I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 899: [Explosive bar group out! 】

On the meager.

The situation is abrupt!

Zhang Wei is a hard-selling leader, and the radio and television department is involved in the investigation!

The sports were irritated by Zhang Hao’s arrogance, and a wave of coaches and athletes emerged. The leaders of the sports committee have been smashed. As a part of the sports world, many people can't pretend to be invisible. If this is not the case, then it is a principled mistake! In an instant, countless sports elites and coaches have joined the army that denounced Zhang Wei! Finally, even the current national football team's current head coach has come out!

National basketball team.

Provincial badminton team.

City-level swimming team.

Skating Sports Association.

All coming!

"Real name report Zhang Hao!"

"Too arrogant!"

"Do you dare to top the money bureau?"

"I still don't believe that there is no king!"

"Yes, keep reporting!"

"@广电, please give us a result as soon as possible!"

"This kind of **********, it should be completely sealed - kill!"

"@广电, you can now look at the essays of "People's Good", and then look at Zhang Wei's sarcasm of insulting sports. Is this kind of person not sealed?"

"Please give us an explanation for sports!"

"It must be handled seriously!"

"There is still an apology, and Zhang Wei must be officially apologized to the sports world!"

"Otherwise, we will never give up!"

"Never stop!"

Zhang Wei this time can be described as a horse cell!

The water army can't stand it anymore, and it will start to go up.

Can be stopped quickly. "Don't worry, don't worry about it first. We can't add anything to Teacher Zhang Wei. Haven't watched the radio and television have been involved yet? I'm checking Zhang, let's go to this time. But it is a mess! Mr. Zhang was finally released from the ban last year. You still want to see Teacher Zhang being sealed again - kill one time?"

"Stop all the stops!"

"Paralysis, it’s too hot!"

"When are we so arrogant!"

"I'm furious!"

<楸> "What should I do now?"

"I do not know!"

"Whoever comes up with an idea! How can I help Teacher Zhang?"

Fans have forcibly suppressed the fire!

Hazzi is crazy!

Zhang Zuoxiao Wang Wuyi, they are also angry!

The strong intervention of radio and television, so that Chang Xiaoliang and Hu Fei also have some cold sweat, now Xiao Zhang how to do? What will he do?

Things have been too big, and no one expected that the battle will be so large, even to an earth-shattering point. Since January this year, there has never been such a wide-ranging battle on the Internet. Circle star battles the entire sports world? At the moment, countless entertainment stars and insiders are watching the game. For example, Ning Lan, such as Huo Dongfang, such as Xiaodong, such as Chen Guang couple, such as CCTV and other local TV stations, everyone wants to see how this battle will proceed, how to close!

Suddenly, Zhang Hao appeared!

However, his words on Weibo once again shocked the world!

Zhang Wei calmly said: "@钱局, @体坛, it has been five minutes, and twenty-five minutes! Watching you come out one by one, I think that I have "satisfied with it" satirical pieces If you make a mistake, you can't just watch your performance. I declare that it will start to burst from now on!"


Explosive post? ?

Everyone on the Internet is shocked!

Everyone never imagined that so many celebrities in the sports world have come out, and radio and television is involved in the investigation. At this juncture, this critical moment, Zhang Wei’s choice is still hard! And it is a harder and harder harder! Explosion? This is not going to end!

Chang Xiaoliang fainted!

Chen Guang Fan Wenli sweats!

Ning Lan stunned!

Huo Dongfang was shocked!

Many people who watch the crowds are dumbfounded at the moment!


I am crazy with today’s Zhang Hao!

Zhang Hao immediately released the goal, "The first stop, the table tennis team!"

The water army suddenly boiled!

Zhang Wei’s fans are bloody!

"Comrades, give me out!"

"Mr. Zhang made a speech, fight!"


"Grass him big - Lord -! Fight and fight!"

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

"Mr. Zhang! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Do them!"

"Where are you, where are we going!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are handsome today!"

"Mr. Zhang told me what else to say!"



Going to war!

It’s not a small fight, this time it’s a real sword!

Explosion, this is a sport that is also very popular on Zhang Wei's earth. Compared to the condemnation on Weibo and the smashing of the street, it is more aggressive, more harmful, and more destructive. Big! Generally, unless it is a revenge, few people will choose this kind of harmful way, and the manpower and resources to be consumed are too large. The average person does not have this appeal!

But today, Zhang Wei stood up!

A "explosion", so that countless people are boiling!

The leaders of the sports committee and the people in the sports are also stunned. Immediately, an angry anger suddenly rushed to the head, Zhang Hao, you dare!

But he really dare!

Zhang Wei’s fans are really dare! !

