I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 898: [Nothing, yours]


The table tennis team stays at the hotel.

The tiredness and gloom of the faces of the people suddenly swept away. All of them were full of brilliance. The emergence of the leaders of the sports committees is undoubtedly a pinnacle of their own. After the leaders have been in charge of the relevant departments and cadres of radio and television, they all know what to do. Do it, this is their chance to fight back!

No more people?

Oh, but you?

But we can report you!

The so-called style is not separated, the sports committee and the radio and television will obviously also deal with it. A leading cadre of the money bureau cannot possibly know the leaders of several radio and television!

To reverse it!

Surnamed Zhang! You must apologize this time!


"Follow the money bureau!"

"Yes, report him!"

"Let's report it with real name!"

"Haha, I still don't believe that he can't cure him!"

"So many people report their real names, and radio and television will definitely get it!"

Soon, the meager people in the sports are playing out one by one, keeping up with the pace of the money bureau!

Han Li: "Real name report Zhang Wei's essays in the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing, "Take it a good job!"

Li Qi: "Real name report Zhang Wei, the essay "Take it a good job", the link is here..." followed by a website.

Liu Yifeng complained directly at the report window of the radio and television. "Zhang Wei insulted the table tennis in public, using his popularity and fame to deliberately guide the direction of public opinion and discredit the sportsmanship. Is it that someone should come out to manage it? We suggest that the total prohibition Zhang Wei’s performances!”

That netizen athlete is also out!

The badminton champion also issued a report!

Ten people!

Twenty people!

Thirty people!

Seeing the reversal of the situation, more and more sports people have joined the army of condemnation, and all of them have reported their real names to Zhang Wei’s essay "Take it a good job" seriously violated the rules! Deliberately persecuting the spirit of national sports!

The momentum of sports is up!

The netizens saw it and it was a buzz!

"Grass! What!" </p

"What hat is buckled! You guys Zhang teacher sings and sings and causes you to lose the spirit of sports. When Teacher Zhang replies to you, it hurts the spirit of sports? What is sportsmanship? It is for your convenience. Yes? What are you talking about?"

"This is a bastard!"

"I am mad at me! What are you!"

"I still want to say it! Now the sports world is **** this trend?"

"But you can't beat it, hey, start to rescue the soldiers? Start complaining?"

"What face!"

"Rely on, then lick them!"

"Let's wait, things are not easy!"

"Yeah, all of them have real names, and Teacher Zhang has a big trouble!"

"Yes, is it the real name report of the sports committee leader? This..."

"The cadres of several radio and television leaders who are leaders of the sports committee are definitely the people he knows. Plus, so many athletes in the sports world and even the champions and coaches who have won the championship, how can the radio and television be ignored? It must be targeted Teacher Zhang Hao made a big move!"

"What punishment will you give?"

"I don't know, is it really forbidden to perform all the performances?"

"Not so serious?"

“Is it a apology for Zhang Hao and sports?”

"Rely! These grandchildren!"

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo and others have changed their faces!

Chen Guang Fan Wenli and his wife also squeezed their sweat for Zhang!

For a time, the snoring of Zhang Wei’s fans stopped. They didn’t know whether they should continue. If they did so, they were afraid to bring more trouble and punishment to Zhang Wei. The people from the radio and television came over. Look, it’s like the people in the sports world who buckled their hats and said – use their own popularity to deliberately guide public opinion?

Seeing netizens are weak, and people in sports are laughing!

At this time, the leader of the sports committee once again released Weibo, and directly talked to Zhang Wei, "@张烨, you are allowed to apologize within half an hour!"

Soon, Zhang Wei replied in a meager, "Oh, if I don't?"

The sports committee leader H "You can try."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Okay, I am still trying my mother today!"

This conversation has surprised the netizens!

"My grass!"

"Mr. Zhang is too fierce!"

“The hard body leader?”

"I am going!"

"Day! Teacher Zhang, calm down! Calm!"

"Yeah, be careful!"

However, Zhang Wei was unaware of it. At home, he glanced at the watch and then tweeted: "Now it is 11:20, and the countdown is half an hour. Now, there are twenty-nine minutes and thirty seconds left. !"

The netizen is boiling!


"Too domineering!"

"I love this Zhang Hao!"

"The animals!"

"I am excited! Teacher Zhang is too fierce!"

"Mr. Zhang! You are so handsome!"

Upon seeing it, the leader of the sports committee was also paralyzed!

Hazi Qi Zhang always scared a cold sweat!

Ning Lan stunned!

Fan Wenli is chilling!

Many of Zhang Wei’s friends are scared of heart disease. I am relying on what you want to do!

On the other hand, the sports people are all blown up, and no one has thought that Zhang Wei would be such a bachelor! Even the money bureau came here personally and dared to fight! Surnamed Zhang! You **** guns today, you?

The leader of the sports committee was angry, "Good! Good! Good!" Even three!

But in the next moment, he had no chance to speak anymore. The screams of the water army suddenly swallowed the meagerness of the money bureau. Thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, the snoring can be described as covering the sky!

"Give me a roll!"

