I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 882: [Textbook-like cross-talk works! 】

Continuous applause and cry!

The audience at the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing is boiling!

"How can there be such a good cross talk!"

"The original cross talk can still say so!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei!"

Someone has already called the name of Zhang Wei below!

Many people are out of control, it is a kind of emotion and admiration!

Even, a staff member of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala program quietly took out his mobile phone and called home.


"Ah, son, are you not busy with the Spring Festival Gala?"


"Come on, you are going to be busy with you. What time do you call?"

"I... I miss you."

"Oh, we miss you too, the family is fine, my father and I are very good, you are busy with work, we understand, it is not the first time not to go home for the New Year? Nothing."

"I will book my ticket tomorrow!"

His mother is stunned. "Ah? What are you talking about?"

He wiped his tears and firmly said: "You can rest assured that this year's Spring Festival... I must go home!"

"Great! Great! I am going to talk to your dad! I am going to talk to your dad!" His mother said, throat whimpered and cried!

The original Spring Festival Evening live broadcast is seamless. After a show is finished, the actors will not be completely exited. The next shot will switch to the host or directly start the next show. However, at this moment, the director group can't cut the camera. Because the applause is too big, and everyone is standing up, there are shouts. If this time gives the signal of the next program site, it is equal to a moment of silence from a fierce and lively occasion. It’s too awkward, so they waited for a long time!

This is a situation that has never happened before!

This is a scene that has not happened in all Spring Festival Evening!

However, the directors of the Beijing Spring Festival Evening Group did not complain about it, because they all knew that it was not the audience who deliberately messed up, but the comic dialogue was really good!

applause! /p>

Still applause!

A magician who has already set up the stage is a bitter smile. The next show is his magic show, but at this moment, his heart is helpless.

your sister! How did I get to the scene behind him?

How do I perform on the scene? How many people still have the heart to see the magic? ?


On Weibo, it also exploded!

Netizens rushed out like crazy!

"My grass! My grass!"

"Look at the Beijing TV!"

"Too good! Look so good!"

"Zhang Yu is too personal! Love him!"

"What a **** cow - forcing!"

"I cried!"

"I cried too, paralyzed!"

"I also shed tears! This song really hit my heart!"

"I... think my mom!"

"I laughed in front of my stomach, and I was crying behind me. I laughed and cried first. I heard this cross talk for the first time! The first time!"

"This song came too suddenly. Zhang Wei has been talking about his wonderful work experience in the past. It is difficult to find a job in Beijing, work is not good, Beijing is expensive, experts are not reliable, work is unstable, etc., everything. Everything was very bad. As a result, everyone thought that his next song had to be as spoof as before. No one expected that he suddenly came to such a song! The phrase 'I am very good in Beijing now, I am really Hearing crying! This sentence is 'very good', how much bitterness is contained in it? Who knows!"

"This is resonance! Mom! I love Zhang Hao!"

"Zhang Hao's song, actually sings himself! He is not performing, but really wants to sing this song to his parents! Tell them, everything is fine!"

"Mr. Zhang sang our hearts!"

"Too touched!"

"Who else dares to say that Teacher Zhang will not say the party cross talk?"

"Who else? Stand up!"

"Other TV Spring Festival Gala has been eclipsed!"

"Yeah, which Spring Festival Evening comic dialogue can be compared with Zhang Wei's "Everything is good"? The difference is too far! It is not a level at all!"

"I am also a wage earner who has worked hard in the first-tier cities in the field for more than ten years. After so many years, I have eaten everything, and I have done everything, and I have never lost a tear. Today, Zhang Hao’s cross talk makes me cry. Thank you, Zhang Wei, no matter how many people look at you, no matter how many people hate you, you don't like you, you are the best in the art field! Your position in the entertainment industry is no one can replace! I am The first time I saw a star like you, you are great! Really! You are great!"

"Mr. Zhang, no one likes you!"

"You still have us!"

"Yes, there are us!"

"No matter the wind and rain, all the way!"

"No matter the wind and rain, all the way!"

"No matter the wind and rain, all the way!"

There are fans of Zhang Wei, even with tears to play this line!

A good online!

Word of mouth praise!

Perhaps, neither is the praise word can be described!


At this moment, the comic dialogue was silent.

As an old rival of Zhang Wei, Xiangsheng has been fighting Zhang Hao for too long, and has played too many times. They have hardly won, but even then, even if they have a little psychological preparation, they will also Wan did not expect that this time will be hit by Zhang Wei!

This time, they couldn’t pick up the problem!


This time, people didn’t take the ‘I am your father’, ‘your wife is my wife’!


There are many parts of the whole comic dialogue that are satirizing the uncivilized phenomenon in society!


The last song that was played, no one has ever used it in the comic world, and no one has ever used it like Zhang Wei!

This is a general textbook for textbooks!

