I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 925: [Zhang Wei played! 】

Wulin conference site.

The people in Tuen Mun were seated, and the outermost side reserved a regional location for them. Rao Aimin took her brothers and sisters and walked over. When she sat down, Rao Aimin closed her eyes and seemed to be closed. In preparation for the next contest, the disciples of Baguamen did not bother her.

What is the purpose of today's conference, everyone is basically well-informed, so the area of ​​the Eight Diagrams is also the focus of the whole audience. Many people's eyes are always pointing to them. Secondly, they are also legendary masters of Rao Aimin. Too curious. Zhou Jiaquan’s disciples and boxers were even more chilly and hateful in their eyes, and they did not evade the vicious eyes to the disciples of the Eight Diagrams. Some of the boxers of Zhou Jiaquan were obviously wounded with old wounds. It was not caused by yesterday’s fight, obviously because of the hand of Rao Aimin. Zhou Jiaquan’s martial arts and martial arts schools all over the country were almost swept by Rao Aimin in this half year!

The performance is still going on.

The following is the turn of the Wudang faction.

Then there is the Qingcheng faction.

Then there is the Nanwudang faction.


Then there is a small party called Feitianmen.

Etc., etc.

Finally, it was the finale of the Zhoujia Boxing Martial Hall.

After an hour, the performance was over.

A person from the organizer of the National Association of Art went to the ring and picked up the microphone. "Thank you for the wonderful performances of the various factions. The following is the formal entry into the second link. The free test is the same as in previous years. The martial arts test is based on the test. But remember to point to the end, the test is divided into ten areas, the challenger can name the object to be challenged, but the challenged person can have the right not to accept the challenge, the on-site referee is undertaken by the National Association of Professionals."

Finally reached the key link!

Everyone in the room heard the words, it was a spirit!

This link is an annual "regulation project". The general confession, the battle for the facade, the personal vengeance of personal opinion, many of them are carried out on this occasion. There are many martial arts in the national art circles. Of course, it is impossible to be a piece of iron, and there are countless private complaints. There must be an occasion to solve the problem of a large-scale martial art fight in private. This is absolutely not allowed in the national art world. After all, it has now entered the legal society. Of course, there are also competitions for other purposes. For example, some newcomers in the national art world want to become famous. This is naturally the best stage. For example, some masters who have confidence in their own strength, this is also their famous. good chance!

When the voice just fell, someone stood up.

It is a man of Nanwudang!

The middle-aged master got up and clenched his fists. "In the south of Wudang, Liu Qing, I want to challenge He Yanqing, the deputy head of the Wudang faction. How can the deputy head of the army dare to fight?"

The deputy head of the Wudang faction sneered, "I have been waiting for you!"

The Nanwudang man reached out and said, "Please!"

"Please!" Wudang sent the deputy head to play.

The grievances between the Wudang faction and the Nanwudang faction have been in existence for a long time. At the annual national art exchange meeting, they will try several times and everyone will not be surprised.

Over there, someone stood up.

"Qingcheng School Li Xiaonian, challenge the Shaolin School sorghum!"

"Who do you challenge?"


"A big tone, the old man will come to you!"




"Under the chaos of Cao Liwei, Zhou Yunian, would you dare to compare with me?"

"Haha, what are you afraid of?"

"Come on!"


"Today must be the winner!"


"A newcomer is scattered, challenging the heroes of all walks of life, is there any guidance?"

"I come!"

"Thank you for your advice."

"You're welcome, you can see the trick."

"it is good!"



In a blink of an eye, the ten divided areas of the contest have already been occupied by nine, and the last one is empty, and no one has spoken for a while.

After a while.

Finally, someone made a sound.

Zhang Wei only felt that a crowd of people in the distance was hit by a sly look. He looked up and saw a familiar figure.

Zhou Jiaquan, Zhou Laosi!

I saw Zhou Laosi’s provocative eyes looking at this side. “Scattered Chen Zhen, dare not dare to have two tricks with me?” After returning yesterday, Zhou Laosi also wanted to understand, and when he ate, he said two sentences. How did the last gang get the virtue? This is clearly the name of Chen Zhen’s dismissal. This one is simply too poisonous. It’s really turning black into white. Zhou’s fourth day was smashed by the elders in the martial arts hall. I took a sigh of anger, so when I came up today, I pointed to Chen Zhen, the leader of the small group and the small school last night.

