I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 933: [How can you be Tai Chi! ? 】


A lot of people are scared and can't talk, they don't accept anything at all!

Even Rao Aimin, who is fighting more than in the fight, is incredible: "I am grass, how is your kid getting his mother to practice the darkness? Are you playing chicken?"

Zhang Yan shrugged. "You don't know much."

Rao Aimin gave Zhou Tianpeng a hand and said: "The old lady can leave you alone, and the old ghost named Chen is handed over to you!"

"Isn't this just arranged?" Zhang Wei stared at Chen Xi, motionless. "You one, I am one! This is called two-on-two!"

Last night, I hit the group. Those who used to hand over Zhang Hao were cold sweats at the moment. They thought, Xin Xin, this person used bricks and shackles yesterday. If he used today, this one pushes their heads in their heads. Then, they really don’t want to stand here today!

The Fan Wen of the Huashan School is as heavy as water!

The Huashan faction used to call the brother who wanted to compete with Zhang Wei. He was also stunned. In fact, he was also scared, and his heart was very embarrassing. He said in his heart: I am grass, you and his mother are in the dark. I have been trained, and I am still standing on the side of the mess and we are talking about you! Under the guru, who is your opponent? What about you? Still coughing with us? Why are you so insidious, you!

Also walking around the gossip brick?

Gossip brick your sister, my grass! !


A thin and dissected look at Liu Yiquan and others, "Is that person coming with you all the way?"

Liu Yiquan wipes the sweat, "Yes."

Another female dissertation asked dumbly: "How do you know him?"

Liu Yizhang’s face is more awkward than others. “My brother and my old man, Li, Li, met him in the car that came over. He took a child and said that he was also a martial arts person, and lost the invitation. Go with us all the way, say that he is called Chen Zhen, Master is Huo Yuanjia? What is Huang?"

Li Quanneng has a good memory, "Huang Feihong."

"Yes, this is the name." He overbearing also nodded.

A senior dissertation said: "The master of the national art profession is not a master of Huang Feihong and Huo Yuanjia, nor is it called Chen Zhenren! This is definitely a fake name! The invitation is lost just an excuse, his achievements are not Invitation letter, this national art conference did not invite him at all!"

I heard that many of the scattered repairs did not care about this. They thought about the same thing, and I was awkward! We actually went all the way with a master of national art? Last night, we actually played a group with the enemy who could fight with the national masters. Still squatting on the street?

On the stage.

Chen Xi looks dignified. "Who are you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I am who I am."

Chen Xidao: "Which party do you send?"

Zhang Wei smiled. "There is no door."

Chen Xidao: "What is this time?"

Zhang Weidao: "You guess."

Zhou Tianpeng’s physical strength over there has already consumed a lot, and the support has become more and more bitter. He can’t help but yell, “Old Chen, come quickly! I can’t stand it!”

Rao Aimin has a hand and a gossip to open a big match. This is one of the five masters of the national art world. Nowadays, the gossip man is the highest. Even the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Gates is worse than Rao Aimin, and all the moves of the Eight Diagrams of the National Art. They have all been interpreted by Rao Aimin to the peak!

Chen Xi is also impatient, "Let's get out!"

"No way." Zhang Xiao smiled.

Chen Xi seriously said: "You are not my opponent."

Zhang Wei said: "You can't resist me anymore. If you fight for it, you may have to hang it!" There is still a "winning" that has long been drawn in the inventory. It has no use. Life, the bottom is naturally enough!

Chen Xi said with a black face: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Are you going to be an enemy of the whole country?"

Zhang Haohe smiled. "Can you and Zhou Tianpeng represent the entire national art world? Even if you can, what are you doing with your enemies? The buddies have more people who have offended, and they are not bad in your country!"

Chen is angry, "It’s really big!"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Oh, that's why you don't know me."

Yes, in fact, Zhang Wei’s words are not big!

Yan Hui and Lv Yuhu from the audience listened, and they all laughed and laughed. Maybe only the two of them knew at the scene that "Chen Zhen" is true. He really doesn't care much about a national art world, because this has already offended too many fields too. More peers, the nickname of "cracking the crowbar" is not white! People are the masters of professionalism for 20 years! Only they did not expect that this time he actually stirred the national art world!

Chen Xi took a breath and suddenly spit it out. "Try it!" At the foot of the foot, Zhang has been posted. He has to make a quick decision and can't drag it anymore!

The master shot, and it was pressed against the dark!

Zhang blinked his eyes and greeted him with a palm. He nailed it on Chen Xi’s wrist and twisted it.

