I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 885: [A tragedy caused by a family book! 】


"Take "a book of books" to the top"

"It is already fourth!"

"The above is the best song of Chen Guangxin's album!"

"Rush! Break the old Chen!"

"I am coming! I will top you lungs!"

"Exploding Chen Guang teacher!"

"Comrades, folks, kill!"

"Let Zhang Yu into the top three!"

"Yes, let Zhang Hao enter the top three! Hahahaha!"

A group of netizens who are afraid of chaos in the world will be more excited than the parties. They will scream for "a family book" or brush praise or click or brush to help forward the popularity. Finally, a group of water screams Calling, even your mother miraculously shattered Chen Guang!

Third place!

The third place in the music list on the list of the day: "A family book!"

The water army are happy!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's done! It's done!"

"Too cow X!"

"Hey, do you want to be so hurt!"

"Hey, let me laugh for a while!"

Originally, these people had been sung by the tears of this song. Some people even heard crying, but in the twinkling of an eye, when they saw the excitement? Is there a mess? The water army suddenly changed their faces, and they turned their faces faster than flipping books. They all screamed and screamed and killed, not one!

"The next explosion sister!"

"Yes! Who loves who!"

"Our goal is first!"

"It should be the first goal of the month!"

"No, put "A Family Book" on the list of the year!"

"Annual list? What are the eyes! We want to put this song on the international music list! Go to the old music list! Let the old beauty feel the enthusiasm and temperature of the Republic folk!"

"Yes, go to the United States - country!"


"Going to the United States - the country!"

"He tops him!"

After many people have seen it, they have already fainted to the ground. "I am grass, don't you blow - cow - forced to do it? Still your mother - country? Why don't you give it out of the universe! How not to the Milky Way Go forward!"

The water army replied: "Good proposal!"

Onlookers: "..."

There is a joy on the Internet, like the New Year, hey, it seems to be the New Year.

Beijing TV Station.

Some lounge.

Yao Jian is not happy, "I can still go to the music list of the day when you break the scorpion? I rely on it, all of them are third! Recently, I just finished the cross-border documentary director, and this has gone to the music scene!"

Zhang Wei does not like to listen, "Hey, what is this broken me?"

"Ha ha ha, you are going up and messing up." Yao Jiancai commented.

Zhang Wei said: "This is strength, can you understand?"

Yao Jiancai grinned: "You are going to get it."

"Look at Zhang Xia's grandmother's evaluation, look at Zhang's evaluation, look at Ning Lan's love recommendation, pertinent, too pertinent!" Zhang Wei pointed to the meager comments.

Yao Jiancai: "Let's just say it!"

Zhang Wei, who just sang "A Family Book," was still serious, and when he got off the stage, it became the appearance of a hippie smile.

I am still idle, and the two of them are watching Weibo while they are idle.

Suddenly, Yao Jiancai is not happy, "Hey, someone is jealous of you!"

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, I am much more."

Yao Jiancai laughed and said: "But this time, people are ingenious! You look at it! Your song is out of order!"

Zhang Wei didn't care, but after a glance at it, it was also a speechless face!

More than Zhang and two people, others have also discovered, because this is not a common word often with the Internet, but a news, an interview, or live broadcast!


New Year's Day.

The World Table Tennis Championships held abroad ended. In the final of the men's team competition, the Republic team lost to the South Korean team 23, losing three games in the lead of the 20-point score, and finally ranked second in the world. The table tennis player Han Li is in a bad state and lost the key points. This time it was a painful loss. The Republic has won for ten years. The men’s team World Championship trophy changed hands for the first time!

The CCTV commentator and host of this game, Yu Yingyi!

The team game lost, many table tennis fans are angry!

"What ball is playing!"

"Rely, the referee has a problem!"

"Today is too stinking!"

"Don't look at it! It's a big new year to add people!"

"I knew what I watched, I went to see the Spring Festival Evening!"

"This event was originally out of the situation. It took a long time to play the finals today. The result is such a result? What and what!"

Many people are in a bad mood.

However, during the post-match interview, there was a scene that no one had thought of.

When the reporter interviewed the male team player Han Li and asked him what the main reason for the loss was, the answer given by Han Li amused a lot of people!

Han Li said with anger: "I used to listen to song decompression before each game started."

The reporter sighed, "Listen to the song?" What does this have to do with losing? The reporter did not understand at all.

Han Liqi said: "I am looking for a song that is very popular in the music list. What is it called "a family book"? It is still very good. After listening to this noise, my heart will be chaotic! I am now I want to ask, what is the current music list? Is this the most authoritative music list in China? Can any songs be messed up?" After that, he stopped answering any questions from reporters and turned around. The teammates and the coach left together! On the screen, his teammates also patted his shoulder and comforted him.

