I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 884: [On the Music Billboard! 】

Is Jingcheng Satellite TV very efficient?

The Spring Festival Gala is still being broadcast live. The original version of the song "A Letter from a Family" without any repair has been posted on the official website. Later, someone from the music website may contact the Beijing TV Station for cooperation. Soon, "A Letter" Home Letters appeared on major music websites. Some also advertised on the homepage—the last song of "Everything is Okay" in the Beijing Spring Festival Gala came to Xihe Music. Want to listen? Please poke me hard!

Netizens were surprised!


"Damn, come out!"

"It's Zhang Ye's song!"

"Is it called "A Letter from a Family"? I can finally listen to it again!"

"It's true, I can listen!"

"sounds amazing!"

"Paralysis, crying again!"

"Every time you hear it, your mother wants to cry! How come there is such an infecting song!"

"This song is great!"

"Go on top!"

"I love this song!"

"I beg Zhang Ye to release a single! A studio version is required!"

"No, it won't taste like going to the recording studio! What you want is the live version! What you want is the real emotions! It's so nice!"

Netizens flooded like crazy!



A high-end hotel.

South Korean singer Park Zaixi and his team in mainland China are having a meeting with a hotel room to discuss the concert and some new song promotion work.

"This is the first year of rejoicing to develop in the Republic. We must make the first shot!"

"The new song is very nice, and the mainland people will definitely buy it!"

"Yes, no matter how happy Chinese literature is, the quality of the songs is also very high!"

"What is the number one on the Music Billboard this month?"

"Let me see."

"Oh! Tenth place! Top ten!"


"You have to celebrate!"

Everyone is very excited and very satisfied with this result!

The Music Billboard is a comprehensive list of the entire domestic music circle. In the era when CD distribution has been almost eliminated, network communication is almost the only way out, and a fixed pattern has long been formed, like the Music Billboard. It is the largest and most authoritative list among them, not one of them!

Zhang Yuanqi's new song wants to hit this list!

Fan Wenli's new song will hit this list!

A veteran singer like Chen Guang also wants to hit this list!

This is a kind of publicity, and it is also a kind of honor and affirmation. Every singer takes this list seriously. This is their life and death stage. I don't know how much blood and blood is involved in the fighting inside!

Zhang Yuanqi's new song was number one last month, and it has become the second this month.

Fan Wenli’s new single was not very successful, and only ranked 13th. If it is a newcomer, this is undoubtedly a surprise to make people’s ancestral graves smoke, but Fan Wenli’s status in the music world is really true. It's a bit worse, not enough to see.

Chen Guang is still great. Four of the new album's songs are in the top 20, one is ranked third, and the remaining songs are ranked ninth, eleventh and nineteenth respectively!

The competition is too fierce!

However, with such a unique music chart in the music world, an unexpected guest suddenly came, as if in the blink of an eye, a song that has never been seen has appeared on the list!

100th place!

Fifty-third place!

21st place!

Tenth place!

The new song of Park Zaixi was squeezed out in a blink of an eye!

Park Zaixi’s team was just happy to be in the top ten for a few seconds, and their face collapsed!

"what is this?"

"what's up?"

"Is the statistics wrong?"

""A Letter from Home"? What kind of song is this?"

"Why is it tenth?"

"Singer Zhang Ye? Who is this? Where is such a number one in the music scene?"

Everyone is stupid, this, this ranking has risen too fast!

And this is not over, the ranking of this song is still rising!

Ninth place!

Killed a song of Chen Guang!

Yun was then eighth, seventh, sixth, invincible along the way!

Park Zaixi said in shock: "Who is this person?"

His agent said anxiously: "I don't know! There is no singer named Zhang Ye in the mainland! There is only one host named Zhang Ye!"

A member of the team said in astonishment: "Why is this song so popular?"

One person scolded his mother, "This is what the fuck!"

There is an older person in the team who is more stable, "With such a good grade, it must be an excellent place for someone's family. There is no way to get our position. Listen, let's learn."

Park Zaixi nodded earnestly, "Yes, it's not long since I first came to the mainland, and I don't know much about the music here. I want to learn."

Then, the song was played.

Park Zaixi pricked up his ears and wanted to learn how other people's songs are so popular. It will definitely help him in the future development in the mainland. Those who can be teachers.

"Dear Mom and Dad."


"howare you guys?"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Are you busy at work now?"


"Body, okay?"

"it is good!"


Messy noise!

Dog-shit singing skills!

There are also inexplicable shouts coming in!

The team members are dumbfounded!

Park Zaixi was also shocked!

This, this is the singing method of the excellent popular music of the Republic? This is the basic configuration of the most popular popular song in the Republic? Listening to the noise in his ear, Park Zaixi burst into tears! The music here is so elusive! Do I really want to fulfill my musical dream in such a country in the future?


I want to go home!


Not only Park Zaixi, countless music companies and singers have been alarmed!

A Hong Kong and Taiwan newcomer stared at the Music Billboard in amazement, "My grass! Where did this **** come from!"

