I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 915: [The chopsticks of the national art world! 】

"Do them!"




"Chong! Fight with the big people!"

"The little dog thief, don't force me!"

"You forced us!"

"Rely! Follow me! Do this mess!"

For a time, the three floors of the hotel were chaotic from top to bottom. The pots and pans were broken and the table was smashed by the "Wulin people"!

A group of melee!


The hotel waiter exclaimed: "Don't fight! Don't hit... Hey!" He took a punch and was already hanging!

Yan Hui’s companion kicked him both feet again. “Let you open the black-shop! Let you open the black-shop!”

The waiter exclaimed: "Help!"

The three people of the Iron Sands Palms immediately rushed over, "Grass!"

After the three moves, Yan Hui’s two companions were knocked down to the ground!

Yan Hui suddenly smashed and fell, and he was kicked in the stomach!

At this time, Liu Yiquan and Liu Yizhang brothers arrived. "Whoever dares to move our scattered brothers!" The two of them greet one, and the fists and feet are added together.

After all, the big faction is a big faction. The level of kung fu of the disciples is relatively high. In particular, the opponent of Liu Yiquan’s iron sand palm is a kung fu, and a few strokes of iron sand are a tiger!

Liu Yiquan lost his throne and smashed several palms!

Zhang Hao arrived, "Liu Xiong, I am here!"

Liu Yiquan hurriedly said: "Chen Zhen's brother is coming to help me!"

When Zhang Yi bent over, he picked up a pad and put it under the temporarily set up table and rushed away!

The middle-aged man in the iron sand palm heard it, and he heard the voice and gave him a back.

As a result, when someone didn't arrive, a dark object that was shot on the face was shot directly on his face!

"Oh my grass!" The disciples of Tiesha palm were photographed directly to the ground, tears flowed out, and the nosebleeds screamed and shouted: "Who is **** me with bricks!?"

Many big people on the scene are furious!



"Don't dare to use hidden weapons?"


"Put it with them!"

Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang and others are also wrong! I rely on! Chen Zhen’s brother is too fierce!

The small group of small groups and the gangs who did not have a part to participate in the war, they also learned the cleverness. Some people picked up the chair next to them and smashed on the other side. Someone took a pot of hot soup and poured it on the Zhou Jiaquan disciple!


"Rely! Who splashed me!"

"I am burning me!"

"Paralysis! Copy guys!"

"Do it with them!"

Zhou Jiaquan and several big factions were angry and scolded the guys and started to confront them!

There were three or five small-small people in the hotel who did not intend to participate. They saw that they were far away from playing, and several unidentified objects flew directly to them!


"my head!"

"Zhou Jiaquan, I am your mother!"

"Can't stand it! Go!"

As a result, the scattered and small factions have joined a large wave of combat power!

The table on the second floor is the monk of the eighty-nine Shaolin Temples. The monks are very indifferent to the battles nearby. They are very well-trained and calm, and they still sit there and eat food.


A tea bowl is on their table!

A monk headed for a smile, "Amitabha, don't bother."

"Yes Yes."

"Although it is."


Other sorghums responded.

Then, there was another flying chair leg that slammed their two dishes.

There is a sorghum with both hands in the hand, "Amitabha, quit smoking."

"Quit and quit."

"Eating vegetables."

"Although it is."

Several people smiled again and continued to eat.

Then, a casserole with half a pot of hot soup also flew, and the soup met these sultry people. This table dish is also eaten?

A high-pitched hand, "Amitabha, keep your heart."

"Very good."

"Although it is."

"The opposite pole."

A few people don't care.

Suddenly, this time, a famous person from the big school was flying. The whole person was on their desk, and the table was suddenly split!

The head of the sorghum was indifferent: "Amitabha... I am Ami, your uncle!" hurriedly jumped up and said: "Do them a turtle and grandson!"

"**** A turtle and grandchildren!"

"Small pie! Deceive too much!"

The sorghum of the Shaolin Temple has joined the battlefield, and you have said that this has to be done!

"The little thief looks at the palm!" Shaolin Temple went straight to Zhang Hao!

Zhang Wei is a person who has eaten hundreds of agile fruits. His nerve response is extremely fast. He can't even use Tai Chi, and he avoids it sideways. When he avoids it, the bricks on his hand are also reflected. "Go up!"

At Shaolin Temple, a screaming man screams, "Hey!"

Zhang Wei returned to his hand and took another shot. The boxer behind Zhou Jiaquan, who was preparing to attack him, fell down. Two **** front teeth were flying in the air and were knocked out!

Zhang Yi is a brick, and there is no loss!

"Chen Zhenxiong is good!"


"Chen Zhen's younger brother is arrogant!"

"Good brick method!"

