I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 878: [Communication "Everything is good"! 】

It’s meager and lively! </p?

"Wow, let's get started!"

"Look at the opening dance of Mango Taiwan! Cow!"

“Zhejiang Tai is also good!”

"The general effect of the Beijing TV, the stage effect is not so good!"

"It's still the most technological sense of Mango Taiwan! It's really rich! This stage is catching up with the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Evening? It's bloody!"

"Strong my big Hunan!"

Netizens started to comment on the beginning of the live broadcast.

Some people take turns to watch a few Spring Festival Evenings, and then make summative evaluations separately!


Today, Zhang Yijia treats guests.

Relatives at home have basically come.

He even asked: "How can Xiaoxiao not come out?"

Grandpa smiled: "What anxious, just the first show."

"Small is the sixth." Mom gave them tea, "I will be there soon."

Chen Chen stared at the TV without hesitation.

The third sister was holding the small head of Chen Chen over there, excited: "My brother is coming out! Come out!"


Beijing TV Station.

Somewhere in the background, the staff ran around to go in and out.

"Hurry up, Teacher Zhang!" The man has been urging four times. "There are two shows! There are fifteen minutes!"

Zhang Wei arranged things with the other side, and did not say back: "Quick!"

Yao Jiancai also rushed to the side. "If you can't do it, move it backwards? Let's go to the tenth program? Or the fifteenth?"

The staff said: "No, the front is well arranged, here is a whole mess!"

Zhang Wei still saw the world, "Don’t worry, just fine."


The second show begins.

Then there is the third and fourth.

The audience netizens expressed their opinions.

"This year's TV station is hard enough!"

"Liaoning mighty! Uranus is out! Hahaha!"

"This is an old song, but no matter how many times I listen, I still can't listen enough!"

"Liaoning ratings are the first!"

"Dongfang TV is not bad, the fourth program is a sketch! Hahahaha, go see, I personally strongly recommend, very funny, at least a little better than CCTV Spring Festival Evening!"

"Look at the cross-talk of Zhejiang Spring Festival Evening? It’s being broadcast, but it feels very boring. These two comic actors are also very red five or six years ago, but they can’t do it now. How come it’s pretty good to say. The comic actor will not be able to stage the Spring Festival Evening?"

"No way, the cross talks have been too low in the past few years, and they have entered the bottleneck period early, and it is hard to say that the party dialogues are not good. There is no point in content, no irony. The stage must be elegant, and it needs to be artistic. Before, it was Zhang Jian’s Yao Jiancai’s ability to listen, but it’s not necessarily what the Spring Festival Evening stage is. When did you hear Zhang Xiaozheng’s saying that it’s a cross talk?”

"Let's go to the East Taiwan, it's the highlight!"

"Is it? I will go see it."

"I don't watch, I will die waiting for the Beijing Spring Festival Evening Crosstalk!"

"Yeah, Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai is coming out! I always have a feeling that Zhang Wei will not let me down!"

"I don't expect anything."

"Me too, let's take a look. If you can't, change channels."

"I don't know how many people are waiting to see Zhang Xiao's joke today. If he talks about the comics for a while, you can't say it. You countless people come over and swear at him. Come and vomit! Who asked Zhang to be offended this year? Many people, everyone is clamoring for him to make mistakes!"

Beijing Satellite TV is already the fifth show.

"Come on, the next one is!"

"Nervous, I hope that Teacher Zhang Yi’s first name will not be destroyed on this stage!"

"Whether it is CCTV Spring Festival Evening or local Spring Festival Evening, as long as it is the Spring Festival Evening Stage, these years are the graves of the comic actors. Come to a broken one, come to a waste one, now is such a universal form, Zhang Hao is also useless. He can't say the evening party comics!"

"Don't watch!"

"Haha, still look at Liaoning Taiwan."

"What do you see in Zhangye?? Who is it? Who is it!"


Beijing TV Station.

Chang Xiaoliang urged the wheat to say: "Well, no?"

Someone answered there, "Mr. Zhang is good! It is in the past!"

"Come on! Come to them right away!" Chang Xiaoliang loudly.

At this time, the fifth song and dance program of Beijing Satellite TV was finished. On the stage of the language program, Zhang Jian and Yao Jiancai’s figure also came over at the dawn of the millennium.

Seeing their figure, many people at the scene of Beijing have a long breath.

Hu Fei wiped the sweat, "It’s finally here!"

Xiao Lu was shocked and warned: "Scared to death!"

Yao Jiancai also had some panting, and he quickly breathed two breaths.

On the other side of the host, the camera hit.

Dong Shanshan, dressed in a big red festive dress, smiled and said: "The following show, I believe that many viewers in front of the TV have been waiting for a long time."

The male host smiled and said: "Yes, this show is incredible."

Dong Shanshan said: "Many viewers are waiting."

Male host: "Let's leave the time to this old man."

Dong Shanshan reported: "Please enjoy the cross talk "Everything is fine", performers: Zhang Wei, Yao Jiancai."

The camera switches immediately!

A lot of netizens in front of the TV have heard it, and my heart is cold!

"Hey name?"

"Is everything good?"

"I rely on, Zhang Wei really want to say traditional types of cross-talk works?"

