I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 881: [This is called cross talk! 】


? "Hahaha!"

"Zhang Ye sings so badly!"

"It's a level that hasn't gone out of tune!"

"But it's funny!"

"Sing another one!"

"Yes, sing one more!"

"It's so rare to think that Zhang Ye sang a song!"

The previous CCTV Spring Festival Gala's cross talk works were really ugly. Many viewers who liked cross talk and language programs were not full of fun, and it could even be said to be a deep disappointment. They even heard the cross talks of several other satellite TV Spring Festival gala just now, which is quite Dissatisfied, feel very boring. But Zhang Ye's cross talk today really made everyone listen to it. The pores all over his body were exploding!

Coupled with the New Year atmosphere, everyone is in a great mood!



The third sister was surprised: "My brother can sing too?"

The second sister lay on the sofa and laughed so hard that she could not afford to laugh, "Oh...hahaha, my brother...so funny!"

My mother laughed and said, "What kind of song would he sing? He just hummed a few times with his family."

Dad said: "It's enough to sing a few sentences, and it's not professional, and you don't need to sing seriously."


Beijing Spring Festival Gala scene, the show is still on the air!

Yao Jiancai asked: "No wonder you later talked about cross talk. At your level, you still want to be a singer?"

Zhang Ye doesn't like listening, "Hey, what's wrong with my level?"

Yao Jiancai: "What else can you sing?"

Zhang Ye said without shame: "As long as it's a kind of family song, I can do it!"

Yao Jiancai stepped on and shouted: "You're going to be there soon, your children will travel home for the New Year, and you won't open the door to others. Why are you still affectionate?"



"Old Yao is so kind!"

"What an old partner, it's so tacit!"

"It's so funny! A good "Going Home" has been ruined like this for you!"

Zhang Ye immediately said, "Then I will sing one more song for you!"

Yao Jiancai asked: "Which song?"

Zhang Ye thought for a while, and said, "Yes, Grandma Song Hui's "Old Years"." After all, he said to the audience: "It's the old rule. Keep your eyes closed to listen, and close your eyes to feel-- Ah, Song Hui is alive again..."

Yao Jiancai hurriedly grabbed him, "Not dead! Not dead either!"

The audience's tears came out!


"Oh, I'm going hahaha!"

"Would you like to be so damaged!"

Zhang Ye stared at the beads, "Huh? Didn't you die?"

Yao Jiancai wiped his sweat and said, "Good fellow, let you say that you are dead for a while!"

Audience: "Hahahahahaha!"

Zhang Ye said helplessly, "Well, then I will start singing."

Yao Jiancai: "By the way, I will stop you again. If I remember correctly, "Old Years" doesn't seem to be a song for family members and loved ones?"

Zhang Ye looked at him like an idiot, "Why not?"

Yao Jiancai: "Really?"

Zhang Ye: "This song is for grandpa."

Yao Jian was dumbfounded, "Grandpa? How can it be!"

"Listen well." Zhang Ye sang: "The years are like water, the years are in a hurry..."

Yao Jiancai nodded, "This is the song."

Zhang Ye continued to sing, "Time flies, grandpa misses you..." said, "Look, grandpa misses you, she misses grandpa! Isn't this a celebration of family affection?"

Yao Jiancai fainted and said, "What does Grandpa miss you? People miss you every night, the night of the night!"

"Puff hahaha!"

"Grandpa miss you?"

"Why don't you miss you grandma!"

"Oh, I served Zhang Ye!"

Zhang Ye awkwardly said: "Really? Then I remembered it wrong, I'll play another one, another Hong Hua's "Time", everyone close your eyes and listen, Hong Hua..."

Yao Jiancai immediately said, "This one is alive too!"

Zhang Ye glanced at him, "I know."

Yao Jiancai said, "I'm afraid you will say another death."

Audience: "Hahahahaha!"

Zhang Ye raised his hand and said, "Music..." After a while, "Just forget it!"

Yao Jiancai: "You owe it to me."

Zhang Ye: "Before singing, I have to say one more thing. I don't like Hong Hua very much. Next time I see him, I have to criticize him. This song is about milk-milk-, but he actually cursed in the song! "

Yao Jiancai was stunned: "Swearing? Where is it?"

The audience was also startled.

"Listen," Zhang Ye sang loudly: "Suddenly remembered, when I was young, milk! Milk! Crutches..." Grandma bit the word very hard!

Yao Jiancai: "..."

Zhang Ye immediately said: "Look, he scolds the street! What is milk-milk-! People are getting old, it is normal to use crutches, how can you scold the street!"



"Oh, I can't stand it!"

"Teacher Zhang, you are enough, really enough! Hahahaha!"

Yao Jiancai said speechlessly: "Hey, you can tell from the inside that this is curse!"

Chief Director Chang Xiaoliang is very happy!

