I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 893: [Thank you for the Beijing Spring Festival Evening! 】

Ten p.m.

The Spring Festival Evening in Beijing ended successfully!

<p backstage, Zhang Wei from the stage and Yao Jiancai and Dong Shanshan will meet, and the two of them are the first thing, but they are also front and rear feet.

"Xiao Zhang!" Yao Jiancai was very excited, and he took a lot of trouble with him. "Here!"

Zhang Huan has been rushing his clothes and smiled bitterly: "It’s a cold sweat!"

Yao Jiancai laughed. "Yeah, who can think that we actually played it!"

"And it's perfect!" Dong Shanshan added with a smile. "Today's essay is really enjoyable, I know that the original essay is so interesting!"

Zhang Yuhan said: "Are you still addicted?"

Yao Jian was busy: "I can't come this way in the future, it's too scary!"

Zhang Wei also said: "After you? Who will find me to save the field, I will not come!"

The mind is too expensive, too nervous, and the deaf person is down, and they feel exhausted! Zhang Wei can't wait to find a corner next to him and sit down on the floor!

The monk is talking, and suddenly, a personal image comes on the head.





There are old leaders of old colleagues such as Hu Fei, Hou Ge, Hou Di, Xiao Lu, Da Fei, etc., as well as Chang Xiaoliang, the director of the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing. There is a deputy director, and there are four deputy directors of the Spring Festival Evening. When they arrived, the rest of the staff were the staff of the Spring Festival Gala program. They were responsible for makeup, and they were responsible for logistics and prepared props.

Zhang Yiren lived.

A group of people came up and no one spoke.

Suddenly, one raised his hand and two raised his hand, and the applause broke out without warning!

Chang Xiaoliang is applauding!

The deputy director is applauding!

Hu Fei is applauding!

Everyone gave the three people the warmest applause with the greatest strength!

Xiao Lu was even so excited that she fell into tears. "Mr. Zhang! Teacher Yao! Teacher Shan Shan! You are great!"

“The essay is so wonderful!”

"Thank you!"

"Zhang Lao? Thank you!"

"Mr. Shanshan, you are acting very well!"

"You are too powerful!"


Continuous applause!

The staff of the Beijing Spring Festival Evening are thankful!

Zhang Yiren glanced at him. He said: "The words are heavy, and this time we can catch up, it is not the merits of our dedication, it is everyone's collective efforts!"

A female deputy director laughed and applauded: "If you are not there, how many collective efforts we have is useless! This is not a lot of things!"

Chang Xiaoliang went up and took Zhang Jian’s hand. “Mr. Zhang, it’s hard!”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Serve the people."

Hu Fei also found Dong Shanshan, "Firshan, doing beautiful!"

Dong Shanshan’s awkward mouth, “Hu Ge, did not give us the “I love to remember the lyrics” column group shame?”

Hou Ge immediately said: "You are showing us faces!"

"Too cow!" Big fly thumbs up!

The deputy director also went up and took Yao Jiancai’s hand. "Mr. Yao, thank you!"

Yao Jiancai said: "You don't have to be so polite."

No matter what Zhang Hao said, everyone did not mean to pay off their mark, and they still expressed their gratitude. Nearly all the staff of the program group gathered here to wait for them and greet them. This is because of this. Personal feelings are too big!


It’s not just a thank you!

Fortunately, Dong Shanshan said that at least the host of their Beijing TV station and the member of the Spring Festival Evening program group, the Spring Festival Evening has a major unexpected situation, and she came to the rescue field as a matter of fact. But Zhang Wei and Yao Jiancai are not. The show has already been performed, and the effect of the show is so good. At that time, almost all the TV Spring Festival Galas have been swept, and they have given them too much help in the Spring Festival Evening. After the incident, Chang Xiaoliang and others asked for a family. The people were still scalping up, and they wrote a small book on the spot within an hour. On the spot, they were on the line and prepared the props. This is one or two words that can be said. Clear things? It is simply a person who may never be able to!

Suddenly, Chang Xiaoliang received a call there. "Hey? Hey teacher... Yes... Yes... Xiao Zhang? He is by my side... um... I gave him the call."

Zhang Wei looked at the past.

Chang Xiaoliang handed the phone, "Mr.

Zhang Hao was busy picking up, "Hey teacher."

The voice of Yan Haiying over there has also recovered some vitality. He said: "I just read the sketch, Teacher Zhang, thank you, and thanked Teacher Yao and Dong Shanshan for me."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I didn't miss your face?"

Yan Haiying also smiled. "Your sketch is better than me! I watched your show. When I saw it for three minutes, I was relieved. Now, I can do the surgery with peace of mind."

Zhang Yiyi, "Surgery? Serious?"

"Heart stent, a small interventional surgery, not a thing." Yan Haiying said cheerfully.

Zhang Wei immediately said: "I wish you a speedy recovery, I will go to the hospital to see you the next day."

Yan Haiying said: "Well, there will be opportunities in the future, let's work together for a small piece!"

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, that's my pleasure!"

This is the first time Zhang Hao has been on the stage of the essay. I don’t know if I don’t play it. It’s really not easy to play a small piece, so he is also very respectful to these predecessors.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao smiled and conveyed: "Old Yao, Shan Shan, Teacher Yan let me thank you."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Thank you, you will do."

Yao Jiancai also said: "The show is arranged by you from start to finish. We didn't really do anything to help."

Today's essay, Zhang Wei took the piece of his happy twist team on the earth in a certain year, CCTV Spring Night, the name is called "Take it good", is the starring of a few people, such as Shen Teng Ma Li, in fact, this piece It is not the best piece of happy twist, nor is it one of the best works on the CCTV Spring Festival Evening stage. It is pretty good looking, but it can be said that the classic is still not enough. However, the reason why Zhang Wei chose this work is purely because it is suitable. "It is not the most classic piece", but it is definitely the most suitable for this stage today, and it is more suitable than any classic piece on the earth! So when he thought of this work, hesitantly did not use it directly!

Look at the reaction of the scene, you know, the effect is very good!

Better than imagined!

This incident also made Zhang Jian understand the truth. Many of his non-top works in the world are not necessarily top-notch on this planet. At the right time, in the right environment, under the right opportunity, they also Can be a classic of this world! Just like the essays of today's "People's Good"! This work, which was not so big in his world, was actually played by Zhang Jian Yao Jiancai. Zhang Wei even saw it on the stage, and many viewers at the scene could not wait to laugh and faint!

Of course, if you have a dizzy, you will definitely have a faint.

For example - the national **** team!

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