I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 921: [Enhanced version of Zhang Wei (below)! 】

On the other side of the bathroom.

There is a burst of laughter from Zhang Wei?!

Chen Chen was woken up, and after a few times, the laughter of the toilet did not stop. She was so angry that she sat up and screamed, and shouted milk: "Zhang Wei, what are you doing?"

Zhang Hao from the toilet is still smirking.

Chen Chen is more angry, "Zhang Wei, how are you so naive?"

Zhang Hao is in a very good mood, not angry and not annoyed: "Ha ha, wake up? Chen Chen, don't call me Uncle Zhang later, don't call this title."

Chen Chen said: "I have never called before."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "In the future, please call me Iron Man."

Chen Chen: "Hey?"

Zhang Yu repeatedly said: "Iron Man!"

Chen Chen re-drilled into the bed, "OK, steel-tube-man."

Zhang Wei: "...Steel - Tube your sister! Is Iron Man!"

Re-turning the little guy to sleep, Zhang Hao flipped the game ring beautifully. Even if he saw that the lottery cost him 300 million in popularity, he did not change his color. He is still in a state of eyebrows, no In addition, because of the value of these three hundred thousand flowers, the comfort of the flowers, the fruits of the attributes that he wants, he basically got drawn, and they are all full. Counting the previous lottery, Zhang Wei has never been like this. Smooth!

Checked the current total reputation.

Remaining: less than nine hundred million!

Still a lot, still an astronomical number - this is the accumulation of Zhang Hao this year, and now it has accumulated a lot of hair, and finally turned into a butterfly!

After a slight movement, the body is no longer the former body. It is said that the general arm is stretched out and the arms are somewhat uncomfortable. When the last time I pumped a hundred agile fruits, Zhang Wei also adapted for a long time. The speed of the sub-reaction has increased so much, he will certainly not adapt, let alone today, strength, agility, physical strength have eaten a thousand each, but also need to run for a while, but fortunately have the experience of the last agile fruit, he I also have psychological preparation, and I am familiar with and adapt to it faster!

Momo boxing.

Wipe your palms.

Even yawning is more powerful than before!

Even Zhang Jian’s consciousness at this moment can already be determined that the more than one hundred taiji skills experience books he had eaten before, until now, until the physical fitness soars, he can finally control and put this hundred taiji skills. The experience book is played out, and it will never be as timeless as it used to be. He also analyzed and understood that the reason why the chain was dropped at the crucial moment was often used when he wanted to use it. One of the reasons was his body. The conditions are too bad to master these skills experience books. Now, there are a thousand strengths, agility and physical strength to make a base, let alone control more than one hundred tai chi, that is, he can control the high! At this moment, Zhang's physical potential was really developed and completely entered the stage of masters. Or, at this moment, he really has a body that has been used by others since the beginning of his life. The quality, even, the foundation laid by the masters of the boy-child skills is even deeper!

How high is it?

How thick is it?

That is not too clear.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei decided to test it. He put on a coat and immediately eagerly tried the underground building.

The cold wind screamed, blowing on the face like a knife, but I don’t know if it was the fruit of the attribute that I just ate, or Zhang Hao’s whole person was too excited. He didn’t feel cold at all, and he was very arrogant in the wind. Standing in the yard, looking around.

Oh, yes!

You are the one!

It was a very thick wooden sign with black words saying "Welcome to the heroes of all walks of life". It is the thing of the inn. This brand is about five centimeters thick and has not been hung there. The inn staff threw it on the side of the ground.

The thickness can be, the hardness is also OK, it should be solid wood, Zhang Wei is ready to take it, he wants to see what level of physical fitness is now, in the end can not be compared with those real masters of national skills.

come on!

Zhang Wei breathed a steady, slightly two rounds around the sign, this is to let himself calm down, but also to mobilize the whole body, then he took a deep breath, a move, a Tai Chi Chuan start It was easily put out by him, and his right hand was drawn, and his left hand was received. It was a slap in the face, which was in stark contrast with the picture of the time when the spirit was not working. The momentum of Zhang Hao was also different!

In the middle of the night, he didn't dare to yell, but he just drank in his heart!

A pusher, the power of the whole body has been concentrated in the right palm for a moment, stepping forward on the foot, the right palm suddenly exerted force, suddenly shot on the wooden board!


A loud noise!

Broken wood!

Zhang Wei also had some fangs and a little bit of pain. But when he took his hand back, he was shocked to see that there was already a sly palm print on the thick wooden board. The upper part of the board was also shocked. Cracked, at the moment from the "happy" and "welcome" between the two cut!

