I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 965: [The press conference has begun! 】

A few days later.

?on Saturday.

The reporter met on the same day.

Morning, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Cancer Hospital.

"Dan Dan." Tong Fudao.

Huang Dandan shook his head, "Impossible!"

Xiao Wang was calming his face. "Zhang Dao really said that."

Huang Dandan is not in the same channel: "What kind of person is Zhang Dao, don't you know?"

"I know." Tong Fu gnawed his teeth: "But this time, he really is not prepared to manage it. He has not let us all touch it, and don't mention it anymore. We even want to lead there. Protest once, he stopped us, let us go!"

Xiao Wang grieves and angers: "Our documentary must not be broadcasted. The film source has been deleted. Today is the day of the press conference. It will explain why the film for the reporters and the public is off the shelf. It is now seven o'clock. The two-hour press conference started!"

Huang Dandan shook his head.

Tong Fudao: "I actually understand Zhang Dao. He is going to leave CCTV right away. At this time, he will get into trouble again. The impact on him is too great. Since we know that our documentary may be offending too many people, this kind of No one wants to pick up the mess, Zhang Dao also..."

"You don't want to say it!" Huang Dandan interrupted him angrily. "Let's go!"

Xiao Wangdao: "Dan Dan, how are you..."

Huang Dandan does not listen, "Go back!"

"That, then we go to work first, you take care of the disease, listen to the doctor's words." Tong Fu has no choice but to go out with the Xiao Wang and another colleague who came to visit the ward.

"How to do?"

"Let Dandan quiet."

"Hey, she certainly can't accept it."

"Zhang Dao is really this time..."

"Don't say, Zhang has already done enough for everyone."

"Go back, there is still a bunch of things going on at the press conference."


at the same time.

Radio and television.

Wu Zeqing walked into the office building.


"Wu Board!"

"Wu Bureau - long, early."

"Ah, Wu Bureau!"

Many people have stunned. Today is Saturday, it is a holiday, and the Wu Bureau did not go to Shanghai for a meeting yesterday? The original plan was only returned on Sunday? How did the Wu Bureau come to work today? Hey, is there something wrong with the unit? Why haven't you heard?

The staff members all talked about it.

Soon, Wu Zeqing’s secretary Bai Li also rushed.

In the office.

Bai Li is also a bit strange. "Wu, how come you are back today? The meeting in Shanghai is not to say that it will end until Sunday?"

Wu Zeqing said with ease: "There may be an accident today, coming back in advance."

Bai Li was shocked: "What happened?"

Wu Zeqing did not answer her, but said: "If there is any situation today, let me know immediately, I will be in the unit all day."

Bai Li was shocked and said: "Oh, good."

What happened?

Even the Wu Bureau is back in advance?

This is what a big mess! ?



The press conference will be on the scene.

"I am from the Jinghua Times."

"Oh, please come in."

"I am a news channel, this is a press card."

"Okay, please come in."

"I am from Tianjin TV."

"Welcome, please."

One reporter and the camera entered the stadium one after another. Some people were in the equipment, debugging the camera, and some people exchanged together in twos and threes.

"How is this big venue?"

"I heard that reporters are coming to more than 100 people."

"so much?"

"Yeah, the new film of CCTV Channel 14 has been banned, and many people are concerned about it."

"Also, I don't understand why."

"I will know it after a while."

"I heard that the entire 14 channels have been disposed of and they have been warned!"

"Because what?"

"Who knows, isn't it air pollution? How big is this?"

"Oh, it seems to cause lesions."

"Get it, are you talking about it? Just like vegetables and pesticides, how to wash pesticides is impossible to wash 100% clean, always have a little residue on vegetables, but the pesticide is poisonous, but a small amount of intake is essential. It won't cause the body to reflect, there will be nothing, the smog is almost the same, and this thing is not every day. I think the weather is very good today."

"Yeah, if the smog is really harmful, the Taiwanese have already let us investigate and report, but who have you been notified in the past two years?"


