I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 880: [Let’s talk with you! 】

Slightly fried!

"Too good looking!"

"Good look!"

"Zhang Yu Niu - forced!"

"Go to the cross talk of Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai!"

"Recommended Beijing Spring Festival Evening! Really!"

"Don't look at Liaoning Taiwan, go to see the Beijing Satellite TV! Zhang Hao's comics are big!"

"It’s awkward when it’s awkward, and it’s great to be played by Zhang Wei!”

"And there are no **** in the whole journey! But it is still so beautiful!"

"Zhang Wei is Zhang Wei!"

"Looking forward to the following! I have just said half now. I heard that after the rehearsal in Beijing Spring Festival, I added time to Zhang Jian and Yao Jiancai. Today I can finally listen to it!"

"This is the real comic art!"

"Yes, look at the teacher Zhang, how is your mother playing irony? Where is the so-called mainstream comic actor, I know the shouting slogan on the Spring Festival Evening! Who said that funny and art can't have both? Let's take a class!"

Zhang Wei’s comic dialogue is bursting!

On time, more and more people were attracted to the comments and they were all attracted.

"I went to see!"

"Jingcheng TV is it?"

"I am coming, is there such a good?"

"I have never liked the sultry cross talks of Zhang Wei. I am not jealous today? Then I will listen."


on site.

Chang Xiaoliang and several deputy directors were also very excited. They looked at each other and saw the light in each other's eyes. They did not expect that the status of Zhang Jian and Yao Jiancai would be so good today!

Yao Jiancai: "And what happened?"

Zhang Wei: "What can I do?"

Yao Jiancai: "Well?"

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "After going back, my section chief will be double-regulated!"

Yao Jiancai said: "Hey, this kind of person should have been a double rule!"

Zhang Wei: "Later, the people in our department still took things to see him."

Yao Jiancai: "What are you doing with him?"

Zhang Wei said: "Congratulations to the old-cadence cadres."

Audience: "Hey!"

"Can you not be so funny?"

"Consolation double-regulation old cadres? Hahaha!"

Yao Jiancai also fainted: "All double-regulations where you go to condolences!"

Zhang Wei: "I was also unlucky as a result. I was organized to find out about my gift, and I was fired."

Yao Jiancai: "You are doing it yourself."

Zhang Wei: "I lost after I lost my job. Beijing is so big. Where is my home? I suddenly want to buy a suite."

Yao Jiancai snorted, "Beijing house prices are valuable!"

Zhang Wei: "Yeah, I heard that a real estate expert has organized a large lecture to tell when it is best to buy a house. I said that I have to go and pay the registration fee. We will listen to the group of people below. The expert on the stage talked about it at 8:00 in the morning and analyzed the trend of house prices."

Yao Jiancai nodded. "People are professional."

Zhang Wei: "The final conclusion is, when is the best time to buy a house?"

Yao Jiancai also looked forward to: "When?"

Zhang Wei: "... the year before!"

Yao Jiancai squirted, "Ah? I used you to say the last year!?"

The audience laughed!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The year before?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yao Jiancai: "Is this still about ten hours?"

Zhang Wei said: "Yes!"

Yao Jiancai: "What are the experts!"

The audience listened with refreshment. Now everyone in the society dares to hang up the name of an expert, gibberish, and dare to say anything. Zhang Huan’s apparent irony is this group of people!


Parent's home.

I watched TV and said with pleasure: "Look at my grandson, how wonderful!"

Grandpa said: "Well, I gave a special expert lecture to deceive the last time!"

The big sister exclaimed: "My brother is really amazing!"

The three aunts admire the mother of Zhang Wei: "Sister, Xiaoxi must be more and more famous later!"

My son is not here, my mother shook her head very hard this time. "When he didn't work, I always urged him. I hope he can get ahead. Now, I don't ask him to be famous. It's not good to work too much. I don’t have a family every day. Hey, he’s been able to live at home for a safe and secure year after year.

Er: "Xiao Xiao is a person who does big things. There are definitely more things. When will the New Year not work?"

Daxie also said: "Yes, when the children are working outside, we have to be considerate."


Netizens are laughing and tired.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's amazing!"

"Yeah, really fucking!"

“I feel that Zhang Hao has been leading the cross talks for too many years!”

"Well, it's not a horizontal line at all!"

However, at this time, some comic actors could not listen and stood up.

Tang Dazhang, an apprentice, said with anger: "Where did Zhang Lan invite so many water troops? How much?"

A younger brother of Tang Dazhang said: "How do you hear that? The name of this comic dialogue is "Everything is good," but what is the current content? From start to finish, everything is not good, and the work is not smooth. This is simply not the right question!"