Hu Fei, Da Fei, Hou Ge, Xiao Lu and other Zhang Ye's old colleagues on the Beijing TV station were all laughing and staggering!

Zhang Ye asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Yao Jiancai shook his hand, "It's okay, you should sing something else! Don't ruin other classic songs!"

Zhang Ye waved his hand: "You order, what do you say I sing!"

Yao Jiancai: "You are children again, grandpa, grandma, do you sing your parents?"

Zhang Ye immediately said: "There must be! Then I will sing a song for my parents! This is my original song!"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said, "I guess it's not much better."

Original song?

The mood of the audience has long been mobilized to the highest point. At this moment, they are very much looking forward to what Zhang Ye can pull out. The noises are constantly coming and going!

"one comes!"


"Look how to sing nonsense this time!"

"Oh, he is so funny!"

"Listen to Zhang Ye singing and ruin the Three Views! Aha!

The audience in front of the TV was also joking and waiting to hear Zhang Ye's spoof!

Standing in front of the microphone, Zhang Ye took a deep breath.

one second……

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Zhang Ye helped the microphone, and the not perfect cappella sounded, "Dear Mom and Dad."

When the audience heard it, they were all booed!



"Haha, ah!"

They all agreed.

Zhang Ye: "You guys, okay?"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Countless answers!

The audience is laughing, it can be regarded as taking advantage of Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye sang: "Are you busy at work now?"




Zhang Ye: "Body, okay?"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the clear guitar melody drifted into the audience.

The audience was stunned, and all fell silent for a moment, not knowing what happened.

Yao Jiancai was also silent.

Zhang Ye held the microphone, slowly closed his eyes, and sang softly:

"I'm in Beijing, it's fine."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry too much."

"Although I am not very good at talking."

"Actually I... very homesick."

At this time, Zhang Ye's own narration was played on the stage.

[Actually, I'm in Beijing, and I'm pretty ordinary]

[Few friends]

[Not many people like me]

Many viewers were stunned. The melody was too sudden and the narration was too sudden, so that everyone was caught off guard, and some people's eyes were already red unknowingly.


The aunt was surprised and said: "This..."

Grandma's tears were spinning.

Mom and dad stared at the TV blankly, and was stunned.

Zhang Ye opened his eyes, looked at the live camera, and sang:

"Dad, does he go to work every day?"

"If you don't control it strictly, don't go."

"I have done revolutionary work for a lifetime."

"It's time to take a break."

Dad's lips trembled.

Zhang Ye sang:

"I bought a coat for mom."

"Don't bear it, put it on."

"My son was not very obedient."

"Now sensible."

Zhang Ye smiled, "He has grown up."

My mother heard this and watched her son on TV. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She fell ticking and cried: "Xiao Ye always does this, carry everything on her own! I laugh at all troubles. Yes! Never tell us! There is always a saying, "I'm fine"! Ask him anything and he says nothing!

The second aunt also wiped her tears and said, "This child has been like this since childhood."

The sound from the side sounded again.

[Dad, mom, I'm really fine]

[I'm fine]

[Look, I’m on the Spring Festival Gala, haha, didn’t you shame you? ]

Many people in the audience got wet eyes.

Several people who have not seen their parents in Beijing for several years are already crying.

Chang Xiaoliang's eyes were red.

Xiao Lu cried.

Brother Hou and Da Fei also cried.

Only their old colleagues know how difficult Zhang Ye has been over the years! How much bitter did you endure!

Zhang Ye sings:

"Mom and dad, take care of yourself."

"Don't let my son rest assured."

"This Spring Festival, I will definitely go home."

"All right."

"That's it."


[Dad, mom]

[I am OK]

[As long as you are safe, I really do everything well]

The guitar is still playing softly.

Zhang Ye also sang loudly.

"Sincerely, salute."

"Sincerely, that salute."

"Sincerely, salute."

"Sincerely, that salute."

Many people are crying!

No one would have thought that Zhang Ye's cross talk, which was full of laughter and burden from start to finish, would hit everyone's hearts with such a "bump" at the end!

It turns out that this is "Everything is OK"!

Everyone finally understands the meaning of this cross talk name!


End of the song.

Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai bowed deeply.

Yao Jiancai seemed a little excited when he saw Zhang Ye, and patted his back lightly.

Immediately, many live audiences stood up all at once!

You know, whether it is CCTV or a local station, as long as it is live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, the audience is not allowed to stand up in a large area. This will affect the camera shooting and cause confusion. The staff has already written on the audience admission notice. And it was clearly stated.

But everyone stood up!

Ten people!

A hundred people!

Two hundred people!

Everyone is applauding Zhang Ye!

Someone clap their hands desperately while crying!


Well said, well sung, so wonderful!

This is cross talk!

This is what the **** is called cross talk! ! !

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