I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 891: [Small product "Take it good" (middle)! 】

Weibo has exploded! ?/p>

"Look at the Beijing Spring Festival Evening!"

"Too big face! This is too fucking!"

"I really dare to say anything, I rely on!"

"I also served!"

"Mr. Shanshan, you are my goddess! It is my dream lover! How have you been led by the goods to lead another way? After that, don't you become a 'face shirt'? ”

"Face shirt? Hey!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Shan Shan teacher was also broken!"

"Dog eggs are all books written by Zhang Wei!"

"If this word is not made by Zhang Wei, I will live and eat it!"

"On the stage of the Spring Festival Evening, the singer of the singularity of the singer is just like this. The name of the face is really not blown out!"

"Yeah, standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Evening, I can't look directly!"

“I used to think that Teacher Zhang’s street level has already broken through the sky. I didn’t expect to have a new height!”

"Han Li is stupid - forced!"

"This silly - forced, idle, nothing, you messed up with him!"



The three sisters laughed in tears. While laughing, they patted the armrests of the sofa and screamed. "Too! It’s so cool! Look at them! Then lick them!"

The three aunts are crying and laughing. "This little sister!"

The second aunt wiped the sweat: "This is a national broadcast. I’m so young, they really have no problem?"

My mom said, "Don't say that it is broadcast live nationwide. It is a global live broadcast. As long as someone is anxious to him, the kid dares to swear on the stage. What temper are you still ignoring?"

The second sister shouted: "My brother is mighty!"


on the stage.

Pieces have long been getting better.

Zhang Hao hurriedly walked over and explained: "I don't mean that the chief of the hummer, I think, the one who accompanied the leader to become a red man around the leader? Isn't that?"

Dong Shanshan raised his eyebrows and glanced at him: "Isn't it? Hey, Hao Jian, I am taking you as a person now! I will let you see how Ma Jingjing went step by step to today!" He slammed his hand and opened the laptop on the table.

Zhang Yiyi was surprised and said: "Leadership preferences!"

Dong Shanshan smiled slightly and his fingers swayed in the air. "I tell you, I can clearly say the preferences, constellations, blood types and birth characters of each leader!" She pointed at the screen, "This, like fishing, I Just dive into the water and hang a fish on his hook!"


"Hanging fish?"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Dong Shanshan again said, "This, like to play mahjong, I will give him a gun to the demolition! This, like wenwan, I will bring my grandfather's relic to him to wear a string, this, like me ......" A glimpse, Dong Shanshan immediately put the laptop on the cover, "So, Hao Jianwei..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"like you?"

"Hello, hahaha!"

The audience laughed!

Zhang Wei is also happy, "Hey, you will wait for it, this is how to cover the key places, I want to hear this is the most!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The audience is screaming!

Dong Shanshan’s eyebrows danced: “So, now you know how I got into this position?”

Zhang Hao nodded hard and said: "Know it, or else you say that you are awesome, the skill of your flattering, all the blood is flowing!"

Audience: "Ha ha ha!"

"Who said? Who is it?" Dong Shanshan, who just sat down, was not happy, and blamed him: "I said you this mouth!"

Zhang Wei quickly said: "Hey, hey, you said how can I not chat like this? When I talk, it makes people angry, I am also puzzled. I found that every time the meeting is held, this leader is only for you again. Nodding is a smile, is this because you are more beautiful?"

Dong Shanshan sat as steady as a mountain, and smiled a little. "Not just like this!" I saw him. "I tell you, the meeting is about skill. The leader makes a speech. He just spoke and throws his point. I will give one right away, huh?" She exaggeratedly made a look of doubt. "Leader thought, what? You questioned me? When he finished it, I don't know him. What is it, just follow one... Hey!!" She showed a look of sorrow and her mouth grew up!

Audience: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "I want the leader to feel that I was baptized by his words, and I am fully aware!"

After listening to it, Zhang Wei also learned the expression of Dong Shanshan, and it was extremely ugly and suddenly realized, "Hey!"