Liu Yiquan Liu Yiquan and He Badao and others saw this scene, while they did not forget to pay a tribute to Zhang Wei!

Zhou Jiaquan's Zhou Laosi has been paralyzed, his face is full of the exclamation mark!

He didn't want to understand until now, why did he fight? Why did you fight it? He only spoke two and a half words from beginning to end! The first sentence is "Don't come to eat without money! What is the grinding?" The next sentence is "This wine is carefully brewed...", but the third sentence is "Which martial art do you belong to?" Two-and-a-half words, he swears to heaven, it’s really two and a half! And even if these words are taken out now, there is nothing too much too much! I am grass! How did he fight with his mother-in-law! ?

Facts have proved that Zhang Wei’s mouth is too **** wicked. If you go there, you can’t be peaceful. The insiders’ evaluation of this product is really correct. This is a stink-flow- Hey, it’s an out-and-out smashing stick. What kind of business he went to, which line of business has to set off a storm, formerly in the literary circle, entertainment circle, and even the educational circle, these peers are still cultural people, the mouth is not bad, this doctor None of the masters had a fight with Zhang Wei, but even then, the gang did not win Zhang Hao once in the street! Now Zhang Hao’s goods flow to the national art circle – a place where the level of education is generally not high. Even the experts and professors of the Tsinghua University and the comic actor who lived on the skin of the comics talked about him, let alone here!

That is not a level at all!

This is the national art circle, it is equivalent to the wolf into the flock, in a few words, let the people of the Tianshan Conference smashed, and even to the point of endless, now let them stop, they can not stop!

Zhou Laosi shouted: "Listen to me, I..."

Suddenly, a fist came on the way!

Zhou Laoqi was inadvertently, and his right face slammed into a sly, and he was angry at once. He rolled up his sleeves and rushed up. "Who is the mother who beat me? When we are bullied by Zhou Jiaquan?" Dare to make trouble at the Tianshan Conference? Do it! We are afraid that you will not be?"

Zhou Laosi also rushed up!

Then a brick is coming to the front!

"My grass!" Zhou Laosi screamed and screamed!

"Four brothers!"


"Today, let's die and live!"

"Yes, you live and die!!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen: "..."

Zhang Hao’s many things are not very reliable, but the only one of them is that his mother is too hurt, and the world can’t find a second one! Originally, all the colleagues in the national art circles pleaded with Rao Aimin's exchange meeting. The results have not yet begun, and they have already guilty!

Even the war situation is constantly expanding!

There is another wave of Zhou Jiaquan disciples outside!

"What happened?"

"what's up?"

"I rely, who beat me?"

"Mom, a few brothers! Hands-on!"

This group of people just came, not waiting for the name to ask what was asked, some people were defamed, and a group of people joined the battle without saying anything!

Scattered people come more!

"Zhao Xiong, I am coming!"

"Hold up, brothers come to help you!"

"Zhou Jiaquan is deceiving! People are angry!"

"The gods are angry! Do them!"

"The big pie is arrogant! Today will be reported to this enemy!"

"Vulture, borrow your grandfather!"

"Zhou Laosi, you are doing evil on weekdays, today Laozi will teach you lessons!"

Who said that there is no master in the repair?

There were a few scattered repairs that came after the news. One by one, the martial arts were high and strong. Zhang Yi was shocked at first sight. The other team’s skills were similar to him. The national art world was really a hidden dragon and a tiger. Today, this fight, the masters come. Now! There are still a lot of people who listen to the words of shouting. Obviously there are still private enemies. The grievances of the big factions and the small factions are not a day or two. Today, they all burst out!

More and more people!

a hundred!

Two hundred!

Three hundred!

The hotel has been beaten up!

The battlefield even continued into the yard and outside, killing everywhere!

Zhang Wei is a master who is never afraid of things. When he sees this, he is shouting a scorpion. "The brothers of the scattered and the small factions! Today is a matter of humiliation! Can we watch the big pies bullying us?"





Countless people are yelling!

Zhang Weidao: "Can we watch our dignity being trampled under our feet?"




Countless people responded!

Zhang Wei said: "The way of the country! Everyone is equal! Since ancient times, it has never been a big faction! Today is the time for us to stand up! Today is the time for us to shout out our voice! No more There is no chance to shout! If you don’t call them, they will sit on our heads and pull them! What are you waiting for the busy brothers outside? What are you waiting for? The road is not even awkward! When you shoot, you will shoot! The wind is hot and burning in Kyushu!"

"All shots!"

"Zhou Jiaquan is deceiving, can we bear it?"

"Dry them!"


"Brothers are rushing with me!"

Zhang Huan shouted out a word, when he was on the road, there were a lot of hesitant and scattered people on the outside, and the small factions also rushed up and screamed and screamed!

[Seeking a monthly ticket! 】


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