I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 916: [Zhang Wei vs. Kunlun Taoist! 】

The day outside was dark, and the whole resort was faint, but the hotel was brightly lit, and the shouts of shouting and killing!

A passerby panicked and asked, "What happened inside?"

A wounded, scattered repair with a nosebleed: "The gang of Zhou Jiaquan, the United States and the big group sent us to practice!"

"What? There is such a thing? Brothers hold on, I go back and call people!" The passerby listened, and rushed back to report, "There was something wrong! It happened!"

I ran halfway and met a friend.

Passerby B was busy asking, "What happened to the hotel?"

The passerby snorted and gasped, and even said: "I can't run, you just come, just go back and report! The family of rabbits of Zhou Jiaquan, united with the famous big group, must do it for everyone!"

"What are you talking about?" Passerby B was shocked. "I am going to call people!"

At the entrance of a certain inn.

Everyone heard it out.

"What happened?"

"How did you fight?"

"Who is with whom?"

"Would you like to see?"

"This, what is the big deal?"

Passerby B was running back at this moment, "There was something wrong! It happened! The family of Zhou Jiaquan's dog-day--the joint big-name faction, to destroy everyone's door!"

Everyone is furious!


"Destroy the door?"

"Zhou Jiaquan, I am grassing you!"

"Deceive too much! Deceive too much!"

"Spell with them!"


"Brothers! Call people! Copy guys dry - oh - ah!"

"Destroy us full of doors? My mother will destroy you!"

The words have been passed three times, and they have already started...

In a flash, I went to a large group of "reinforcement troops". One by one, I hit the chicken blood. After rushing into the hotel, I saw Zhou Jiaquan and those who were famous in the big madness, went up and went. Shouting "Destroy you full of doors"!

The gangs rushed in without a head, and many of the famous people were shocked. They were beaten by surprise, and they lost their hearts, mourned, and their faces were stunned. Even if something happened, they would not Know, I am grass! Isn't there a few scattered repairs that are expensive to sell? So what happens when you have a corner? How did his mother become a full door? Two thousand dollars in the district will destroy our full door? You are crazy, you guys!

The big faction is also angry, "I am destroying you!"

Scouting shouted: "I am destroying you!"

Big faction: "I am destroying you!"

The little school angered: "I am destroying you!"

While playing against you!

From dialogue to squawk, to hands-on, to the end of the door, it took only ten minutes!


The scuffle in the dark!

Fighting everywhere, there are wars everywhere!

The number of scattered and small factions is large, and it is almost two and a half people to beat them. However, the martial arts of the famous people are dominant. Even some ordinary disciples in the big school are very solid, even if they are difficult. Enemy four hands, but also barely can hold, not to mention the fact that there are many masters in the big school, and even can be an enemy five!

Zhang Wei will run into one!

This is a Taoist of the Kunlun School!

Zhang Wei used his real kung fu to touch him a few times, and he knew that this was a hard shackle. The other party was actually practicing the inner boxing, and the skill was estimated to be a little deeper than Zhang Wei. Even though Zhang Wei has eaten hundreds of Taiji skills experience books, it is already one of the best masters in the average person. Ordinary people have no problem with playing twenty. But if you really meet the practitioners of the national art world, then it’s true. Not enough to read, his experience book is just the threshold of entering the national art world, or a higher level, definitely not a master. Moreover, Zhang Jian’s boxing method is not practiced by himself. It is directly eaten out, strength, physical strength, and can’t keep up. That Tai Chi is sometimes not working, sometimes it is not, and this is also affecting his strength. key. However, what is good is that Zhang Yi’s one hundred agile fruits have played a great role. His reaction speed is not worse than those who practice the family. Even if they work hard, they can completely handle each other!

Moreover, he has bricks in his hand!

A brick in the hand H world I have!

"Look at the feet!" Kunlun Taoist fists to kill!

Zhang Wei Lingmin flashed, "Look at the legs!" But it was a brick shot!

The Taoist sorrowed away, "Catch me a hand!" The result is a straightforward effort to open the way!

"Take me a round of kicks!" Zhang Hao dangerously avoided, shouted, but his feet did not move, still a piece of brick shot up!

The Taoist priest, "Fish gantry!" directly smashed the floor to avoid the brick!

"The squid is playing very well!" Zhang Yuka snorted and slammed him out!

Many people around me almost fainted!

Knocking kick your sister!

Yu Yue Longmen your sister!

Squid beats your sister!

The gestures you shouted are completely different from those you played out! ?

These two goods can also be martial arts people? How is your mother more than a chicken thief!

Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang He overbearing Li Quanneng several people are also fighting with the "enemies" near Zhangye. This time, Zhang Wei and the Kunlun Taoist priests are fighting, and they are all sweating!

Can it still be like this?

This is a chicken thief touched a piece!

In the car, they talked with Zhang Wei very much, and felt that this "Chen Zhen brother" is a very decent person. At first glance, it is a famous door, but who can think of this cargo to actually flow like this - Oh, it’s a brick and a sneak attack. It’s a shouting gesture and it’s spitting to the opponent! This scene, let Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang, this group of people who are born in the wild road are all ashamed! Chen Zhen brothers this way, how your mother is wilder than us!

Kunlun’s priest’s clothes were stunned and angered. He still has some fame in the national art world. He has always been known for his sinister sin. He mentioned his name. As long as he knows the details of his bottom, there is no hiding. Usually, in the Kunlunmen School, the brothers and sisters learn from each other, and basically no one will fight with him. He thought he was sinister enough, and he didn't want to meet a sinister item more than him today!

The Taoist sang: "What kind of effort did you practice?"

Zhang Yan waved a punch and asked, "What kind of effort do you practice?"

Taoist singer: "I am practicing Kunlun Qiankun!"

Zhang Wei naturally wouldn't give up his own details, and a brick would be rounded up, and he would say: "The one I practiced is to walk around the bricks!"

The people around me fainted!

A disciple of Zhou Jiaquan breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, he was beaten by two small disciples on the opposite side! After lying in the ground, his mind still echoed the name of his own martial arts exposed by the young sunglasses!

They all know that they are the alias of the Eight Diagrams Palm!

It’s a **** ghost to swim in a gossip brick! ?

What kind of martial arts do you see in the national art world?

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