Chen Xi’s palm was removed from the majority, with a low drink and the other hand turned over to Zhang Wei’s face!

Zhang Hao looked down and ducked, but saw Chen Xi’s palms once again, and quickly pressed down. He even slammed into Zhang’s shoulder. Zhang Hao avoided it, and he did not intend to avoid it. Actually, everyone was shocked. I don’t hide, my shoulders are bent, my feet are awkward, it seems to be a hard-boiled hand, but it’s amazing without any injuries. Instead, my knees are always, my shoulders bounce slightly, and I’m back!

Chen Xi with a dark palm was actually thrown back with his shoulders, but also shocked him!

What is this martial arts?

Why do you feel familiar?

Chen Xi was shocked and beat very hard!

The old boxer of a national art association under the stage suddenly said: "The eyes are familiar! How is this martial arts so familiar?" But he couldn't remember it!

what exactly is it?

What is martial arts? ?

Many people are thinking!

Zhang Wei and Chen Xi on the stage once again played against each other!

Chen Xi’s efforts to make the Huashan faction make it fascinating, and the tricks are yin and sorrow. This is the characteristic of their martial art, which is quite difficult!

However, Zhang Wei’s response has made people more surprised and surprised!

Zhang Wei does not have a lot of shots, but each stroke is a set of four or two!

arrow quiver!








Unloading! Leverage! Strike!

In the case that the skill is not as good as the other side, Chen Xi played a match!

Lu Yuhu was excited to cheer. "Too cow! It's too big!"

Zhao Yunlong is overjoyed, "Play well!"

Song Jiao excitedly shouted: "Beautiful! Too beautiful!"

Xu Fan was amazed, "Good Kung Fu!"

A female disciple from Baguamen couldn't believe it now. "I rely on it! This person can really play a tie with the master! This is what Kung Fu!"

It is obvious to everyone that Chen Xi’s skill is still higher than that of “Chen Zhen”. However, this “Chen Zhen” martial arts is too wicked. It’s too strange. It’s too bad. It’s totally out of the way. The martial arts of the traditional martial arts routines, but everyone knows that the other party is not beaten, this is definitely an extremely perfect national martial arts, from defense to offense itself!

The Huashan faction is furious!


"Come on!"

"Huashan faction will win!"

"Master will win!"

More than ten strokes have passed!

Zhang Weina can't help Chen Xi!

However, Chen Xi can't help him in a short time!

Chen Xiyue is playing more and more fire, if the skill is not as good as the other side, but his skill is deeper than the other side, but he can't help it. This feeling is simply too uncomfortable. He understands that the other party's effort is cheap, this kind of routine martial arts Chen Xi I have never met, I have never handed over my hand, so I can’t understand the routine completely. It’s getting more and more wronged. It seems that I can’t do it anymore. I have been removed by the other side several times!

Zhou Tianpeng is still shouting, "Old Chen!" He has already lost his throne!

Chen Xi is also crazy.


Why did you clearly not pay the hand, but I feel that this martial arts is very familiar?

He didn't want to understand! I don't want to understand why!

Everyone in the audience is watching dumbly!

"How could this be?"


"What kind of martial arts is my grass?"

"How come there is such a bull-forced martial arts?"

"He obviously didn't work hard, how did he remove the force?"

"How did he block this trick?"

"Ah, how did you bounce back? Chen Zongshi didn't even hit it!"

"Too evil!"

"Which team is this?"

Suddenly, a very old boxer from the National Art Association of the Taiwanese suddenly yelled, "I know! I know!" Then I was shocked!

Suddenly, the Kunlun faction in the crowd also stunned. "How come! How is it possible??" He also saw it, his face was wrong!

"Is that martial arts?"

"Yes! Definitely!"

"This move is four or two!"

"Yin-yang open and close, just soft and soft, can't be wrong! Absolutely wrong!"

Many of the heads of the big factions or the elders of the sects have recognized them, and they are all stupid!

Most people don't understand!


"What is it?"

"What is this effort?"

"What is this expression for you?"

Liu Yiquan He overbearing them, these scattered repairs do not understand!

A group of people in the Eight Diagrams Gate are also in the fog, what have you seen in the winds and waves for so many years? How are the old boxers all so frightened? What kind of effort is used like this? What kind of effort can surprise you like this? ?

Finally, the answer was revealed!

The so-called authorities fans, this moment, Chen Xi heard the following shouts, but also a shock of his head, and later recognized it, his face changed suddenly, suddenly caught his hand, extremely taboo After a few steps back, I saw a ghostly expression staring at Zhang Wei, staring at the trick he was posing, shouting: "You, how can you be Tai Chi!!" ”

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