The table tennis team's post bar was occupied by Zhang Wei's water army in an instant. It was really within a dozen seconds after Zhang Wei released Weibo, the table tennis team posted it was already a mess!

"Get started!"

"One team is coming!"

"The second team reported!"

"The three teams are here!"

"The four teams are already in place!"

"Zhang Wei fan group went out! Noisy people waited for it!"

"Start the war!"

"Fighting for dignity!"

"Stupid - forced Han Li!"

"Stupid - forced Liu Yifeng!"

"Today, God blocks and kills the Buddha to stop the Buddha!"

"Follow me! Capture the table tennis team post it!"

Under the leadership of Zhang Wei’s fan group, the water army seemed to be crazy, and they rushed over in batches. The number of spa posts and swearing posts was almost soaring, almost a few hundred refreshes. Hundreds of articles went up, and finally I brushed up to tens of thousands!

One and a half minutes!

It took only a minute and a half!

The table tennis team posted it!

The address could not be opened and it was exploded!

The table tennis team posted the bar and the main administrator and even the reaction time did not even have time, they could not enter, and the brothers looked silly!

The netizens who watched the crowd were also stupid!

I am grass!

This is too fierce!

What kind of fighting power! ?

At this time, Zhang Wei’s meager words, "Next stop, football team!"

Seeing this Weibo, the members and administrators of the football team posted the bar are also full of panic!

"not good!"

"They are coming!"

"Rely, how are we?"

"Be careful! Be careful!"

"Bad! People are here!"

"Quickly set permissions! Fast! Prohibit trumpet posting!"

"Quick permission!"

The football team posted the people are anxious, no matter what shame is not shameful, Zhang Wei’s army just killed, they open the permission limit directly, the trumpet under several levels can not be posted on them. Speaking, and avoiding the danger of being blasted.

"All right!"

"already setup."

"Call, scared to death."

"Almost, really hanging!"

"These animals are too fierce. Two hundred **** posts have been sent in a few seconds? If we set the permissions later, we are also dangerous!"

Zhang Wei’s army couldn’t get in, and most people couldn’t speak.

The people who posted the football team were relieved.

But the next moment, something that made them horrified happened - the right that has just been restricted, was actually opened, not an external operation, but the operation of internal management personnel!

The army will fall into the hinterland!

The netizens are not clear!

The people who posted the football team are also forced!

"what happened?"

“Why is this?”

"Grass! Who opened the permissions?"

"Your grandfather! Who banned me?"

"Ah, I am also banned!"

"How to ban your own people!"

After a few investigations by the football team's post and the administrators, they stopped again, and the members in the bar were also stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes!

"God! Big Lord... Big Lord has rebelled!"

"I am going! Black brother!"

"What do you do with the sunspots!"

"I am grass!"

The big boss of the football team posted it!

This news laughed and countless onlookers!

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"Can you still do this?"

"Good job! Hahahahaha!"

"Hey, let me laugh and smoke! Can the Lord also betrayed?"

The football team's post is the biggest one in the sports world. It is a large number of people. However, in the case of the **** boy rebellion, Zhang Wei’s army is in line with it, and the football team posted it even faster than the table tennis team. Then it will be exploded!

Zhang Wei meager: "There are still twenty minutes, next, basketball team!"

The sports people are angry!

Han Li opened up, "Zhang Wei, you are a big man!"

Liu Yifeng shouted: "This stinking flow - hey!"

The post bar was exploded. It is said that it has no effect on these athletes. They also have a piece of meat. When the server is repaired, they can continue to open. In fact, these stickers are their faces. The meat is indispensable, but the face is not. Ah, Zhang Wei and his fans are slap in the face of their faces! How can they not be angry? How can they not be angry?

But in the face of Zhang Wei’s water army, they can only watch!

Not only Zhang Wei’s people, but also countless other people who have posted it, have joined the “slashing army”!

“‘Online Games’ came to help friends of Zhangye’s fan group!”

“‘Dong Shanshan Post Bar Support Group’ came to report!”

“All the friends of ‘Cosmetics’ have come to help the friends!”

"Friends of Zhang Wei's fan group, thank you for your help in the last time. We have come back to the last time! Let's listen to you! Let them!"

"One party has difficulty, all parties support, ‘non-mainstream cross talk stickers.’ came to support Zhang Hao!”

Originally, there were enough people in Zhangye, and it was already a cover-up. Now, there are countless friends who have posted friendships. This number is simply unable to count and break through the sky!

Badminton is falling!

The tennis bar is falling!

The swimming team posted it!

Sports stickers fall!

Sports goods stickers fall!

Sports drink stickers fall!





Tonight, everything can be posted on the sports stickers, all of them are exploded! !

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