I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 900: [Oh, my account was hacked! 】

Post it management party.

The company's technical department is in a mess!

"The softball bar can't keep it!"


"Quick, quick!"

"It's sealed, there are too many people!"

"It's over, the softball bar is also bursting!"

"God, how come there are so many people!"

"Call again, let the technicians come over!"

"Boss, today is New Year's Day, many people have returned to their hometowns for the New Year!"

"Zhang Ye's fans are too fierce!"

"There is still a lot of help! Zhang Ye is fighting with the sports world, how come the cosmetic stickers are also mixed in? What does it have to do with you? Hey!"

"It's messed up, it's all messed up!"

"Big New Year, all crazy!"


At this moment, the few remaining sports post bars basically gave up resistance.

"Entitlement! No trumpet speech!"

"Can't open it."


"The other party has a hacker!"


"None of our seven administrator accounts can log in!"

"Then, what should I do?"


They just handed in their guns!

This battle is simply impossible to fight!

On Weibo.

Zhang Ye counted down again, @体坛, "There are ten minutes left, I'm waiting!"

The celebrities are funny than the group.

Many stars are paying attention!

Ning Lan: "Xiao Zhang's domineering spirit is really in his bones!"

Xiaodong: "Yes, most people can't learn if they want to learn!"

Fan Wenli smiled bitterly: "Director Zhang is competing with the sports world today! I am afraid no one can stop him now!"


People in the sports world were also shocked by Zhang Ye's momentum, they could only keep @广电.

Li Qi of the table tennis team: "@广电! Take a look, haven't the punishment been down yet?"

The head coach of the national table tennis team Chu Yifeng: "Bring fans to make trouble, isn't it a violation? Has anyone been in charge? Is anyone in charge?"

Han Li roared meagerly: "I call on Zhang Ye to be completely banned and killed!"

A national football team defender Tang Hechang also shouted: "Resist this kind of bad-good artist!"

As a result, they just finished shouting, and their posts were exploded one after another! Some athletes are low in popularity and don't have personal posts at all. Some people with better performances, such as Han Li and Li Qi, have posts, but the number is small and not too many people pay attention. But no matter what, no one is spared!

Han Li is exploded!

Li Qi is exploded!

Tang Hechang is exploded!

Tang... the big chapter post it was exploded!

Crosstalk actor Tang Dazhang’s post bar was originally calm, everyone was still laughing and chatting about Zhang Ye’s battle in sports, and they were still posting live posts, although their relationship with Zhang Ye has always been the same, although Tang Dazhang and the cross talk The relationship between Jie and Zhang Ye has always been a mortal enemy, and they often scolded each other, but today's matter is irrelevant, and they did not participate in the war.

But suddenly, without warning, the navy emerged, exploding Tang Dazhang in the blink of an eye!


"My grass!"


"Why blast us?"

"You fight with the sports world! We didn't scold you today!"

"your sister!"

Tang Dazhang's fans are all blocked!

As a result, the leader of the team, Dadao brother, immediately before Tang Dazhang’s explosion, posted a post that made all the onlookers laugh and dizzy—"Sorry, Tang Dazhang and Tang Hechang’s name pronunciation is too similar, so wrong! 》

Violent wrong?


Tang Dazhang fans fainted!

Onlookers laughed!

Tang Dazhang lay down his gun and became the most innocent victim of this blast battle that was about to be recorded in history!

At this time, Zhang Ye said meagerly again, "I want to say, today this incident is not for the various post and post bar friends. It was hurt by mistake. I am here to accompany you, but things still have to Do, I can't swallow this breath! Well, there are still three minutes!"

"Like you!"

"Support Teacher Zhang!"

"Yes, I can't swallow this breath!"

"Cold us first, but also have us apologize? Grass!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"The clay figure still has three points of anger!"

The faces of people in sports are blushing!

What about broadcasting?

What about the serious treatment you just said?

What about the processing result to be given soon?

It's all like this, why hasn't anyone come out yet! ?

Half an hour before the money bureau threatened Zhang Ye, there were still two minutes left!

One minute left!

Thirty seconds...

Ten seconds...

Five seconds...

The explosion movement also stopped.

Everyone is staring at the time, and everyone is waiting for the sound of the broadcast!

Then, then there is no more!

Countless people in the sports world have been shocked countless times @ 了广电 related departments several times, but there is no response, all reports have fallen into the sea!

Liu Yifeng was surprised, "Why?"

Han Li said, "How could this be?"

Li Qi said: "They, didn't they accept it?"

No one knows why this is!

The last time for threats has passed, and Zhang Ye is okay with nothing!

The famous movie star Ning Lan said.

Chen Guang Fan Wenli looked suspicious.

Chang Xiaoliang, the director of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala, was taken aback.