"The sports group bullied me, Teacher Zhang is coming? Grass!"

"Take you what leadership! Go to your big-yo!"

"What is it for you! Go back!"

"I still threaten Teacher Zhang? You are old!"

"This is not your sports, not your back garden, not everyone will give you face! You forced this, I give 0 points!"

The grievances of the moment, just turned into anger, all burned on the money bureau! Originally, the water army also worried that the real name report of the grandson would bring trouble to Zhang Wei, so they did not dare to speak, and did not dare to swear, but the moment they saw Zhang Wei’s standing out of the hard body committee, the water army We feel that the whole body's blood is burning! Teacher Zhang is not afraid, what are they afraid of?



Countless netizens have been besieged!

There are some netizens who have never seen each other to watch the lively. After seeing this, they also screamed out. "Grass, I really can’t stand it! I am going to help Zhang Hao!"

"I am going too!"

"Count me in!"

"Rely, do you still have a complaint?"

"I can't stand it anymore! After the game, I interviewed Zhang Wei, the first person, what did Zhang Kai say? Nothing to say! Just come back and go back! You also go back, but what about you? Hu is so entangled? Start to rescue the soldiers? Start looking for someone to complain? Just **** to see your body, this group of people is arguing there! Lost the ball blame Zhang Hao sings badly, but I just look for the radio and television report, the most defiant is you guys !"

"Go! Help Zhang!"



The phone will ring right away!

Zhang Wei picked up, "Hey, Lao Yao."

Yao Jiancai’s voice was astonished: “What do you do with the leadership of the sports committee!”

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "I care who he is!"

"I really served you!" Yao Jiancai said: "You are too fierce! The body committee can't manage you, but the radio and power management can get it. You are not afraid of radio and television to give you a seal - kill once?"

Zhang Weidao: "I am really not afraid."

Yao Jiancai: "..."

Zhang Wei added another sentence, "Even if you give me a seal - kill, the surname of the money came over with me today - forced, I also photographed him!"

Suddenly, Yao Jiancai said loudly: "Not good! Look at Weibo!"


"The radio and cadre of that person @ talked!"

Zhang Yi looked at it, and sure enough.

The official Weibo of the department that received the complaints and reports from the broadcasting and television industry: "It has been accepted."

The deputy director of a certain department of broadcasting and television: "We check it out. If it is true, it will be dealt with seriously! This kind of behavior that insults sportsmanship, we have never been tolerated!"

A director of the radio and television office: "I have already reported it to the report. I have replied to the comrades in the sports world and must handle this matter well!"

The netizen is mad!


"Zhang Hao is in trouble!"

"Accepted? Grass!"

"Short! I am also a **** person who reports sports! After the game, live interviews insult the spirit of music!"

"This group of people knows!"

"Yeah, they all know! Certainly towards the sports!"

"It's going to be bad!"

"Don't worry, don't look for Teacher Zhang Hao again!"

"This is too grandson? If you want to fight, you will fight for us. If you marry us, then we will marry you. It is a normal thing, you play tricks!"

"This is the style of sports? Is this the spirit of sports? I laughed!"

"This group of bastards!"

Zhang Yijia.

Yao Jiancai was also anxious on the phone. "Look at it! Get into trouble!"

Zhang Wei said faintly: "Nothing, I will call you and ask, first hang up."

Hanging the line, Zhang Hao flipped the contact and directly dialed Wu Zeqing.

Dudu, pass.

Zhang Yan said: "Old Wu, have you slept?"

Over there, Wu Zeqing said: "I was sleeping, but the unit's phone was woken up."

Zhang snorted, "Do you know?"

Wu Zeqing said: "I just heard that I played with the sports world?"

"Yeah." Zhang Wei said: "Now the sportsman's real name reports me. The leader of the sports committee who doesn't know where to come from is also coming. I am loading it on Weibo. Let me give it back. Well, I’m watching the radio and microblogging that it’s already accepted.”

Wu Zeqing said: "Well."

Zhang Wei asked: "What about me?"

Wu Zeqing asked: "What are you?"

Zhang Wei said: "I mean, do you think I am now?" He does not know what attitude Wu is, but he does not know whether this matter will be on the radio and television side, so he will ask for Wu Zeqing. Views.

However, the words of Lao Wu let Zhang Yile!

Wu Zeqing did not hesitate at all. "Nothing, you are jealous."


Then licking me?

This is a sigh of relief. "Okay, I know!"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "When you finish your morning break, don't sleep too late."

"Good." Zhang Yidao.

Still my old Wu is intimate!

Some of his favorite old Wu is here. Some things, Wu Zeqing never recites him repeatedly, what not to swear, what is less sinful, what is more to do with his peers, Wu Zeqing will not say, Zhang Wei Almost everything is done, Lao Wu is supporting him, even if he is going to talk to people. For example, if you change someone, you will definitely recite a few words, "How do you fight with the sportsmanship?", "How do you give the leaders of the sports committee to you?" But Wu Zeqing did not, she was directly floating. One sentence, "Nothing, yours!"

This is Wu Zeqing!

Zhang Wei loves to go to the goddess in the bones - long!

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