I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 890: [Small "Follow Yourself" (Part 1)! 】

Parent's house.

The whole family is stupid!

<p The third sister almost fainted to the ground, "It's my brother!"

My mother was dumbfounded, "Damn! Why did Xiao Ye go up!"

The elder sister was surprised: "How can it be my brother!"

Chenchen opened his mouth!

Grandpa and grandma stared, "Xiao Ye acting as a sketch?"



Xu Yipeng was shocked, "What?"

Chen Ye is also an exciting spirit, "Why is he on stage?"

"Is it wrong?"

"How could it be him?"

"What happened to me?"

"Why did Zhang Ye go up?"

The members of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program were stunned by this scene!



"Come and see, Zhang Ye is out again!"


"Zhang Ye is going to play a sketch!"

"The Beijing TV station is crazy?"

"How did you get Zhang Ye to save? It's been an hour since Qu Haiying's accident. How did this sketch come out?"

"Look at the program introduction sheet below the screen!"


"Performers: Zhang Ye, Yao Jiancai, Dong Shanshan?"

"I'm going!"

"I said why Dong Shanshan hasn't appeared just now!"

"A host, two cross talk actors, and three amateurs going to play the skit? I am a little confused. Who of you pinches me and tells me this is not true!"

"Hurry up and call someone!"

"Yes, hurry up and call someone!"

"Look at the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing, something big happened again!"

"Zhang Ye is on the stage finale sketch!"

"@世界! Go and see!"

"Does Zhang Ye play a sketch?"

"A ghost knows!"

"Neither Yao Jiancai nor Dong Shanshan can do it!"


Ha Qiqi Zhang Zuo silly in front of the TV.

Fan Wenli and Chen Guangsha in front of the TV.

The famous sketch actor Ci Xiufang looked at the familiar figure that appeared in the capital at night, and was also taken aback, "Xiao Zhang? He? Acting in the sketch?"

At this moment, everyone is a little bit confused!

The directors of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala were also sweating nervously. The staff who just prepared the props just rushed to make a thing almost in the last five minutes, and then ran to the stage to install it at the speed of the 100-meter race. At that time, the host had already introduced the next program, and the curtain was about to be opened. It was really close, and it was almost impossible to catch up!

Chang Xiaoliang clenched his fist, "It's all hard work! It's hard work!"

"No hard work!"

"We are fine!"

"It's Teacher Zhang who worked hard!"

"It's up to Zhang Ye to die or live!"

"Come on, Teacher Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang, it's up to you!"

The hands of Hu Fei, Hou, Xiaolu and others were shaking a little, and their emotions were very unstable. This was a physical reaction caused by extreme tension!


look forward to!


But all is useless!

The current stage can only be entrusted to Zhang Ye, Yao Jiancai and Dong Shanshan!

Let fate!


on site.

The sketch begins!

The audience didn't care about being shocked. They all stared at the stage with their eyes on the stage before they fully reacted. They slapped their palms subconsciously and burst into applause!

In the applause, Zhang Ye ran to the center of the stage. At this time, he told him that he was completely different during the cross talk. His expression changed a little, and his clothes changed. He was dressed in an ordinary sweater and jeans. As he ran, Zhang Ye shouted: "It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over! Something big happened! Our unit's old bureau-chief, unfortunately, was photographed by ******, and another one was sent on top... er. It’s one, and the new bureau’s superiors will do rectification. Our section chief summoned me at this juncture. I usually have so many minor problems on my body. It is estimated that this time I have lost my job. It’s over!"


Send one?

The audience was already laughing.

Several previous sketch actors and some professionals in the backstage were also taken aback. The sketch introduced all the backgrounds and characters clearly in one sentence. During the rectification period? Section chief summoned? Lost your job? Moreover, there is a burden in the introduction, and you can see your skill in a short sentence. This is obviously a standard sketch model and idea! Very mature!

Who wrote this book?

Zhang Ye wrote it himself?

The camera was given the position of the desk. At this time, many people discovered that there was still a person sitting on the chair, who was sleeping with their hands on them.

Dong Shanshan, in a capable professional uniform, lowered his head and snored.

Zhang Ye blinked carefully, and whispered, "Head Ma? Chief Ma?"

Dong Shanshan shook his head and woke up, "Ah, who? Yo, Xiao Hao, come in, come."

Zhang Ye scratched his head: "Sorry, I'm disturbing you to sleep."

Dong Shanshan picked up the tea cup and smacked it a few times, "It's okay, I'll take a nap now, don't delay!"





Although there is not much laughter, the attention of many viewers has been caught in the work!

The scene fell silent.

Dong Shanshan shook his legs and led Fan Er's full-fledged manner, pressing his hands down and said: "Sit, recently, the house is pretty good?"

Zhang Ye sat on the sofa stiffly, leaning on his knees with his hands, "I'm not looking forward, so what will happen from now on." The appointed place closed his eyes, "Leave it to destiny!"

Someone is amused again!

Dong Shanshan glanced at him, "I heard that you like to play table tennis when you are fine at work?"

Zhang Ye was taken aback and hurriedly said: "I review! I am too fun! Playing table tennis harms others and myself. If I play table tennis in the future, I will give up my hands!" He said loudly, "I, I refuse Huang! I refuse to bet! I refuse table tennis!"

As soon as this was said, the audience was startled, and then burst into laughter!

This burden was so sudden, no one was prepared when it suddenly arrived, so he burst into laughter!

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha!"



"Reject table tennis?"

"Why did you put the table tennis ball with the yellow-gambling-poison!"