Netizens are also surprised.



"never mind?"

"Radio and television...don't care?"


"It's okay, let's scare ourselves!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang's sketch, the purpose of the lines created is to satirize the phenomenon of flattering. This is a profound and positive program. How can there be problems?"


"Ms. Zhang is all right!"

"A false alarm, a false alarm!"

"What about the leadership of the Sports Commission?"

"Yes, how about people? Why are they gone?"

"When he came out, he was quite arrogant and pretended to be quite big. I thought it was so awesome!"

"Didn't you say let Teacher Zhang have the ability to try without apologizing? Teacher Zhang has already tried! Now I want to ask, then what?"

The battle is here, the victory or defeat is divided!

The sports arena condemned vigorously, and then defeated vigorously. At this time, many athletes in the sports world had already smashed down the line.

That's horrible!

They lost too badly!

The netizens onlookers also clapped their hands today!

"So enjoyable!"

"Yeah, what a classic battle!"

"'Black Junior One' will go down in history!"

"My gossip fire is blazing! If I can see such a wonderful curse every day, I will die without regret!"

"Today, Zhang Ye once again proved the cohesion of his fans!"

"Zhang Ye is too domineering today! He crushed his opponent from the aura!"


"This battle was fought beautifully!"

The battle is over.

Post Bar is cleaning up a messy battlefield.

Weibo administrators have also begun to delete comments with dirty characters on a large scale.

However, the national table tennis team members and coaches who caused the incident simply couldn't accept this result. When they arrived, they couldn't figure out why there was no movement suddenly!

No way!

I can't just forget it!

They can't afford to lose this person!

Han Li was so embarrassed that he said, "No matter what the radio and television? Report to the Internet police!"

Li Qi's eyes lit up, "Yes, he incited netizens to gather and make trouble, so many postings. This is a vicious online incident, and the network supervisor must be in charge!"



People from the table tennis team went up again and reported with their real names!

However, they may never know that the deputy director in charge of the censorship department they reported to the Radio and Television Bureau-Chief Wu Zeqing-is Zhang Ye's girlfriend. And now, they complained and reported that one of the most powerful Internet surveillance departments in the past, Fan Yingyun, who was once a world-renowned hacker, is the current head of the Zhang Ye fan club! The scolding war just now, the blasting action just now, was led by the female tennis police from the network supervision department! Fortunately, the table tennis team and the people in the sports world did not know, otherwise they would really have to vomit blood for three days and three nights!

When the netizens saw it, they were all angry again!

"It's not over yet?"

"Report it?"

"You still don't think it is embarrassing enough?"


"Teacher Zhang, be careful!"

"This thing is really big or small! In the past, everyone also had scolding wars and explosive actions, but most of them were spontaneously organized by netizens. This time, Teacher Zhang personally stepped up to direct them. If this is caught by someone, It's also a big deal!"


"what is it now?"

"Ms. Zhang quickly delete Weibo first!"

"Yes, delete the previous ones first, let's talk about if it works!"

"It's useless to delete! All records!"

Many fans became worried again.

After Zhang Ye looked at it, he slightly manipulated the computer, used the network technology he had eaten the skill book to crackle for a while, changed some things, added some things, then nodded and made a call to Yao Jiancai.

"Old Yao, I have something to ask you."


Soon, Yao Jiancai’s meager voice suddenly uttered, "Hello everyone, this is Zhang Ye, ah, my meager account was hacked, what just happened? @微薄, please help me find my password. I have sent you a complaint. I'm back."

Then, a work account on Weibo also replied below, "Hello Teacher Zhang Ye, we just checked, the login location of the account just now is in the United States, the password has indeed been changed, we need to verify in the private message Click on your ID and mobile phone number to reset your password."

The meager Zhang Ye borrowed: "Thank you, great, I can finally get my meager account back! By the way, it's shameless to despise the thief!"


Have you been hacked?

Ninglan: "..."

Chen Guang was shocked!

Liu Yifeng is stupid!

Han Li spurts blood!

Chang Xiaoliang fainted!

All the people who saw this on the Internet almost fell to the ground one by one, as if ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past in their hearts! Everyone couldn't help yelling in their hearts: Do you still despise pirates? I'm shameless when I rush you! Nothing in the world is more shameless than you! !

What a familiar scene!

What an intimate sense of sight!

Star exclusive special big trick-account hacking! !

No one in the sports world expected Zhang Ye to perform this classic trick at this time! You got hacked? Who else in the world can write that **** remarks and damaging jokes about you just now? Now that the scolding is over, and the matter is over, you **** innocently said, "Your account was hacked"? Still "ahhhh"?

Me, your sister! !

They were all dumbfounded by Zhang Ye's shamelessness!

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