I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 897: [Sports Rescue Soldiers? 】

?p> on Weibo.

The statistics table of the reason for the loss sent by Zhang Wei was all over the net in a flash, not only meager, but also posted, the major forums, major websites, all began to madly forward!

chatting software.

Teasing than a star group.

The first-line movie star Ning Lan posted a picture in the group: analysis of the reasons for losing the sports game. First, the ground reasons: 1. The ground is too hard. 2, the ground is too soft...

After watching it, the group laughed!

Huo Dongfang: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Xiaodong: "Hey! Who wrote it?"

Ning Lan: "Zhang Yugang just sent me, laughing at me, really served his mouth!"

Chen Guang: "Ning sister also watched the battle? Hahaha!"

Some people still don't know, "What is the battle? What is going on?"

Fan Wenli: "Zhang Wei has done it with the sports world!"

Xiaodong: "Ah?"

Huo Dongfang: "Is this time playing sports again?"

This group is a top star, or it is top-notch, or it is the best or the oldest star in the industry. Every one is the only one who is the only one. Today is the New Year's Day. A large number of people in the group were also invited to the stage of the TV Spring Festival Evening. The busy work can be imagined, but even so, Zhang Wei’s meagerness spreads in the group, not to mention other groups in other places!

This meager spread like a virus!

Netizens all over the country are together!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Looked three times and laughed at your mother three times!"

"I can't do it anymore! Hey!"

"Zhang Wei is really amazing!"

"Yeah, offended him, it was his mother who had fallen blood!"

"Hey, why do I like Zhang Hao so much!"

"Mr. Zhang is bright again!"

"Mr. Zhang's mouth, too he-mother-cow-forced!"

"Look at the sports people! Look at the level of the teacher Zhang, who is a dirty word. There is no dirty word, and there is no ugly words. This is the skill! What are you doing? How do you fight? I can't tell the whole story! I will question it and question it!"

"Hey, my friend upstairs, you are asking too much. Han Li Liu Yifeng, these people are all graduated from the sports school, and some have not finished school! Teacher Zhang? That is the associate professor of the Department of Broadcasting, Peking University Chinese and Communication University. !"

"Beyond the monks? For so many years, I really haven't seen Zhang Hao lose!"

"Yeah, this is really not lost, not at all!"

"Today, Teacher Zhang Yi once again told everyone that in the matter of Guijie, as long as he is present, it is useless to come!"

- This meager paragraph is also taken by Zhang Hao from his own earth. In this world, there are countless people who smash the classics of football and basketball. On Zhangye’s earth, they also take one. The classics in the classics, such as this one, are the pieces of football, which have been slightly modified by Zhang Wei, sorted out the finishing, and the effect of the explosion is amazing!

Netizens are excited!

A bang, the momentum is like a rainbow!

"Wonderful! This battle is really exciting!"

"Go, keep going!"

"Yes, beat the dog!"

"Let them find excuses to find reasons! You can find other things, forget it, this time it is good, take Zhang teacher singing is not good reason? Roll you 姥-姥-!"

"Try another wave!"

"I brush Han Li!"

"I led the team to brush Liu Yifeng!"

"I am going to beat the basketball man!"

"Okay, let's break the badminton championship!"


"Dry your own!"

When I saw the water army that was twice or even three times more than the previous one, the people in the sports world were panicked. They had just lost their hearts and they had no power to fight back. Now Zhang Wei’s Weibo came out and caught They lived in their dead spots and gave them a fatal blow. They were even more helpless. They could only watch the wave of water soldiers on their Weibo and homepages like shopping!

I have a call, I am finished!

Come again, go away!

The first call is back, and I’m done!

Then, the second call is back!

骂 Street has a group of blame!

Liu Yifeng is discouraged!

Han Li and the people of the ping pong team are also gnashing their teeth!

- Such a team that is so organized, united, so large, and so cohesive. In the field of Weibo, there may be only Zhang Wei’s fans and the big waters who support him and do nothing. !

The crowd watching the crowd also looked at it with gusto.

"The winner is already fixed?"

"Haha, no suspense!"

"Is it coming to an end?"

"How much is this allotted? Is the person in the sports world still quite awkward?"

Ning Lan is watching the battle.

Chen Guang Fan Wenli did not sleep, the more he looked at the spirit, the more he saw it.

There are also people from Beijing TV stations, such as Chang Xiaoliang, Hu Fei, Hou Ge Houdi, etc. People from the Beijing Spring Festival Evening Program have been paying attention to the situation on Weibo since the beginning. Zhang Wei was only trying to help them save the field before they played the essays. They must help them, so Chang Xiaoliang and Hu Fei just released the meager tensities of Zhang Wei, and they also openly to Zhang Wei this time. Thanks to the rescue, and explained the story of the essay. However, their meager roots did not pick up a little bit of spray, and people had already played dark! In this regard, they can only laugh a bit. Forget it, let it be handed over to Xiao Zhang.

