I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 932: [Zhang Wei's dark power! 】

Zhou Jiaquan's people are impatient!

"Chen Zongshi!"

"Chen Zongshi, what are you waiting for!"

"The thief is destroyed together!"

"Let's go together!"

"At this time, I don't want to face it!"

"If you let Rao Aimin squat, the national art world is over!"

Rao Aimin did not change his color, and he also had a palm with Zhou Tianpeng. The result was that Rao Aimin did not move, and Zhou Tianpeng took a big step back!

High judgment!

Rao Aimin yelled at him, "Is this the ability?"

Such a contemptuous and a guru said this, the whole country is afraid that only Rao Aimin has this qualification!

Zhou Tianpeng also blackened his face and had no choice but to say: "Old Chen, come help!"

Zhou Tianpeng has not done his best, but he knows that Rao Aimin has tried his best. Both are waiting, waiting for a fatal blow to the opponent!

Chen Xiwen, who is not far from the side, sighed slightly and looked at Rao Aimin: "That's offensive! You are careful!" He knows that he can't go up!

The people of Bagua Gate have changed their faces!

Lv Yuhu cried: "Master sister is careful!"

Zhao Yunlong angered: "Chen old thief is coming!"

Song Jiao shouted: "Master sister is careful!"

They are all worried, and the master sister is dealing with the old thief. Naturally, the odds are enormous, but if Chen Xi is also shot, the master sister is definitely dangerous!

The situation has changed!

The atmosphere of the audience was suddenly tense!

The next moment, Hua Xi’s head Chen Xi shot, a step, Chen Xi has jumped three meters away, and went straight to the direction of Rao Aimin and Zhou Tianpeng!

The Huashan faction is excited:

"Master is cheering!"

"The head will win!"

"Destroy the thief, everyone is responsible!"

Chen Xi is getting closer and closer to Rao Aimin, and his mouth bursts with a bang, and a move that Huashan sent the door never sent outside has already been played out in advance!

Among all the nervous eyes, only Chen Xi Zhou Tianpeng and Rao Aimin, even Chen Xi and Zhou Tianpeng seem to have forgotten in this moment, they are two to two, and there is still one person in the ring!

Zhang moved, and took three steps, the speed is not fast, but he has already walked slowly to Rao Aimin, and the starter who can't understand anyone has been slowly swayed out by him. For a moment, Zhang Hao’s momentum is also different!

Everyone has a glimpse.

Fan Wen: "Chen Zhen?"

Master Sun: "It is him!"

Liu Yiquan said: "Chen brothers don't go!"

Lv Yuhu: "You, you can't stop it!"

Song Jiao: "Get away!"

Chen Xiyi, the palm of the hand can only change a direction, toward Zhang Hao, this palm is against Rao Aimin, the strength is great, the move is extremely embarrassing, and he turned to "Chen Zhen" and he did not keep it. The move has already come out, and it is impossible to close the hand!

Looking for a dead end!

This is your own death!

Chen Xi’s eyes are clear, the goal is clear, Chen Zhen is first killed, and Zhou Tianpeng joins hands to deal with Rao Aimin!

However, what Chen Xi and everyone did not think is that at this moment, the expression on the face of "Chen Zhen" turned out to be a cloud-like look, and there was no change at all. Instead, he did not hide and raise his hand. It’s very slow, but it’s actually very fast!

Zhang Yan’s hand lifted, his wrist fluttered, and a strange rhythm of speeding up and down was hit by him. His wrists withstood the palm of the hand, and the picture seemed to be in this second. After a moment of silence, Zhang Yan’s foot swung and his wrist slammed, and all the strength of the other side was removed by his trick. The wrist under the glimpse seemed to put the other’s strength all the way. I got into the air!

The palm of the hand stopped!

Chen Xi also stopped!

