I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 892: [Small product "Take it good" (below)! 】

Online is also open!

Fans, netizens, and the water army are all screaming there!

"Who else?"

"I want to say it too! Who else?"

"so amazing!"

"Yeah, Zhang Wei is so powerful!"

"Who said that they wouldn't play a sketch? This is not going to play? Why are you teasing me?"

"This **** amateur, actually gave the essay!"

"Yao Jiancai acting, has always been the image of the father-in-law of the father-in-law, never seen him play like this, the leadership is really stable, but also humor! And Dong Shanshan, too surprising, I I have seen the "I love to remember the lyrics" hosted by her. It is the host of the string. Although the appearance rate is very high, there is nothing really a real knife. It is a good figure, looks beautiful, looks at the eye, I I thought it was a vase. Who thought that I opened my eyes today! It turns out that Dong Shanshan can still be so open! It’s so good! Many lines are too in place! The expression, the details are handled, absolutely! As for Zhang Wei I don’t evaluate it. Everyone knows the skill of this product. Even if he says he will fly, I will believe it!”

"Sell it well!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


Liaoning Taiwan.

The staff were full of energy and prepared for the final shopping. The performances of the Spring Festival Evenings of each TV are almost the same. All the TV Spring Festival Evenings are almost the last one or two programs. The competition is also the most intense time. This is a move!

"Fast, the lights are well adjusted!"

"The last few minutes!"

"The Beijing Spring Festival Evening has gone wrong. Now, we are the biggest hope for winning the championship!"

"All spirits, don't go wrong!"

"Now the audience is watching us!"

The leaders of several director groups are busy and personally command!

Suddenly, a staff member rushed to run, "Leader! Leader!"

An assistant director looked at him, "What's wrong?"

The staff panted and said: "The popularity of our Spring Festival Gala has dropped dramatically!"

The director group is stunned, "What?"

"How come down again?"

"Isn't it still good to rise?"

The staff said bitterly: "Now the audience are going to see the Beijing Spring Festival Evening!"


"They have an accident at the station!"

“Zhai Haiying was hospitalized. What are the finals for them?”

"Zhang Wei's programs have already been broadcasted. How come they are so fierce in Beijing Spring Festival Evening?"

"Without Zhang Wei’s show, what are they going to fight with us? What is going on?"

They are not willing to believe!

The staff member smiled and said: "Because Zhang Wei...and his mother-in-law are coming back! The final finale is on the shelves!"

Everyone fainted!


Zhang Hao and his mother played on stage! ?


on the stage.

The show continues.

Yao Jian, who played Yao Jiancai, shook his hand and changed the subject. He said, "Well, the topic is far away. Hey, Ma Kechang, you just told me on the phone, is there a good news waiting for me? What? Good news?"

Dong Shanshan, a sigh, immediately smiled and said: "Ah, ha, yeah, what, that..." She couldn't sit still while sitting on the sofa, and looked at Zhang Wei at once, biting her teeth and laughing: " The Secretary asked you! What good news?"

Zhang Wei is dumbfounded, "Ah? Ask me?"

The audience laughed!

Zhang Wei looked at Director Yao. His lips moved a few times and he stopped talking. Finally, he took a long time and said, "...I am surnamed Hao, my name is Hao."

The audience was happy: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yao Jiancai also smiled and shook his head. "You call Hao News?"

"The mother got him." Dong Shanshan repeatedly laughed and said: "Haha, what do you say about this name!"

The audience laughs again!

Yao Jiancai looked at him, oh said: "Hao news is waiting for me, is that you looking for me?"

Zhang Yi’s one-on-one, “Ah.”

Yao Jiancai nodded and said to him: "What are you looking for?"

"Ah?" Zhang Hao said.

Dong Shanshan squeezed the word in his teeth: "The Secretary asked you, say! Yeah!"

Zhang snorted. "Yeah, I, what am I looking for? Ah, yes..." He pointed out the door and said, "The few people go to work, yes, they always fight." Table tennis."

Ma Jing, played by Dong Shanshan, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and walked back.

Zhang Wei continued: "They are screaming all day long, and they are sorrowful, affecting the chief of the horse to sleep!"

Wu Tong, just sitting down, Dong Shanshan scared his **** and sat on the ground!

Zhang Wei hurriedly changed his mouth, "...write! material! material!"

Audience: "Hello, hahaha!"

Dong Shanshan climbed up with a smile, "H, huh, huh."

Yao Jiancai smiled and knocked on the arm of the sofa. "Hey, just make a small report with me? This little comrade reflects the problem very timely, just after I have fully and fully understood the situation."

Dong Shanshan, Zhang Wei, "Do you say you are unnecessary?"

Audience: "Hey!"

Yao Jiancai suddenly reached out and said: "To Ma Kechang, is there a one in your department called Hao Jian?"

"Ah? Ah." Dong Shanshan looked at Zhang Wei and stuttered.

Zhang Yan slowly blocked one half of his face with one hand, and his footsteps were also moved backwards.

Yao Jiancai said: "As far as I know, this young man has a strong business ability and is a good seed. The organization decided to turn him back!"

