."

"Ah? Have you changed?"

"I always feel that something is wrong, not exciting enough!"

"It's already very good."

"Come on, the trick is to bump into it."

"Okay, you have the final say."

The entire Beijing TV station is busy, and the busiest time of the year is the Spring Festival Evening of the New Year's Day. After all, it is live. Of course, there are also busy TV stations, such as Gansu Satellite TV, Shaanxi Satellite TV, Jiangxi Satellite TV, etc., because the ratings are generally average, and it is not a particularly strong TV station, so people do not fight for this. Today’s party is said to be a few days ago. Recorded, on this earth, only Beijing, Hunan, Liaoning, Zhejiang, and other TV stations will broadcast the Spring Festival Evening, want to smack the ratings, not live broadcast.

The cross talk between Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai is undoubtedly one of the key programs of the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing. Taili wants to rely on them to raise the ratings, so they are arranged in front of them. This is different from CCTV Spring Festival Evening. CCTV Spring Festival Evening is broadcasted by the 30th year of the year. It is necessary to catch a midnight time, so the key programs are all before zero, which is different from the local Taiwan Spring Festival Evening.

I do not know how long it has been.

A staff member rushed, "Mr. Zhang, Teacher Yao, make up!"

Zhang Hao looked up and said: "Let's wait, go now!"

The female staff member hurriedly said: "It is already half past five!"

"A little thing didn't finish." Zhang Wei immediately talked to Yao Jiancai. "Do you want this baggage?"

Yao Jiancai said: "It may not be enough time."

Zhang Hao nodded. "Then delete it."

At the end, Chang Xiaoliang, the general director of the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing, was shocked. The task of letting go was hurriedly rushed. "How come there is no makeup to change clothes? It’s six o'clock, and there is an hour to start!"

Zhang Wei did not care about this child, went up and said: "Frequent guide, I am looking for you, I just touched Lao Yao, a little something to add, I want a piece of music, but also record two narration."

Chang Xiaoliang is dumbfounded. "It’s too late!"

Zhang Wei insisted: "This must be added."

"What kind of music do you want?" Chang Xiaoliang disagreed: "Isn't the rehearsal section really good? The director group has passed, yes."

Zhang Wei shook his head and said: "I have always felt that my previous work has no bottom. Now I have found the reason. It is the last bottom that I can’t hold. It seems that these burdens are too loose. I have to add a paragraph!" Simply put your own ideas. Said to Chang Xiaoliang.

After listening to it, I often said: "You have changed this abruptly. Can you say it badly? You can't see the finished product. I haven't seen the effect. How can I promise you?"

Yao Jiancai said: "It should be."

Zhang Wei also said: "Normal guide, you have to trust my professional level!"

Hu Fei and others heard the news and came. "What happened?"

Chang Xiaoliang said: "This is too big, I have to communicate with the leader." Hurry out and made a few calls, and communicated for a long time, he came back.

Both Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai looked at the guide.

Always lead a bite, "Leader approved, according to what you mean! You guys, can really make me difficult."

Yao Jiancai also put away the hippie smile of the past, saying: "Xiao Zhang is a rare time this time."

Zhang Wei said: "Let's strive for excellence."

Chang Xiaoliang said: "What do you need to tell me quickly, I will arrange it right away!"

A staff member anxiously said: "Mr. Zhang teacher Yao first make up! Just make up and say!"

Zhang Wei is sorry: "I'm sorry, I have trouble for everyone."

In the past, Zhang Huan said that the cross talk is awkward. If you look at this one, you can do it funny, you can do it on your face. It doesn't require anything too high in art. It doesn't need to be so delicate. But this time, he has to say a piece. It must be polished repeatedly, not as casual as before.

The audience has already entered the scene.

The opening of the party is coming, the atmosphere is getting more and more intense!

The staff of the Beijing TV station are also worried!

"Get started soon!"

"Does the guide? How can the normal guide disappear?"

"Normally in the studio!"

"Zhang Yao's Yao Jiancai's cross talks have gone wrong. Many people are tossing over there. I heard that I have to change something temporarily. Oh, their cross talks are arranged in the sixth program!"


"Is this catching up?"

"Who knows, Teacher Zhang Wei always plays this hanging!"

"Hurry up, I hope I can catch it!"

When the situation came out, the staff of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala Group of the Beijing TV Station even mentioned their hearts to the eyes!

Countdown to twenty minutes.

Chang Xiaoliang is back.

A director hurriedly asked, "What happened to Zhang Wei?"

"I still get it, no matter what they are!" Chang Xiaoliang said loudly: "All departments are in place!"

A female deputy director crept: "This Zhang Hao! Really!"

Countdown to ten minutes!

Countdown to five minutes!

At 7:00, the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala is officially launched!


at the same time.

Liaoning, Hunan, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other local satellite TV Spring Festival Evening have started!

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