It’s not that Chen Xi wants to stop. He has been in a state of motion in the process of being in the palm of his hand. It’s impossible for a running person to stop suddenly. Even Chen Xi wants to stop. There is no way. Need a buffer, how do you need a stop process! However, the scene in front of him made Chen Xi’s heart startled. He was so “stationary” when he was out of the rabbit. All the strength was like playing an empty space, losing all the momentum of the advancement. He was standing like this. There!

The picture is too strange!

Surprisingly incredible!

Zhou Tianpeng stunned!

Rao Aimin brows a pick.

Everyone on the scene didn't react, and all eyes narrowed up and looked at the stage with surprise!

"what happened?"

"What happened to Chen Zongshi?"

"Why stop?"

"This, what happened to this?"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

"Don't Chen Zongshi keep his hands? Are you afraid of giving each other a shot?"

"Master! Don't keep your hands!"

No one can understand it, no one can understand it. I can only believe that this is Chen Xi’s fear of being too heavy. The temporary brakes have stopped the palm of the hand and have not played hard!

However, only Chen Xi Zhou Tianpeng and a few masters of the country were able to see clearly, although I don't know what happened, but this is not Chen Xi's own power!

not good!

This is called "Chen Zhen" is definitely not a loose repair!

Huashan School Fan Wen looks awkward, "Senior brother!"

Fan Wen shouted like this, so many people from the big school were stunned!

Be careful?

What are you careful about?

Who is Chen Zongshi still careful about?

However, in the following scene, everyone understands what this sentence of Fan Wen shouted!

Zhang Wei shot again, different from the previous one. This time, Zhang Wei took the initiative to meet it. The move was also extremely weird. It was not a straight line, but a round in the air, with an angle at the beginning. Afterwards, I quickly pushed Chen Xi to the past!

Not a horizontal shot!

Not vertical!

It is a push that doesn't hurt!

It is said that this kind of move is not too aggressive. Chen Xi is also facing the first block, and added a dark power to the palm. He wants to make a move. This is a kind of trick that completely bullies people. The master of the national art squad meets the masters of the inner boxing without the darkness, and they will not bring the darkness. If they are dark, they will not be able to fight. Those who have no darkness can’t stop it. The combination of Ai Min and Zhou Tianpeng is getting more and more fierce. Zhou Tianpeng has already revealed a ruin. Chen Xi is also anxious to help, and he has made a dark move unreasonably!

Rao Aimin Yu Guang swept, "Hide!"

Song Jiao shouted: "It is dark!"

Lu Yuhu cried: "Shameless!"

Zhao Yunlong said: "Chen old thief, you still have to shame!"

Liu Yiquan Liu Yizhang and the two brothers also exclaimed: "Chen Laodi is hiding!"

I can't hide, but I don't want to hide. I don't know where to come from. The strength has been turned over from the body. Under the push, there is more endless force on the hand. It was made by feeling, Zhang Hao himself is not very controllable!


The two palms touch each other in the air!

Zhang Wei only felt a huge impact in the palm of his heart, his mouth trembled, the whole person trembled, and he stepped back three steps!

Looking at the opposite Chen Xi, at this moment, he actually stood up again and again, and he took a big step backwards. The breath was also disrupted, and his palms were all sweaty!

Chen Xi was shocked!

Zhou Tianpeng and Rao Aimin, who are fighting, are shocked!

The disciples of the hundreds of national art circles under the stage were also shocked!

After a move, Zhang Hao and Chen Xi were injured!

Fan Wen took a breath!

The Kunlun faction snorted in the heart!

Song Jiao shocked: "Dark power!"

Xu Fan is ecstatic: "It is darkness!"

Lv Yuhu can't believe his eyes, the whole person is embarrassed - forced! How could he be dark? How could he practice the darkness! ?

"Oh my God!"


"Who is he?"

"Mahjong! Who is he?!"

He Badao was shocked!

The big and scattered people are also stupid!

This picture is too shocking. A disrepair that didn't know where it came from was actually with the national master Chen Xi and did not fall into the wind. Both sides also used dark power!

This **** is too scary!

This "Chen Zhen" is exactly what the stone smashed out of the monks! ?

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