I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 920: [Enhanced version of Zhang Wei (middle)! 】

More than a thousand physical fruits!

However, Zhang Hao did not have time to eat, because at this moment, the lucky time of Lucky Bread has not completely ended, leaving a little time left.

Fifty nine seconds.

Fifty eight seconds.

Zhang Hao quickly and continued a draw!

Compass starts!

A circle.

Two laps.

Three laps.

Zhang Wei was surprised to find that this time the compass pointer seems to have to stop in the area of ​​the attribute class. Of course, the probability of stopping in the skill class area is also there, so he specially waited for a while, knowing that the distance is enough to judge. Zhang Hao was suddenly raised!

Raise 999!

Count a lottery draw for a total of 1000!

At this time, the time of the lucky bread has arrived, and it has failed!

Zhang Wei knows that although the lucky value of Lucky Bread is very good, he is fortunate enough to help him get the items he needs, but it is only a primary lucky effect, what Zhang Hao most needs to get, lucky bread attached Lucky effect may not be enough, need a bigger level!

So Zhang Hao did not hesitate to open the mall, opened the lucky halo (upgrade version)!



It didn't take long.

In the blink of an eye, the pointer has stopped!

Zhang Wei then turned off the lucky halo and reached out to open a new round of treasure chests (small)!

Golden light shines!

The items in the treasure chest have appeared!

[Power Fruit] 1000: Permanently increase the player's strength.


Opened out!

It is the fruit of strength!

Zhang Wei is excited, and the heart said that this upgraded version is not the same as the ordinary version of the lucky, although expensive is too much too expensive, but the key moment is really easy to use! Of course, then again, even the upgraded version of the lucky aura is not necessarily 100% of the people who want to make a difference. It is only a chance to be a chance, like Zhang Wei’s last CCTV employee year-end meeting. At the time of the lucky draw, the upgraded version of the lucky aura also appeared a small "mistake", so everything has to rely on itself, the lucky aura is mostly auxiliary.


Let's eat!

Zhang Wei began to eat attribute fruits one by one!

a hundred!

Two hundred!

Five hundred!

He first chose the physical fruit. Every time he ate it, he felt that his spirit was violent, and his feeling of exhaustion and tiredness seemed to be a little less. Although he could not see it with the naked eye, there was no specific numerical statistics, but Zhang Wei’s vagueness It is possible to know that the physical strength of his eating has taken effect, his physical strength is skyrocketing, no, or that it is rising at a rocket speed!

A thousand, a thousand! In the past, Zhang Wei had the most time, probably had eaten a hundred agile fruits, and the effect of the one hundred agile fruits on him was already amazing. What about this is a thousand? Zhang Wei is getting hotter and hotter. I feel that I am going to calculate that I will not be tired after running for 20 kilometers around Tianshan. The whole body is full of vitality and spirit! It feels so good!

I finally got the last one.

However, the accident suddenly happened.

Zhang Weigang ate this 1001 individual fruit, and found that it had no effect, and there was no feeling on the body. Then, the hint of the game ring popped out from the little thumb ring.

[Hint: The upper limit of the attribute fruit is 1000! 】

I am grass.

To the upper limit?

Can't eat?

Zhang Wei is speechless, but I am happy to think about it. Yes, the fruit of one hundred attribute categories is amazing. Now that I have a thousand, isn’t that earth-shattering? This should already be the limit of humanity!

Khan, actually took the physical fruit to the full level? ?

Zhang Wei felt a bit of his own cow-force, and then began to eat the fruits of strength!

a hundred!

Five hundred!

Like the feeling of physical fruits, Zhang Yan feels that his body is exploding in an instant. There is an explosive force to explode in the body that he wants to explode. This is an explosion, or a kind of Eruption, endless power suddenly rushed up, the most important thing is to match the fruit of a thousand individual strengths that have just been eaten. Physical strength and strength could not be separated, complement each other, under the blessing of each other, this strength The outbreak was even stronger. He felt that he was now calculating to go around the Tianshan Mountains for 20 kilometers and smooth all the nursing homes along the way. It is not a problem at all!

Ok, don't blow it.

In fact, I don’t know what strength I am now.

Zhang Wei wanted to try it out, but he temporarily suppressed this idea, because he still wants to win another prize. He is insatiable and wants to put his strength to the highest limit!

What is left?

Zhang Wei is silent, then click on the "Start Draw" button, and he has opened the lucky halo (upgrade version), and wants to make another final stroke!

The compass opens.

The pointer turns.

Zhang Wei didn’t look at it again this time, and once he came up, he gambled like a raise!

Adding 899 to a total of 900 notes - this number is obviously worth remembering. Because of the agile fruit that Zhang Wei had eaten at the beginning, it was one hundred. Counting the upper limit of one thousand pieces of the fruit of the primary lottery attribute, two items are reduced, which is exactly nine hundred!

A lap!

A lap!

Another circle!

But the pointer actually went slowly to the special category area!

Zhang Wei was shocked, I rely on it, my buddy can't do this now, don't mess with me!

Getting closer!

Getting closer!

Well, the pointer has moved through the special category area in the last moment, and said that the good place is stuck in the margin of the attribute category area!

It’s done, just look at what’s going on!

Please, buddy, must be that thing!

Zhang Hao is also nervous at the moment, no way, this is a reputation worth less than one hundred million. If you draw nine hundred power fruits or nine hundred individual fruits, it will be wasted. He has already "eaten" Level, there is no way to "eat" again, even if it is a failure of nine hundred charms, he now wants this useless!

Spiritual spirit, spiritual spirit!

Give me a drive!

Zhang Hao opened a golden treasure chest, and when he saw the items lying inside, it was almost crazy!

[Agile Fruit] 900: Permanently increases player agility.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Really fucking!

Zhang Hao quickly turned off the lucky halo that has been brushing away the reputation (upgraded version), the whole person is already in an extremely exciting state, unable to speak!




Agile fruit is eaten one by one!

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

Due to the particularity of agility, its growth is not nearly as uniform as the fruits of physical strength and strength, but the more it eats behind, the slower and less agile growth, because of the highest limit in human physiological structure. It is such a fixed value that it is impossible to break through the limits of human beings, otherwise... is an alien. Therefore, Zhang Wei also understands that in fact, the 900 agile fruits have been eaten. He already feels that he has to rush into the earth. He said that the growth rate of each of the following is almost not large, but actually it has reached the limit of the reaction speed. In the stage, even if you add a little bit each time, each increase is lost, it is a qualitative leap! Between the masters, sometimes the difference is the speed of this lost reaction, the victory and defeat is also in this "one lost"!


The agile fruit has reached the upper limit, and it can't be eaten again!

Zhang Hao took a deep breath and calmed down, but it was really calm!

What is the national art?

What is the most basic quality of the martial arts master?

Not a move!

But the body!

What is the most important indicator of the body?

One: strength.

Two: physical strength.

Three: reaction speed.

Just these three!

Today, Zhang Huan has a thousand fruits of strength, a thousand agile fruits, and a thousand fruits of physical strength. He is full of his mother to eat! !


[After four in the morning, I will go to the airport to catch a plane and go to the field for five days. I have finished writing it. It is estimated that I have no time to sleep. Let's get it first! Let's give you a monthly pass and a referral ticket! In fact, the small taste is also very hard, that is, the code word is slow, haha! 】


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