Zhang Wei was stunned to look at his palm and look at the plank.

I am grass!

This, is this what I played?

He couldn't believe it, raised his feet subconsciously, lifted it high, and then stepped on it hard, only to hear the bang, and the board was once again broken by a huge force!

Zhang Yu is shocked to be a man of heaven. He knows that this is not a gesture of Tai Chi Chuan. It is not a special martial art. It is purely the quality of the body itself that is superimposed by his physical strength and strength! By the way, my buddy is already so bullish - forced?

Just as Zhang Hao was secretly excited, the hotel suddenly heard a cry!

"what sound?"

"not good!"

"There are assassins!"

For a moment, the inn was brightly lit and countless lights were on!

The battle with the big party this evening, let these small factions and scattered disciples have some vigilance, no one has relaxed the alert, a little bit of wind and grass, everyone is very sensitive - feeling!

The result is that Zhang Wei is almost fainting!

Have an assassin?

Assassin, your uncle!

At this time, he wants to hide and can't hide!

At the entrance of the inn, many people have been rushed out. Liu Yiquan and Liu Yizhang are among them. Some people hold sticks, some people hold teapots, all kinds of weapons, and they are wearing pajamas and clothes racks. The "weapons" that were caught in a hurry.

<?> When I saw the plank, everyone was shocked!


"Good and profound way!"

"What is this strength?"

Then, many people looked at Zhang Wei.

He Ba Dao asked: "Chen Zhen brother, what is going on?"

Yan Hui surprised: "This board is..."

A small female disciple also said: "Chen, you are the first to arrive, what happened?"

Over there, the owner of the inn and a few employees heard the words and ran out. When they saw the sign of the sawdust on the scene, their people screamed!

"who is it?"

"Which **** is so wicked!"

"This, this is old wood! It is the object that our inn has been for decades!"

"Who is it? Give me out! Which one is killing!"

The innkeepers are all crazy, yelling!

Zhang Wei saw hundreds of people looking at him with a brush, and he sighed and finished. At this time, he couldn’t help himself. He took a deep breath and suddenly angered: "The big pie is too shameless." Alright!"

Everyone has a glimpse.

Then, all are angry!

"It’s a big man!"

"I am grass!"

"With this look, this is clearly the iron sand palm! And it is the master of the iron sand palm!"

"What do they mean?"

"This is a demonstration! This is a demonstration with us!"

"Look, the words 'welcome' have been cut off in the middle. This is the face of the people who are coming to fight us. This is because they don’t welcome us at all! Let's get out!"


"The big faction is shameless!"

"In the middle of the night, sneak attack, what hero is a hero!"

"I am mad at me! I am mad at me!"

Everyone is screaming!

The owner of the inn is also swearing and swearing, "Mahjong you a big name! I am - you - 姥 - 姥!"

Several of the resort's inns are operated independently. Although they are part of a resort area, the operations are still separate, and the big and scattered people are not arranged together. They are all separated from the inn. For example, the opposite inn is the residence of several large schools.

The shouting was too loud, and the people in the opposite inn were also woken up.

The windows were constantly pushed open, and the big people looked out from the window.

"what happened?"

"What are you calling in the middle of the night?"

"What's the matter?"

Later, the people who were on the side of the scene saw it, and all of them looked at it all at once, staring at the big disciples, and the smell of gunpowder was already blown up!

Finally, there was a squadron who had a dry day with them, and he sang a northeast accent: "What are you?"

Liu Yiquan is very angry. "Would you marry?"

Another big disciple is dying: "Try another try!"

Scattered and small disciples shouted: "Try it!"

The big people shouted: "You see!"

The small group shouted and shouted: "Would you marry?"

The big people shouted: "Try another try!"

The small group shouted and shouted: "Try it and try!"

More and more people are coming out, and more and more people are joining!

The windows of the Dapai Inn are all open, and the small factions are scattered and there are people standing downstairs in the courtyard!

"You see!"

"Hey, you are stunned!"

"Try another try!"

"Try it and try it!"

From 12:10 in the morning, the people of the big school and the scattered small school have been smashing until two o'clock in the morning, for two hours, everyone in the cold wind pointing at the other side's nose skunk!

As the party, and the only insider of this matter, Zhang Wei had some guilty conscience, and coughed a sweat that wiped the brain, and I was still very sorry.

Big pie: "You see!"

"Hey, you are slamming!" Zhang Wei yelled at the crowd!

So, what is stinky-flow-氓?

This is called stinky - flow - hey!

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