Haqiqi went into battle!

Zhang left to go!

Xiao Wang Wuyi and many other people on CCTV Channel 14 had slept. As a result, they were woken up by a colleague, and they all wore clothes and opened the computer!

Tong Fu was shocked. "Rely, really hit it up?"

Huang Dandan shouted in the chat group of the unit: "I only know when I am grass! I will sleep after reading the sketch!"

Xiaowang airway: "I am coming! Do them!"

Wu Yi laughed. "Wait for you, come and support Zhang!"

Huang Dandan said: "This grandson is too deceiving! Let Zhang apologize? I am! Why don't you die! Zhang Dao, we are here!"

They swarmed.

Tong Fu brush screen Han Li: "Smelly - silly - forced!"

Huang Dandan rushed to Liu Yifeng's meager, "Lao Ting!"

Wu Yi said: "What is your hybrid grass!"

Wu Yi thought that they had no fame, thinking that everyone did not know them, so they were very casual when they talked about it, but in fact, they are quite famous in the industry. As a peer in the field, as long as they have read "Sound" and "Tip Tip" basically know them, but this is the continuous rate of ratings, the first in the country, and the team with the highest awards in the industry!

A TV station.

A newcomer who had just entered the line was working overtime. He looked at the meager face and turned to look at his colleague who had entered the company for a year earlier than him. "Sun brother."

Sun Ge smiled, "What happened to the small pool?"

Koike is stunned by the meager, "This is the TV team in the field... the number one team?"

"Is it?" When Sun Ge looked at it, he sweated a bit and coughed: "Cough, it seems to be them."

Koike said: "Why do you think with me... well, is there a little bit different?"

Sun Gehan said: "You just entered this circle, you still don't understand the situation. When you have mixed up for half a year, you know that this team is indeed the first in the industry in the TV program team, but in the temperament, that is Quite **** - eggs, every day, along with Zhang Wei, squatting on the street, anyway, you will see them later, hiding them far away is right!"

Koike: "Oh, I know."

On Weibo.

The battle is still going on!

By now, this is no longer a battle, because there is almost no war, it is completely unilateral crushing!

There are a lot of people who are swearing, but most of them are not named because no one has reported them because the Weibo managers are simply too busy. Today's meager is a sea of ​​buzz!

The person in charge of the meager management of the number and the deletion of the post was crying. At 11 o'clock in the evening, he was woken up by the unit and worked overtime. Looking at the snoring of the film, his men were already dizzy!

"I can't take it!"

"This, what should I do?"

"Is anyone today crazy?"

"Can't just come!"

"All of them are crazy!"

The person in charge did not say anything. Sitting in front of the computer, with a painful and pleading text, he used Zhang’s internal management account to chat privately with Zhang Wei. “Mr. Zhang, I’m busy with you, next time. When you are on the streets again, can you let the fans pay attention to the wording? Otherwise, the fans are blocked, and it is very troublesome. Isn’t it? It’s not easy for us to start work, you have to understand and understand us! Every time you When we fight with others, we have to work overtime. Every time you fight, we have to work overtime. We have to arrange according to you for the current working day. We are also very difficult! At least next time, you will fight with meager people. Can we inform us in advance when we whisper? We...we have to prepare for overtime." I sent it, and I don’t know if Zhang Wei can’t see it, hehe.


The sports people are losing ground!

Liu Yifeng and other people in the table tennis team have made a microblogging counterattack speech. They have a little bit of feeling that they don’t know what they are saying. They are crazy!

Just as everyone thought the battle was coming to an end, the situation suddenly ushered in a turning point!

A leader of the Sports Commission debuted - it was the head of the sports committee that called the Beijing TV station that was responsible for table tennis!

As soon as the leaders of the Sports Commission appeared, they directly went to Weibo on the department responsible for the review of the radio and television, and @ three names, are the leading cadres of the radio and television organizations!

There is a deputy director.

There is an office director.

There is also a director!

Should be acquaintances led by this body committee!

I saw that the leaders of the sports committee made a meager statement: "Today I have seen the atmosphere of the entertainment industry. Stars take the lead in insulting sports. Is it so arrogant? Is there no one to control?"

The people in the sports are excited at all!

"The money bureau!"

"The money bureau is here!"

"The money bureau - long!"

Come to save the army!

And it is a heavyweight rescuer! !

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