"This name is not funny when you hear it!"

"Well, I have a bad feeling!"

"Everything is fine"? How does it remind me of CCTV Spring Festival Evening Tang Dazhang's "Family Reunion"? If this is too boring!"

"Know it? This is the crosstalk of the Spring Festival Evening, everyone is the same, have to say this!"

"Oh, there is no sense of expectation!"

"How could this be? Teacher Zhang, don't!"

The doubts of netizens are even louder!


Mom and Dad are also the first to know the name of the cross talk that the son wants to say, and they all have a slight glimpse.

Tang Dazhang in front of the TV set also changed the station to Beijing Satellite TV.

His wife is frowning next to him. "What are you doing?"

Tang Dazhang said: "I have to see what he said!"

Master Xu, Master Lin, many people in the cross talks and Zhang Wei did not open the TV to the Beijing TV station.

There are also people in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala group.


"Look at what he said!"

"Ha, let's spit us? It's funny!"

"Everything is fine? Hey!"

"CCTV is also a good place, and everyone's Spring Festival Evening is doing this. Whose cross talks say this, can you tell us something different? We really want to see it!"

The singer Zhang Xia said to her children: "Hey, Xiao Zhang's cross talks have started? Look at it."

Zhang Xia’s son said: “There are no good looks on the Internet.”

Zhang Xia smiled and said, "I have to read it before I know."

Chen Guang Fan Wenli and his wife have already turned on the TV at home.

Yu Yingyi, who is going abroad to explain an international table tennis match, is taking a free time and searching the live broadcast of the Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival Evening.

Or a fan of Zhang Wei.

Or Zhang Wei’s friend.

Or Zhang Jian’s enemies.

At this moment, all look at the Beijing Satellite TV!

In fact, even the people of Jingcheng TV, even the people in the director group of the Beijing Spring Festival Evening have focused on the stage, because since Zhang Yi decided to temporarily change the comic book, they have been unable to control, they do not know. What Zhang Wei wants to say!

"Everything is fine"?

Zhang Yilian's comic name has changed?

People in Beijing Satellite TV always feel that they have to suffer from heart disease!


The center of the stage.

A long table with two microphones.

Zhang Wei is very calm and old partner Yao Jiancai took to the stage.

“Hello friends, everyone.” Zhang Wei stood and smiled at the microphone: “Here, I will give you a New Year’s greeting.”

Yao Jiancai hugs his fist: "Happy New Year!"

Zhang Weidao: "All things are good!"

The audience at the scene was very enthusiastic, and they all gave warm applause. Like netizens, they didn’t know what Zhang Wei would say today!

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "I introduce myself, my name is Zhang Wei. I am a comic actor and a host. I have also worked as a director and have done mathematics research. I have done all kinds of careers."

Yao Jiancai laughed: "Yes."

Zhang Yan’s hand is next to him. “Standing next to me, this is my partner.”

Yao Jiancai nodded, "Yes, you introduce the introduction."

Zhang Wei: "Bite the building material to bite the teacher!"

This stalk was used once before, but everyone still listens to it, and the laughter is on the scene.

Yao Jiancai fainted: "Who is biting building materials!"

Zhang Yan said: "What's wrong?"

Yao Jiancai corrected: "Do not call this!"

Zhang Weihu suspected: "Ah? Changed name?"

Yao Jiancai: "What name do I change?"

Zhang Wei: "Don't bite the building materials? What do you bite now? Bite the bricks?"

Yao Jiancai took a sigh of relief. "Why do I have to bite something! You broke my teeth again!"

The audience laughed a lot!


"Ha ha ha!"

"This old stalk was refurbished by him!"

"Crazed me!"

This opening will make everyone feel shocked, and it will be spirited!

Zhang Haohe smiled: "Just make a little joke."

Yao Jiancai is helpless: "You make it clear."

Zhang Wei re-introduced: "Yao Jiancai Yao teacher."

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "Without the teacher, I should call you Teacher Zhang, you are a serious teacher of Peking University."

Zhang Hao quickly shook his hand. "You can't call a teacher. I can't afford it in front of you."

Yao Jiancai: "It should be."

Zhang Wei waved his hand again and again: "Don't be too polite."

Yao Jiancai: "What is my name?"

Zhang Wei touched his mouth: "Well, let me call me, I will be the director of Zhang Da, Professor Zhang Da, and the host of Zhang Da."

Audience: "Hey!"

Yao Jiancai turned his eyes and turned his eyes: "Hey, are you polite? You got it, I still call the teacher."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Look at me and Teacher Yao’s teacher, I am really a good friend."

Yao Jiancai said: "Yes, I have known for several years."

Zhang Hao gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Yao can be said to be my mentor and friend. If you want me to give Yao a score, then I will play very much!"

Yao Jiancai is busy and modest: "Politely polite, I have such a good?"

Zhang Hao followed: "Well, as for the remaining 9,990, I..."

Yao Jiancai said in a wrong way: "Ah? Is the perfect score 10,000?"

The audience squirted and slammed!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ah hahahaha!"

Isn't this the style of Zhang Wei before?

This is not a sinister, can Zhang Yan also say?


Still so wonderful! !

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