"We have no Taiwan."

"I took one, but I didn't investigate anything. The smog is a definition. The official has not given any materials. There have been similar incidents in foreign countries, but it is different from our domestic situation. PM2.5 It was also proposed in the past two years."

Even the most frontline reporters know a lot.

This is the world’s perception and understanding of smog. Unlike the world of Zhang Wei, the people in this world are still in a stage of discovering smog. Not to mention the extent of the harm. Everyone even has smog on the body. No harm is not sure.

not far away.

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo left they are also busy.

However, it can be seen that every person on the 14th channel is so listless, and their faces are not numb with glory and anger.

Zhang Zuodao: "How many people are still missing?"

Wu Yidao: "It’s almost coming, it’s one or two.”

"Get ready to start." Hazzi said with no expression.

Next, several CCTV leaders came over to inspect and looked at them. "Well, how are you prepared?"

Zhang Zuo’s face is not good to look at: “Yes.”

Vice-President Zhou said: "When a reporter asks a question, don't mention anything that has been banned. It's too ugly. Today's press conference is mainly to give an account to the people who care about it. Others don't talk about it. Now you know?"

Another director criticized them: "In the future, don't make this principled mistake again! Zhang Wei knows the importance of this matter. What are you doing?"

After that, several Taiwan leaders walked around again, and they didn't take it seriously. They all went back. The films have been deleted, and they can't be broadcasted. They don't believe that these people can make trouble.

As the leader of the station walks, the face of the 14th channel is even more ugly!

Principleal error?

What principle mistakes do we have?

One person shouted: "Zhang Dao seems to be still in the background, who will call it?"

No one answered.

Haqiqi said directly: "Whoever loves to go."

Zhang Zuo sighed, "Old ha."

Wu Yi took a look at Haqi Qi. "Zhang Dao is actually not easy. This time Zhang is tired and doesn't want to fight with them. We have to understand."

Haqiqi turned and left, and went to the other side to direct.

Tong Fu came up, "He promised Dandan himself!"

Zhang Zuo patted Tong Fu's shoulder. "Children, I know that you are in a bad mood, but this matter is too much involved. It is not that we can change. Zhang Dao also has difficulties."

Tong Fuqi said: "He can't care, but why does he stop us from letting us?"

Zhang Zuo: "Hey."

Suddenly, a figure stood outside the door!

People on Channel 14 are exclaimed!

"Dan Dan!"


"How come you?"

"Why don't you go to hospital and run over?"

"You should have surgery right away!"

Tong Fu live!

Haqiqi also rushed over.

Huang Dandan calmly said: "I just come and see."

Haqiqi reprimanded: "The films have been cut, and Zhang has no problem. What are you looking at? Hurry and go back to rest!"

Tong Fu is also anxious, "Huang Dandan!"

Huang Dandan is still obsessed with it, still standing there reluctantly, motionless!

Time is up!

The press conference will begin soon!


There is only one person at the moment.

In the past few days, no one knows what Zhang Wei is doing. He was suspended from home, and even the units were not exposed. No one called Zhang Hao. It seems that the whole team was asleep with Zhang Wei overnight. Many people are angry with him.

Zhang Wei looked at the watch and sighed a sigh of relief. He repeatedly sorted out his shirt collar in the mirror. Then he smiled and walked out with satisfaction. He walked very firmly!

I am not a rigorous person. I am not a soloving master. I am not so innocent. I am not so eager. I don’t know what to do in order to make everyone agree and be satisfied. I Emotional intelligence is not so high, IQ is also awkward, often makes mistakes, and sometimes impulsive, I have many shortcomings, these I know!

You can doubt me!

You can marry me!

You can abuse me!

You can bite me!

These, I can not care!

But don't you let me talk?

this is not OK!

This... really can't!

Do you think that if you delete the source, you can seal my mouth?

Do you think that a documentary, only the way of video media?

Oh, the documentary released on the spot, I guess, you must have never seen it?

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