Scattering and small factions are also a glimpse.

Liu Yiquan’s face changed slightly and he was busy: “Chen Brothers, this week’s fourth is not the best of Zhou Jiaquan’s disciple, but it is definitely a middle-class, is a master!”

Li Quanneng immediately said: "Be careful!"

He Ba Dao also worried: "If you can't, don't go!"

Yesterday, everyone also saw Zhang Jian’s martial arts level, and he was not very optimistic about him.

Who knows, Zhang Wei is a slight smile, "Everyone has named the surname, and where is the reason? Zhou Laosi yesterday deceived people, wanting to hang out and disperse, and the result of our resistance, today is still thick Face up to challenge? Want to shoot the birds? If I don't, I don't want them to be more arrogant in the future! Didn't you tell them that we are afraid? Today, I have to get it! Even if I can't beat it, I have to fight it. He has two pieces of meat! You can't lose the dignity of our scattered and small factions! We can't let their famous people feel that we are bullied!"

The next person listens and cheers up!

The words of Zhang Wei also made the crowd excited, feeling that Zhang Hao’s image was much taller in a flash!

"well said!"

"Chen brother! Good!"


"Yes, we are not bullied!"

"For our dignity! Do!"

"Chen Brothers, come on!"

"Come on!"

"Dry-dead week old!"

"Dry-death this shameless!"

"Dry-death, this deceitful and despicable villain!"

"I have the ability to challenge me! Bullying Chen brothers is a newcomer!"

"Grass! Shameless!"

Listening to the shouts over there, Zhou Laosi almost fainted, I-grass-you-big-ye! What the **** is my mother talking about? My mother is asking if you dare to take two strokes with me! What is it with, I am a shameless person? What is it with, I am a despicable villain? Surnamed Chen, you are missing a big German! Your mouth is so bad that it is pussy! I have to let you lie back today! Otherwise I am not calling Zhou Laosi!

Zhou Laosi is extremely angry!

A group of disciples of Zhou Jiaquan also shouted!

"Four brothers come on!"

"Get him!"

"This Chen is really irritating!"

Zhou Laoqi was listed, Zhang Hao was listed, and went to the tenth contest area. This is not the main platform of the wooden shelf, but an area that is divided by ten meters by ten meters.

The referee of the organizer asked the two to enter the venue and said: "Reiterate once, point to the end, and win the game."

Zhou Laosi hates nodding.

Zhang Weidao: "Understand."

The referee asked: "Does the two sides need weapons? If both parties need it, they can choose."

Zhou Laosi looked at Zhang Wei, "I need, what about you?"

Zhang Wei said casually: "I will use it too."

The referee pointed out, "The weapon is over there."

The weapons are not edged.

Zhou Laosi had a goal early in the morning. He took a sword in the past, tried his hand and changed it. This was satisfactory, and he took the sword back to the fight area.

Zhang Wei did not go there. Under the gaze of the referee and everyone, he looked around and finally looked around. He went out 20 meters away and asked him to pull out a brick from a corner of the top of the mountain. Come, take it in your hand, and return to the fight area with satisfaction.

The referee is wrong. "Is this your weapon?"

Zhang Hao nodded, "Yes."

The referee was dumbfounded. "Are you sure you have chosen?"

"I confirm," Zhang said.

Zhou Laosi’s eyes were straightforward and mad, and he felt insulted.

The people who spoke and the small factions did not think that they had already seen the bricks of the Chen Zhen brothers yesterday, and the weapons they attacked... it seems to be in this direction.

"Chen Zhen, come on!"

"Chen Zhen, come on!"

"Chen Brothers, ****!"

Countless people shouted to Zhang Hao!

Some of the fights have already begun. Many people’s eyes are in the other nine places. The shouts are here, everyone’s attention is released. When they look at the side of the fight, they actually take a brick to play. The martial arts people who have just arrived today are a bit embarrassed - forced!

Is this a weapon?

How is my grass a brick?

The people of Ba Gu Men also looked over!

"Chen Zhen?" A teacher said.

The five-sister Song Jiao was surprised: "This is Chen Zhen?"

Six fans, Xu Fan, said, "I rely on him to use bricks?"

Lao Jiu Zhao Yunlong: "..."

A younger brother exclaimed: "Is this weapon really this?"

Song Jiao asked: "Little teacher, is he?"