Wen Yan, Zhang Hao excitedly screamed, "Ah!"

Dong Shanshan was shocked by the sound.

Yao Jiancai also looked at Zhang Wei strangely.

Zhang Hao was busy explaining, "I am, I am really happy for him!"

Audience: "Hey!"

Yao Jiancai smiled softly and stood up on the sofa. He walked over to Dalí and walked toward Zhang Zhang step by step. He walked and said: "Hao news, you should learn more from Comrade Hao Jian." Saying, already standing. In front of him, he reached out and took off the "bib" that had been hung on his neck. He said: "If you want to make a job, there is no shortcut, you can only work hard and be down to earth."

Zhang Hao.

Dong Shanshan also sweated a lot.

Yao Jiancai turned around and walked to the table tennis ball case and inserted the "scarf" into the head. "Also, don't give yourself some stage name when you have nothing to do." Go to the other end and put the other side safe. When I got up, I pointed at him and pointed at him. "Otherwise, there is really good news. You said that you dare not accept it. How sad it is!"


Zhang Hao lowered his head and finally said the truth. "The bureau-long, I am Hao Jian, I am sorry, I am wrong!"

"Enough!" Dong Shanshan stood up and pulled him behind him. "Is this your fault? Director Yao, it is my fault, you have to say it to me! It is me, my mind has been loose. In management, let him take a stage name without paying attention!" After that, she looked at the table tennis table and looked surprised. She bent over and touched it. She was shocked and said: "Oh my mother, this Is it a table tennis table? How come in my office? I don't know how!"

The audience is crazy!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Too much can be installed!"

"Hello, hahahaha!"

Director Yao suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Enough, Ma Jingjing! Flattering! The black sheep! Your problem has been mastered by the relevant departments. Today I just want to come to teach." He sneered, "I really let I am open-minded! I don’t do business with the national money, I have to take a shortcut, you wait, let’s deal with it!”

Turn around and leave!

Dong Shanshan panicked and hurriedly chased and shouted: "Director Yao! Director Yao, I am wrong! Director Yao, give me another chance!" She also left.

On the stage, there is only one person left.

Under the audience, the audience nodded and pointed to the performance.

"This is a good deduction!"

"Yeah, the work is complete!"

"Satire and slap on the horse, the idea is very good! It is the hot subject!"

"how exciting!"

“What will happen in the end?”

"I do not know!"

"It’s over, see how Zhang Wei finally finishes it!"

"Yes, the bottom is the most crucial!"

The audience under the field is cheering.

The audience in front of the TV are waiting to see Zhang Wei this last!

On the stage.

Zhang Wei’s gaze came back from the door, and his expression was awkward. One person said alone: ​​“The big thing, the unit’s chief of the horse, was also taken in.” He sighed, and righteously said: “Should be a slap in the face, Don't always think about what the leader thinks, think about what the people need!"

"it is good!"


"well said!"

The applause is warm!

Originally, the audience thought it was over. Who wants Zhang Wei to leave, there are still lines!

Everyone is also a glimpse, not finished yet? Just that is not the end?

Zhang Wei looked at the audience and suddenly said with a sigh of relief: "I understand now, I will take it as a warning in the future. If you want to be a competent cadre, you must..." His voice rose and was high. Channel: "Reject Yellow! refuse to gamble! Reject the table tennis ball!"

After the words are finished, turn around, Zhang Hao people have already left!

Not far from Hou Ge is drinking water, the result is all sprayed, "Hey!"

No one expected that Zhang Wei would be here!

No one thought of the last Zhang Yi of the essay, but your mother did not forget to hurt people!

Chang Xiaoliang: "..."

Hu Fei: "..."

Deputy Director of Beijing TV Station: "..."

The whole audience laughed and squirted, and the laughter seemed to blow up like a bomb. The applause also drowned the entire party scene!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"It's too bad!"

"Too **** yin!"

"Hey, let me go!"

"This is the end of the goods!"

"Laughter is killing me!"

"Zhang Yu is too **** funny!"

"I like this temper, hahahaha!"

"I doubt his entire essay, which is actually the last sentence!"

"Cow - forced! Cow - forced!"

This is the nature of the face! Today's essay is completely adhering to the glorious tradition of Zhang Wei, who has always been talking about it, using life to swear! And it’s so bright and bright, so it’s so fresh and refined! Looking at the country, looking at the world, no second person can be found! !

Too fierce!

Too light stick!

Really your mother is not the most notorious one in the entertainment circle - the flow - hehe!



The table tennis team national team stayed in the hotel.

Han Li yelled at the scorpion: "The surname Zhang!"

His teammate Li Qi dropped the cup on the floor. "It’s not finished with him!"

"With him!"

"Zhang Wei! You see!"

"You are too **** good for you!"

"I am grass!"

"The killing is just the beginning!"

The players all patted the table and jumped up!

The head coach Liu Yifeng and the coaching staff were also trembled and shivered loudly: "Last name Zhang! Start today! Sports and you are not dead!!"


[More, ask for a monthly ticket! 】


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