"Too ugly to feed!"


The audience laughed!

Many of the staff of the Beijing TV station are also happy. Zhang Wei’s essays, in fact, they are the same as the audience, and they are the first to hear, because this piece has no time to rehearse!

Zhang Yupei said: "Listen to the words of the monarch, subvert the outlook on life!"

Dong Shanshan said: "So, Hao Jian, you not only have to accompany the leader to play the ball, you have to let the leader only want to play with you, let him think of you as soon as he thinks of the ball, and think of your hand itching! ”

Zhang Wei immediately said: "I understand, that is, let me establish an image of owe, then I can turn it right if I owe it?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "It’s just turning right." Always at the desk, "I saw it, my office is yours, Hao Kechang?"

Zhang Hao hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't stop, don't don't!"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Hao Kechang!"

Zhang Yan’s body, “Don’t leave it, don’t stop!”

Dong Shanshan took him to the leather chair. "Hao Kechang, Hao Kechang, come and sit down and sit here!"

Zhang Wei busy said: "No no no!"

"Feel it!" Dong Shanshan pressed him down.

"No no no!"

"Sit down."


"Sit again."

"Oh oh oh!!"

Zhang Yan enjoys a face.

The audience is broken, "Hey!"

Zhang Hao did not know how to help the chair. "Hey, let's taste the taste of leadership. Oh, this chair is comfortable. No wonder you always sleep when you go to work. After that, if I am going to do this." Then, I still can't sleep with the world?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "How do you want to sleep, how can you sleep, Hao Kechang?"

The bell is ringing and the phone is coming.

Dong Shanshan picks up, "Hey, ah, Yao Bureau - Long? Oh, are you coming over now? Ok, okay, that's great, just right, I have a good news waiting for you!" On the phone, she laughed, "The bureau - long will arrive soon!"

Zhang Hao got up. "Great, hey, he came where are we going to play?"

Dong Shanshan screamed, "I have already prepared for you!" He took him to the side, where there was a simple table tennis table. "This old game - grows in, his mahjong table I I also deal with him, ha, then, you are playing here, I will give you a referee." She set up a table tennis net, these props are specially made, "haha, Hao Jianwei, this pair You are not an ordinary table tennis table, this is the ladder of your life!" She used the funny tone of the Northeast.

Audience: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Wei took the other's hand. "You are the chief of the horse, no, the horse manager!"

Dong Shanshan was busy with a smile and said: "I don't dare to be afraid! Hao Kechang?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao: "In the morning and evening, Director Ma!"

Dong Shanshan was more happy than her. "You can't make it impossible, Hao Kechang?"

The people laughed a few times, then shook hands and said: "Win-win! Win-win!"

The audience is very enjoyable!

"It’s really good!"

"These two people can do it too! Hahahaha!"

At this time, the music starts.

Dong Shanshan is busy making down his makeup.

Zhang Wei took up a table tennis racket and practiced there!


Two balls.

Three balls.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside and shouted: "Whoever wants to play table tennis again! Who will I punish!!"

Dong Shanshan stayed.

Zhang Wei is also awkward.

The stage atmosphere suddenly changed!

The audience is happy.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"There is a look at it!"

"Let both of you make trouble!"

"The bureau - long come!"

At this time, Yao Jiancai, who was wearing a suit and a suit, came out, and his hair also hit mousse, a leader of the party.

The audience immediately gave a warm applause!

"Hey Yao, what's wrong with this?" Dong Shanshan hurried to meet, but also avoided the Secretary's line of sight, desperately gesturing there!

Zhang squatted on the racket, did not dare to have too much movement, carefully went to the Tibetan tempo.

Yao Jiancai also said that he was different from him at the moment. His speech was very steady and very thick. "You don't know who it is. I heard that I love playing table tennis. Now some comrades in the bureau have practiced at work!" What kind of behavior is this?"