A female singer who also paid attention to the Billboard nearly fainted, ""A Letter from a Family?" Who sang this? How could it sound like a pig! Even this broken song can be on the chart? I read less , Don't lie to me!"

The music scene is shaking!

The singer world was stunned!

Many singers heard this song, and they all shouted in their hearts: Where did this broken song come from!


Netizens in mainland China are crazy about it!


"I'm so ridiculous! Zhang Ye's song is on the music charts!"

"Oh, let me go! The fifth place!"

"Awesome! It's so awesome!"

"A lot of people in the music industry don't know what's going on! Hahahaha!"

"Who didn't let them watch the Beijing Spring Festival Gala! If there is no foreshadowing in front of the cross talk, if you don't understand Zhang Ye, you can't taste this song by just listening to it!"

"I'm so happy, Mrs. Zhang is on the music charts!"

"People who don't know the inside story have heard Zhang Ye's tattered singing skills, and surely your mother is stunned in capitals! Hahahaha!"

"From now on, Zhang Ye will have one more career for your sister-singer! Still a popular singer who once hit the top of the music charts!"

"Inexplicable joy!"

"Ms. Zhang has gone to toss the music circle again!"

"The music scene is probably scared silly!"


Suddenly, Zhang Xia came out.

Zhang Xia's meager praise of "A Letter from a Family", and spoke highly of it, "This is a folk song. The routine of the general folk song is originally relatively light and peaceful, and there are not so many ups and downs, but the song in this song Feelings are surging, especially when those few narrations come out, they actually outline the sense of the picture. There is no doubt that this is the song I have heard the most in recent years! But to say a digression, Xiao Zhang, I can remember the thing you stepped on and called me in the cross talk. I will have a good chat with you another day, ha ha."

"Wow, Grandma Zhang Xia!"

"The evaluation is too high!"

"This is the evaluation of professionals!"


"Good point!"

"Grandma Zhang Xia was also moved?"

Suddenly, Chen Guang also bubbled!

Chen Guang is meager: "@张烨, you are on the Music Billboard! You have stepped on my songs! What do you say?"

Fan Wenli, who just finished her performance at the Hunan Spring Festival Gala, even made a meager statement: “Director Zhang’s singing is really bad. He is a layman when he listens to it, and a person who can’t sing when he listens. It's a blood layman! But just such a song makes me cry! I still don't know why!"

Netizens agreed.


"I cried too!"

"Obviously, the singing is so bad, but...but why is it so good?"

After a few minutes.

No one thought that the Queen actually answered this question!

In the field of music, in the music world, Zhang Yuanqi was much earlier than Fan Wenli and Chen Guang’s debut. I saw her say: "A lot of music friends are still confused? Take a look at the Beijing Spring Festival Gala "Everything is OK" Crosstalk knows what's going on. I heard it. It was the first time I saw someone who dared to sing like this on the live stage of the local Spring Festival Gala. After listening to it, I was surprised. I thought about it for a long time and found that the music conveys to people. Perhaps it’s much simpler than everyone thinks. It’s a pure emotion, a true emotion. It doesn’t matter how well you sing, it doesn’t matter whether you have skills, it doesn’t matter whether the sound is out of place or broken. Because of the sound The truth and emotion of Zhang Ye’s other things have become unimportant. Zhang Ye’s "A Letter from a Family" is just such a work! You can say that Zhang Ye sings very amateurishly, or that Zhang Ye’s voice is poor and out of voice. He doesn’t know how to change the key, doesn’t change his breath, and doesn’t have the basic skills that all singers should have, but you can’t deny that this song...he sings very well! His emotions helped him put aside all technical things, All the disguise and precautions of people were torn away, and they sang directly into people's hearts!"


"Have you heard the Queen?"

"Wow, the queen also praised it!"

"The queen still listens to cross talk?"

"Yeah, this song is really contagious!"

Then, several musicians commented.

A well-known lyricist and composer: "The lyrics of "A Letter from a Family" seem to be in vernacular, just an ordinary letter, without any technical content, but in fact, this is truly advanced!"

A rookie singer: "Teacher Zhang’s talent in writing and composing music can be seen in "I wish for a long time" and "The Flower of a Woman", but today’s "A Letter from Home" has refreshed my understanding of Teacher Zhang. The moving in this song is really beyond words!"

First-line movie star Ning Lan: "The best song I have heard this year! Highly recommended, friends who have never heard of it can listen to it! It is best to watch the cross talk directly!"

Popular group member Xiaodong: "I just heard it and I was in tears. I suddenly wanted to sing this song, but I didn’t think about it. With the version of Teacher Zhang’s Spring Evening in Beijing, we don’t think we can sing more than this. The mountain is over, because the original version is so touched that the more professional singers are, the less able to sing!"

The song "A Letter from a Family" is also completely popular!

A song sung by a crosstalk actor even swept the music charts, rushing to such a high position, many musicians in the music world have learned the facts, they are all dumbfounded!

What is this called?

Don't bring such fun, right?

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