There are also some peers or netizens who don't like Zhang Wei.


"Where is everything?"

"All is not good!"

Zhang Wei’s fans countered: “It’s good to be good. What is the name of your cross talk, and people call “Everything is good”, what?”

However, after many people saw it, they also wondered.


Why do you call "Everything is good"?

unable to find a job?

kicked out?

Can't buy a room?

Is this all right? ?


on the stage.

Yao Jiancai asked: "And then you are the host who said that the comic dialogue is coming?"

Zhang Wei: "That is later."

Yao Jiancai: "Oh, have you done anything else in the middle?"

Zhang Wei: "I said that the last job before the cross talk was to sing."

Yao Jiancai was surprised: "Hey, can you still sing?"

Zhang Wei looked at him. "How do you mean, you question me?"

Yao Jiancai: "No, I have known you for so many years, haven't you seen you singing songs?"

The audience also widened their eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Zhang Wei wants to sing?"

"Hey, this must be heard!"

"What will Zhang Zhang?"

Zhang Yude said: "That's what you haven't seen before. I sing that level, it's not what I blow."

Yao Jiancai was curious: "What song do you usually sing?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I love to sing songs like family, such as Zhang Xia's "Go Home."

Yao Jiancai: "Hey, this song is very famous, this is a classic old song!"

Zhang Wei: "Yes."

Yao Jiancai: "Can you sing?"

Zhang Wei: "I can simply sing two sentences?"

The audience suddenly started to squat.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


The applause is overwhelming!

Zhang Wei pressed his hand and said: "But you have to cooperate. I have to listen to my eyes with closed eyes. Only with my eyes closed can I feel how good I sing and how much I like."

Yao Jiancai was amazed: "Ah? Can you still imitate Zhang Xia's voice?"

Zhang Huan vowed: "Yes, I will be amazed when I hear you--" He was intoxicated. "Oh, it’s so nice, it’s too much, Zhang Xia is alive!"

Yao Jiancai hurriedly stopped him. "Not dead! I didn't die at all!"

The audience did not expect that the cold will not come to such a baggage, and they all laughed at the spurt!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Zhang Yu is too bad!"


"Laughter is dead!"

Zhang Wei wipes the sweat, "Ah?"

Yao Jiancai corrected: "I am still alive!"

Zhang Wei: "Is it?"

Yao Jiancai flipped his eyelids. "Crap, you have done a show together last year!"

The audience laughed, "Ha ha ha ha!"

After Zhang Xia in front of the TV and his family heard it, the water in his mouth almost spurted out!

Zhang Xia’s son is crying and laughing. “This teacher Zhang!”

Zhang Xia also couldn’t stop laughing there. "Take me open? Go back and look for him to settle accounts!"

"Going home" is a song of the world.

Zhang Yiqing cleared his throat. "Well, then I sing a few words."

Yao Jiancai: "Sing, just wait to hear."

Zhang Hao raised his hand up, "Music!"

one second.

Two seconds.

Nothing happens.

Zhang Hao put his hand down again. "Nothing."

Audience: "Hey!"

Yao Jiancai: "Hey, what do you say about it!"

Zhang brewed a bit of emotion, and opened his mouth and sang. "Ah... New Year, the children went home, hey, the door knocked... Hey, the door knocked... Hey, knock The door rang... Hey, the door knocked... Hey, knock..."

Yao Jian was anxious, and he shot him and shouted: "You are opening the door, you!"

There was a live audience laughing at the thighs!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

This song was originally not sung like this. The lyrics of "咚咚咚" were originally such a sentence, and Zhang Hao repeated it four or five times!

Yao Jiancai fainted: "The children are going home, knocking on the door for half a day! You are opening the door!"

Zhang blinked. "Can't open, can't I sing?"

Yao Jiancai: "Hey! Is this this?"

Zhang Wei’s singing is generally the same, just don’t run out of it. Others, as for singing and venting, etc., he can’t do it. He can only say that he is an amateur. The audience’s request for Zhang Wei will not be so high. Listening to a happy, but Zhang Wei has skillfully incorporated a few ridiculous burdens into this singer content, stunned the audience and the audience in front of the TV, and did not let the audience have a little breathing time. After the laughter is over, it is the second laughter that is connected right now. The rhythm is so good?

There is funny.

There are disadvantages when there are acupuncture.

There is a traditional mouth.

Still singing now?

This cross-talking work seems to be scattered, but it is very well-received by Zhang Wei. It is a series of events after his college graduation. It’s just the name of the comic dialogue of “Everything is good”. Everyone still doesn’t understand it. Who doesn’t understand why he took such a name?

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