There are a few young comic actor who have never liked Zhang Wei. After listening to the song, they all screamed because they suddenly felt a little convinced. The basic skills of the mouth, the talents in the wonderful paragraphs, The last song that made the audience cry, except for Zhang Wei, no one can come to the whole comic world! Sometimes even if you lick him, you can't help but scream in your heart. This person... is really amazing!

Tang Dazhang at home said to his wife: "Change Taiwan."

His wife cautiously yelled at him, "Well."

After this cross talk, the cross talks tonight are particularly silent.


Also silent is the CCTV Spring Festival Gala group.

A general director looked at Jingcheng TV, "This..."

Xu Yipeng also changed his face!

There was also a person who had previously queried Zhang Wei on Weibo and questioned the name and content of his comic dialogue. This is also a face-to-face confrontation, I don’t know what to say!

How could this be?

How will this 弄 弄 come out with such a comic book! ?

Ben is also eager to wait for the people who screamed at the squad and screamed back and forth, all of them were dumb!

Even the director of the Spring Festival Evening and several CCTV leaders have fallen into meditation for a time. They don’t admit it. Zhang Hao and Yao Jiancai’s “Everything is Good” is really a rare and unique work! They can't help but think that if they invited Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai to come to CCTV Spring Festival Evening and let the cross talks be broadcast on the CCTV Spring Festival Evening, then they may not have so much buzz on this Spring Festival Evening this year.

Just think about it.

With CCTV's current relationship with Zhang Wei, this is obviously impossible!


Beijing TV Station.

After the stage, Zhang Wei saw Chang Xiaoliang, who was waiting there, and a deputy general director of the Beijing Spring Festival Evening Director Group. He should be waiting for him.

"Normal guide." Zhang Yan smiled and greeted.

Chang Xiaoliang is very excited. "I just said in my heart: It’s really hanging!"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "No hung, I and Xiao Zhang are professional, knowing that they can catch up, we only ask for changes."

Chang Xiaoliang shook his head and said: "It's not this hanging. I almost didn't let you add this song before. If you still follow the cross talk that you said before the rehearsal, the effect should be good and it will be good. But there will never be such a shock now! You are really amazing! The name is well-deserved! Really well-deserved!"

The deputy director of the narration also convinced: "After this performance, you can definitely be the first place in today's comics!"

Zhang Hao quickly shook his hand. "Don't say that."

Yao Jiancai also said: "Yes, this can't afford it."

Chang Xiaoliang asked, "Many people are asking, what is this song called?"

Zhang Wei said: "Oh, call "a family book."

This is an old song of Li Chunbo, the godfather of his folk song on earth.

"This Spring Festival Evening invited you and Teacher Yao." Chang Xiaoliang said: "It may be the most correct decision we have made in so many years! Thank you! I have worked hard for you!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand and smiled. "Not so exaggerated. I often invite you to see me. Since I promised to perform, I will definitely try my best to make the show. I have always done this, as long as I If I promised it, I will definitely do it well!"

Yao Jiancai also smiled and said: "Our line, the play is bigger than the sky, there is no hard work and no hard work."

Chang Xiaoliang said: "Okay, I have to go to work quickly. You should rest in the background first, right, and take a look at the Internet, haha."

The deputy director said: "There are fried pots on the Internet!"




When Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai came back and took the mobile phone to the Internet, they were shocked. They didn’t expect the people to give face, so crazy and enthusiastic!


"Don't look at other stations!"

"What other TV series Spring Festival Evening is a comic book! It's too boring!"

"Look at the Beijing Spring Festival Evening!"

"This is the best cross talk I have ever heard in my life!"

"Zhang Wei, I am the brain-residual-powder of your life!"

"Mr. Yao, you are so handsome!"

"The song was just recorded, I listened again, listened to cry once!"

"Thank you, Zhang Wei, I decided that this year's Spring Festival Evening, no matter what, it is the sky, I have to go home and have a reunion with my parents!"

Yao Jian was happy, "The audience is still recognized."

Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and was relieved. "That's good. For the first time, I said this cross talk, I really have no bottom."

"You are still not at the end? You are getting it!" Yao Jiancai laughed: "Dare to temporarily overturn half of the work content one hour before the live broadcast, temporarily hang up the bag, temporarily arrange music for music, no rehearsal, we even have each other The time for the words to run together is not enough, you dare to go live on the stage! You are courageous today, I am serving! The whole comic circle, the entire literary circle, the entire entertainment circle, the people who dare to play like your kid, who else? You can find out the second one, count me! I am also frightened today!"

Zhang Wei said: "This is not your teacher, Yao, is holding me. If you don't have a partner with me, change someone else's cooperation? I don't dare to take such an adventure!"

Yao Jiancai laughed. "I love to hear this!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "You really want to listen."

"Ah? False?" Yao Jiancai vomited blood.


[The name of this chapter is called "Textbook-like cross-talk works", and there is a domineering milk name called "One Hundreds", asking for a monthly ticket! 】


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