Lu Yuhu has some troubles. "It should be."

"What's wrong?" Song Jiao was strange.

Lu Yuhu suspicion: "Nothing, I feel that this person wearing sunglasses is a bit familiar. Well, it may be my illusion."

Rao Aimin still keeps his eyes closed and does not pay attention to these small fights.

Over there, the contest is about to begin.

The referee said: "Are you ready?"

Zhou Laosi stared at Zhang Hao, "Okay!"

Zhang Yiping said: "I am ready."

"Okay." The referee reached out and went down everything, "Begin!"

After all, the referee retreated to the side.

Out of the rules of the national art world, Zhou Laosi shouted the hilt with a hand, and held a fist: "Carrying!"

The opposite Zhang Hao also gave a slight fist, "conduct."

However, the outcome of winning or losing is sometimes so fast!

The voices of the two men just landed, and the old man turned the hilt on the eleventh, and the sword had not been stabilized for a moment. Zhou Laosi was shocked to find that the opposite side had already flown a red object!

It is a brick!

Zhang Wei unexpectedly gave a resounding name to his own tricks, shouting: "Choose me flying bricks outside the sky!"

This kind of trick is a small trick. Zhou Laosi also thinks that he can avoid it. After all, in the realm of masters, everyone's reaction speed and physical flexibility are too high. Let alone a piece of bricks, it is coming. A master who uses the hidden weapon, in the state of preparation for comparison, a flying knife Zhou Laosi is also confident to avoid, but when he wants to avoid sideways, he knows that he is wrong!

Can't avoid it at all!

The bricks are coming too fast!

It’s almost as if I just heard a whistling wind, and the bricks came to his door. What Zhou Laosi could do was just avoid the nose and be smashed, and put a little head on the side, but the bricks were still solidly photographed. His left face!

"Ah!" Zhou Laosi shouted with a pain, and the whole face seemed to be stuck in it all at once. The whole person was also suddenly slanted and fell to the ground on his back!

Countless people are surprised!


What is the speed?

What is the strength of this? ?

"You use the hidden weapon!" Zhou Laosi roared, he would get up and fight with him.

But when he wants to get up yet, a fist shadow has already come on the face!

puff! Also kneeling on the face of Zhou Laosi!

The strength was too great. Zhou Laosi’s entire body was once again overturned to the ground. The slamming slammed on the ground and made a heavy noise. Just listening to the sound knew that there was more than this punch!

Zhou Laosi, who has a bruised face and a swollen face, has been confused!

A brick, a punch, he has lost his fighting power!

Zhang Wei’s efforts to use one stroke and one stroke are useless, relying on the basic qualities of the body itself! This is exactly the case with the national art. It is not like the one in the novel movie. It is impossible to fight a thousand rounds. It is impossible to happen. One hundred rounds are too much. It must be a contest between the masters. In general, the competition is sometimes combined with three strokes and three strokes to distinguish the winners and losers. Where will it wait for a few hundred rounds? </p

The referee also stunned, because things happened too fast, he just reacted, hurriedly rushed to shout: "Stop, stop!" Then look at the week lying on the ground, the referee announced: "Winner, scattered Repair Chen Zhen!"

The disciples of Zhou Jiaquan are angry one by one!

A bunch of people in the scattered and small factions shouted!

"it is good!"

"Play well!"

"Good boxing!"

"Good brick method!"

"Chen's brother brick method has improved!"

"Dry - he - one - no - shame!"

"Hit him a despicable villain!"

"Ha ha ha, enjoyable! Play well!"

"The wicked will have evil reports!"

Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang Li Quanneng and other people who are familiar with Zhang Wei are the biggest cheers!

Chen Chen also looked at Zhang Wei in an incredible way. It seems that he did not expect how Zhang Hao suddenly became so powerful!

Under the cheers of everyone, Zhang Hao thanked him with a fist and smiled down. "Thank you, thank you, fortunately, not to be insulted, not to let the thief succeed!"

"Chen brother is good!"


"The thief will lose!"

"The evil is invincible! The evil is invincible!"

On the ground, Zhou Laosi heard the words and almost spit out an old blood. He was really discouraged. It is obvious that this surname Chen came up and sneaked! Also **** shamelessly, throwing a "shadow" to face!

The results of it?

Still my mean?

Still shameless?

Still my thief?


You still have to be shameless! ?

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