If there was no such thing as the previous block, the audience would not have laughed like this, but just an hour ago, Han Li and the national table tennis team lost! He also publicly shirk all responsibility to Zhang Ye during the reporter's interview! It is said that Zhang Ye caused them to lose! At that time, many people were amused. They felt that the table tennis team was too lacklustre this time. What did Zhang Ye do? Is it his business to lose?

Originally, everyone thought that the matter would be over, and in the end it would be nothing at all. But to everyone's expectations, Zhang Ye was on the stage at the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing just an hour later. It hurts them directly, and it hurts them unabashedly!

The audience exploded!

Netizens also exploded!

"It's awesome-awesome!"

"This is Zhang Ye!"

"Yes, this is Zhang Ye!"


"Reject Huang, refuse to bet, refuse table tennis? What does he think of him!"

"Take me to death! This group of table tennis team, you said that you guys are not good, what are you doing? Zhang Ye's stinky-rascal character is not the first time you have met! You must hire him! See if you have not, this time the scolding will come right away! And it's still in the spring evening, in front of the national audience!"


"I like Zhang Ye's violent temper!"

"This sketch is really a surprise!"

"At first glance, this book was written by Zhang Ye!"

"Nonsense, such a slanderous line, no one but him can think of it!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"My appetite is hanging up!"

"@韩力! You have a big deal!"

"@Bing Pong Team, you have a big deal! Slap on the face and name you!"

The netizens were all excited as if they were fighting with blood!



A hotel near the stadium.

After the game, the teams all returned to the hotel to rest. The coach and the players were also discussing the issue of the loss. They were all over and everyone was fine.

"Okay, rest early." Head coach Liu Yifeng said.

Han Li was still talking, "If it wasn't for Zhang Ye's song..."

The deputy head coach said: "When you see his song, don't click on it."

A teammate said, "Dahan didn't know that Zhang Ye sang it!"

There was a player next to him who didn't speak, and was watching the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on the domestic network with his mobile phone. Suddenly, he broadcasted the live video of the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing.

The sound came out!

"I review! I'm too greedy! Playing table tennis harms others and myself. If I play table tennis in the future, I will give up my hands! I, I refuse Huang, refuse to bet, refuse table tennis!"

Everyone in the room was surprised!

"Who is this?"

"what is this?"

"Reject table tennis?"

"Who said this?"

Everyone on the team gathered around to take a look, and was immediately shocked and angry!

Zhang Ye!

Your uncle!

What are you doing! ?


On TV.

The sketch continues.

Dong Shanshan smiled meaningfully and said: "Let me tell you this, the newly transferred Director Yao, by coincidence, he also likes to play table tennis, hehe, do you know how to do it?"

"Section chief." Zhang Ye said with a bitter face, yin and Yang frustrated: "You are embarrassing me! I can at best control myself not to fight, how dare I control the director!"


"Who let you take care of the chief!"


The audience laughed and became more and more emotional!

Dong Shanshan rolled his eyes in anger, stood up, and walked over to Zhang Ye, "Hao Jian, your ability to understand intentions is also too bad. The reason is that you don't seek to make progress in your mind, I told You, if you continue to do this, you will be a member in this life!"

Zhang Ye stood up with a surprised look, and said excitedly: "Really? Then I can rest assured! Work is finally stable!" He bowed deeply!



"Oh, I can't do it!"

"Zhang Ye's appearance is too much! Hahaha!"

"It was so good!"

"Both played really well!"

There was warm applause!

Dong Shanshan held his forehead helplessly, pointed at him and said, "Hao Jian! Now it is your hobby that has collided with the leader's. What kind of opportunity is this?" They slapped their hands up, "This It’s a good opportunity for your ancestors to cheat their corpses...! Are you not excited?"

The audience laughed!

Zhang Ye blinked, "Where is the excitement?"

Dong Shanshan took it, and dragged him and said, "Come on, sit down, look, we are the only one who can play table tennis, so if you play table tennis to comfort the leader, then you Have you become a celebrity around the leader?"

Zhang Ye didn't know why, "Red Man?"

Dong Shanshan snapped his fingers, looked at him and said, "Zhang Xiaohe (a character in this world, whose character experience is similar to that of Wei Xiaobao in Zhang Ye's world), accompany the emperor to practice martial arts, then what did Zhang Xiaohe become in the end?"

Zhang Ye blinked, "...Eunuch."

"Puff hahaha!"

"The eunuch?"



The audience laughed again!

Dong Shanshan was completely convinced, and stood up speechless and said: "Okay, you don't need to understand." She walked a few steps to the desk, "From today, your only task at work every day is to practice table tennis. , Put that job aside, distinguish the priority!" He took a sip of tea with his cup.

Zhang Ye said with sweat: "Then I can't just leave work and quit playing with the leader every day!" After a meal, he added, "Is that not a sycophant?"

Dong Shanshan squatted down on his teacup and sat down. Erlang raised his legs and his eyes were crossed. He said with an accent that was close to the northeastern dialect: "Who are you talking about? Who do you mean?"

"I didn't mean that!" Zhang Ye explained hurriedly.

Dong Shanshan flicked her hair and said with a sensual expression: "You can do it! If you can't do it, you can leave! Leave that position free for me, hey, I really tell you." She said loudly: "We Country! There is no shortage of people who can play table tennis!"

The audience suddenly applauded!


"it is good!"

"it is good!"


The audience laughed and applauded. Someone was about to fall off the chair!



The faces of Liu Yifeng's coaches are black!

Han Li and the other team members turned green!

I am grass!

What the **** is this sketch! ?


[Happy Lantern Festival, I will write more today. 】


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