I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 924: [Rao Aimin played! 】

A piece of attention.

Under the gaze of everyone, the people of Baguamen? The mountain roads came up one by one. There were men and women, young and old, and middle-aged. Everyone wore a gossip robes, chest and Behind it is a black and white gossip pattern, the momentum is extraordinary.

"finally reached!"

"They are really dare to come!"

"Look, that is the eighth line of the Eight Diagrams, Song Jiao!"

"Xu Fan of the Eight Diagrams Gate is also here!"

"Who is that person? Why haven't you seen it?"

"That is the line of the Eight Diagrams Gate generation, called Zhao Yunlong. I rarely see the martial arts hall. I also saw him once in the previous year. The martial arts is extremely high and I don't know much about it!"

"How did their brothers and sisters not see?"

"I do not know."

"Today, whoever comes is useless!"

"A dozen people, do you have the courage to come over?"

People in the national art circles are pointing at the other side, commenting on the foot, but when the last figure appeared, everyone still took the extended finger back in conditional launch, did not dare to refer.

Because, Rao Aimin is here!

A very casual white exercise uniform, stepping on a pair of ordinary shoes that can be bought in ten pieces, and Rao Aimin appeared in front of everyone in a leisurely pace. It seems that it is not coming to the banquet, it seems that it is just After eating, I sneaked out of the street.

"It is Rao Aimin!"


"She is Rao Aimin?"

"One of the five masters of today's national art world?"

"Is she?"


"It turned out to be so beautiful, I rely on it!"

"I thought the rumors were fake!"

Rao Aimin’s name is so eloquent in the national art world. Basically, there is no one who has never heard of her name. Who can not know one of the five remaining masters? Every time she talks about her name in the circle, she even whispers quietly and talks about it. I am afraid that it will not be overwhelmed. However, there are really people who have had the opportunity to meet Rao Aimin. There are very few scenes on the scene. Nowadays, the rookies of the national art world are not in the same era. Rao Aimin (the figure of the master class has disappeared for many years, even if she was the same year When two manpower warriors shocked the national art world, few people had the privilege of seeing her. Most of the people present were the first to witness the true feelings of Rao Aimin.

Liu Yiquan is very excited. "This is the last master!"

Liu Yizhang is also difficult to hide the excitement, "too temperament!"

Li Quanneng has a big head. "This is the image of a generation of female masters in my heart! It is beautiful and temperament! It is extremely high at first glance!"

Yan Hui, not far away, is also amazed. "This is the only female master of the day? Is Kung Fu even above the two masters of Zhou Tianpeng and Chen Xi?"

"Great!" Chen Chen rushed to run there.

However, Zhang Hao gave it to him. "Wait a minute."

Chen Chen does not work, "Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Wei whispered: "Say it, go out, everything listens to me!"

Chen Chen did not speak.

Zhang Wei did not let Chen Chen pass, mainly because he was afraid of an accident. Today, this battle is absolutely unusual. Now it is really dangerous to let Chen Chen go to the Eight Diagrams Gate. There are too many uncertain factors. It is better to wait and see the changes. Look at what is the number of roads and say it is not too late. If you save it for a while, Rao Aimin still has to protect Chen Chen from distracting, so instead it is going to add chaos, but it is better not to go.

Over there, many people on the side of the big school were shocked!

Only some people who really saw Rao Aimin even dealt with her had a wry smile. Looking at the people around them, they shook their heads slightly and said nothing.



"Master sister."

As soon as the person arrived, the disciples of Baguamen gave way.

At the end of the day, Rao Ai Min walked slowly to the front.

On the stage, the martial arts performance is still going on. The wounded people of the sects will definitely not stop performing because they are coming, they are still playing boxing, and even more energetic.

Rao Aimin lifted his eyes and licked the disciples who were covered in gauze. Suddenly they lowered their heads, reached into their pockets and touched them. They threw a thing from them and threw them on the platform.


It is a piece of money coins.

A group of disciples on the stage.

The following countless martial arts people are also a glimpse.


What do you mean?

I only listened to Rao Aimin and said to the younger brothers and sisters: "How much is given to others. It’s not easy for people to hurt this way. It’s not easy." After that, she said to the humanity on the platform: "I am physically and mentally ill, very good, I am optimistic about you, there is no broken stone in the chest? Come to one, I love to see this."

The people of the squad are almost fainting!

Broken big stone in the chest?

I am breaking your uncle!

Why are you so hurting you!

We all hurt like this, who is the mother who broke the big stone!

The deputy head of the sect of the sect did not do it. He stood up and said, "Rao Aimin, you will be sent to me as soon as you come. What do you mean?"

Rao Aimin yelled at him, "Is this yours?"

崆峒派副门主道: "Exactly!"

Rao Aimin sighed and said strangely: "When did you start practicing square dance? Yes, I just wondered which professional square dance team was flowing here. It turned out to be a disciple of the school!"

The deputy leader was in a hurry and said: "Rao Aimin, don't deceive too much!"

Rao Aimin looked at him and said, "I will bully you, what are you doing?" He glanced at his teeth. "Hey, the front teeth that I had knocked out in the past few years have been set up? Is it gold?" Oh!"

The deputy head of the sect of the sect was a burst of red, "You..."

Master Sun’s master of iron sand palm: “It’s time for martial arts performances of all major sects. As a generation of masters, you should respect national skills and respect...”

Rao Aimin interrupted him and pointed to the platform. "Do you want to call this martial arts performance? This performance, I can go to any nursing home."

Master Sun is very angry. "Do you want to fight?"

Rao Aimin said: "Do you want to fight? Well, I will let you have one hand!"

Master Sun is saying this quickly. When he hears that Rao Aimin said this, he will not scream at all. Although he is one of the best masters in the national art world, he will not be called a "master" wherever he goes. Only he knows that the gap between the master and the master is a different day. Don't say that Rao Aiming has let him have one hand, that is, Rao Aiming has two hands, he can't beat it!

A sorghum in Shaolin Temple: "Rao Shizhu, do you want to offend the entire national art world?"

Rao Aimin said in a casual tone: "I have not sinned before. I will not send you two factions in the future. Do you have any opinions? Do you have any opinions?"

Gao Song was taken back, he will not even move with Rao Aimin. In the past few years, the abbot of Shaolin Temple did not go through 20 strokes under Rao Aimin. He estimated that the three strokes could not stop!

The "Wulin people" who saw the only female master in this national art world for the first time in the national art circles also had some sorrowfulness. The image of the national masters collapsed in their hearts instantly!

"This is Rao Aimin?"

"This is... a generation of masters?"


"This one……"

"How is this guru a little..."

Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang brothers wiped the sweat.

Li Quanneng and He Badao looked at each other.

This female master is totally different from what they imagined!

Only Zhang Wei and Chen Chen were relieved.

Zhang Hao sees this, it is relieved, more than half a year has disappeared, Lao Rao is still that virtue, no change!

[People are in the field, can't calmly write things, go back to Beijing tomorrow, write well! 】


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