This interview was broadcast live and was broadcast!

This broadcast, a lot of meager water army are laughing crazy!

"Hey, let me go!"

"Is this excuse too fucking?"

"You lost the ball yourself, still rely on others?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Zhang Zhang was smashed again!"

"Look at the good things you have done, you have to put "A Family Book" on the top of the list, you see, something happened! Let the people go to the pit! Let’s lose the country!"

"What is the relationship with us!"

"This is not to pull out the squatting house!"

Because it is an international competition, because it is a live broadcast, Han Li’s speech caused a lot of sensation, and the TV has been broadcasted. Who still doesn’t know?

For a time, the doubts are overwhelming!

"This silly - forced!"

"This Han Li is looking for a reason every time! Last time too!"

"Give me the fun! What are the excuses?"

"If you lose, you lose. Is it because Zhang Hao let you lose?"

In the face of huge public opinion pressure, the national ping pong team also had to respond.

Soon, Liu Yifeng, the head coach of the National Pong Team, accepted an interview.

The female reporter asked: "What do you think of the Korean game?"

Liu Yifeng said indifferently: "As far as I know, Han Li does have the habit of listening to songs before the game. Each of our athletes also has their own set of decompression methods. This is understandable. The children are still young, so the way of speaking. Some rushes, this is still understandable, loses, who is in a bad mood."

The female reporter asked: "What do you mean is that the national team loses, and the first "a family book" is a direct relationship?"

Liu Yifeng said: "Han Li is a young man. It is more susceptible to external influences. With my understanding of him, something that happens temporarily, a song, something that does not let him like it, will definitely He has no influence on other athletes, and no one is a saint."

The female reporter laughed and said: "What do you mean, the reason for losing is Zhang Wei?"

Liu Yifeng also knows the origins and singers of the song after the game, saying: "I didn't say that."

The female reporter said that you mean this.

Liu Yifeng said: "There are many factors that lose the ball. In addition to the external factors, we will also reflect on ourselves."

Then it is the external factor that dominates the cause!

Or is "A Family Book" let you lose?

Coincidentally, at this time, the door of the competition lounge opened, and another athlete of the national team of the table tennis team entered. While walking, he said to his teammates: "What is a "book of a family" is enough! This is not a mess. Otherwise! We won this ball firmly!" He did not know that the head coach of the house was interviewing on TV. After seeing it, he quickly closed the door and went out.

However, this paragraph has been broadcast a lot of words!

The buzz suddenly swarmed!

"what does it mean!"

"I thought that if Han Li was not sensible, what would your entire national team rely on?"

"This is too far-fetched!"

"Although there are a lot of people on the Internet, you have to find a reasonable reason at least? What is this? This is not nothing to look for!"

"You are willing to listen to the song! Others are not forcing you to listen!"

"The player is young, not sensible? But how can your head coach not follow suit!"

"Yeah, Han Li has always had this problem. He always loves to shirk his responsibility. He lost the ball. As a head coach, you not only did not criticize him, but also helped him find reasons? Help the national team shirk responsibility? Who are you! If you have a member of the surname Li, we can all hear the words of the deaf!"

"Zhang Zhang is lying again!"

"The people on this gang team are too funny!"

Han Li did not return afterwards.

Liu Yifeng did not make any further explanations. He may have already greeted him in the locker room. Finally, the other team members did not interview the reporter.


the phone is ringing.

It was Yu Yingyi who called.

Zhang Wei is on the street, "Go to his big-yo!" and pick up the phone.

Yu Yingyi said: "Zhang Er."

"I am here." Zhang Yidao.

Yu Yingyi blinked. "What's the matter? Is it live?"

Zhang Weidao: "Can you not see it, but I still don't want to sing? If you listen to me, you lose the ball? The chapter chess is sung well, Chen Guang sings well, Fan Wenli sings well, 丫His mother listened every day, why didn't he listen to a world number one? What to do with me!"

Yu Yingyi said: "I am abroad, and now I am still busy with the game. I returned to the country the next day. I told you that this Korean force has always been this virtue. He lost the ball last year. He said that the racket is not good. I lost to the Japanese-native player at the beginning of last year. He said that the air in the stadium is not good."

Zhang Hao is very happy. "Then you said who I am provoking? Who is the scorpion is mine? Well, Han Li has this problem, don't say it, their other players are also the virtues? Their head coach also That virtue? This is unreasonable! This is really not the case!"

Yao Jiancai is on the sidelines.

This little guy of his own, this day is really bad luck! Sing a song, your mother can make a "trouble", so that a world-ranked table tennis player will not play!

Think about it, no one else!

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