Zhang Yi moved one step at a time, and quickly and carefully packed up the table tennis table and reached for the net on the table.

The audience was amused!

Dong Shanshan is still laying a cover for Zhang Wei. "Hey Yao, it’s no big deal to play table tennis."

Yao Jiancai is in the same color: "It is nothing to play table tennis itself, but it is good to use it. This is the evil spirit!" Turning around, I saw Zhang Wei took a table tennis net.

The audience laughed and said, "Ha ha ha ha!"

As a result, Zhang Wei’s next move made the audience laugh!

Zhang smashed the god, and reached out and put the table tennis ball on the neck, pinched it, and smashed it like a scarf!

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The audience applauded!

Yao Jiancai walked over with his hands and squinted at him. "Wain?" He pulled the thing around his neck. "Is there a counterweight?"

Zhang Wei argued: "The wind is big, my mother is afraid of losing it."

Audience: "Ah, hahahaha!"

Dong Shanshan was busy coming to the rescue. "Oh, this is the new comrade who came to our unit. Come, the bureau-long, sit down and say, sit down and say." Feelfully held him in the past.

Yao Jiancai sat on the sofa and looked at Dong Shanshan. He said: "Mako, you are an old comrade. Our unit has this work style problem. Are you starting to take the lead?"

Dong Shanshan immediately sat down and righteously said: "I said they are! I said that you are practicing again, and it is impossible to reach the level of Director Yao. The director Yao is in the original unit and is a champion every year!"

"Hey, don't compliment me!" Yao Jiancai said in a tone, ": One year is a runner-up."

This words laughed and sprayed a group of people!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Old Yao is really enough!"

After all, Yao Jiancai sighed: "Actually, this table tennis, I am not very good at playing! You talk about how I got the championship every year?" With a big hand, "all is moisture!"

Dong Shanshan flattered: "Can't be all water, have you just said it, you have to be a runner-up for a year."

Yao Jiancai nodded to her, "Yeah." Then a meal, "I was a deputy bureau - long!"

The audience smiled and hurt!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Hey, I can't do it!"

"Your mother is too funny!"

"It’s a baggage! Hahaha!"

"It's so enjoyable!"


Under the stage.

A work area not far from the stage.

Chang Xiaoliang didn't laugh from beginning to end. Many other directors in the director group were similar. It wasn't that this piece was not funny, but they had forgotten to laugh, but they all watched the stage with a stunned look. Zhang Wei Dong Shanshan and Yao Jiancai are swearing!

They are really shocked!

Chang Xiaoliang was silent for a long time, look at the side, "Are you sure that they have never played a sketch?"

The general director smiled bitterly. "I really didn't play it!"

Chang Xiaoliang asked again, "Are you sure that this is a piece of Xiao Zhang’s teacher who just came out on the scene an hour ago?"

Another female deputy director said: "Yeah, I have asked them within this hour. I have never had a sketchbook before, but all of them have just been edited!"

"Then I want to know something about it now!" Chang Xiaoliang said that the more excited, the more excited he was. "One hour, I am writing a book, now I am back, and three **** laymen who have never played a small piece, even There is no official rehearsal time, why... will make such a wonderful piece!?"

Director group: "..."

No one can answer him!

Because they don't know!

This seems to them to be an incomprehensible thing!

Let Zhang Wei save the field, there is no way to do it. It’s purely a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Really, Chang Xiaoliang, they only hope that Zhang Wei can finish the show, but never thought about it. Let Zhang Hao make a classic what kind of classic, because everyone knows impossible! But when the "good fortune" came out, they all had a little bit of it! This work... is just too mature! Where is this created temporarily? Where will this be three laymen who have never played a small piece? Characters, performances, books, funny points, rhythm, intention, depth, all have!

This **** is clearly a small piece of CCTV Spring Festival Evening! !

Is this Zhang Hao?

Is this Zhang Wei who is serious afterwards?

Look at the entire art world, look at the entire entertainment circle, who else! ?

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